"""Traits-based declaration for Matplotlib configuration.
# stdlib imports
import os
# external imports
import enthought.traits.api as T
# internal imports
import mpltraits as mplT
import cutils
import checkdep
from tconfig import TConfig,TConfigManager,tconf2File
import pytz
# Code begins
DEBUG = False
# Main Config class follows
class MPLConfig(TConfig):
This is a sample matplotlib configuration file. It should be placed
in HOME/.matplotlib (unix/linux like systems) and
C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\.matplotlib (win32 systems)
By default, the installer will overwrite the existing file in the install
path, so if you want to preserve yours, please move it to your HOME dir and
set the environment variable if necessary.
This file is best viewed in a editor which supports ini or conf mode syntax
Blank lines, or lines starting with a comment symbol, are ignored,
as are trailing comments. Other lines must have the format
key = val optional comment
val should be valid python syntax, just as you would use when setting
properties using rcParams. This should become more obvious by inspecting
the default values listed herein.
Colors: for the color values below, you can either use
- a matplotlib color string, such as r | k | b
- an rgb tuple, such as (1.0, 0.5, 0.0)
- a hex string, such as #ff00ff or ff00ff
- a scalar grayscale intensity such as 0.75
- a legal html color name, eg red | blue | darkslategray
Interactivity: see http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/interactive.html.
interactive = T.Trait(False, mplT.BoolHandler())
toolbar = T.Trait('toolbar2', 'toolbar2', None)
timezone = T.Trait('UTC', pytz.all_timezones)
datapath = T.Trait(cutils.get_data_path())
units = T.false
class backend(TConfig):
use = T.Trait('Agg', mplT.BackendHandler())
fallback = T.Trait(True, mplT.BoolHandler())
class cairo(TConfig):
format = T.Trait('png', 'png', 'ps', 'pdf', 'svg')
class tk(TConfig):
window_focus : Maintain shell focus for TkAgg
pythoninspect: tk sets PYTHONINSPECT
window_focus = T.false
pythoninspect = T.false
class ps(TConfig):
papersize = T.Trait('letter', 'auto', 'letter', 'legal', 'ledger',
'A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'A6', 'A7',
'A8', 'A9', 'A10',
'B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7',
'B8', 'B9', 'B10')
useafm = T.false
fonttype = T.Trait(3, 42)
class distiller(TConfig):
use = T.Trait(None, None, 'ghostscript', 'xpdf', False)
resolution = T.Float(6000)
class pdf(TConfig):
compression = T.Range(0, 9, 6)
fonttype = T.Trait(3, 42)
inheritcolor = T.false
use14corefonts = T.false
class svg(TConfig):
image_inline = T.true
image_noscale = T.false
embed_char_paths = T.true
class lines(TConfig):
linewidth = T.Float(1.0)
linestyle = T.Trait('-','--','-.', ':', 'steps', '', ' ', None)
color = T.Trait('blue',mplT.ColorHandler())
solid_joinstyle = T.Trait('round', 'miter', 'round', 'bevel')
solid_capstyle = T.Trait('butt', 'butt', 'round', 'projecting')
dash_joinstyle = T.Trait('round', 'miter', 'round', 'bevel')
dash_capstyle = T.Trait('butt', 'butt', 'round', 'projecting')
marker = T.Trait('None', 'None', 'o', '.', ',', '^', 'v', '<', '>', 's',
'+', 'x', 'D','d', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'h', 'H', 'p',
'|', '_')
markeredgewidth = T.Float(0.5)
markersize = T.Float(6)
antialiased = T.true
class path(TConfig):
simplify = T.false
simplify_threshold = T.float(1.0 / 9.0)
class patch(TConfig):
linewidth = T.Float(1.0)
facecolor = T.Trait('blue', mplT.ColorHandler())
edgecolor = T.Trait('black', mplT.ColorHandler())
antialiased = T.true
class font(TConfig):
family = T.Trait('sans-serif', 'sans-serif', 'serif', 'cursive',
'fantasy', 'monospace')
style = T.Trait('normal', 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique')
