This is a python interface to Adobe Font Metrics Files. Although a
number of other python implementations exist (and may be more complete
than mine) I decided not to go with them because either they were
1) copyrighted or used a non-BSD compatible license
2) had too many dependencies and I wanted a free standing lib
3) Did more than I needed and it was easier to write my own than
figure out how to just get what I needed from theirs
It is pretty easy to use, and requires only built-in python libs::
>>> from afm import AFM
>>> fh = file('ptmr8a.afm')
>>> afm = AFM(fh)
>>> afm.string_width_height('What the heck?')
(6220.0, 683)
>>> afm.get_fontname()
>>> afm.get_kern_dist('A', 'f')
>>> afm.get_kern_dist('A', 'y')
>>> afm.get_bbox_char('!')
[130, -9, 238, 676]
>>> afm.get_bbox_font()
[-168, -218, 1000, 898]
John D. Hunter <jdh2358@gmail.com>
import sys, os, re
from _mathtext_data import uni2type1
#Convert string the a python type
_to_int = int
_to_float = float
_to_str = str
def _to_list_of_ints(s):
s = s.replace(',', ' ')
return [_to_int(val) for val in s.split()]
def _to_list_of_floats(s):
return [_to_float(val) for val in s.split()]
def _to_bool(s):
if s.lower().strip() in ('false', '0', 'no'): return False
else: return True
def _sanity_check(fh):
Check if the file at least looks like AFM.
If not, raise :exc:`RuntimeError`.
# Remember the file position in case the caller wants to
# do something else with the file.
pos = fh.tell()
line = fh.readline()
fh.seek(pos, 0)
# AFM spec, Section 4: The StartFontMetrics keyword [followed by a
# version number] must be the first line in the file, and the
# EndFontMetrics keyword must be the last non-empty line in the
# file. We just check the first line.
if not line.startswith('StartFontMetrics'):
raise RuntimeError('Not an AFM file')
def _parse_header(fh):
Reads the font metrics header (up to the char metrics) and returns
a dictionary mapping *key* to *val*. *val* will be converted to the
appropriate python type as necessary; eg:
* 'False'->False
* '0'->0
* '-168 -218 1000 898'-> [-168, -218, 1000, 898]
Dictionary keys are
StartFontMetrics, FontName, FullName, FamilyName, Weight,
ItalicAngle, IsFixedPitch, FontBBox, UnderlinePosition,
UnderlineThickness, Version, Notice, EncodingScheme, CapHeight,
XHeight, Ascender, Descender, StartCharMetrics
headerConverters = {
'StartFontMetrics': _to_float,
'FontName': _to_str,
'FullName': _to_str,
'FamilyName': _to_str,
'Weight': _to_str,
'ItalicAngle': _to_float,
'IsFixedPitch': _to_bool,
'FontBBox': _to_list_of_ints,
'UnderlinePosition': _to_int,
'UnderlineThickness': _to_int,
'Version': _to_str,
'Notice': _to_str,
'EncodingScheme': _to_str,
'CapHeight': _to_float, # Is the second version a mistake, or
'Capheight': _to_float, # do some AFM files contain 'Capheight'? -JKS
'XHeight': _to_float,
'Ascender': _to_float,
'Descender': _to_float,
'StdHW': _to_float,
'StdVW': _to_float,
'StartCharMetrics': _to_int,
'CharacterSet': _to_str,
'Characters': _to_int,
d = {}
while 1:
line = fh.readline()
if not line: break
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith('Comment'): continue
lst = line.split( ' ', 1 )
#print '%-s\t%-d line :: %-s' % ( fh.name, len(lst), line )
key = lst[0]
if len( lst ) == 2:
val = lst[1]
val = ''
#key, val = line.split(' ', 1)
try: d[key] = headerConverters[key](val)
except ValueError:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Value error parsing header in AFM:', key, val
except KeyError:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Found an unknown keyword in AFM header (was %s)' % key
if key=='StartCharMetrics': return d
raise RuntimeError('Bad parse')
def _parse_char_metrics(fh):
Return a character metric dictionary. Keys are the ASCII num of
the character, values are a (*wx*, *name*, *bbox*) tuple, where
*wx* is the character width, *name* is the postscript language
name, and *bbox* is a (*llx*, *lly*, *urx*, *ury*) tuple.
