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Gadfly » gadflyZip » gadfly » kjParseBuild.py
"""Python code for building a parser from a grammar

:Author: Aaron Watters
:Maintainers: http://gadfly.sf.net/
:Copyright: Aaron Robert Watters, 1994
:Id: $Id: kjParseBuild.py,v 1.6 2002/05/11 02:59:04 richard Exp $:

#  A bad grammar that has no derivations for
#  the root nonterminal may cause a name error
#  on the variable "GoodStartingPlace"

# this needs to be modified so the RULEGRAM is loaded from a
# compiled representation if available.

import string
import kjSet
import kjParser
import re

# import some constants


# errors raised here
TokenError = "TokenError" # may happen on autogen with bad grammar
NotSLRError = "NotSLRError" # may happen for nonSLR grammar

# set this flag to abort automatic generation on Errors

# token used to mark null productions
NULLTOKEN = (None,None)

class CFSMachine(kjParser.FSMachine):
    ''' a derived FSM class, with closure computation methods defined
        (compilable FSMachine)
    def __init__(self, nonterm):
        kjParser.FSMachine.__init__(self, nonterm)

    def Eclosure(self, Epsilon, DoNullMaps=0):
        ''' return the epsilon closure of the FSM as a new FSM

            DoNullMap, if set, will map unexpected tokens to
            the "empty" state (usually creating a really big fsm)
        Closure = CFSMachine( self.root_nonTerminal )

        # compute the Epsilon Graph between states
        EGraph = kjSet.NewDG([])
        for State in range(0,self.maxState+1):
            # every state is E-connected to self
            kjSet.AddArc( EGraph, State, State )
            # add possible transition on epsilon (ONLY ONE SUPPORTED!)
            key = (State, Epsilon)
            if self.StateTokenMap.has_key(key):
                keymap = self.StateTokenMap[key]
                if keymap[0][0] != MOVETOFLAG:
                    raise TypeError, "unexpected map type in StateTokenMap"
                for (Flag,ToState) in keymap:
                    kjSet.AddArc( EGraph, State, ToState )
        # transitively close EGraph
        kjSet.TransClose( EGraph )

        # Translate EGraph into a dictionary of lists
        EMap = {}
        for State in range(0,self.maxState+1):
            EMap[State] = kjSet.Neighbors( EGraph, State )

        # make each e-closure of each self.state a state of the closure FSM.
        # here closure states assumed transient -- reset elsewhere.
        # first do the initial state
        Closure.States[ Closure.initial_state ] = \
           [TRANSFLAG, kjSet.NewSet(EMap[self.initial_state]) ]
        # do all other states (save initial and successful final states)
        #for State in range(0,self.maxState+1):
        #   if State != self.initial_state \
        #    and State != self.successful_final_state:
        #      Closure.NewSetState(TRANSFLAG, kjSet.NewSet(EMap[State]) )

        # compute set of all known tokens EXCEPT EPSILON
        Tokens = kjSet.NewSet( [] )
        for (State, Token) in self.StateTokenMap.keys():
            if Token != Epsilon:
                kjSet.addMember(Token, Tokens)
        # tranform it into a list
        Tokens = kjSet.get_elts(Tokens)

        # for each state of the the closure FSM (past final) add transitions
        # and add new states as needed until all states are processed
        # (uses convention that states are allocated sequentially)
        ThisClosureState = 1
        while ThisClosureState <= Closure.maxState:
            MemberStates = kjSet.get_elts(Closure.States[ThisClosureState][1])
            # for each possible Token, compute the union UTrans of all
            # e-closures for all transitions for all member states,
            # on the Token, make  UTrans a new state (if needed),
            # and transition ThisClosureState to UTrans on Token
            for Token in Tokens:
                UTrans = kjSet.NewSet( [] )
                for MState in MemberStates:
                    # if MState has a transition on Token, include
                    # EMap for the destination state
                    key = (MState, Token)
                    if self.StateTokenMap.has_key(key):
                        DStateTup = self.StateTokenMap[key]
                        if DStateTup[0][0] != MOVETOFLAG:
                            raise TypeError, "unknown map type"
                        for (DFlag, DState) in DStateTup:
                            for EDState in EMap[DState]:
                                kjSet.addMember(EDState, UTrans)
                #endfor MState
                # register UTrans as a new state if needed
                UTState = Closure.NewSetState(TRANSFLAG, UTrans)
                # record transition from
                # ThisClosureState to UTState on Token
                if DoNullMaps:
                    Closure.SetMap( ThisClosureState, Token, UTState)
                    if not kjSet.Empty(UTrans):
                        Closure.SetMap( ThisClosureState, Token, UTState)
            #endfor Token
            ThisClosureState = ThisClosureState +1
        return Closure

