from __future__ import division
import re, warnings
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
from transforms import Bbox,IdentityTransform,TransformedBbox,TransformedPath
from path import Path
## Note, matplotlib artists use the doc strings for set and get
# methods to enable the introspection methods of setp and getp. Every
# set_* method should have a docstring containing the line
# ACCEPTS: [ legal | values ]
# and aliases for setters and getters should have a docstring that
# starts with 'alias for ', as in 'alias for set_somemethod'
# You may wonder why we use so much boiler-plate manually defining the
# set_alias and get_alias functions, rather than using some clever
# python trick. The answer is that I need to be able to manipulate
# the docstring, and there is no clever way to do that in python 2.2,
# as far as I can see - see
def allow_rasterization(draw):
Decorator for Artist.draw method. Provides routines
that run before and after the draw call. The before and after functions
are useful for changing artist-dependant renderer attributes or making
other setup function calls, such as starting and flushing a mixed-mode
def before(artist, renderer):
if artist.get_rasterized():
def after(artist, renderer):
if artist.get_rasterized():
# the axes class has a second argument inframe for its draw method.
def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *kl):
before(artist, renderer)
draw(artist, renderer, *kl)
after(artist, renderer)
# "safe wrapping" to exactly replicate anything we haven't overridden above
draw_wrapper.__name__ = draw.__name__
draw_wrapper.__dict__ = draw.__dict__
draw_wrapper.__doc__ = draw.__doc__
draw_wrapper._supports_rasterization = True
return draw_wrapper
class Artist(object):
Abstract base class for someone who renders into a
aname = 'Artist'
zorder = 0
def __init__(self):
self.figure = None
self._transform = None
self._transformSet = False
self._visible = True
self._animated = False
self._alpha = 1.0
self.clipbox = None
self._clippath = None
self._clipon = True
self._lod = False
self._label = ''
self._picker = None
self._contains = None
self._rasterized = None
self.eventson = False # fire events only if eventson
self._oid = 0 # an observer id
self._propobservers = {} # a dict from oids to funcs
self.axes = None
self._remove_method = None
self._url = None
self._gid = None
self.x_isdata = True # False to avoid updating Axes.dataLim with x
self.y_isdata = True # with y
self._snap = None
def remove(self):
Remove the artist from the figure if possible. The effect
will not be visible until the figure is redrawn, e.g., with
:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.draw_idle`. Call
:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim` to update the axes limits
if desired.
Note: :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim` will not see
collections even if the collection was added to axes with
*autolim* = True.
Note: there is no support for removing the artist's legend entry.
# There is no method to set the callback. Instead the parent should set
# the _remove_method attribute directly. This would be a protected
# attribute if Python supported that sort of thing. The callback
# has one parameter, which is the child to be removed.
if self._remove_method != None:
raise NotImplementedError('cannot remove artist')
# TODO: the fix for the collections relim problem is to move the
# limits calculation into the artist itself, including the property
# of whether or not the artist should affect the limits. Then there
# will be no distinction between axes.add_line, axes.add_patch, etc.
# TODO: add legend support
def have_units(self):
'Return *True* if units are set on the *x* or *y* axes'
ax = self.axes
if ax is None or ax.xaxis is None:
return False
return ax.xaxis.have_units() or ax.yaxis.have_units()
def convert_xunits(self, x):
"""For artists in an axes, if the xaxis has units support,
convert *x* using xaxis unit type
ax = getattr(self, 'axes', None)
if ax is None or ax.xaxis is None:
#print 'artist.convert_xunits no conversion: ax=%s'%ax
return x
return ax.xaxis.convert_units(x)
def convert_yunits(self, y):
"""For artists in an axes, if the yaxis has units support,
convert *y* using yaxis unit type
ax = getattr(self, 'axes', None)
if ax is None or ax.yaxis is None: return y
return ax.yaxis.convert_units(y)
def set_axes(self, axes):
Set the :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance in which the
artist resides, if any.
ACCEPTS: an :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance
self.axes = axes
def get_axes(self):
Return the :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance the artist
resides in, or *None*
return self.axes
def add_callback(self, func):
Adds a callback function that will be called whenever one of
the :class:`Artist`'s properties changes.
