# coding: utf-8
Stuff needed to expand settings.INSTALLED_APPS and settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS
Important: We can't use any django things here. Because this module
would be imported in settings.py
from pylucid_project.utils.python_tools import has_init_file
import os
import warnings
import sys
class Plugin(object):
def __init__(self, pkg_path, section, pkg_dir):
self.pkg_path = pkg_path
self.section = section
self.pkg_dir = pkg_dir
class PyLucidPluginSetupInfo(dict):
def __init__(self, plugin_package_list, verbose=True):
super(PyLucidPluginSetupInfo, self).__init__()
self.verbose = verbose
# for expand: settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS
self.template_dirs = []
# for expand: settings.INSTALLED_APPS
self.installed_plugins = []
for base_path, section, pkg_dir in plugin_package_list:
# e.g.: (PYLUCID_BASE_PATH, "pylucid_project", "pylucid_plugins")
self.add(base_path, section, pkg_dir)
self.template_dirs = tuple(self.template_dirs)
self.installed_plugins = tuple(self.installed_plugins)
# print " *** template dirs:\n", "\n".join(self.template_dirs)
# print " *** installed plugins:\n", "\n".join(self.installed_plugins)
def _isdir(self, path):
if os.path.isdir(path):
return True
if self.verbose:
warnings.warn("path %r doesn't exist." % path)
return False
def add(self, base_path, section, pkg_dir):
Add all plugins in one filesystem path/packages.
e.g.: (PYLUCID_BASE_PATH, "pylucid_project", "pylucid_plugins")
if not self._isdir(base_path):
pkg_path = os.path.join(base_path, pkg_dir)
if not self._isdir(pkg_path):
if not has_init_file(pkg_path):
if self.verbose:
warnings.warn("plugin path %r doesn't contain a __init__.py file, skip." % pkg_path)
if pkg_path not in sys.path: # settings imported more than one time!
# print "append to sys.path: %r" % pkg_path
for plugin_name in os.listdir(pkg_path):
if plugin_name.startswith(".") or plugin_name.startswith("_"): # e.g. svn dir or __init__.py file
if plugin_name in self:
warnings.warn("Plugin %r exist more than one time." % plugin_name)
plugin_pkg = ".".join([section, pkg_dir, plugin_name])
if not has_init_file(os.path.join(pkg_path, plugin_name)):
if self.verbose:
warnings.warn("plugin '%s' doesn't contain a __init__.py file, skip." % plugin_pkg)
if self.verbose:
print "add plugin %r" % plugin_pkg
abs_template_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, plugin_name, "templates")
if os.path.isdir(abs_template_path):
self[plugin_name] = (pkg_path, section, pkg_dir)