    def NewSetState(self, kind, InSet):
        ''' add an set-marked state to self if not present
            uses self.States[s][1] as the set marking the state s

            only used by Eclosure above
        # return existing state if one is present that matches the set
        LastState= self.maxState
        # skip state 0 (successful final state)???
        for State in range(1,LastState+1):
            MarkSet = self.States[State][1]
            if kjSet.Same(InSet,MarkSet):
                return State  # nonlocal
        # if not exited then allocate a new state
        LastState = LastState + 1
        self.States[LastState] = [ kind , InSet ]
        self.maxState = LastState
        return LastState

class Ruleset:
    ''' Ruleset class, used to compute NFA and then DFA for parsing based on
        a list of rules.
    def __init__(self, StartNonterm, Rulelist):
        self.StartNonterm = StartNonterm
        self.Rules = Rulelist

    def compFirst(self):
        ''' method to compute prefixes and First sets for nonterminals
        # uses the special null production token NULLTOKEN
        # snarfed directly from Aho+Ullman (terminals glossed)
        First = kjSet.NewDG([])
        # repeat the while loop until no change is made to First
        done = 0
        while not done:
            # assume we're done until a change is made to First
            done = 1

            # iterate through all rules looking for a new arc to add
            # indicating Terminal > possible first token derivation
            for R in self.Rules:
                GoalNonterm = R.Nonterm
                Bodylength = len(R.Body)
                # look through the body of the rule up to the token with
                # no epsilon production (yet seen)
                Bodyindex = 0
                Processindex = 1
                while Processindex:
                    # unless otherwise indicated below, don't go to next token
                    Processindex = 0

                    # if index is past end of body then record
                    # an epsilon production for this nonterminal
                    if Bodyindex >= Bodylength:
                        if not kjSet.HasArc(First, GoalNonterm, NULLTOKEN ):
                            kjSet.AddArc( First, GoalNonterm, NULLTOKEN )
                            done = 0 # change made to First
                        # otherwise try to add firsts of this token
                        # to firsts of the Head of the rule.
                        Token = R.Body[Bodyindex]
                        (type, name) = Token
                        if type in (KEYFLAG,TERMFLAG):
                            # try to add this terminal to First for GoalNonterm
                            if not kjSet.HasArc(First, GoalNonterm, Token):
                                kjSet.AddArc( First, GoalNonterm, Token)
                                done = 0
                        elif type == NONTERMFLAG:
                            # try to add each First entry for nonterminal
                            # to First entry for GoalNonterm
                            for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors( First, Token ):
                                if not kjSet.HasArc(First, GoalNonterm, FToken):
                                    kjSet.AddArc( First, GoalNonterm, FToken)
                                    done = 0
                            # does this nonterminal have a known e production?
                            if kjSet.HasArc( First, Token, NULLTOKEN ):
                                # if so, process next token in rule
                                Processindex = 1
                            raise TokenError, "unknown token type in rule body"
                    Bodyindex = Bodyindex + 1
                #endwhile Processindex
            #endfor R in self.Rules
        #endwhile not done
        self.First = First

    def compFollow(self):
        ''' computing the Follow set for the ruleset
            the good news: I think it's correct.
            the bad news: It's slower than it needs to be for epsilon cases.
        Follow = kjSet.NewDG([])

        # put end marker on follow of start nonterminal
        kjSet.AddArc(Follow, self.StartNonterm, kjParser.ENDOFFILETOKEN)

        # now compute other follows using the rules;
        # repeat the loop until no change to Follow.
        while not self.compFollowRules(Follow):

        self.Follow = Follow

    def compFollowRules(self, Follow):
        done = 1 # assume done unless Follow changes
        for R in self.Rules:
            newdone = self.compFollowRule(Follow, R)
            if not newdone: done = 0
        return done

    def compFollowRule(self, Follow, R):
        done = 1
        # work backwards in the rule body to
        # avoid retesting for epsilon nonterminals
        Bodylength = len(R.Body)
        # the tail of rule may expand to null
        EpsilonTail = 1
        # loop starts at the last
        for BodyIndex in range(Bodylength-1, -1, -1):
            Token = R.Body[BodyIndex]
            (Ttype,Tname) = Token

            if Ttype not in (KEYFLAG, TERMFLAG, NONTERMFLAG):
                raise TokenError, "unknown token type in rule body"

            if Ttype in (KEYFLAG,TERMFLAG):
                # keywords etc cancel epsilon tail, otherwise ignore
                EpsilonTail = 0