Returns an *id* that is useful for removing the callback with
:meth:`remove_callback` later.
oid = self._oid
self._propobservers[oid] = func
self._oid += 1
return oid
def remove_callback(self, oid):
Remove a callback based on its *id*.
.. seealso::
For adding callbacks
try: del self._propobservers[oid]
except KeyError: pass
def pchanged(self):
Fire an event when property changed, calling all of the
registered callbacks.
for oid, func in self._propobservers.items():
def is_transform_set(self):
Returns *True* if :class:`Artist` has a transform explicitly
return self._transformSet
def set_transform(self, t):
Set the :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance
used by this artist.
ACCEPTS: :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance
self._transform = t
self._transformSet = True
def get_transform(self):
Return the :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`
instance used by this artist.
if self._transform is None:
self._transform = IdentityTransform()
return self._transform
def hitlist(self, event):
List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event *event*.
import traceback
L = []
hascursor,info = self.contains(event)
if hascursor:
print "while checking",self.__class__
for a in self.get_children():
return L
def get_children(self):
Return a list of the child :class:`Artist`s this
:class:`Artist` contains.
return []
def contains(self, mouseevent):
"""Test whether the artist contains the mouse event.
Returns the truth value and a dictionary of artist specific details of
selection, such as which points are contained in the pick radius. See
individual artists for details.
if callable(self._contains): return self._contains(self,mouseevent)
#raise NotImplementedError,str(self.__class__)+" needs 'contains' method"
warnings.warn("'%s' needs 'contains' method" % self.__class__.__name__)
return False,{}
def set_contains(self,picker):
Replace the contains test used by this artist. The new picker
should be a callable function which determines whether the
artist is hit by the mouse event::
hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)
If the mouse event is over the artist, return *hit* = *True*
and *props* is a dictionary of properties you want returned
with the contains test.
ACCEPTS: a callable function
self._contains = picker
def get_contains(self):
Return the _contains test used by the artist, or *None* for default.
return self._contains
def pickable(self):
'Return *True* if :class:`Artist` is pickable.'
return (self.figure is not None and
self.figure.canvas is not None and
self._picker is not None)
def pick(self, mouseevent):
call signature::
each child artist will fire a pick event if *mouseevent* is over
the artist and the artist has picker set
# Pick self
if self.pickable():
picker = self.get_picker()
if callable(picker):
inside,prop = picker(self,mouseevent)
inside,prop = self.contains(mouseevent)
if inside:
self.figure.canvas.pick_event(mouseevent, self, **prop)
# Pick children
for a in self.get_children():
# make sure the event happened in the same axes
ax = getattr(a, 'axes', None)
if mouseevent.inaxes==ax:
def set_picker(self, picker):
Set the epsilon for picking used by this artist
*picker* can be one of the following:
* *None*: picking is disabled for this artist (default)
* A boolean: if *True* then picking will be enabled and the
artist will fire a pick event if the mouse event is over
the artist
* A float: if picker is a number it is interpreted as an
epsilon tolerance in points and the artist will fire
off an event if it's data is within epsilon of the mouse
event. For some artists like lines and patch collections,
the artist may provide additional data to the pick event
that is generated, e.g. the indices of the data within
epsilon of the pick event
* A function: if picker is callable, it is a user supplied
function which determines whether the artist is hit by the
mouse event::
hit, props = picker(artist, mouseevent)
to determine the hit test. if the mouse event is over the
artist, return *hit=True* and props is a dictionary of
properties you want added to the PickEvent attributes.
