# Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by Yasushi Saito (yasushi.saito@gmail.com)
# Jockey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Jockey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
import sys
import re
import os.path
from pychart import *
from types import *
from pychart.pychart_types import *
oldstdout = sys.stdout
if os.path.exists("/dev/null"):
sys.stdout = open("/dev/null", "w")
modules = {}
values = []
sys.stdout = oldstdout
g = globals()
for mod in g.keys():
val = g[mod]
if type(val) == ModuleType:
dic = {}
for name in val.__dict__.keys():
v = val.__dict__[name]
if name[0] != '_':
values.append((v, mod + "." + name))
if type(v) == type and issubclass(v, chart_object.T):
dic[name] = v
modules[mod] = dic
def stringify_type(t):
s = str(t)
if t == AnyType:
return "any"
if t == ShadowType:
return "(xoff,yoff,fill)"
elif re.search("NumberType", s):
return "number"
elif re.search("UnitType", s):
return 'length in points (\\xref{unit})'
elif re.search("CoordType", s):
return "(x,y) or None"
elif re.search("CoordSystemType", s):
return "['linear'|'log'|'category']"
elif re.search("TextAlignType", s):
return "['R'|'L'|'C'|None]"
elif re.search("FormatType", s):
return "printf format string"
elif re.search("IntervalType", s):
return "number or function"
mo = re.match("<type '([^']+)'>", s)
if mo:
return mo.group(1)
mo = re.match("<class 'pychart\.([^']+)'>", s)
if mo:
return mo.group(1)
mo = re.match("<class '([^']+)'>", s)
if mo:
return mo.group(1)
mo = re.match("pychart\\.(.*)", s)
if mo:
return mo.group(1)
return s
def stringify_value(val):
t = type(val)
if t == StringType:
return '"' + val + '"'
if t == bool:
if val: return "True"
else: return "False"
if t in (IntType, LongType, FloatType):
return str(val)
if val == None:
return "None"
if type(val) == ListType:
return map(stringify_value, val)
for pair in values:
if pair[0] == val:
return pair[1]
return str(val)
def break_string(name):
max_len = 10
if len(name) < max_len:
return name
name = re.sub("(\\d\\d)([^\\d])", "\\1-\n\\2", name)
name = re.sub("black(.)", "black-\n\\1", name)
elems = name.split("\n")
while 1:
broken = 0
for i in range(len(elems)):
elem = elems[i]
if len(elem) < max_len:
broken = 1
elem1 = elem[0:len(elem)/2]
elem2 = elem[len(elem)/2:]
elems[i:i+1] = [elem1, elem2]
if not broken:
name = "\n".join(elems)
return name