# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module displays a dialog fro the user to enter a color.
It also has the routine to get the user defined colors from the config files.
from Tkinter import *
from tkColorChooser import askcolor
from p_ggen import ThanStub
import p_gtkuti, p_gimdxf
import thanvar
from thandefs import thanatt
from thanopt import thancadconf
class ThanColor(p_gtkuti.ThanDialog):
"Dialog for the visibility of a layer."
thanAttsTk = None
def __init__(self, master, val, *args, **kw):
"Extract initialcolor."
self.__val = str(val)
p_gtkuti.ThanDialog.__init__(self, master, *args, **kw)
def body(self, fra):
"Create dialog widgets."
if thanvar.Win32: buwi = 2
else: buwi = 0
ir = 0
self.__commonColors(fra, ir, 0, buwi)
ir += 1
fra1 = Frame(fra)
fra1.grid(row=ir, sticky="we", pady=4)
fra1.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
self.__grayShades( fra1, 0, 0, buwi)
self.__specialVals(fra1, 0, 1)
ir += 1
self.__partialFullColor(fra, ir, 0)
ir += 1
self.__userColors(fra, ir, 0, buwi)
ir += 1
self.__chosenValue(fra, ir, 0, buwi)
self.thanCol.select_range(0, END)
return self.thanCol # This widget has the focus
def __commonColors(self, fra, ir, ic, buwi):
"Shows common colors."
f = Frame(fra, bd=2, relief=GROOVE); f.grid(row=ir, column=ic, sticky="we", ipady=4, pady=4)
f.columnconfigure(10, weight=1)
w = Frame(f, width=5); w.grid(row=0, column=0)
w = Label(f, text=" Common Colors")
w.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=9, sticky="w")
w = Frame(f); w.grid(row=0, column=10)
ic1 = 1
for jcol in xrange(1, 10):
thc = thanatt.thanAttCol(p_gimdxf.thanDxfColCode2Rgb.get(jcol, (255,255,255)))
but = Button(f, width=buwi, bd=1, bg=thc.thanTk, activebackground=thc.thanTk, command=S(self.__updateChosen, str(thc)))
but.grid(row=1, column=ic1, padx=buwi)
ic1 += 1
def __userColors(self, fra, ir, ic, buwi):
"Shows common colors."
f = Frame(fra, bd=2, relief=GROOVE); f.grid(row=ir, column=ic, sticky="we", ipady=4, pady=4)
f.columnconfigure(len(thancadconf.thanColUser)+1, weight=1)
w = Frame(f, width=5); w.grid(row=0, column=0)
w = Label(f, text=" User Defined Colors")
w.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=len(thancadconf.thanColUser), sticky="w")
w = Frame(f, width=5); w.grid(row=0, column=len(thancadconf.thanColUser)+1)
ic1 = 1
self.rbut = [None]*len(thancadconf.thanColUser)
for i,col in enumerate(thancadconf.thanColUser):
if col == None:
self.rbut[i] = Button(f, width=buwi, bd=1, command=None)
thc = thanatt.thanAttCol(col)
self.rbut[i] = Button(f, width=buwi, bd=1, bg=thc.thanTk, activebackground=thc.thanTk,
command=S(self.__updateChosen, str(thc)))
self.rbut[i].grid(row=1, column=ic1, pady=4, padx=buwi)
ic1 += 1
f1 = Frame(f)
f1.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=len(thancadconf.thanColUser), sticky="e")
but = Button(f1, text="Nearest palette color", command=S(self.__nearest))
but.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="e")
but = Button(f1, text="Define new...", command=S(self.__choosecol))
but.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="e")
def __nearest(self):
"Find nearest 'full color palette' color to the one chosen."
thc = self.__updateChosen()
if thc in (None, thanvar.THANBYPARENT, thanvar.THANPERSONAL): return
col = thc.thanDxf()
def __grayShades(self, fra, ir, ic, buwi):
"Shows shades of gray."
f = Frame(fra, bd=2, relief=GROOVE); f.grid(row=ir, column=ic, sticky="wsn", ipady=4)
w = Frame(f, width=5); w.grid(row=0, column=0)
w = Label(f, text=" Gray Shades")
w.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=6, sticky="w")
w = Frame(f, width=5); w.grid(row=0, column=7)
ic1 = 1
for jcol in xrange(250, 256):
thc = thanatt.thanAttCol(p_gimdxf.thanDxfColCode2Rgb.get(jcol, (255,255,255)))
but = Button(f, width=buwi, bd=1, bg=thc.thanTk, activebackground=thc.thanTk,
command=S(self.__updateChosen, str(thc)))
but.grid(row=1, column=ic1, padx=buwi)
ic1 += 1
def __specialVals(self, fra, ir, ic):
"Shows special values."
