#! /usr/local/bin/python -O
# factor a graph G on A x B into
# a lists L and list of pairs G2 on int x int
# such that (a,b) in G iff (i,j) in G2 where L[i], L[j] == a,b
# got that?
# The basic idea is that if the elements of G are (say)
# large strings and G is dense, then it saves space to
# marshal G to a file as a sequence of indices, rather
# than storing G directly.
# for greater space efficiency the list of pairs is spit
# into two lists (leftmembers, rightmembers)
def factor(G):
from kjbuckets import kjSet,kjGraph
allnodes = kjSet(G.keys()) + kjSet(G.values())
allnodelist = allnodes.items()
allnodemap = map(None, allnodelist, range(len(allnodelist)))
nodetoindex = kjGraph(allnodemap)
pairs = G.items()
left = pairs[:]
right = left[:]
for i in xrange(len(left)):
(l, r) = pairs[i]
left[i], right[i] = nodetoindex[l], nodetoindex[r]
return (left, right), allnodelist
# and back again
def unfactor(indexpairs, allnodelist):
from kjbuckets import kjGraph
from time import time
now = time()
(left, right) = indexpairs
size = len(left)
result = kjGraph(size)
for i in xrange(size):
result[allnodelist[left[i]]] = allnodelist[right[i]]
#print time() - now
return result
def test():
from kjbuckets import kjGraph
G = kjGraph( map(None, "pumpernickle", "nicklepumppp") )
print G
(iG, l) = factor(G)
print iG, l
G2 = unfactor(iG, l)
print G2
if G!=G2: print "OOPS"
if __name__=="__main__": test()