ACCEPTS: [None|float|boolean|callable]
self._picker = picker
def get_picker(self):
'Return the picker object used by this artist'
return self._picker
def is_figure_set(self):
Returns True if the artist is assigned to a
return self.figure is not None
def get_url(self):
Returns the url
return self._url
def set_url(self, url):
Sets the url for the artist
ACCEPTS: a url string
self._url = url
def get_gid(self):
Returns the group id
return self._gid
def set_gid(self, gid):
Sets the (group) id for the artist
ACCEPTS: an id string
self._gid = gid
def get_snap(self):
Returns the snap setting which may be:
* True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
* False: leave vertices as-is
* None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line
segments, round to the nearest pixel center
Only supported by the Agg backends.
return self._snap
def set_snap(self, snap):
Sets the snap setting which may be:
* True: snap vertices to the nearest pixel center
* False: leave vertices as-is
* None: (auto) If the path contains only rectilinear line
segments, round to the nearest pixel center
Only supported by the Agg backends.
self._snap = snap
def get_figure(self):
Return the :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance the
artist belongs to.
return self.figure
def set_figure(self, fig):
Set the :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance the artist
belongs to.
ACCEPTS: a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance
self.figure = fig
def set_clip_box(self, clipbox):
Set the artist's clip :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox`.
ACCEPTS: a :class:`matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` instance
self.clipbox = clipbox
def set_clip_path(self, path, transform=None):
Set the artist's clip path, which may be:
* a :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch` (or subclass) instance
* a :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` instance, in which case
an optional :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`
instance may be provided, which will be applied to the
path before using it for clipping.
* *None*, to remove the clipping path
For efficiency, if the path happens to be an axis-aligned
rectangle, this method will set the clipping box to the
corresponding rectangle and set the clipping path to *None*.
ACCEPTS: [ (:class:`~matplotlib.path.Path`,
:class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`) |
:class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch` | None ]
from patches import Patch,Rectangle
success = False
if transform is None:
if isinstance(path, Rectangle):
self.clipbox = TransformedBbox(Bbox.unit(), path.get_transform())
self._clippath = None
success = True
elif isinstance(path, Patch):
self._clippath = TransformedPath(
success = True
if path is None:
self._clippath = None
success = True
elif isinstance(path, Path):
self._clippath = TransformedPath(path, transform)
success = True
if not success:
print type(path), type(transform)
raise TypeError("Invalid arguments to set_clip_path")
def get_alpha(self):
Return the alpha value used for blending - not supported on all
return self._alpha
def get_visible(self):
"Return the artist's visiblity"
return self._visible
def get_animated(self):
"Return the artist's animated state"
return self._animated
def get_clip_on(self):
'Return whether artist uses clipping'
return self._clipon
def get_clip_box(self):
'Return artist clipbox'
return self.clipbox
def get_clip_path(self):
'Return artist clip path'
return self._clippath
def get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine(self):
Return the clip path with the non-affine part of its
transformation applied, and the remaining affine part of its
if self._clippath is not None:
return self._clippath.get_transformed_path_and_affine()
return None, None
def set_clip_on(self, b):
Set whether artist uses clipping.
ACCEPTS: [True | False]
self._clipon = b
def _set_gc_clip(self, gc):
'Set the clip properly for the gc'
if self._clipon:
if self.clipbox is not None:
def get_rasterized(self):
return self._rasterized
def set_rasterized(self, rasterized):
Force rasterized (bitmap) drawing in vector backend output.
Defaults to None, which implies the backend's default behavior
ACCEPTS: [True | False | None]
if rasterized and not hasattr(self.draw, "_supports_rasterization"):
warnings.warn("Rasterization of '%s' will be ignored" % self)
self._rasterized = rasterized
def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
'Derived classes drawing method'
if not self.get_visible(): return
def set_alpha(self, alpha):
Set the alpha value used for blending - not supported on
all backends.
ACCEPTS: float (0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque)
self._alpha = alpha
def set_lod(self, on):
Set Level of Detail on or off. If on, the artists may examine
things like the pixel width of the axes and draw a subset of
their contents accordingly
ACCEPTS: [True | False]
self._lod = on
def set_visible(self, b):
Set the artist's visiblity.
ACCEPTS: [True | False]
self._visible = b
def set_animated(self, b):
Set the artist's animation state.
ACCEPTS: [True | False]
self._animated = b
def update(self, props):
Update the properties of this :class:`Artist` from the
dictionary *prop*.
store = self.eventson
self.eventson = False
changed = False
for k,v in props.items():
func = getattr(self, 'set_'+k, None)
if func is None or not callable(func):
raise AttributeError('Unknown property %s'%k)
changed = True
self.eventson = store
if changed: self.pchanged()
def get_label(self):
Get the label used for this artist in the legend.
return self._label
def set_label(self, s):
Set the label to *s* for auto legend.