This function is incomplete per the standard, but thus far parses
all the sample afm files tried.
ascii_d = {}
name_d = {}
while 1:
line = fh.readline()
if not line: break
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith('EndCharMetrics'): return ascii_d, name_d
vals = line.split(';')[:4]
if len(vals) !=4 : raise RuntimeError('Bad char metrics line: %s' % line)
num = _to_int(vals[0].split()[1])
wx = _to_float(vals[1].split()[1])
name = vals[2].split()[1]
bbox = _to_list_of_floats(vals[3][2:])
bbox = map(int, bbox)
# Workaround: If the character name is 'Euro', give it the corresponding
# character code, according to WinAnsiEncoding (see PDF Reference).
if name == 'Euro':
num = 128
if num != -1:
ascii_d[num] = (wx, name, bbox)
name_d[name] = (wx, bbox)
raise RuntimeError('Bad parse')
def _parse_kern_pairs(fh):
Return a kern pairs dictionary; keys are (*char1*, *char2*) tuples and
values are the kern pair value. For example, a kern pairs line like
``KPX A y -50``
will be represented as::
d[ ('A', 'y') ] = -50
line = fh.readline()
if not line.startswith('StartKernPairs'):
raise RuntimeError('Bad start of kern pairs data: %s'%line)
d = {}
while 1:
line = fh.readline()
if not line: break
line = line.rstrip()
if len(line)==0: continue
if line.startswith('EndKernPairs'):
fh.readline() # EndKernData
return d
vals = line.split()
if len(vals)!=4 or vals[0]!='KPX':
raise RuntimeError('Bad kern pairs line: %s'%line)
c1, c2, val = vals[1], vals[2], _to_float(vals[3])
d[(c1,c2)] = val
raise RuntimeError('Bad kern pairs parse')
def _parse_composites(fh):
Return a composites dictionary. Keys are the names of the
composites. Values are a num parts list of composite information,
with each element being a (*name*, *dx*, *dy*) tuple. Thus a
composites line reading:
CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 160 170 ;
will be represented as::
d['Aacute'] = [ ('A', 0, 0), ('acute', 160, 170) ]
d = {}
while 1:
line = fh.readline()
if not line: break
line = line.rstrip()
if len(line)==0: continue
if line.startswith('EndComposites'):
return d
vals = line.split(';')
cc = vals[0].split()
name, numParts = cc[1], _to_int(cc[2])
pccParts = []
for s in vals[1:-1]:
pcc = s.split()
name, dx, dy = pcc[1], _to_float(pcc[2]), _to_float(pcc[3])
pccParts.append( (name, dx, dy) )
d[name] = pccParts
raise RuntimeError('Bad composites parse')
def _parse_optional(fh):
Parse the optional fields for kern pair data and composites
return value is a (*kernDict*, *compositeDict*) which are the
return values from :func:`_parse_kern_pairs`, and
:func:`_parse_composites` if the data exists, or empty dicts
optional = {
'StartKernData' : _parse_kern_pairs,
'StartComposites' : _parse_composites,
d = {'StartKernData':{}, 'StartComposites':{}}
while 1:
line = fh.readline()
if not line: break
line = line.rstrip()
if len(line)==0: continue
key = line.split()[0]
if key in optional: d[key] = optional[key](fh)
l = ( d['StartKernData'], d['StartComposites'] )
return l
def parse_afm(fh):
Parse the Adobe Font Metics file in file handle *fh*. Return value
is a (*dhead*, *dcmetrics*, *dkernpairs*, *dcomposite*) tuple where
*dhead* is a :func:`_parse_header` dict, *dcmetrics* is a
:func:`_parse_composites` dict, *dkernpairs* is a
:func:`_parse_kern_pairs` dict (possibly {}), and *dcomposite* is a
:func:`_parse_composites` dict (possibly {})
dhead = _parse_header(fh)
dcmetrics_ascii, dcmetrics_name = _parse_char_metrics(fh)
doptional = _parse_optional(fh)
return dhead, dcmetrics_ascii, dcmetrics_name, doptional[0], doptional[1]
class AFM:
def __init__(self, fh):
Parse the AFM file in file object *fh*
(dhead, dcmetrics_ascii, dcmetrics_name, dkernpairs, dcomposite) = \
self._header = dhead
self._kern = dkernpairs
self._metrics = dcmetrics_ascii
self._metrics_by_name = dcmetrics_name
self._composite = dcomposite
def get_bbox_char(self, c, isord=False):
if not isord: c=ord(c)
wx, name, bbox = self._metrics[c]
return bbox
def string_width_height(self, s):
Return the string width (including kerning) and string height
as a (*w*, *h*) tuple.