variant = T.Trait('normal', 'normal', 'small-caps')
weight = T.Trait('normal', 'normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter',
100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900)
stretch = T.Trait('normal', 'ultra-condensed', 'extra-condensed',
'condensed', 'semi-condensed', 'normal', 'semi-expanded',
'expanded', 'extra-expanded', 'ultra-expanded',
'wider', 'narrower')
size = T.Float(12.0)
serif = T.ListStr(["Bitstream Vera Serif", "New Century Schoolbook",
"Century Schoolbook L", "Utopia", "ITC Bookman", "Bookman",
"Nimbus Roman No9 L", "Times New Roman", "Times", "Palatino",
"Charter", "serif"])
sans_serif = T.ListStr(["Bitstream Vera Sans", "Lucida Grande", "Verdana",
"Geneva", "Lucid", "Arial", "Helvetica", "Avant Garde",
cursive = T.ListStr(["Apple Chancery", "Textile", "Zapf Chancery", "Sand",
fantasy = T.ListStr(["Comic Sans MS", "Chicago", "Charcoal", "Impact", "Western",
monospace = T.ListStr(["Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Andale Mono", "Nimbus Mono L",
"Courier New", "Courier", "Fixed", "Terminal", "monospace"])
class text(TConfig):
color = T.Trait('black',mplT.ColorHandler())
usetex = T.false
class latex(TConfig):
unicode = T.false
preamble = T.ListStr([])
dvipnghack = T.false
class mathtext(TConfig):
cal = T.Trait('cursive' , mplT.FontconfigPatternHandler())
rm = T.Trait('serif' , mplT.FontconfigPatternHandler())
tt = T.Trait('monospace' , mplT.FontconfigPatternHandler())
it = T.Trait('serif:oblique' , mplT.FontconfigPatternHandler())
bf = T.Trait('serif:bold' , mplT.FontconfigPatternHandler())
sf = T.Trait('sans' , mplT.FontconfigPatternHandler())
fontset = T.Trait('cm', 'cm', 'stix', 'stixsans', 'custom')
default = T.Trait(*("rm cal it tt sf bf default bb frak circled scr regular".split()))
fallback_to_cm = T.true
class axes(TConfig):
hold = T.Trait(True, mplT.BoolHandler())
facecolor = T.Trait('white', mplT.ColorHandler())
edgecolor = T.Trait('black', mplT.ColorHandler())
linewidth = T.Float(1.0)
grid = T.Trait(False, mplT.BoolHandler())
polargrid = T.Trait(True, mplT.BoolHandler())
titlesize = T.Trait('large', 'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium',
'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large', T.Float)
labelsize = T.Trait('medium', 'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium',
'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large', T.Float)
labelcolor = T.Trait('black', mplT.ColorHandler())
axisbelow = T.false
class formatter(TConfig):
limits = T.List(T.Float, [-7, 7], minlen=2, maxlen=2)
class xticks(TConfig):
color = T.Trait('black', mplT.ColorHandler())
labelsize = T.Trait('small', 'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium',
'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large', T.Float)
direction = T.Trait('in', 'out')
class major(TConfig):
size = T.Float(4)
pad = T.Float(4)
class minor(TConfig):
size = T.Float(2)
pad = T.Float(4)
class yticks(TConfig):
color = T.Trait('black', mplT.ColorHandler())
labelsize = T.Trait('small', 'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium',
'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large', T.Float)
direction = T.Trait('in', 'out')
class major(TConfig):
size = T.Float(4)
pad = T.Float(4)
class minor(TConfig):
size = T.Float(2)
pad = T.Float(4)
class grid(TConfig):
color = T.Trait('black', mplT.ColorHandler())
linestyle = T.Trait(':','-','--','-.', ':', 'steps', '', ' ')
linewidth = T.Float(0.5)
class legend(TConfig):
loc = T.Trait('upper right', 'best', 'upper right', 'upper left',
'lower left', 'lower right', 'right', 'center left',
'center right', 'lower center', 'upper center', 'center')
isaxes = T.true
numpoints = T.Int(3)
fontsize = T.Trait('medium', 'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium',
