##parameters=ref, controller, autoplay, width='', height=''
# Embeds movies using the Windows Media Player. This Code Source
# was developped to embed *.avi files - therefore it uses the
# clsid of the class ID of the Windows Media Player 6
# (clsid:05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A) instead of the newer
# ID of the Player versions 7 - 10
# (clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6), which did not work with
# *.avi files. Furthermore it includes 'type="application/x-mplayer2"' in
# the embed tag (the 'video/x-ms-wmv' type would work too, but this Code
# Source explicitely calls for the Windows Media Player). The Windows
# Media Player Plug-in DLL in Firefox does not listen to the extension
# *.avi or its correct MIME-type, 'video/x-msvideo' (or 'video/avi').
model = context.REQUEST.model
if ref.find('://') == -1:
video = model.restrictedTraverse(str(ref))
video_url = video.absolute_url()
video_url = ref
if width == '':
width_attr = ''
width_attr = 'width="%s" ' % width
if height == '':
height_attr = ''
height_attr = 'height="%s" ' % height
if controller == 'true':
embed_controller = '1'
embed_controller = '0'
if autoplay == 'true':
embed_autoplay = '1'
embed_autoplay = '0'
return """
<p class="p">
<object %(width_attr)s%(height_attr)s classid="clsid:05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A">
<param name="src" value="%(video_url)s" />
<param name="autostart" value="%(embed_autoplay)s" />
<param name="showcontrols" value="%(embed_controller)s" />
<embed %(width_attr)s%(height_attr)ssrc="%(video_url)s"
type="application/x-mplayer2" autostart="%(autoplay)s" showcontrols="%(controller)s" />
""" % {"width_attr":width_attr, "height_attr":height_attr, "video_url":video_url,
"embed_autoplay":embed_autoplay, "embed_controller":embed_controller, "autoplay":autoplay, "controller":controller}
#return """
#<p class="p">
#<object %s%s classid="clsid:05589FA1-C356-11CE-BF01-00AA0055595A">
#<param name="src" value="%s" />
#<param name="autostart" value="%s" />
#<param name="showcontrols" value="%s" />
#<embed %s%ssrc="%s"
#type="application/x-mplayer2" autostart="%s" showcontrols="%s" />
#""" % (width_attr, height_attr, video_url, embed_autoplay, embed_controller,
#width_attr, height_attr, video_url, autoplay, controller)