# Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by Yasushi Saito (yasushi.saito@gmail.com)
# Jockey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Jockey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
import tick_mark
import font
import line_style
import color
import fill_style
import chart_object
import pychart_util
import types
import legend_doc
import theme
from pychart_types import *
from types import *
class Entry(chart_object.T):
keys = {"line_len" : (UnitType, None,
"Length of the sample line for line plots. If omitted, it is set to be theme.default_font_size"),
"rect_size" : (UnitType, None,
"Size of the sample 'blob' for bar range charts. If omitted, it is set to be 70% of theme.default_size"),
"tick_mark": (tick_mark.T, None, ""),
"line_style": (line_style.T, None, ""),
"fill_style": (fill_style.T, None, ""),
"label": (StringType, "???", ""),
__doc__ = legend_doc.doc_entry
def label_width(self):
return font.text_width(" " + self.label)
def get_line_len(self):
return self.line_len or theme.default_font_size
def get_rect_size(self):
return self.rect_size or theme.default_font_size * 7 / 10.0
def sample_width(self):
w = 0
if self.fill_style != None:
w += self.get_line_len()
elif self.line_style != None:
w += self.get_line_len()
elif self.tick_mark != None:
w += self.tick_mark.size
return w
def height(self):
h = font.text_height(self.label)[0]
return h
def draw(self, ar, can, x_tick, x_label, y):
"""Draw a legend entry. X_TICK and X_LABEL are the X location \
(in points) of where the sample and label are drawn."""
rect_size = self.get_rect_size()
line_len = self.get_line_len()
nr_lines = len(self.label.split("\n"))
text_height = font.text_height(self.label)[0]
line_height = text_height / float(nr_lines)
y_center = y + text_height - line_height/1.5
if self.fill_style != None:
can.rectangle(self.line_style, self.fill_style,
x_tick, y_center - rect_size/2.0,
x_tick + rect_size,
y_center + rect_size/2.0)
elif self.line_style != None:
can.line(self.line_style, x_tick, y_center,
x_tick + line_len, y_center)
if self.tick_mark != None:
self.tick_mark.draw(can, x_tick + line_len/2.0, y_center)
elif self.tick_mark != None:
self.tick_mark.draw(can, x_tick, y_center)
can.show(x_label, y, self.label)
__doc__ = """Legend is a rectangular box drawn in a chart to describe
the meanings of plots. The contents of a legend box is extracted from
plots' "label", "line-style", and "tick-mark" attributes.
This module exports a single class, legend.T. Legend.T is a part of
an area.T object, and is drawn automatically when area.draw() method
is called. """
class T(chart_object.T):
__doc__ = legend_doc.doc
keys = {
"inter_row_sep": (UnitType, 0,
"Space between each row in the legend."),
"inter_col_sep": (UnitType, 0,
"Space between each column in the legend."),
"frame_line_style": (line_style.T, line_style.default, ""),
"frame_fill_style": (fill_style.T, fill_style.white, ""),
"top_fudge": (UnitType, 0,
"Amount of space above the first line."),
"bottom_fudge": (UnitType, 3,
"Amount of space below the last line."),
"left_fudge": (UnitType, 5,
"Amount of space left of the legend."),
"right_fudge": (UnitType, 5,
"Amount of space right of the legend."),
"loc": (CoordType, None,
"""Bottom-left corner of the legend.
The default location of a legend is the bottom-right end of the chart."""),
"shadow": (ShadowType, None, pychart_util.shadow_desc),
"nr_rows": (IntType, 9999, "Number of rows in the legend. If the number of plots in a chart is larger than nr_rows, multiple columns are created in the legend."),
def draw(self, ar, entries, can):
if not self.loc:
x = ar.loc[0] + ar.size[0] * 1.1
y = ar.loc[1]
x = self.loc[0]
y = self.loc[1]
nr_rows = min(self.nr_rows, len(entries))
nr_cols = (len(entries)-1) / nr_rows + 1
ymin = y
max_label_width = [0] * nr_cols
max_sample_width = [0] * nr_cols
heights = [0] * nr_rows
for i in range(len(entries)):
l = entries[i]
(col, row) = divmod(i, nr_rows)
max_label_width[col] = max(l.label_width(), max_label_width[col])
max_sample_width[col] = max(l.sample_width(), max_sample_width[col])
heights[row] = max(l.height(), heights[row])
for h in heights:
y += h
y += self.inter_row_sep * (nr_rows - 1)
ymax = y
tot_width = self.inter_col_sep * (nr_cols -1)
for w in max_label_width:
tot_width += w
for w in max_sample_width:
tot_width += w
can.rectangle(self.frame_line_style, self.frame_fill_style,
x - self.left_fudge,
ymin - self.bottom_fudge,
x + tot_width + self.right_fudge,
ymax + self.top_fudge,
for col in range(nr_cols):
this_y = y
this_x = x
for row in range(nr_rows):
idx = col * nr_rows + row
if idx >= len(entries):
this_y -= heights[row]
l = entries[idx]
if row != 0:
this_y -= self.inter_row_sep
l.draw(ar, can, this_x, this_x + max_sample_width[col], this_y)
x += max_label_width[col] + max_sample_width[col] + self.inter_col_sep