# coding: utf-8
Creole wiki markup parser
See http://wikicreole.org/ for latest specs.
* No markup allowed in headings.
Creole 1.0 does not require us to support this.
* No markup allowed in table headings.
Creole 1.0 does not require us to support this.
* No (non-bracketed) generic url recognition: this is "mission impossible"
except if you want to risk lots of false positives. Only known protocols
are recognized.
* We do not allow ":" before "//" italic markup to avoid urls with
unrecognized schemes (like wtf://server/path) triggering italic rendering
for the rest of the paragraph.
@copyright: 2007 MoinMoin:RadomirDopieralski (creole 0.5 implementation),
2007 MoinMoin:ThomasWaldmann (updates)
2008-2010 JensDiemer
@license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for details.
import re
class InlineRules:
All inline rules
proto = r'http|https|ftp|nntp|news|mailto|telnet|file|irc'
url = r'''(?P<url>
(^ | (?<=\s | [.,:;!?()/=]))
(?P<url_target> (?P<url_proto> %s ):\S+? )
($ | (?=\s | [,.:;!?()] (\s | $)))
)''' % proto
link = r'''(?P<link>
(?P<link_target>.+?) \s*
([|] \s* (?P<link_text>.+?) \s*)?
# link = r'''(?P<link1>
# \[\[
# (?P<link_target1>.+?)\|(?P<link_text1>.+?)
# ]]
# )|(?P<link2>
# \[\[
# (?P<link_target2> (%s)://[^ ]+) \s* (?P<link_text2>.+?)
# ]]
# )|
# \[\[(?P<internal_link>.+)\]\]
# ''' % proto
# image tag
image = r'''(?P<image>
(?P<image_target>.+?) \s*
(\| \s* (?P<image_text>.+?) \s*)?
# a macro like: <<macro>>text<</macro>>
inline_macro = r'''
<< \s* (?P<macro_inline_start>\w+) \s* (?P<macro_inline_args>.*?) \s* >>
<</ \s* (?P=macro_inline_start) \s* >>
# A single macro tag, like <<macro-a foo="bar">> or <<macro />>
macro_tag = r'''(?P<macro_tag>
<<(?P<macro_tag_name> \w+) (?P<macro_tag_args>.*?) \s* /*>>
pre_inline = r'(?P<pre_inline> {{{ (?P<pre_inline_text>.*?) }}} )'
# Basic text typefaces:
emphasis = r'(?P<emphasis>(?<!:)// (?P<emphasis_text>.+?) (?<!:)// )'
# there must be no : in front of the // avoids italic rendering
# in urls with unknown protocols
strong = r'(?P<strong>\*\* (?P<strong_text>.+?) \*\* )'
# Creole 1.0 optional:
monospace = r'(?P<monospace> \#\# (?P<monospace_text>.+?) \#\# )'
superscript = r'(?P<superscript> \^\^ (?P<superscript_text>.+?) \^\^ )'
subscript = r'(?P<subscript> ,, (?P<subscript_text>.+?) ,, )'
underline = r'(?P<underline> __ (?P<underline_text>.+?) __ )'
delete = r'(?P<delete> ~~ (?P<delete_text>.+?) ~~ )'
# own additions:
small = r'(?P<small>-- (?P<small_text>.+?) -- )'
linebreak = r'(?P<linebreak> \\\\ )'
escape = r'(?P<escape> ~ (?P<escaped_char>\S) )'
char = r'(?P<char> . )'
class BlockRules:
All used block rules.
# macro_block = r'''(?P<macro_block>
# \s* << (?P<macro_block_start>\w+) \s* (?P<macro_block_args>.*?) >>
# (?P<macro_block_text>(.|\n)+?)
# <</(?P=macro_block_start)>> \s*
# )'''
# macro_block = r'''(?P<macro_block>
# <<(?P<macro_block_start>.*?)>>
# (?P<macro_block_text>.*?)
# <</.*?>>
# )'''
macro_block = r'''
<< \s* (?P<macro_block_start>\w+) \s* (?P<macro_block_args>.*?) \s* >>
<</ \s* (?P=macro_block_start) \s* >>
line = r'''(?P<line> ^\s*$ )''' # empty line that separates paragraphs
head = r'''(?P<head>
(?P<head_head>=+) \s*
(?P<head_text> .*? )
separator = r'(?P<separator> ^ \s* ---- \s* $ )' # horizontal line
pre_block = r'''(?P<pre_block>
^{{{ \s* $
list = r'''(?P<list>
^ [ \t]* ([*][^*\#]|[\#][^\#*]).* $
( \n[ \t]* [*\#]+.* $ )*
)''' # Matches the whole list, separate items are parsed later. The
# list *must* start with a single bullet.
table = r'''^ \s*(?P<table>
[|].*? \s*
) \s* $'''
text = r'(?P<text> .+ ) (?P<break> (?<!\\)$\n(?!\s*$) )?'
class SpecialRules:
re rules witch not directly used as inline/block rules.
