# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module defines utility functions to create/edit layers from within
an embedded program.
from thanvar import THANBYPARENT,THANPERSONAL,ThanLayerError
def thanToplayerCurrent(proj, name, current=True, **atts):
"""Create a toplevel layer, set its colour, and set it as current.
If the toplevel layer exists:
a. It is not created.
b. Its colour is set to col, or if col==None, it is unaffected.
c. If current==True, it is set as current layer.
d. If current==False, but it happens that the layer is the current layer
the attributes of the current layer are set again to the .than object.
If the toplevel layer does not exist:
a. It is created.
b. Its colour is set to col, or if col==None, the colour is inherited.
c. If current==True, it is set as current layer.
This routine may raise ThanLayerError if the layer can not be created,
or if any attributes is not recognised.
This routine may raise ValueError if the value of the attribute is illegal.
This routine is safe: if something is invalid, it will perform no changes
at all, and it will raise the appropriate exception.
from thanlayer.thanlayatts import thanLayAtts
lt = proj[1].thanLayerTree
root = lt.thanRoot
thanLayerCurrent(proj, root, name, current=True, **atts)
def thanLayerCurrent(proj, parent, name, current=True, **atts):
"""Create a child layer, set its colour, and set it as current.
If the toplevel layer exists:
a. It is not created.
b. Its colour is set to col, or if col==None, it is unaffected.
c. If current==True, it is set as current layer.
d. If current==False, but it happens that the layer is the current layer
the attributes of the current layer are set again to the .than object.
If the toplevel layer does not exist:
a. It is created.
b. Its colour is set to col, or if col==None, the colour is inherited.
c. If current==True, it is set as current layer.
This routine may raise ThanLayerError if the layer can not be created,
or if any attributes is not recognised.
This routine may raise ValueError if the value of the attribute is illegal.
This routine is safe: if something is invalid, it will perform no changes
at all, and it will raise the appropriate exception.
from thanlayer.thanlayatts import thanLayAtts
lt = proj[1].thanLayerTree
class_ = thanLayAtts["moncolor"][3] # Get class of attribute 'moncolor'
lay = lt.thanFindic(name)
if lay == None: # Layer does not exist
try: lay = parent.thanChildNew(name) # This may raise ThanLayerError
finally: lt.thanDictRebuild()
for att, rawval in atts.iteritems():
if att not in thanLayAtts: raise ThanLayerError, "Attribute %s is not recognised" % att
if rawval == THANPERSONAL: raise ValueError, "New layer does not have PERSONAL attributes yet"
class_ = thanLayAtts[att][3] # Get class of attribute 'moncolor'
if rawval == THANBYPARENT:
val = class_(parent.thanAtts[att].thanVal, inherit=True)
val = class_(rawval, inherit=False) # This will raise ValueError if rawval is invalid
lay.thanAtts[att] = val # No propagation is necessary
if current:
lt.thanCur = lay
lay.thanTkSet(proj[2].than, proj[1].thanTstyles)
proj[1].thanTouch() # Drawing IS modified
if current and len(lay.thanChildren) > 0: raise ThanLayerError, "Only a leaflayer may be current layer"
leaflayers = {}
__atts(proj, parent, lay, atts, check=True) # At first checks the attributes and raise exceptions if invalid
__atts(proj, parent, lay, atts, check=False)
if current or lay == lt.thanCur:
lt.thanCur = lay
lay.thanTkSet(proj[2].than, proj[1].thanTstyles)
proj[1].thanTouch() # Drawing IS modified
def __atts(proj, parent, lay, atts, check):
"Check or set the attributes."
from thanlayer.thanlayatts import thanLayAtts,thanUpdateElements
if len(atts) == 0: return
leaflayers = {}
for att, rawval in atts.iteritems():
if att not in thanLayAtts: raise ThanLayerError, "Attribute %s is not recognised" % att
class_ = thanLayAtts[att][3] # Get class of attribute 'moncolor'
if rawval == THANBYPARENT:
val = class_(parent.thanAtts[att].thanVal, inherit=True)
elif rawval == THANPERSONAL:
val = class_(lay.thanAtts[att].thanVal.personal, inherit=False)
val = class_(thanLayAtts[att][2], inherit=False)
val.thanValSet(rawval) # This will raise ValueError if rawval is invalid
if not check:
lay.thanSetAtts(leaflayers, att, class_(val, inherit=False))
if check: return
draworder = thanUpdateElements(proj, leaflayers)
if draworder: proj[2].thanRedraw() # Set relative draworder
proj[1].thanTouch() # Drawing IS modified