'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large', T.Float)
pad = T.Float(0.2)
markerscale = T.Float(1.0)
labelsep = T.Float(0.01)
handlelen = T.Float(0.05)
handletextsep = T.Float(0.02)
axespad = T.Float(0.02)
shadow = T.false
class figure(TConfig):
figsize = T.List(T.Float, [8,6], maxlen=2, minlen=2)
dpi = T.Float(80)
facecolor = T.Trait('0.75', mplT.ColorHandler())
edgecolor = T.Trait('white', mplT.ColorHandler())
class subplot(TConfig):
"""The figure subplot parameters. All dimensions are fraction
of the figure width or height"""
left = T.Float(0.125)
right = T.Float(0.9)
bottom = T.Float(0.1)
top = T.Float(0.9)
wspace = T.Float(0.2)
hspace = T.Float(0.2)
class image(TConfig):
aspect = T.Trait('equal', 'equal', 'auto', T.Float)
interpolation = T.Trait('bilinear', 'bilinear', 'nearest', 'bicubic',
'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning', 'hamming',
'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom',
'gaussian', 'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc',
'lanczos', 'blackman')
cmap = T.Trait('jet', *mplT.colormaps)
lut = T.Int(256)
origin = T.Trait('upper', 'upper', 'lower')
class contour(TConfig):
negative_linestyle = T.Trait('dashed', 'dashed', 'solid')
class savefig(TConfig):
dpi = T.Float(100)
facecolor = T.Trait('white', mplT.ColorHandler())
edgecolor = T.Trait('white', mplT.ColorHandler())
orientation = T.Trait('portrait', 'portrait', 'landscape')
class verbose(TConfig):
level = T.Trait('silent', 'silent', 'helpful', 'debug', 'debug-annoying')
fileo = T.Trait('sys.stdout', 'sys.stdout', T.File)
class RcParamsWrapper(dict):
"""A backwards-compatible interface to a traited config object
def __init__(self, tconfig):
self.tconfig = tconfig
self.tconfig_map = {
'backend' : (self.tconfig.backend, 'use'),
'backend_fallback' : (self.tconfig.backend, 'fallback'),
'toolbar' : (self.tconfig, 'toolbar'),
'datapath' : (self.tconfig, 'datapath'),
'units' : (self.tconfig, 'units'),
'interactive' : (self.tconfig, 'interactive'),
'timezone' : (self.tconfig, 'timezone'),
# the verbosity setting
'verbose.level' : (self.tconfig.verbose, 'level'),
'verbose.fileo' : (self.tconfig.verbose, 'fileo'),
# line props
'lines.linewidth' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'linewidth'),
'lines.linestyle' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'linestyle'),
'lines.color' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'color'),
'lines.marker' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'marker'),
'lines.markeredgewidth' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'markeredgewidth'),
'lines.markersize' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'markersize'),
'lines.antialiased' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'antialiased'),
'lines.dash_joinstyle' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'dash_joinstyle'),
'lines.solid_joinstyle' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'solid_joinstyle'),
'lines.dash_capstyle' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'dash_capstyle'),
'lines.solid_capstyle' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'solid_capstyle'),
# patch props
'patch.linewidth' : (self.tconfig.patch, 'linewidth'),
'patch.edgecolor' : (self.tconfig.patch, 'edgecolor'),
'patch.facecolor' : (self.tconfig.patch, 'facecolor'),
'patch.antialiased' : (self.tconfig.patch, 'antialiased'),
# font props
'font.family' : (self.tconfig.font, 'family'),
'font.style' : (self.tconfig.font, 'style'),
'font.variant' : (self.tconfig.font, 'variant'),
'font.stretch' : (self.tconfig.lines, 'color'),
'font.weight' : (self.tconfig.font, 'weight'),
'font.size' : (self.tconfig.font, 'size'),
'font.serif' : (self.tconfig.font, 'serif'),