ACCEPTS: any string
self._label = s
def get_zorder(self):
Return the :class:`Artist`'s zorder.
return self.zorder
def set_zorder(self, level):
Set the zorder for the artist. Artists with lower zorder
values are drawn first.
ACCEPTS: any number
self.zorder = level
def update_from(self, other):
'Copy properties from *other* to *self*.'
self._transform = other._transform
self._transformSet = other._transformSet
self._visible = other._visible
self._alpha = other._alpha
self.clipbox = other.clipbox
self._clipon = other._clipon
self._clippath = other._clippath
self._lod = other._lod
self._label = other._label
def properties(self):
return a dictionary mapping property name -> value for all Artist props
return ArtistInspector(self).properties()
def set(self, **kwargs):
A tkstyle set command, pass *kwargs* to set properties
ret = []
for k,v in kwargs.items():
k = k.lower()
funcName = "set_%s"%k
func = getattr(self,funcName)
ret.extend( [func(v)] )
return ret
def findobj(self, match=None):
pyplot signature:
findobj(o=gcf(), match=None)
Recursively find all :class:matplotlib.artist.Artist instances
contained in self.
*match* can be
- None: return all objects contained in artist (including artist)
- function with signature ``boolean = match(artist)`` used to filter matches
- class instance: eg Line2D. Only return artists of class type
.. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/
if match is None: # always return True
def matchfunc(x): return True
elif cbook.issubclass_safe(match, Artist):
def matchfunc(x):
return isinstance(x, match)
elif callable(match):
matchfunc = match
raise ValueError('match must be None, an matplotlib.artist.Artist subclass, or a callable')
artists = []
for c in self.get_children():
if matchfunc(c):
artists.extend([thisc for thisc in c.findobj(matchfunc) if matchfunc(thisc)])
if matchfunc(self):
return artists
class ArtistInspector:
A helper class to inspect an :class:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist`
and return information about it's settable properties and their
current values.
def __init__(self, o):
Initialize the artist inspector with an
:class:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist` or sequence of
:class:`Artists`. If a sequence is used, we assume it is a
homogeneous sequence (all :class:`Artists` are of the same
type) and it is your responsibility to make sure this is so.
if cbook.iterable(o) and len(o): o = o[0]
self.oorig = o
if not isinstance(o, type):
o = type(o)
self.o = o
self.aliasd = self.get_aliases()
def get_aliases(self):
Get a dict mapping *fullname* -> *alias* for each *alias* in
the :class:`~matplotlib.artist.ArtistInspector`.
Eg., for lines::
{'markerfacecolor': 'mfc',
'linewidth' : 'lw',
names = [name for name in dir(self.o) if
(name.startswith('set_') or name.startswith('get_'))
and callable(getattr(self.o,name))]
aliases = {}
for name in names:
func = getattr(self.o, name)
if not self.is_alias(func): continue
docstring = func.__doc__
fullname = docstring[10:]
aliases.setdefault(fullname[4:], {})[name[4:]] = None
return aliases
_get_valid_values_regex = re.compile(r"\n\s*ACCEPTS:\s*((?:.|\n)*?)(?:$|(?:\n\n))")
def get_valid_values(self, attr):
Get the legal arguments for the setter associated with *attr*.
This is done by querying the docstring of the function *set_attr*
for a line that begins with ACCEPTS:
Eg., for a line linestyle, return
[ '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'steps' | 'None' ]
name = 'set_%s'%attr
if not hasattr(self.o, name):
raise AttributeError('%s has no function %s'%(self.o,name))
func = getattr(self.o, name)
docstring = func.__doc__
if docstring is None: return 'unknown'
if docstring.startswith('alias for '):
return None
match =
if match is not None:
return'\n', ' ')
return 'unknown'
def _get_setters_and_targets(self):
Get the attribute strings and a full path to where the setter
is defined for all setters in an object.