            # if the tail expands to epsilon, map
            # follow for the goal nonterminal to this token
            # and also follow for the tail nonterms
            if EpsilonTail:
                # add follow for goal
                for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(Follow,R.Nonterm):
                    if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow, Token, FToken):
                        kjSet.AddArc(Follow, Token, FToken)
                        # follow changed, loop again
                        done = 0
                # add follow for tail members
                #for Index2 in range(BodyIndex+1, Bodylength):
                #   TailToken = R.Body[Index2]
                #   for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(Follow,TailToken):
                #       if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow,Token,FToken):
                #          kjSet.AddArc(Follow,Token,FToken)
                #          done = 0
            #endif EpsilonTail

            # if we are not at the end use First set for next token
            if BodyIndex != Bodylength-1:
                NextToken = R.Body[BodyIndex+1]
                (NTtype, NTname) = NextToken
                if NTtype in (KEYFLAG,TERMFLAG):
                    if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow, Token, NextToken):
                        kjSet.AddArc(Follow, Token, NextToken)
                        done = 0
                elif NTtype == NONTERMFLAG:
                    for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(self.First, NextToken):
                        if FToken != NULLTOKEN:
                            if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow, Token, FToken):
                                kjSet.AddArc(Follow, Token, FToken)
                                done = 0
                        # next token expands to epsilon:
                        # add its follow, unless already done above
                        for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(Follow, NextToken):
                            if not kjSet.HasArc(Follow, Token, FToken):
                                kjSet.AddArc(Follow, Token, FToken)
                                done = 0
                    raise TokenError, "unknown token type in rule body"

            # finally, check whether next iteration has epsilon tail
            if not kjSet.HasArc(self.First, Token, NULLTOKEN):
                EpsilonTail = 0

        return done

    def DumpFirstFollow(self):
        First = self.First
        Follow = self.Follow
        print "First:"
        for key in First.keys():
            name = key[1]
            print name," :: ",
            for (flag2,name2) in First[key].keys():
                print name2,", ",
        print "Follow:"
        for key in Follow.keys():
            name = key[1]
            print name," :: ",
            for (flag2,name2) in Follow[key].keys():
                print name2,", ",

    def FirstOfTail(self, Rule, TailIndex, Token=None):
        ''' computing the "first" of the tail of a rule followed by an optional

            doesn't include NULLTOKEN
            requires self.First to be computed
        Result = kjSet.NewSet( [] )
        # go through all tokens in rule tail so long as there is a
        #  null derivation for the remainder
        Nullprefix = 1
        BodyLength = len(Rule.Body)
        ThisIndex = TailIndex
        while Nullprefix and ThisIndex < BodyLength:
            RToken = Rule.Body[ThisIndex]
            (RTtype, RTname) = RToken
            if RTtype == NONTERMFLAG:
                for FToken in kjSet.Neighbors(self.First, RToken):
                    if FToken != NULLTOKEN:
                        kjSet.addMember(FToken, Result)
                # check whether this symbol might have a null production
                if not kjSet.HasArc(self.First, RToken, NULLTOKEN):
                    Nullprefix = 0
            elif RTtype in [KEYFLAG, TERMFLAG]:
                kjSet.addMember(RToken, Result)
                Nullprefix = 0
                raise TokenError, "unknown token type in rule body"
            ThisIndex = ThisIndex + 1
        # add the optional token if given and Nullprefix still set
        if Nullprefix and Token != None:
            kjSet.addMember(Token, Result)
        return Result

    def compSLRNFA(self):
        '''compute an SLR NFA for the ruleset with states for each SLR "item"
           and transitions, eg:
               X > .AB
             on A maps to X > A.B
             on epsilon maps to A > .ZC
                            and A > .WK
           an item is a pair (rulenumber, bodyposition)
           where body position 0 is interpreted to point before the
           beginning of the body.

