configuration = {
'cs_you_tube': {
'id': 'cs_you_tube',
'title': 'YouTube video',
'render_id': 'youtube_source',
'desc': "Code Source to embed YouTube videos",
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_google_calendar': {
'id': 'cs_google_calendar',
'title': 'Google Calendar',
'render_id': 'google_calendar_source',
'desc': 'Code Source to embed a public Google Calendar.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_toc': {
'id': 'cs_toc',
'title': 'TOC',
'render_id': 'toc',
'desc': 'Displays a listing of items contained in folders and/or publications. Multiple listings are possible. This code source replaces the TOC element',
'cacheable': False,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_citation': {
'id': 'cs_citation',
'title': 'citation',
'render_id': 'render_citation',
'desc': 'A citation allows authors to include a reference, citing an author and a source.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_google_maps': {
'id': 'cs_google_maps',
'title': 'Code Source Google Maps iFrame',
'render_id': 'google_maps_source',
'desc': 'Code Source for Google Maps iFrame.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_network_image': {
'id': 'cs_network_image',
'title': 'Network Image',
'render_id': 'netimage',
'desc': 'Insert an image from the network with a link and/or tooltip.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_ms_video': {
'id': 'cs_ms_video',
'title': 'MS Video',
'render_id': 'video_script',
'desc': 'Embeds a Window Media Player movie.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_quicktime': {
'id': 'cs_quicktime',
'title': 'Quicktime',
'render_id': 'video_script',
'desc': 'Embedder for a Quicktime movie with configuration parameters.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_related_info': {
'id': 'cs_related_info',
'title': 'Related info',
'render_id': 'capsule',
'desc': 'Provide related info and crosslinks.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_flash': {
'id': 'cs_flash',
'title': 'Flash',
'render_id': 'flash_script',
'desc': 'Embeds a Flash movie in a page using parameters.',
'cacheable': False,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': False,
'cs_encaptionate': {
'id': 'cs_encaptionate',
'title': 'Encaptionated image',
'render_id': 'capsule',
'desc': 'Insert an image with title, link, caption, and/or credit.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_java_applet': {
'id': 'cs_java_applet',
'title': 'Java Applet',
'render_id': 'java_script',
'desc': 'Embeds a Java applet with parameters using the HTML applet tag.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': False,
'cs_java_plugin': {
'id': 'cs_java_plugin',
'title': 'Java Plugin',
'render_id': 'java_script',
'desc': 'Embeds a Java applet with the Java plug-in mechanism.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': False,
'cs_search_field': {
'id': 'cs_search_field',
'title': 'Search Field',
'render_id': 'layout',
'desc': 'Inserts a search field in a document. Requires SilvaFind.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,
'cs_flash_source': {
'id': 'cs_flash_source',
'title': 'Flash Source',
'render_id': 'embedder',
'desc': 'This Code Source embeds a Flash file (swf or flv) in a page and provides a form for easy parameter configuration.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': False,
'cs_portlet_element': {
'id': 'cs_portlet_element',
'title': 'Portlet Element',
'render_id': 'portlet_element',
'desc': 'Code Source to include Silva Documents within other Silva Documents.',
'cacheable': True,
'elaborate': False,
'previewable': True,