'font.sans-serif' : (self.tconfig.font, 'sans_serif'),
'font.cursive' : (self.tconfig.font, 'cursive'),
'font.fantasy' : (self.tconfig.font, 'fantasy'),
'font.monospace' : (self.tconfig.font, 'monospace'),
# text props
'text.color' : (self.tconfig.text, 'color'),
'text.usetex' : (self.tconfig.text, 'usetex'),
'text.latex.unicode' : (self.tconfig.text.latex, 'unicode'),
'text.latex.preamble' : (self.tconfig.text.latex, 'preamble'),
'text.dvipnghack' : (self.tconfig.text.latex, 'dvipnghack'),
'mathtext.cal' : (self.tconfig.mathtext, 'cal'),
'mathtext.rm' : (self.tconfig.mathtext, 'rm'),
'mathtext.tt' : (self.tconfig.mathtext, 'tt'),
'mathtext.it' : (self.tconfig.mathtext, 'it'),
'mathtext.bf' : (self.tconfig.mathtext, 'bf'),
'mathtext.sf' : (self.tconfig.mathtext, 'sf'),
'mathtext.fontset' : (self.tconfig.mathtext, 'fontset'),
'mathtext.fallback_to_cm' : (self.tconfig.mathtext, 'fallback_to_cm'),
'image.aspect' : (self.tconfig.image, 'aspect'),
'image.interpolation' : (self.tconfig.image, 'interpolation'),
'image.cmap' : (self.tconfig.image, 'cmap'),
'image.lut' : (self.tconfig.image, 'lut'),
'image.origin' : (self.tconfig.image, 'origin'),
'contour.negative_linestyle' : (self.tconfig.contour, 'negative_linestyle'),
# axes props
'axes.axisbelow' : (self.tconfig.axes, 'axisbelow'),
'axes.hold' : (self.tconfig.axes, 'hold'),
'axes.facecolor' : (self.tconfig.axes, 'facecolor'),
'axes.edgecolor' : (self.tconfig.axes, 'edgecolor'),
'axes.linewidth' : (self.tconfig.axes, 'linewidth'),
'axes.titlesize' : (self.tconfig.axes, 'titlesize'),
'axes.grid' : (self.tconfig.axes, 'grid'),
'axes.labelsize' : (self.tconfig.axes, 'labelsize'),
'axes.labelcolor' : (self.tconfig.axes, 'labelcolor'),
'axes.formatter.limits' : (self.tconfig.axes.formatter, 'limits'),
'polaraxes.grid' : (self.tconfig.axes, 'polargrid'),
#legend properties
'legend.loc' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'loc'),
'legend.isaxes' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'isaxes'),
'legend.numpoints' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'numpoints'),
'legend.fontsize' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'fontsize'),
'legend.pad' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'pad'),
'legend.markerscale' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'markerscale'),
'legend.labelsep' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'labelsep'),
'legend.handlelen' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'handlelen'),
'legend.handletextsep' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'handletextsep'),
'legend.axespad' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'axespad'),
'legend.shadow' : (self.tconfig.legend, 'shadow'),
# tick properties
'xtick.major.size' : (self.tconfig.xticks.major, 'size'),
'xtick.minor.size' : (self.tconfig.xticks.minor, 'size'),
'xtick.major.pad' : (self.tconfig.xticks.major, 'pad'),
'xtick.minor.pad' : (self.tconfig.xticks.minor, 'pad'),
'xtick.color' : (self.tconfig.xticks, 'color'),
'xtick.labelsize' : (self.tconfig.xticks, 'labelsize'),
'xtick.direction' : (self.tconfig.xticks, 'direction'),
'ytick.major.size' : (self.tconfig.yticks.major, 'size'),
'ytick.minor.size' : (self.tconfig.yticks.minor, 'size'),
'ytick.major.pad' : (self.tconfig.yticks.major, 'pad'),
'ytick.minor.pad' : (self.tconfig.yticks.minor, 'pad'),
'ytick.color' : (self.tconfig.yticks, 'color'),
'ytick.labelsize' : (self.tconfig.yticks, 'labelsize'),
'ytick.direction' : (self.tconfig.yticks, 'direction'),
'grid.color' : (self.tconfig.grid, 'color'),
'grid.linestyle' : (self.tconfig.grid, 'linestyle'),
'grid.linewidth' : (self.tconfig.grid, 'linewidth'),
# figure props
'figure.figsize' : (self.tconfig.figure, 'figsize'),
'figure.dpi' : (self.tconfig.figure, 'dpi'),
