#!/usr/bin/env python
""" net_flow.py: Network Maximum Flow Graph.
Copyright (C) 2001 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@samba-tng.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This is an almost line-for-line translation of the original c code,
Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Raph Levien <raph@acm.org>
f = NetFlow()
f.netflow_add_edge(item1, item2)
f.netflow_add_edge(class1, item2)
f.netflow_add_edge(..., ...)
capacity_list = [NNNN, NNN, NN, NN, N, N, N]
mf1 = f.netflow_max_flow_extract(supersink, capacity_list)
mf2 = f.netflow_max_flow_extract(supersink2, capacity_list)
note: items (nodes) are stored in a dictionary. therefore,
[just in case you're new to python] you can therefore evaluate
anything. names, strings, unicode, numbers, tuples, complex
numbers, classes - whatever you like. python is cool.
TODO: look at Raph's paper, get the formula for the recommended
capacity calculations (which are based on the number of nodes)
and use that as the default for if capacity_list is None
TRUE = 1
class Debug:
""" why on earth this isn't a base-class in python,
i do _not_ know. *sigh*
def __init__(self):
self.debug_level = 0
self.warnings = []
def set_debuglevel(self, level):
self.debug_level = level
def get_debuglevel(self):
return self.debug_level
def debug(self, str, level=1):
if level <= self.debug_level:
print str
def warning(self, str):
def add_warnings(self, war):
self.warnings += war
def get_warnings(self):
return self.warnings
class NetFlowPriv(Debug):
""" This class represents edges' view of the nodes
def __init__(self, succs):
self.edge_src = []
self.edge_dst = []
self.edge_flow = []
self.node_sink = {} # 1 if there is flow from this node to the supersink
self.node_flow = {} # total flow through the node
self.node_in_edges = {}
self.node_out_edges = {}
self.capacity = None # capacity of each node
def __netflow_init_graph(self, nf):
""" This method initializes the graph data
structures used for network flow
computation, based on the successor
list created by repeated invocation
of add_edge().
for i in nf.succs.keys():
self.node_sink[i] = 0
self.node_flow[i] = 0
self.node_in_edges[i] = []
self.node_out_edges[i] = []
for src in nf.succs.keys():
for dst in nf.succs[src]:
if src == dst: # exclude all node self-references
e = len(self.edge_flow)
def netflow_from_tree(self, pred_list, node_names):
""" netflow_from_tree: Set up flows in graph based on tree assignment.
@self: The #NetFlowPriv context.
@pred_list: The tree assignment, in predecessor form.
@node_names: list of node names
for node in node_names:
last = -1
if pred_list[node] == -1:
self.node_sink[node] = 1
ix = node
while ix != last:
# increment node flow
next = pred_list[ix]
self.node_flow[ix] += 1
if ix != next:
# find edge from next to ix and increment edge flow
for edge in self.node_in_edges[ix]:
if self.edge_src[edge] == next:
self.edge_flow[edge] += 1
last = ix
ix = next
def netflow_sanity_check_tree(self, seed, pred, node_list):
result = 0
caps = {}
for node in node_list:
cap = self.capacity[node]
if cap < 0:
cap = 0
caps[node] = cap
for node in node_list:
if pred[node] >= 0:
n = node
last = -1
while n != last:
caps[n] -= 1
last = n
n = pred[n]
for node in node_list:
if caps[node] < 0:
cap = self.capacity[node]
if cap < 0:
cap = 0
self.debug("Node %d flow %d over capacity %d" % \
(node, cap - caps[node], cap))
result = -1
return result
def tweak_flow(self):
""" tweaks the flow. ??
for i in self.node_flow.keys():
self.node_flow[i] -= self.node_sink[i]
self.capacity[i] -= 1
def netflow_augment(self, seed, node_list):
""" netflow_augment: Add a unit augmenting path to the flow.
@self: The #NetFlow context.
@seed: The seed, i.e. first node in the path.
@node_list: List of node names
Do see sim/NetFlow.java for more implementation comments.
Return value: TRUE if an augmenting path exists.