# Matches single list items:
item = r'''^ \s* (?P<item>
(?P<item_head> [\#*]+) \s*
(?P<item_text> .*?)
) \s* $'''
# For splitting table cells:
cell = r'''
\| \s*
(?P<head> [=][^|]+ ) |
(?P<cell> ( %s | [^|])+ )
) \s*
''' % '|'.join([
InlineRules.inline_macro, InlineRules.macro_tag,
# For pre escaping, in creole 1.0 done with ~:
pre_escape = r' ^(?P<indent>\s*) ~ (?P<rest> \}\}\} \s*) $'
BlockRules.line, BlockRules.head, BlockRules.separator,
BlockRules.pre_block, BlockRules.list,
BlockRules.table, BlockRules.text,
InlineRules.link, InlineRules.url,
InlineRules.inline_macro, InlineRules.macro_tag,
InlineRules.pre_inline, InlineRules.image,
InlineRules.strong, InlineRules.emphasis,
InlineRules.monospace, InlineRules.underline,
InlineRules.superscript, InlineRules.subscript,
InlineRules.small, InlineRules.delete,
InlineRules.escape, InlineRules.char
def verify_rules(rules, flags):
Simple verify the rules -> try to compile it ;)
# Test with re.compile
rule_list = []
for rule in rules:
# print rule
re.compile(rule, flags)
# Try to merge the rules. e.g. Check if group named double used.
re.compile('|'.join(rule_list), flags)
except Exception, err:
print " *** Error with rule:"
print rule
print " -" * 39
print "Rule test ok."
# If one rule failed, we can check this here.
# This schould be normaly off, only for debugging!
class Parser:
Parse the raw text and create a document object
that can be converted into output using Emitter.
# For pre escaping, in creole 1.0 done with ~:
pre_escape_re = re.compile(
SpecialRules.pre_escape, re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE
# for link descriptions:
link_re = re.compile(
'|'.join([InlineRules.image, InlineRules.linebreak, InlineRules.char]),
# for list items:
item_re = re.compile(
SpecialRules.item, re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE
# for table cells:
cell_re = re.compile(SpecialRules.cell, re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE)
# For block elements:
block_re = re.compile('|'.join(BLOCK_RULES), BLOCK_FLAGS)
# For inline elements:
inline_re = re.compile('|'.join(INLINE_RULES), INLINE_FLAGS)
def __init__(self, raw):
assert isinstance(raw, unicode)
self.raw = raw
self.root = DocNode('document', None)
self.cur = self.root # The most recent document node
self.text = None # The node to add inline characters to
self.last_text_break = None # Last break node, inserted by _text_repl()
def cleanup_break(self, old_cur):
remove unused end line breaks.
Should be called before a new block element.
<p>line one<br />
line two<br /> <--- remove this br-tag
if self.cur.children:
last_child = self.cur.children[-1]
if last_child.kind == "break":
def _upto(self, node, kinds):
Look up the tree to the first occurence
of one of the listed kinds of nodes or root.
Start at the node node.
self.cleanup_break(node) # remove unused end line breaks.
while node.parent is not None and not node.kind in kinds:
node = node.parent
return node
def _upto_block(self):
self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, ('document',))# 'section', 'blockquote'))
# The _*_repl methods called for matches in regexps. Sometimes the
# same method needs several names, because of group names in regexps.
def _text_repl(self, groups):
# print "_text_repl()", self.cur.kind, groups.get('break') != None
if self.cur.kind in ('table', 'table_row', 'bullet_list',
if self.cur.kind in ('document', 'section', 'blockquote'):
self.cur = DocNode('paragraph', self.cur)
self.parse_inline(groups.get('text', u""))
if groups.get('break') and self.cur.kind in ('paragraph',
'emphasis', 'strong', 'pre_inline'):
self.last_text_break = DocNode('break', self.cur, u"")
self.text = None
_break_repl = _text_repl
def _url_repl(self, groups):
"""Handle raw urls in text."""
if not groups.get('escaped_url'):
# this url is NOT escaped
target = groups.get('url_target', u"")
node = DocNode('link', self.cur)
node.content = target
DocNode('text', node, node.content)
self.text = None
# this url is escaped, we render it as text
if self.text is None:
self.text = DocNode('text', self.cur, u"")
self.text.content += groups.get('url_target')
_url_target_repl = _url_repl
_url_proto_repl = _url_repl
_escaped_url = _url_repl
def _link_repl(self, groups):
"""Handle all kinds of links."""