'figure.facecolor' : (self.tconfig.figure, 'facecolor'),
'figure.edgecolor' : (self.tconfig.figure, 'edgecolor'),
'figure.subplot.left' : (self.tconfig.figure.subplot, 'left'),
'figure.subplot.right' : (self.tconfig.figure.subplot, 'right'),
'figure.subplot.bottom' : (self.tconfig.figure.subplot, 'bottom'),
'figure.subplot.top' : (self.tconfig.figure.subplot, 'top'),
'figure.subplot.wspace' : (self.tconfig.figure.subplot, 'wspace'),
'figure.subplot.hspace' : (self.tconfig.figure.subplot, 'hspace'),
'savefig.dpi' : (self.tconfig.savefig, 'dpi'),
'savefig.facecolor' : (self.tconfig.savefig, 'facecolor'),
'savefig.edgecolor' : (self.tconfig.savefig, 'edgecolor'),
'savefig.orientation' : (self.tconfig.savefig, 'orientation'),
'cairo.format' : (self.tconfig.backend.cairo, 'format'),
'tk.window_focus' : (self.tconfig.backend.tk, 'window_focus'),
'tk.pythoninspect' : (self.tconfig.backend.tk, 'pythoninspect'),
'ps.papersize' : (self.tconfig.backend.ps, 'papersize'),
'ps.useafm' : (self.tconfig.backend.ps, 'useafm'),
'ps.usedistiller' : (self.tconfig.backend.ps.distiller, 'use'),
'ps.distiller.res' : (self.tconfig.backend.ps.distiller, 'resolution'),
'ps.fonttype' : (self.tconfig.backend.ps, 'fonttype'),
'pdf.compression' : (self.tconfig.backend.pdf, 'compression'),
'pdf.inheritcolor' : (self.tconfig.backend.pdf, 'inheritcolor'),
'pdf.use14corefonts' : (self.tconfig.backend.pdf, 'use14corefonts'),
'pdf.fonttype' : (self.tconfig.backend.pdf, 'fonttype'),
'svg.image_inline' : (self.tconfig.backend.svg, 'image_inline'),
'svg.image_noscale' : (self.tconfig.backend.svg, 'image_noscale'),
'svg.embed_char_paths' : (self.tconfig.backend.svg, 'embed_char_paths'),
# Path properties
'path.simplify' : (self.tconfig.path, 'simplify'),
'path.simplify_threshold' : (self.tconfig.path, 'simplify_threshold')
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
obj, attr = self.tconfig_map[key]
setattr(obj, attr, val)
except KeyError:
raise KeyError('%s is not a valid rc parameter.\
See rcParams.keys() for a list of valid parameters.'%key)
def __getitem__(self, key):
obj, attr = self.tconfig_map[key]
return getattr(obj, attr)
def keys(self):
return self.tconfig_map.keys()
def __contains__(self, val):
return val in self.tconfig_map
def update(self, arg, **kwargs):
for key in arg:
self[key] = arg[key]
except AttributeError:
for key, val in arg:
self[key] = val
for key in kwargs:
self[key] = kwargs[key]
old_config_file = cutils.get_config_file(tconfig=False)
old_config_path = os.path.split(old_config_file)[0]
config_file = os.path.join(old_config_path, 'matplotlib.conf')
if os.path.exists(old_config_file) and not os.path.exists(config_file):
config_file = cutils.get_config_file(tconfig=True)
if DEBUG: print 'loading', config_file
configManager = TConfigManager(MPLConfig,
mplConfig = configManager.tconf
mplConfigDefault = MPLConfig()
# TODO: move into traits validation
mplConfig.backend.ps.distiller.use = \
mplConfig.text.usetex = checkdep.usetex(mplConfig.text.usetex)
def save_config():
"""Save mplConfig customizations to current matplotlib.conf
rcParams = RcParamsWrapper(mplConfig)
rcParamsDefault = RcParamsWrapper(mplConfigDefault)
# convert old matplotlibrc to new matplotlib.conf
from rcparams import rcParams
for key, val in old_rcParams.iteritems():
rcParams[key] = val
print '%s converted to %s'%(cutils.get_config_file(tconfig=False),
def rcdefaults():
Restore the default rc params - the ones that were created at
matplotlib load time
for key in rcParamsDefault.keys():
rcParams[key] = rcParamsDefault[key]
# Auto-generate the mpl-data/matplotlib.conf
if __name__ == "__main__":
mplConfig = MPLConfig()
tconf2File(mplConfig, '../mpl-data/matplotlib.conf.template', force=True)
print 'matplotlib.conf.template created in ../mpl-data'