setters = []
for name in dir(self.o):
if not name.startswith('set_'): continue
o = getattr(self.o, name)
if not callable(o): continue
func = o
if self.is_alias(func): continue
source_class = self.o.__module__ + "." + self.o.__name__
for cls in self.o.mro():
if name in cls.__dict__:
source_class = cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__name__
setters.append((name[4:], source_class + "." + name))
return setters
def get_setters(self):
Get the attribute strings with setters for object. Eg., for a line,
return ``['markerfacecolor', 'linewidth', ....]``.
return [prop for prop, target in self._get_setters_and_targets()]
def is_alias(self, o):
Return *True* if method object *o* is an alias for another
ds = o.__doc__
if ds is None: return False
return ds.startswith('alias for ')
def aliased_name(self, s):
return 'PROPNAME or alias' if *s* has an alias, else return
E.g. for the line markerfacecolor property, which has an
alias, return 'markerfacecolor or mfc' and for the transform
property, which does not, return 'transform'
if s in self.aliasd:
return s + ''.join([' or %s' % x for x in self.aliasd[s].keys()])
return s
def aliased_name_rest(self, s, target):
return 'PROPNAME or alias' if *s* has an alias, else return
PROPNAME formatted for ReST
E.g. for the line markerfacecolor property, which has an
alias, return 'markerfacecolor or mfc' and for the transform
property, which does not, return 'transform'
if s in self.aliasd:
aliases = ''.join([' or %s' % x for x in self.aliasd[s].keys()])
aliases = ''
return ':meth:`%s <%s>`%s' % (s, target, aliases)
def pprint_setters(self, prop=None, leadingspace=2):
If *prop* is *None*, return a list of strings of all settable properies
and their valid values.
If *prop* is not *None*, it is a valid property name and that
property will be returned as a string of property : valid
if leadingspace:
pad = ' '*leadingspace
pad = ''
if prop is not None:
accepts = self.get_valid_values(prop)
return '%s%s: %s' %(pad, prop, accepts)
attrs = self._get_setters_and_targets()
lines = []
for prop, path in attrs:
accepts = self.get_valid_values(prop)
name = self.aliased_name(prop)
lines.append('%s%s: %s' %(pad, name, accepts))
return lines
def pprint_setters_rest(self, prop=None, leadingspace=2):
If *prop* is *None*, return a list of strings of all settable properies
and their valid values. Format the output for ReST
If *prop* is not *None*, it is a valid property name and that
property will be returned as a string of property : valid
if leadingspace:
pad = ' '*leadingspace
pad = ''
if prop is not None:
accepts = self.get_valid_values(prop)
return '%s%s: %s' %(pad, prop, accepts)
attrs = self._get_setters_and_targets()
lines = []
names = [self.aliased_name_rest(prop, target) for prop, target in attrs]
accepts = [self.get_valid_values(prop) for prop, target in attrs]
col0_len = max([len(n) for n in names])
col1_len = max([len(a) for a in accepts])
table_formatstr = pad + '='*col0_len + ' ' + '='*col1_len
lines.append(pad + 'Property'.ljust(col0_len+3) + \
lines.extend([pad + n.ljust(col0_len+3) + a.ljust(col1_len)
for n, a in zip(names, accepts)])
return lines
for prop, path in attrs:
accepts = self.get_valid_values(prop)
name = self.aliased_name_rest(prop, path)
lines.append('%s%s: %s' %(pad, name, accepts))
return lines
def properties(self):
return a dictionary mapping property name -> value
o = self.oorig
getters = [name for name in dir(o)
if name.startswith('get_')
and callable(getattr(o, name))]
#print getters
d = dict()
for name in getters:
func = getattr(o, name)
if self.is_alias(func): continue
try: val = func()
except: continue
else: d[name[4:]] = val
return d
def pprint_getters(self):
Return the getters and actual values as list of strings.
d =
names = d.keys()
lines = []
for name in names:
val = d[name]
if getattr(val, 'shape', ()) != () and len(val)>6:
s = str(val[:6]) + '...'
s = str(val)
s = s.replace('\n', ' ')
if len(s)>50:
s = s[:50] + '...'
name = self.aliased_name(name)
lines.append(' %s = %s' %(name, s))
return lines
def findobj(self, match=None):
Recursively find all :class:`matplotlib.artist.Artist`
instances contained in *self*.
