import matplotlib
import inspect
import warnings
# ipython relies on interactive_bk being defined here
from matplotlib.rcsetup import interactive_bk
__all__ = ['backend','show','draw_if_interactive',
'new_figure_manager', 'backend_version']
backend = matplotlib.get_backend() # validates, to match all_backends
def pylab_setup():
'return new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive and show for pylab'
# Import the requested backend into a generic module object
if backend.startswith('module://'):
backend_name = backend[9:]
backend_name = 'backend_'+backend
backend_name = backend_name.lower() # until we banish mixed case
backend_name = 'matplotlib.backends.%s'%backend_name.lower()
backend_mod = __import__(backend_name,
# Things we pull in from all backends
new_figure_manager = backend_mod.new_figure_manager
# image backends like pdf, agg or svg do not need to do anything
# for "show" or "draw_if_interactive", so if they are not defined
# by the backend, just do nothing
def do_nothing_show(*args, **kwargs):
frame = inspect.currentframe()
fname = frame.f_back.f_code.co_filename
if fname in ('<stdin>', '<ipython console>'):
Your currently selected backend, '%s' does not support show().
Please select a GUI backend in your matplotlibrc file ('%s')
or with matplotlib.use()""" %
(backend, matplotlib.matplotlib_fname()))
def do_nothing(*args, **kwargs): pass
backend_version = getattr(backend_mod,'backend_version', 'unknown')
show = getattr(backend_mod, 'show', do_nothing_show)
draw_if_interactive = getattr(backend_mod, 'draw_if_interactive', do_nothing)
# Additional imports which only happen for certain backends. This section
# should probably disappear once all backends are uniform.
if backend.lower() in ['wx','wxagg']:
Toolbar = backend_mod.Toolbar
__all__.append('Toolbar')'backend %s version %s' % (backend,backend_version))
return new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive, show