visited_in = {}
visited_out = {}
queue = []
queue_dir = []
pred = []
result = 0
for i in node_list:
visited_in[i] = FALSE
visited_out[i] = FALSE
# visit seed-in
visited_in[seed] = TRUE
q_beg = 0
while q_beg < len(queue) :
node = queue[q_beg]
node_dir = queue_dir[q_beg]
self.debug("visit node %s " % node,)
if node_dir:
if (node_dir != TWEAK) and self.node_sink[node] == 0:
# found a path to the supersink, now actually augment
self.node_sink[node] = 1
q_ptr = q_beg
while q_ptr != 0:
node_dir = queue_dir[q_ptr]
q_ptr = pred[q_ptr]
pred_node = queue[q_ptr]
if node_dir:
self.debug(" %si->%so:" % (str(pred_node), str(node)),)
self.debug(" %so->%si:" % (str(pred_node), str(node)),)
if pred_node == node:
if node_dir:
# edge from in to out
self.debug(" %s += 1" % str(node))
self.node_flow[node] += 1
# edge from out to in (ie reversing)
self.debug(" %s -= 1" % str(node))
self.node_flow[node] -= 1
if not node_dir:
# find the edge from pred_node to node and
# increment flow
edges = self.node_in_edges[node]
for edge in edges:
if self.edge_src[edge] == pred_node:
self.debug(" (%so->%si) += 1" % \
(str(pred_node), str(node)),)
self.edge_flow[edge] += 1
# find the edge from node to pred_node and
# decrement flow
edges = self.node_out_edges[node]
for edge in edges:
if self.edge_dst[edge] == pred_node:
self.debug(" (%so->%si) -= 1" % \
(str(node), str(pred_node)),)
self.edge_flow[edge] -= 1
node = pred_node
result = TRUE
# have not found supersink, trace edges from current node
if (not node_dir) and \
(self.node_flow[node] < self.capacity[node]) \
and not visited_out[node]:
visited_out[node] = TRUE
self.debug("add %so to queue (from %si)" % \
(str(node), str(node)))
elif node_dir and (self.node_flow[node] > 0) and \
not visited_in[node]:
# backwards flow from out to in residual graph
visited_in[node] = TRUE
self.debug("add %si to queue (from %so)" % \
(str(node), str(node)))
# now, follow the incident edges (in original graph)
if node_dir:
# outgoing edges
edges = self.node_out_edges[node]
for edge in edges:
dst = self.edge_dst[edge]
if not visited_in[dst]:
self.debug("add %si to queue" % str(dst))
visited_in[dst] = TRUE
# ingoing edges
edges = self.node_in_edges[node]
for edge in edges:
src = self.edge_src[edge]
if (not visited_out[src]) and self.edge_flow[edge] > 0:
self.debug("add %do to queue" % src)
visited_out[src] = TRUE
q_beg += 1
# you wouldn't believe how much memory python uses up
# on a 10,000-edge graph if you don't delete these...
del queue
del queue_dir
del pred
return result
def netflow_sanity_check(self, seed, node_list):
""" netflow_sanity_check: Check that flow
satisfies constraints.
@self: The #NetFlow context.
@seed: The seed.
@node_list: List of node names
Checks that:
+ For all in nodes other than seed,
the sum of inedge flow is equal to
supersink flow plus node flow.
+ For all out nodes, the sum of outedge
flow is equal to node flow.
+ All flows are nonnegative.
+ All supersink flows are either 0 or 1.
+ All node flows are
less-than-or-equal-to the capacity.
Return value: 0 if ok.
result = 0
for e in self.edge_flow:
if e < 0:
self.warning("Negative edge flow")
result = -1
for n in node_list:
if self.node_sink[n] < 0 or self.node_sink[n] > 1:
self.warning("Node %s flow %d to sink\n" % \
(str(n), self.node_sink[n]))
result = -1
if self.node_flow[n] < 0:
self.warning("Negative node %s flow %d\n" % \
(str(n), self.node_flow[n]))
result = -1
cap = self.capacity[n]
if cap < 0:
cap = 0
if self.node_flow[n] > cap:
self.warning("Node %s flow %d over capacity %d\n" % \
(str(n), self.node_flow[n], self.capacity[n]))
result = -1
if n != seed:
in_edges = self.node_in_edges[n]
flow = 0
for e in in_edges:
if self.edge_dst[e] != n:
self.warning("Edge/node data structure inconsistency\n")
result = -1
flow += self.edge_flow[e]
if flow != self.node_flow[n] + self.node_sink[n]:
self.warning("Flow inconsistency, node %sin\n" % str(n))
result = -1
out_edges = self.node_out_edges[n]
flow = 0
for e in out_edges:
if self.edge_src[e] != n:
self.warning("Edge/node data structure inconsistency\n")
result = -1
flow += self.edge_flow[e]
if flow != self.node_flow[n]:
self.warning ("Flow inconsistency, node %sout, node_flow = %d, sum of flow is %d\n" % \
(str(n), self.node_flow[n], flow))
result = -1
return result
def netflow_max_flow(self, seed, pred_list, node_list):
* netflow_max_flow: Compute a maximum flow.
* @self: The #NetFlowPriv context.
* @seed: The seed.
* @pred_list: The tree assignment, in predecessor form.