if not len(s): return 0,0
totalw = 0
namelast = None
miny = 1e9
maxy = 0
for c in s:
if c == '\n': continue
wx, name, bbox = self._metrics[ord(c)]
l,b,w,h = bbox
# find the width with kerning
try: kp = self._kern[ (namelast, name) ]
except KeyError: kp = 0
totalw += wx + kp
# find the max y
thismax = b+h
if thismax>maxy: maxy = thismax
# find the min y
thismin = b
if thismin<miny: miny = thismin
return totalw, maxy-miny
def get_str_bbox_and_descent(self, s):
Return the string bounding box
if not len(s): return 0,0,0,0
totalw = 0
namelast = None
miny = 1e9
maxy = 0
left = 0
if not isinstance(s, unicode):
s = s.decode()
for c in s:
if c == '\n': continue
name = uni2type1.get(ord(c), 'question')
wx, bbox = self._metrics_by_name[name]
except KeyError:
name = 'question'
wx, bbox = self._metrics_by_name[name]
l,b,w,h = bbox
if l<left: left = l
# find the width with kerning
try: kp = self._kern[ (namelast, name) ]
except KeyError: kp = 0
totalw += wx + kp
# find the max y
thismax = b+h
if thismax>maxy: maxy = thismax
# find the min y
thismin = b
if thismin<miny: miny = thismin
return left, miny, totalw, maxy-miny, -miny
def get_str_bbox(self, s):
Return the string bounding box
return self.get_str_bbox_and_descent(s)[:4]
def get_name_char(self, c, isord=False):
Get the name of the character, ie, ';' is 'semicolon'
if not isord: c=ord(c)
wx, name, bbox = self._metrics[c]
return name
def get_width_char(self, c, isord=False):
Get the width of the character from the character metric WX
if not isord: c=ord(c)
wx, name, bbox = self._metrics[c]
return wx
def get_width_from_char_name(self, name):
Get the width of the character from a type1 character name
wx, bbox = self._metrics_by_name[name]
return wx
def get_height_char(self, c, isord=False):
Get the height of character *c* from the bounding box. This
is the ink height (space is 0)
if not isord: c=ord(c)
wx, name, bbox = self._metrics[c]
return bbox[-1]
def get_kern_dist(self, c1, c2):
Return the kerning pair distance (possibly 0) for chars *c1*
and *c2*
name1, name2 = self.get_name_char(c1), self.get_name_char(c2)
return self.get_kern_dist_from_name(name1, name2)
def get_kern_dist_from_name(self, name1, name2):
Return the kerning pair distance (possibly 0) for chars
*name1* and *name2*
try: return self._kern[ (name1, name2) ]
except: return 0
def get_fontname(self):
"Return the font name, eg, 'Times-Roman'"
return self._header['FontName']
def get_fullname(self):
"Return the font full name, eg, 'Times-Roman'"
name = self._header.get('FullName')
if name is None: # use FontName as a substitute
name = self._header['FontName']
return name
def get_familyname(self):
"Return the font family name, eg, 'Times'"
name = self._header.get('FamilyName')
if name is not None:
return name
# FamilyName not specified so we'll make a guess
name = self.get_fullname()
extras = r'(?i)([ -](regular|plain|italic|oblique|bold|semibold|light|ultralight|extra|condensed))+$'
return re.sub(extras, '', name)
def get_weight(self):
"Return the font weight, eg, 'Bold' or 'Roman'"
return self._header['Weight']
def get_angle(self):
"Return the fontangle as float"
return self._header['ItalicAngle']
def get_capheight(self):
"Return the cap height as float"
return self._header['CapHeight']
def get_xheight(self):
"Return the xheight as float"
return self._header['XHeight']
def get_underline_thickness(self):
"Return the underline thickness as float"
return self._header['UnderlineThickness']
def get_horizontal_stem_width(self):
Return the standard horizontal stem width as float, or *None* if
not specified in AFM file.
return self._header.get('StdHW', None)
def get_vertical_stem_width(self):
Return the standard vertical stem width as float, or *None* if
not specified in AFM file.
return self._header.get('StdVW', None)
if __name__=='__main__':
#pathname = '/usr/local/lib/R/afm/'
pathname = '/usr/local/share/fonts/afms/adobe'
for fname in os.listdir(pathname):
fh = file(os.path.join(pathname,fname))
afm = AFM(fh)
w,h = afm.string_width_height('John Hunter is the Man!')