import sys
class Verbose:
A class to handle reporting. Set the fileo attribute to any file
instance to handle the output. Default is sys.stdout
levels = ('silent', 'helpful', 'debug', 'debug-annoying')
vald = dict( [(level, i) for i,level in enumerate(levels)])
# parse the verbosity from the command line; flags look like
# --verbose-silent or --verbose-helpful
_commandLineVerbose = None
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if not arg.startswith('--verbose-'): continue
_commandLineVerbose = arg[10:]
def __init__(self):
self.fileo = sys.stdout
def set_level(self, level):
'set the verbosity to one of the Verbose.levels strings'
if self._commandLineVerbose is not None:
level = self._commandLineVerbose
if level not in self.levels:
raise ValueError('Illegal verbose string "%s". Legal values are %s'%(level, self.levels))
self.level = level
def set_fileo(self, fname):
std = {
'sys.stdout': sys.stdout,
'sys.stderr': sys.stderr,
if fname in std:
self.fileo = std[fname]
fileo = file(fname, 'w')
except IOError:
raise ValueError('Verbose object could not open log file "%s" for writing.\nCheck your matplotlibrc verbose.fileo setting'%fname)
self.fileo = fileo
def report(self, s, level='helpful'):
print message s to self.fileo if self.level>=level. Return
value indicates whether a message was issued
print >>self.fileo, s
return True
return False
def wrap(self, fmt, func, level='helpful', always=True):
return a callable function that wraps func and reports it
output through the verbose handler if current verbosity level
is higher than level
if always is True, the report will occur on every function
call; otherwise only on the first time the function is called
assert callable(func)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
if (always or not wrapper._spoke):
spoke =, level)
if not wrapper._spoke: wrapper._spoke = spoke
return ret
wrapper._spoke = False
wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__
return wrapper
def ge(self, level):
'return true if self.level is >= level'
return self.vald[self.level]>=self.vald[level]