generate an editable gtk treeview widget for record arrays with custom
formatting of the cells and show how to limit string entries to a list
of strings
import gtk
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import mpl_toolkits.gtktools as gtktools
r = mlab.csv2rec('data/demodata.csv', converterd={'weekdays':str})
formatd = mlab.get_formatd(r)
formatd['date'] = mlab.FormatDate('%Y-%m-%d')
formatd['prices'] = mlab.FormatMillions(precision=1)
formatd['gain'] = mlab.FormatPercent(precision=2)
# use a drop down combo for weekdays
stringd = dict(weekdays=['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'])
constant = ['clientid'] # block editing of this field
liststore = gtktools.RecListStore(r, formatd=formatd, stringd=stringd)
treeview = gtktools.RecTreeView(liststore, constant=constant)
def mycallback(liststore, rownum, colname, oldval, newval):
print 'verify: old=%s, new=%s, rec=%s'%(oldval, newval, liststore.r[rownum][colname])
liststore.callbacks.connect('cell_changed', mycallback)
win = gtk.Window()
win.set_title('click to edit')
win.connect('delete-event', lambda *args: gtk.main_quit())