# coding: utf-8
PyLucid page statistics
A small page statistic middleware.
-replace the >TAG< with some stats. But only in HTML pages.
Based on http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/PageStatsMiddleware
database queries
We display only the the database queries count if debug is on. Otherwise
the database cursor doesn't count the sql statements and we always get 0 ;)
Some SQL print stuff from:
Put settings for debug_sql_queries() into settings.py:
Last commit info:
:copyleft: 2007-2009 by the PyLucid team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details.
import time
import inspect
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connection
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
# http://code.google.com/p/django-tools/
from django_tools.template.filters import human_duration
from pylucid_project.middlewares.utils import replace_content,cut_filename
# Save the start time of the current running python instance
start_overall = time.time()
TAG = u"<!-- script_duration -->"
# used if settings.DEBUG is off:
FMT = u"render time: %(total_time)s - overall: %(overall_time)s"
# used if settings.DEBUG is on:
FMT_DEBUG = FMT + u" - queries: %(query_count)d"
class SqlLoggingList(list):
""" Append some infomation on every query in debug mode. """
def _pformat_sql(self, query):
sql = query["sql"]
sql = sql.replace('`', '')
sql = sql.replace(' FROM ', '`FROM ')
sql = sql.replace(' WHERE ', '`WHERE ')
sql = sql.replace(' ORDER BY ', '`ORDER BY ')
return sql.split('`')
def append(self, query):
query["pformat"] = self._pformat_sql(query)
stack_list = inspect.stack()[1:]
for no, stack_line in enumerate(stack_list):
filename = stack_line[1]
if "pylucid" in filename or "pylucid_project" in filename:
stack_list = stack_list[no:no + STACK_LIMIT] # limit the displayed stack info
stack_info = []
for stack_line in reversed(stack_list):
"filename": cut_filename(stack_line[1]),
"lineno": stack_line[2],
"func_name": stack_line[3],
"code": stack_line[4]
query["stack_info"] = stack_info
list.append(self, query)
class PageStatsMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
save start time and database connections count.
self.start_time = time.time()
if settings.DEBUG:
# get number of db queries before we do anything
self.old_queries = len(connection.queries)
if settings.SQL_DEBUG:
connection.queries = SqlLoggingList(connection.queries)
def process_response(self, request, response):
calculate the statistic and replace it into the html page.
# Put only the statistic into HTML pages
if not "html" in response._headers["content-type"][1]:
# No HTML Page -> do nothing
return response
start_time = self.start_time
except AttributeError:
# FIXME: process_request() was not called?!?
return response
context = {
'total_time' : human_duration(time.time() - start_time),
'overall_time' : human_duration(time.time() - start_overall),
if settings.DEBUG:
# compute the db time for the queries just run, this information is
# only available if the debug cursor used
context["query_count"] = len(connection.queries) - self.old_queries
stat_info = FMT_DEBUG % context
# Used the template without queries
stat_info = FMT % context
# insert the page statistic
response = replace_content(response, TAG, stat_info)
if settings.DEBUG and settings.SQL_DEBUG:
# Insert all SQL queries into html page
context["queries"] = connection.queries
sql_info = render_to_string("pylucid/sql_debug.html", context)
response = replace_content(response, "</body>", sql_info)
return response