# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module defines an object which reads a .dxf file and it creates
ThanCad's elements to represent it in ThanCad.
import Image
import sys, time
from types import *
from math import pi
from p_gimdxf import ThanImportDxf,ThanDrWarn
from thandefs import ThanImageMissing
from thandefs.thanatt import ThanAttCol
from thanlayer import THANNAME
from thanvar import ThanLayerError
from thandr import *
COLSENT = ThanAttCol("0 222 255", inherit=False) # This color does not exist in dxf and it is used as sentinel
# If one of already defined layers has this color, it will
# probably lose it
class ThanCadDrSave(ThanDrWarn):
"A class which stores the elements read by ThanImportDxf into a ThanCad drawing."
def __init__(self, dr, prt):
"Creates an instance of the class."
ThanDrWarn.__init__(self, laykno="*", prt=prt)
self._dr = dr
self._elev = dr.thanVar["elevation"]
self.ielems = self.ieldeg = 0
self.t1 = self.t2 = time.time()
self.addElem = dr.thanElementAdd # Oprimisation: it is freqently needed
#-------Use already defined layers
self.dxfLayers = {}
# for lay in self.thanDr.thanLayerTree.thanRoot.thanChildren:
# nam = str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME])
# col = "%03d" % lay.thanAtts["moncolor"].thanDxf()
# self.dxfLayers[nam, col] = self.dxfLayers[nam, None] =\
# self.dxfLayers[nam] = lay
def _addTempCol(self, laypar):
"Adds temporary attribute to layer hierarchy."
laypar.tempCol = laypar.thanAtts["moncolor"].thanDxf()
for lay in laypar.thanChildren:
def _delTempCol(self, laypar):
"Deletes temporary attribute to layer hierarchy."
del laypar.tempCol
for lay in laypar.thanChildren:
def thanAfterImport(self):
"Post initialisation."
lt.thanRoot.tempCol # This means that setLay has been called at least once
pass # This means that setLay has NEVER been called (no elements at all)
#-------Add here code to put default color to layers with COLSENT
def dxfVport(self, name, x1, y1, x2, y2):
"Saves a View Port."
self._dr.viewPort[:] = (x1, y1, x2, x2)
def dxfXymm(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
"Saves xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax of the dxf drawing."
dr = self._dr
dr.xMinAct = x1
dr.yMinAct = y1
dr.xMaxAct = x2
dr.yMaxAct = y2
def dxfLayer(self, name, atts):
"Saves a layer."
lay = self._createHierarchyLayer(name, self._dr.thanLayerTree)
a = lay.thanAtts
try: v = str(atts["color"])
except KeyError: a["moncolor"] = a["plotcolor"] = COLSENT
a["moncolor"] = ThanAttCol(v, inherit=False)
a["plotcolor"] = ThanAttCol(v, inherit=False)
try: v = atts["frozen"]
except KeyError: pass
else: class_ = a["frozen"].__class__; a["frozen"] = class_(v, False)
# def dxfLtype(self, name, desc, elems): # Let ThanWarn base class inform the user
# "Saves a line type."
# self._count()
def dxfPolyline(self, xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, col):
"Saves a polyline."
n = len(xx)
elev = self._elev
nd = len(elev)
more = [n*[elev[i]] for i in xrange(3, nd)]
e = ThanLine()
e.thanSet(zip(xx, yy, zz, *more))
if e.thanIsNormal():
self.thanSetLay(lay, col)
# def dxfPolyLine3(self, xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, col):
# "Saves a polyline."
# elev = self._elev
# nd = len(elev)
# n = len(xx)
# more = [n*[elev[i]] for i in xrange(3, nd)]
# e = ThanLine()
# e.thanSet(zip(xx, yy, zz, *more))
# if e.thanIsNormal():
# self.thanSetLay(lay, col)
# self.addElem(e)
# self._count()
# else:
# self._count(degenerate=True)
def dxfLine(self, xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, col):
"Saves a line."
elev = self._elev
nd = len(elev)
n = len(xx)
more = [n*[elev[i]] for i in xrange(3, nd)]
e = ThanLine()
e.thanSet(zip(xx, yy, zz, *more))
if e.thanIsNormal():
self.thanSetLay(lay, col)
def dxfCircle(self, xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, col, r):
"Saves a View Port."
cc = list(self._elev)
cc[0] = xx
cc[1] = yy
e = ThanCircle()
e.thanSet(cc, r)
if e.thanIsNormal():
self.thanSetLay(lay, col)
def dxfPoint(self, xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, col, name=None, validz=True):
"Saves a point or a ThanCad named point."
cc = list(self._elev)
cc[0] = xx
cc[1] = yy
cc[2] = zz
if name == None:
e = ThanPoint()
e = ThanPointNamed()
e.thanSet(cc, name, validz)
if e.thanIsNormal():
self.thanSetLay(lay, col)
def dxfArc(self, xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, col, r, theta1, theta2):
"Saves an arc."
cc = list(self._elev)
cc[0] = xx
cc[1] = yy
cc[2] = zz
e = ThanArc()
e.thanSet(cc, r, theta1*pi/180, theta2*pi/180)
if e.thanIsNormal():
self.thanSetLay(lay, col)
def dxfText(self, xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, col, text, h, theta):
"Saves a text."
cc = list(self._elev)
cc[0] = xx
cc[1] = yy
cc[2] = zz
e = ThanText()
e.thanSet(text, cc, h, theta*pi/180)
if e.thanIsNormal():
self.thanSetLay(lay, col)
def dxfThanImage(self, xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, col, filnam, size, scale, theta):
"Saves an ThanImage."