* @node_list: List of node names
* Computes a network flow, storing the results in the priv element
* of @self.
self.netflow_sanity_check_tree(seed, pred_list, node_list)
# if enabled, start from tree flow rather than zero
self.netflow_from_tree(pred_list, node_list)
del pred_list
self.netflow_sanity_check(seed, node_list)
n_aug = 0
while self.netflow_augment(seed, node_list):
n_aug += 1
if n_aug % 100 == 0:
self.debug("%d augmentations" % n_aug)
self.debug("total flow %d with %d augmentations" % \
(self.node_flow[seed], n_aug))
self.netflow_sanity_check(seed, node_list)
def netflow_extract(self):
""" netflow_extract: Extract flow.
Extracts the flow from netflow_max_flow().
The resulting array has a 1 or 0
depending on whether the node is
Call this function once only per NetFlow
node_paths = {}
for node in self.node_sink.keys():
node_paths[node] = self.node_sink[node]
return node_paths
class NetFlow(Debug):
""" This class represents a nodes' view of the edges.
def __init__(self):
self.succs = {} # dict by node of list of successors
self.paths_to_sink = {} #
def num_nodes(self):
return len(self.succs)
def netflow_find_node(self, name):
""" finds a node _or_ adds a blank one
(with no edges yet, of course)
if not self.succs.has_key(name):
self.succs[name] = []
return name
def netflow_add_edge(self, src, dst):
""" adds an edge from src to dst. due to the way that
netflow_find_node works, the two nodes are created
if they didn't already exist.
src_id = self.netflow_find_node(src)
dst_id = self.netflow_find_node(dst)
succs = self.succs[src_id]
if dst_id not in succs:
def get_avg_capacity(self):
""" get_avg_capacity: must have called netflow_assign_capacities()
return self.avg_capacity
def netflow_assign_capacities(self, seed, caps):
n_nodes = self.num_nodes()
assert n_nodes > 0, "no edges!"
capacity = {}
for i in self.succs.keys():
capacity[i] = -1
node_list = []
beg_nl = 0
end_nl = 1
cap = caps[0]
capacity[seed] = cap
cap_sum = cap
# breadth first search
iter_num = 1
while end_nl > beg_nl:
new_end_nl = end_nl
if iter_num < len(caps):
cap = caps[iter_num]
j = beg_nl
while j < end_nl:
ix = node_list[j]
for succ in self.succs[ix]:
if capacity[succ] == -1:
capacity[succ] = cap
cap_sum += cap
if new_end_nl == len(node_list):
node_list[new_end_nl] = succ
new_end_nl += 1
j += 1
beg_nl = end_nl
end_nl = new_end_nl
iter_num += 1
self.avg_capacity = cap_sum / n_nodes
del node_list
return capacity
def netflow_assign_tree(self, seed, caps, priv):
""" Do a greedy assignment into a tree. Return a
predecessor represenation of the tree.
n_nodes = self.num_nodes()
assert priv.capacity is None, "capacity previously initialised!"
priv.capacity = self.netflow_assign_capacities(seed, caps)
pred = {}
children = {}
resid_cap = {}
start_assign = [0] * len(caps)
child_ix = [0] * len(caps)
for i in self.succs.keys():
resid_cap[i] = priv.capacity[i]
pred[i] = -1
children[i] = []
pred[seed] = seed
resid_cap[seed] -= 1
for level in range(len(caps)):
cur_assign = 0
cur_node = seed
cur_depth = 0
cap = resid_cap[seed]
child_ix[cur_depth] = 0
start_assign[0] = cur_assign
while 1:
if cur_depth == level:
# add children of cur_node to tree, respecting capacity
# constraint
succ = self.succs[cur_node]
children[cur_node] = []
for j_ix in succ:
if cap <= 0:
if pred[j_ix] == -1:
pred[j_ix] = cur_node
resid_cap[j_ix] -= 1
cur_assign += 1
cap -= 1
resid_cap[cur_node] = cap
if level == 0:
# traverse up the stack
while cur_depth > 0:
cur_depth -= 1
cur_node = pred[cur_node]
resid_cap[cur_node] -= cur_assign - start_assign[cur_depth]
start_assign[cur_depth] = cur_assign
cap = resid_cap[cur_node]
if child_ix[cur_depth] < len(children[cur_node]):
if cur_depth == 0 and child_ix[0] == len(children[cur_node]):
# not at the bottom level, go to next
if child_ix[cur_depth] < len(children[cur_node]):
cur_node = children[cur_node][child_ix[cur_depth]]
if cap > resid_cap[cur_node]:
cap = resid_cap[cur_node]
resid_cap[cur_node] = cap
child_ix[cur_depth] += 1
cur_depth += 1
child_ix[cur_depth] = 0
start_assign[cur_depth] = cur_assign
# no children remaining at this level, up one
if cur_depth == 0:
cur_depth -= 1
cur_node = pred[cur_node]
resid_cap[cur_node] -= cur_assign - start_assign[cur_depth]
start_assign[cur_depth] = cur_assign
cap = resid_cap[cur_node]
return pred
def netflow_max_flow(self, seed, caps):
* netflow_max_flow: Compute a maximum flow.