target = groups.get('link_target', u"")
text = (groups.get('link_text', u"") or u"").strip()
parent = self.cur
self.cur = DocNode('link', self.cur)
self.cur.content = target
self.text = None
re.sub(self.link_re, self._replace, text)
self.cur = parent
self.text = None
_link_target_repl = _link_repl
_link_text_repl = _link_repl
def _add_macro(self, groups, macro_type, name_key, args_key, text_key=None):
generic mathod to handle the macro, used for all variants:
inline, inline-tag, block
assert macro_type in ("macro_inline", "macro_block")
if text_key:
macro_text = groups.get(text_key, u"").strip()
macro_text = None
node = DocNode(macro_type, self.cur, macro_text)
node.macro_name = groups[name_key]
node.macro_args = groups.get(args_key, u"").strip()
self.text = None
def _macro_block_repl(self, groups):
block macro, e.g:
<<macro args="foo">>
self.cur = self.root
_macro_block_start_repl = _macro_block_repl
_macro_block_args_repl = _macro_block_repl
_macro_block_text_repl = _macro_block_repl
def _macro_tag_repl(self, groups):
A single macro tag, e.g.: <<macro-a foo="bar">> or <<macro />>
_macro_tag_name_repl = _macro_tag_repl
_macro_tag_args_repl = _macro_tag_repl
def _macro_inline_repl(self, groups):
inline macro tag with data, e.g.: <<macro>>text<</macro>>
_macro_inline_start_repl = _macro_inline_repl
_macro_inline_args_repl = _macro_inline_repl
_macro_inline_text_repl = _macro_inline_repl
def _image_repl(self, groups):
"""Handles images and attachemnts included in the page."""
target = groups.get('image_target', u"").strip()
text = (groups.get('image_text', u"") or u"").strip()
node = DocNode("image", self.cur, target)
DocNode('text', node, text or node.content)
self.text = None
_image_target_repl = _image_repl
_image_text_repl = _image_repl
def _separator_repl(self, groups):
DocNode('separator', self.cur)
def _item_repl(self, groups):
""" List item """
bullet = groups.get('item_head', u"")
text = groups.get('item_text', u"")
if bullet[-1] == '#':
kind = 'number_list'
kind = 'bullet_list'
level = len(bullet) - 1
lst = self.cur
# Find a list of the same kind and level up the tree
while (lst and
not (lst.kind in ('number_list', 'bullet_list') and
lst.level == level) and
not lst.kind in ('document', 'section', 'blockquote')):
lst = lst.parent
if lst and lst.kind == kind:
self.cur = lst
# Create a new level of list
self.cur = self._upto(self.cur,
('list_item', 'document', 'section', 'blockquote'))
self.cur = DocNode(kind, self.cur)
self.cur.level = level
self.cur = DocNode('list_item', self.cur)
self.cur.level = level + 1
self.text = None
_item_text_repl = _item_repl
_item_head_repl = _item_repl
def _list_repl(self, groups):
""" complete list """
self.item_re.sub(self._replace, groups["list"])
def _head_repl(self, groups):
node = DocNode('header', self.cur, groups['head_text'].strip())
node.level = len(groups['head_head'])
self.text = None
_head_head_repl = _head_repl
_head_text_repl = _head_repl
def _table_repl(self, groups):
row = groups.get('table', '|').strip()
self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, (
'table', 'document', 'section', 'blockquote'))
if self.cur.kind != 'table':
self.cur = DocNode('table', self.cur)
tb = self.cur
tr = DocNode('table_row', tb)
for m in self.cell_re.finditer(row):
cell = m.group('cell')
if cell:
text = cell.strip()
self.cur = DocNode('table_cell', tr)
self.text = None
text = m.group('head').strip('= ')
self.cur = DocNode('table_head', tr)
self.text = DocNode('text', self.cur, u"")
self.cur = tb
self.text = None
def _pre_block_repl(self, groups):
kind = groups.get('pre_block_kind', None)
text = groups.get('pre_block_text', u"")
def remove_tilde(m):
return m.group('indent') + m.group('rest')
text = self.pre_escape_re.sub(remove_tilde, text)
node = DocNode('pre_block', self.cur, text)
node.sect = kind or ''
self.text = None
_pre_block_text_repl = _pre_block_repl
_pre_block_head_repl = _pre_block_repl
_pre_block_kind_repl = _pre_block_repl
def _line_repl(self, groups):
""" Transfer newline from the original markup into the html code """
DocNode('line', self.cur, u"")
def _pre_inline_repl(self, groups):
text = groups.get('pre_inline_text', u"")
DocNode('pre_inline', self.cur, text)
self.text = None
_pre_inline_text_repl = _pre_inline_repl
_pre_inline_head_repl = _pre_inline_repl
def _inline_mark(self, groups, key):
self.cur = DocNode(key, self.cur)
self.text = None
text = groups["%s_text" % key]