cc1 = list(self._elev)
cc1[0] = xx
cc1[1] = yy
cc1[2] = zz
cc2 = list(self._elev)
cc2[0] = xx+width*scale
cc2[1] = yy+height*scale
cc2[2] = zz
im = Image.open(filnam)
except IOError, why:
self.prt("Error loading image from file %s\n %s" % (filnam, why))
im = ThanImageMissing(size=size)
width, height = im.size
e = ThanImage()
e.thanSet(filnam, im, cc1, cc2, theta*pi/190)
if e.thanIsNormal():
self.thanSetLay(lay, col)
# def dxfBlockAtt(self, xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, col, blname, blatts): # Let ThanWarn base class inform the user
# "Block instance."
# self.iblocks += 1
# if self.iblocks == 1:
# self.prt("Block mechanism not yet implemented: blocks are ignored.")
# self._count()
# def dxf3dface (self, xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, col): # Let ThanWarn base class inform the user
# "3d face."
# self.prt("3dface can not be handled by 2d ThanCad. It is Ignored.")
def thanSetLay(self, named, col):
"""Sets as current layer the top layer whose name is named.
If color is not the same as the color of the layer, create a child layer
which will have this color."""
#-------Layer, color pair in cache
assert type(col) in (NoneType, IntType)
lt = self._dr.thanLayerTree
try: lt.thanRoot.tempCol # This means we just entered SECTION ENTITIES..
except: self._addTempCol(lt.thanRoot) # .. and thus we add temCol to all defined layers
if (named, col) in self.dxfLayers: # LAYER AND COLOR IS ALREADY THERE
lt.thanCur = self.dxfLayers[named, col]
assert lt.thanCur != None
return lt.thanCur
assert named.strip() != "__root", "__root layer should not be accessed here :(" # Shortcircuit to childlayer "0"
lay = self._createHierarchyLayer(named, lt) # Create layer if it doesn't exist (child of root)
if col == None: col = lay.tempCol
if lay.tempCol == None: self._setCol(lay, col)
if col == lay.tempCol and len(lay.thanChildren) == 0: # If colours match return the created layer
lt.thanCur = self.dxfLayers[named, col] = self.dxfLayers[named, None] = lay
assert lt.thanCur != None
return lay
# todo: what happens if layer has grandchildren? elements can not be written to child!?
self._move2ChildLayer(lay) # Move elements to child layer
laych = self._createChildLayer(lay, col)
self._setCol(laych, col)
lt.thanCur = self.dxfLayers[named, col] = self.dxfLayers[named, None] = laych
assert lt.thanCur != None
return laych
def _createHierarchyLayer(self, named, lt):
"Create base layer if it doesn't exist (child of root)."
if named.strip() == "__root": return lt.thanRoot
names = named.split("__")
laypar = lt.thanRoot
for named in names:
name = named.strip().replace(" ", "_") # Erase blanks
if name[:1] == ".": name = "*"+name[1:] # Erase initial dot
for lay in laypar.thanChildren:
if name == str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME]): break # name is an existing layer
lay = self._createChildUnknown(laypar, name, named)
laypar = lay
return laypar
def _createChildUnknown(self, laypar, name, named):
"Create a new child layer with name name, or with name unknown."
lay = laypar.thanChildNew(name) # Create new layer if possible
self._setCol(lay, None)
return lay
except ThanLayerError, why:
name = "unknown" # Layer is invalid; create default
self.prt("Dxf layer '%s' can not be created and it is ignored:" % named)
self.prt(" %s" % why)
self.prt(" Layer '%s' is used instead." % name)
for lay in laypar.thanChildren:
if name == str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME]): return lay # Return existing default layer
lay = laypar.thanChildNew(name) # No error is expected here
self._setCol(lay, None)
return lay
def _move2ChildLayer(self, laypar):
"Move current colour to child layer if not already there."
if len(laypar.thanChildren) > 0: return
if len(laypar.thanQuad) == 0: return
colpar = laypar.tempCol
lay = laypar.thanMove2child("col%03d"%colpar, force=True) # No error is expected here
self._setCol(lay, colpar)
self.dxfLayers.clear() # Invalidate cache
def _createChildLayer(self, laypar, col):
"Create child layer if it doesn't exist (child of root)."
name = "col%03d" % col
for lay in laypar.thanChildren:
if str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME]) == name: return lay
lay = laypar.thanChildNew(name) # No error expected here
self._setCol(lay, col)
return lay
def _setCol(self, lay, col):
"Set the colour of the layer to col."
if col == None: tc = COLSENT
else: tc = ThanAttCol(str(col), inherit=False)
lay.thanAtts["moncolor"] = lay.thanAtts["plotcolor"] = tc
lay.tempCol = col
def _count(self, degenerate=False, force=False):
"Prints reading progress."
self.ielems += 1
if degenerate: self.ieldeg += 1
if self.ielems % 1000 == 0 or force:
self.t2 = time.time()
self.prt("%d elements, %d degenerate, %.1f sec" % (self.ielems, self.ieldeg, self.t2-self.t1))
self.t1 = self.t2
def __delete__(self):
"So that object is dead for debuggin reasons."
from p_ggen import prg
prg("ThanCadDrSave %s is deleted." % self)
if 0:
print __doc__
from thandr import ThanDrawing
dr = ThanDrawing()
f = file("mhk.dxf", "r")
ts = ThanCadDrSave(dr)
t = ThanImportDxf(f, ts)