* @self: The #NetFlow context.
* @seed: The seed.
* @caps: The capacities.
* Computes a network flow, storing the results in priv
priv = NetFlowPriv(self)
pred_list = self.netflow_assign_tree(seed, caps, priv)
node_list = self.succs.keys()
priv.netflow_max_flow(seed, pred_list, node_list)
return priv
def netflow_max_flow_extract(self, seed, caps):
""" performs and extracts a maximum flow network flow.
returns a dictionary with the node
names as keys and the values as 0 to
indicate no flow reached that node
and 1 to indicate that it did.
priv = self.netflow_max_flow(seed, caps)
u_flow = priv.netflow_extract()
del priv
# print all warnings, just for fun
warnings = self.get_warnings()
if len(warnings) > 0:
for w in warnings:
print w
return u_flow
def test():
from pprint import pprint
# large test of max flow.
# notes.
# this test is to double-check that if you have a large
# group of nodes that are interlinked to each other, and
# another group that is interlinked to itself and the first
# group, that none of the second group gets any flow.
# it's also quite a good test of the amount of
# time / memory this takes up (about 1k per node).
# try 100,000: it's fun!
from whrandom import randint
f = NetFlow()
f.netflow_add_edge("-", 0)
len = 10000
for i in range(len):
f.netflow_add_edge(randint(0, len/4), randint(0, len/4))
f.netflow_add_edge(randint(len/4+1, len/2), randint(0, len/2))
e = f.netflow_max_flow_extract("-", [800, 200, 50, 12, 4, 2, 1])
for x in e.keys():
if type(x) == type(0) and x > (len/4) and e[x] != 0:
raise ("untrusted group (%d->%d) linked to trusted (0->%d)\n" % \
(len/4+1, len/2, len/4))
print "random test passed ok"
# pretty test of max flow.
# notes.
# mary and bob like each other, but the seeds aren't
# interested in mary and bob, so they don't show up
# in the max flow diagram.
# fleas ad infinitum is so far down from the seeds that
# despite being linked, no flow reaches it: the
# available capacity, which is limited in this test to
# 7 degrees away from the supersink ("-") _anyway_,
# is all used up.
# 1: -, 2: seed, 3: heather, 4: rob,
# 5: fleas, 6: lit-f, 7: less-f - whoops! 8: fad.
# yeah, that's right. the capacity chain is only 7-long
# so anything beyond 7 degrees from the supersink isn't
# included. cool.
# the second test is what heather likes, and heather's likes'
# likes, and heather's likes' likes' likes... etc., up to
# 7 degrees. which is why fleas ad infinitum _is_ shown
# in the flow, this time. cool.
f = NetFlow()
f.netflow_add_edge("-", "seed")
f.netflow_add_edge("-", "seed2")
f.netflow_add_edge("seed", "heather")
f.netflow_add_edge("seed2", "heather")
f.netflow_add_edge("seed", 55)
f.netflow_add_edge("seed", u"luke")
f.netflow_add_edge(55, 10)
f.netflow_add_edge(10, u"luke")
f.netflow_add_edge(u"luke", "heather")
f.netflow_add_edge("heather", u"luke")
f.netflow_add_edge("heather", "flat-faced cat")
f.netflow_add_edge("flat-faced cat", "heather")
f.netflow_add_edge("luke", "flat-faced cat")
f.netflow_add_edge("heather", "mo the mad orange pony")
f.netflow_add_edge("heather", "robbie the old crock pony")
f.netflow_add_edge("robbie the old crock pony", "fleas")
f.netflow_add_edge("fleas", "little fleas")
f.netflow_add_edge("little fleas", "lesser fleas")
f.netflow_add_edge("lesser fleas", "fleas ad infinitum")
f.netflow_add_edge("bob", "heather")
f.netflow_add_edge("bob", "mary")
f.netflow_add_edge("mary", "bob")
print "pretty node graph (yes, the numbers 55 and 10 are nodes):"
e = f.netflow_max_flow_extract("-", [800, 200, 50, 12, 4, 2, 1])
print "supersink as seed - avg_capacity:", f.get_avg_capacity()
e = f.netflow_max_flow_extract("heather", [800, 200, 50, 12, 4, 2, 1])
print "heather as seed - avg_capacity:", f.get_avg_capacity()
if __name__ == '__main__':