self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, (key,)).parent
self.text = None
# TODO: How can we generalize that:
def _emphasis_repl(self, groups):
self._inline_mark(groups, key='emphasis')
_emphasis_text_repl = _emphasis_repl
def _strong_repl(self, groups):
self._inline_mark(groups, key='strong')
_strong_text_repl = _strong_repl
def _monospace_repl(self, groups):
self._inline_mark(groups, key='monospace')
_monospace_text_repl = _monospace_repl
def _superscript_repl(self, groups):
self._inline_mark(groups, key='superscript')
_superscript_text_repl = _superscript_repl
def _subscript_repl(self, groups):
self._inline_mark(groups, key='subscript')
_subscript_text_repl = _subscript_repl
def _underline_repl(self, groups):
self._inline_mark(groups, key='underline')
_underline_text_repl = _underline_repl
def _small_repl(self, groups):
self._inline_mark(groups, key='small')
_small_text_repl = _small_repl
def _delete_repl(self, groups):
self._inline_mark(groups, key='delete')
_delete_text_repl = _delete_repl
def _linebreak_repl(self, groups):
DocNode('break', self.cur, None)
self.text = None
def _escape_repl(self, groups):
if self.text is None:
self.text = DocNode('text', self.cur, u"")
self.text.content += groups.get('escaped_char', u"")
def _char_repl(self, groups):
if self.text is None:
self.text = DocNode('text', self.cur, u"")
self.text.content += groups.get('char', u"")
def _replace(self, match):
"""Invoke appropriate _*_repl method. Called for every matched group."""
# def debug(groups):
# from pprint import pformat
# data = dict([
# group for group in groups.iteritems() if group[1] is not None
# ])
# print "%s\n" % pformat(data)
groups = match.groupdict()
for name, text in groups.iteritems():
if text is not None:
#if name != "char": debug(groups)
replace_method = getattr(self, '_%s_repl' % name)
def parse_inline(self, raw):
"""Recognize inline elements inside blocks."""
re.sub(self.inline_re, self._replace, raw)
def parse_block(self, raw):
"""Recognize block elements."""
re.sub(self.block_re, self._replace, raw)
def parse(self):
"""Parse the text given as self.raw and return DOM tree."""
# convert all lineendings to \n
text = self.raw.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n")
return self.root
def debug(self, start_node=None):
Display the current document tree
print "_" * 80
if start_node == None:
start_node = self.root
print " document tree:"
print " tree from %s:" % start_node
print "=" * 80
def emit(node, ident=0):
for child in node.children:
print u"%s%s: %r" % (u" " * ident, child.kind, child.content)
emit(child, ident + 4)
print "*" * 80
def debug_groups(self, groups):
print "_" * 80
print " debug groups:"
for name, text in groups.iteritems():
if text is not None:
print "%15s: %r" % (name, text)
print "-" * 80
class DocNode:
A node in the document.
def __init__(self, kind='', parent=None, content=None):
self.children = []
self.parent = parent
self.kind = kind
if content:
assert isinstance(content, unicode)
self.content = content
if self.parent is not None:
def __str__(self):
# return "DocNode kind '%s', content: %r" % (self.kind, self.content)
return "<DocNode %s: %r>" % (self.kind, self.content)
def __repr__(self):
return u"<DocNode %s: %r>" % (self.kind, self.content)
def debug(self):
print "_" * 80
print "\tDocNode - debug:"
print "str(): %s" % self
print "attributes:"
for i in dir(self):
if i.startswith("_"):
print "%20s: %r" % (i, getattr(self, i, "---"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
print "doc test done."
print "-" * 80
txt = u"""
Bold and italics should //be
able// to cross lines.
But, should //not be...
...able// to cross paragraphs.
print txt
print "-" * 80
p = Parser(txt)
document = p.parse()
def display_match(match):
groups = match.groupdict()
for name, text in groups.iteritems():
if name != "char" and text != None:
print "%20s: %r" % (name, text)
parser = Parser(u"")
print "_" * 80
print "merged block rules test:"
re.sub(parser.block_re, display_match, txt)
print "_" * 80
print "merged inline rules test:"
re.sub(parser.inline_re, display_match, txt)
def test_single(rules, flags, txt):
for rule in rules:
rexp = re.compile(rule, flags)
rexp.sub(display_match, txt)
print "_" * 80
print "single block rules match test:"
test_single(BLOCK_RULES, BLOCK_FLAGS, txt)
print "_" * 80
print "single inline rules match test:"
test_single(INLINE_RULES, INLINE_FLAGS, txt)
print "---END---"