If *match* is not None, it can be
- function with signature ``boolean = match(artist)``
- class instance: eg :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D`
used to filter matches.
if match is None: # always return True
def matchfunc(x): return True
elif issubclass(match, Artist):
def matchfunc(x):
return isinstance(x, match)
elif callable(match):
matchfunc = func
raise ValueError('match must be None, an matplotlib.artist.Artist subclass, or a callable')
artists = []
for c in self.get_children():
if matchfunc(c):
artists.extend([thisc for thisc in c.findobj(matchfunc) if matchfunc(thisc)])
if matchfunc(self):
return artists
def getp(o, property=None):
Return the value of handle property. property is an optional string
for the property you want to return
Example usage::
getp(o) # get all the object properties
getp(o, 'linestyle') # get the linestyle property
*o* is a :class:`Artist` instance, eg
:class:`~matplotllib.lines.Line2D` or an instance of a
:class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or :class:`matplotlib.text.Text`.
If the *property* is 'somename', this function returns
:func:`getp` can be used to query all the gettable properties with
``getp(o)``. Many properties have aliases for shorter typing, e.g.
'lw' is an alias for 'linewidth'. In the output, aliases and full
property names will be listed as:
property or alias = value
linewidth or lw = 2
insp = ArtistInspector(o)
if property is None:
ret = insp.pprint_getters()
print '\n'.join(ret)
func = getattr(o, 'get_' + property)
return func()
# alias
get = getp
def setp(h, *args, **kwargs):
matplotlib supports the use of :func:`setp` ("set property") and
:func:`getp` to set and get object properties, as well as to do
introspection on the object. For example, to set the linestyle of a
line to be dashed, you can do::
>>> line, = plot([1,2,3])
>>> setp(line, linestyle='--')
If you want to know the valid types of arguments, you can provide the
name of the property you want to set without a value::
>>> setp(line, 'linestyle')
linestyle: [ '-' | '--' | '-.' | ':' | 'steps' | 'None' ]
If you want to see all the properties that can be set, and their
possible values, you can do::
>>> setp(line)
... long output listing omitted
:func:`setp` operates on a single instance or a list of instances.
If you are in query mode introspecting the possible values, only
the first instance in the sequence is used. When actually setting
values, all the instances will be set. E.g., suppose you have a
list of two lines, the following will make both lines thicker and
>>> x = arange(0,1.0,0.01)
>>> y1 = sin(2*pi*x)
>>> y2 = sin(4*pi*x)
>>> lines = plot(x, y1, x, y2)
>>> setp(lines, linewidth=2, color='r')
:func:`setp` works with the matlab(TM) style string/value pairs or
with python kwargs. For example, the following are equivalent::
>>> setp(lines, 'linewidth', 2, 'color', r') # matlab style
>>> setp(lines, linewidth=2, color='r') # python style
insp = ArtistInspector(h)
if len(kwargs)==0 and len(args)==0:
print '\n'.join(insp.pprint_setters())
if len(kwargs)==0 and len(args)==1:
print insp.pprint_setters(prop=args[0])
if not cbook.iterable(h): h = [h]
else: h = cbook.flatten(h)
if len(args)%2:
raise ValueError('The set args must be string, value pairs')
funcvals = []
for i in range(0, len(args)-1, 2):
funcvals.append((args[i], args[i+1]))
ret = []
for o in h:
for s, val in funcvals:
s = s.lower()
funcName = "set_%s"%s
func = getattr(o,funcName)
ret.extend( [func(val)] )
return [x for x in cbook.flatten(ret)]
def kwdoc(a):
hardcopy = matplotlib.rcParams['docstring.hardcopy']
if hardcopy:
return '\n'.join(ArtistInspector(a).pprint_setters_rest(leadingspace=2))
return '\n'.join(ArtistInspector(a).pprint_setters(leadingspace=2))
kwdocd = dict()
kwdocd['Artist'] = kwdoc(Artist)