f = Frame(fra, bd=2, relief=GROOVE); f.grid(row=ir, column=ic, sticky="esn", ipady=4)
f.columnconfigure(0, weight=1); f.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
w = Frame(f, width=5); w.grid(row=0, column=0)
w = Label(f, text=" Special Colors")
w.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky="w")
w = Frame(f, width=5); w.grid(row=0, column=3)
but = Button(f, text=str(thanvar.THANBYPARENT), bg="gold", activebackground="yellow",
command=S(self.__updateChosen, str(thanvar.THANBYPARENT)))
but.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="we", padx=5)
but = Button(f, text=str(thanvar.THANPERSONAL), bg="darkcyan", activebackground="cyan",
command=S(self.__updateChosen, str(thanvar.THANPERSONAL)))
but.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky="we", padx=5)
def __partialFullColor(self, fra, ir, ic):
"""Shows partial "Full" Color Palette."""
f = Frame(fra, bd=2, relief=GROOVE)
f.grid(row=ir, column=ic, sticky="we", ipadx=5, ipady=4, pady=4)
ir1 = 0
w = Label(f, text=" Full Color Palette")
w.grid(row=ir1, column=0, columnspan=25, sticky="w")
ir1 += 1; blankim1 = self.thanAttsTk[2]
for i in range(18, 9, -2)+range(11, 20, 2):
ic1 = 0
for jcol in xrange(i, 230+i+1, 10):
thc = thanatt.thanAttCol(p_gimdxf.thanDxfColCode2Rgb.get(jcol, (255,255,255)))
but = Button(f, image=blankim1, width=10, height=8, # Blank image instead of blank text, so that button is arbitrarily small
bd=1, bg=thc.thanTk, activebackground=thc.thanTk, command=S(self.__updateChosen, str(thc)))
but.grid(row=ir1, column=ic1)
ic1 += 1
ir1 += 1
if i == 10: ir2 = ir1; ir1 += 1 # Leave a row for some blank space
but = Frame(f, height=5)
but.grid(row=ir2, column=1, columnspan=25)
def __chosenValue(self, fra, ir, ic, buwi):
"Shows the chosen value and the capability to compose a new rgb one."
f = Frame(fra, bd=0, relief=GROOVE); f.grid(row=ir, column=ic, sticky="we", ipady=4, pady=4)
f.columnconfigure(10, weight=1)
w = Label(f, text="Chosen Color:")
w.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w")
self.thanCol = Entry(f, width=12)
self.thanCol.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="w")
self.cbut = Button(f, width=buwi, bd=1, command=self.__updateChosen)
self.cbut.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky="w", padx=buwi)
self.thanColRGB = Label(f, text="")
self.thanColRGB.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky="w")
del self.__val
def __updateChosen(self, txtcol=None):
"Updates the button with the chosen value."
if txtcol == None: txtcol = self.thanCol.get()
txtcol = txtcol.strip()
thc = thanatt.thanAttCol(txtcol)
if thc != None:
txtcol = str(thc)
tkcol = thc.thanTk
rgb = thc.rgbShow()
elif txtcol == str(thanvar.THANBYPARENT):
thc = thanvar.THANBYPARENT
tkcol = self.thanAttsTk[1]
rgb = ""
elif txtcol == str(thanvar.THANPERSONAL):
thc = thanvar.THANPERSONAL
tkcol = self.thanAttsTk[1]
rgb = ""
tkcol = self.thanAttsTk[1]
rgb = ""
self.cbut.config(bg=tkcol, activebackground=tkcol)
self.thanColRGB.update_idletasks() # _idletasks breaks WinDoze (98?) support. Skotistika
self.thanCol.delete(0, END)
self.thanCol.insert(0, txtcol)
return thc
def __getAttrs(self):
"Returns suitable fonts, colors and images."
if self.thanAttsTk == None:
but = Button(self)
butfont1 = p_gtkuti.thanFontGet(but)
butcol1 = but["bg"]
self.__class__.thanAttsTk = butfont1, butcol1, \
BitmapImage(data=chr(0)*2) # A blank b/w image of size 2x2 pixels
def __choosecol(self, *args):
"Lets the user define a new TGB color."
thc = self.__updateChosen()
if thc in (None, thanvar.THANBYPARENT, thanvar.THANPERSONAL): tkcol = "white"
else: tkcol = thc.thanTk
col, tkcol = askcolor(tkcol, master=self, parent=self)
if col == None: return
tkcol = str(tkcol)
thc = thanatt.thanAttCol((int(tkcol[1:3], 16), int(tkcol[3:5], 16), int(tkcol[5:7], 16)))
thc = self.__updateChosen(str(thc)) # Note that this returns a valid color
if str(thc) in thancadconf.thanColUser: return
del thancadconf.thanColUser[-1]; thancadconf.thanColUser.insert(0, str(thc))
for i,col in enumerate(thancadconf.thanColUser):
if col == None: continue
thc = thanatt.thanAttCol(col)
self.rbut[i].config(bg=thc.thanTk, activebackground=thc.thanTk, command=S(self.__updateChosen, str(thc)))
def validate(self):
"Returns true if the value chosen by the user is valid."
thc = self.__updateChosen()
if thc == None:
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, "Invalid ThanCad color", "Error Message")
return False
if thc in (thanvar.THANBYPARENT, thanvar.THANPERSONAL):
self.result = thc
self.result = thc
return True
def destroy(self):
"Deletes references to widgets, so that it breaks circular references."
del self.rbut, self.thanCol, self.cbut, self.thanColRGB
def __del__(self):
print "ThanColor ThanDialog", self, "dies.."