           SLR = "simple LR" in Aho+Ullman terminology
        NFA = CFSMachine(self.StartNonterm)
        Nrules = len(self.Rules)
        itemStateMap = {}
        for Ruleindex in range(0,Nrules):
            Rule = self.Rules[Ruleindex]
            # make an item for each "dot" position in the body
            for DotPos in range(0, len(Rule.Body) + 1):
                item = (Ruleindex, DotPos)
                itemState = NFA.NewState(TRANSFLAG, [item])
                itemStateMap[item] = itemState
            #endfor DotPos
        #endfor Ruleindex

        # now that the states are initialized
        # compute transitions except for the last item of a rule
        # (which has none)
        for Ruleindex in range(0,Nrules):
            Rule = self.Rules[Ruleindex]
            for DotPos in range(0, len(Rule.Body)):
                item = (Ruleindex, DotPos)
                CurrentToken = Rule.Body[DotPos]
                ThisState = itemStateMap[item]
                NextState = itemStateMap[ (Ruleindex, DotPos + 1) ]
                NFA.SetMap( ThisState, CurrentToken, NextState  )
                # if the current token is a nonterminal
                # ad epsilon transitions to first item for any
                # rule that derives this nonterminal
                (CTtype, CTname) = CurrentToken
                if CTtype == NONTERMFLAG:
                    for Rule2index in range(0,Nrules):
                        Rule2 = self.Rules[Rule2index]
                        Head = Rule2.Nonterm
                        if Head == CurrentToken:
                            NextState = itemStateMap[( Rule2index, 0 )]
                            NFA.SetMap( ThisState, NULLTOKEN, NextState )
                    #endfor Rule2index
                #endif CTtype == NONTERMFLAG
            #endfor DotPos
        #endfor Ruleindex

        # must handle the initial state properly here!
        # Make a dummy state with e-transitions to all first items
        # for rules that derive the initial nonterminal
        ThisState = NFA.initial_state
        GoodStartingPlace = None
        for Ruleindex in range(0,Nrules):
            Rule = self.Rules[Ruleindex]
            Head = Rule.Nonterm
            if Head == self.StartNonterm:
                GoodStartingPlace= (Ruleindex, 0)
                NextState = itemStateMap[ GoodStartingPlace ]
                NFA.SetMap( ThisState, NULLTOKEN, NextState )
        # fix the NFA.States entry
        if GoodStartingPlace == None:
            raise NotSLRError, "No derivation for root nonterminal."
        NFA.States[ NFA.initial_state ] = \
             [ 'transient', GoodStartingPlace ]

        self.SLRNFA = NFA
    #enddef compSLRNFA

    def ItemDump(self, item):
        ''' dump an item
        (ruleindex, position) = item
        Rule = self.Rules[ruleindex]
        print Rule.Nonterm[1],' >> ',
        for bindex in range(0, len(Rule.Body)):
            if position == bindex:
                print " (*) ",
            print Rule.Body[bindex][1],
        if position == len(Rule.Body):
            print " (*) "

    def SLRItemIsFinal(self, item):
        ''' utility function -- returns true if an item is a final item
        (ruleindex, position) = item
        Rule = self.Rules[ruleindex]
        if position == len(Rule.Body):
            return 1
            return 0

    def DumpSLRNFA(self):
        ''' dump the NFA
        NFA = self.SLRNFA
        print "root: ", NFA.root_nonTerminal
        for key in NFA.StateTokenMap.keys():
            map = NFA.StateTokenMap[key]
            (fromstate, token) = key
            fromitem = NFA.States[ fromstate ][1]
            print " on ", token[1], " maps "
            for Tostate in map:
                Toitem = NFA.States[Tostate][1]
                print "    ",

    def compDFA(self):
        ''' compute DFA for ruleset by computing the E-closure of the NFA
        self.DFA = self.SLRNFA.Eclosure(NULLTOKEN)

    def DumpDFAsets(self):
        DFA = self.DFA
        print "root: ", DFA.root_nonTerminal
        for State in range(1, len(DFA.States) ):

    def DumpItemSet(self,State):
        DFA = self.DFA
        NFA = self.SLRNFA
        print "STATE ", State, " *******"
        fromNFAindices = kjSet.get_elts(DFA.States[State][1])
        for NFAindex in fromNFAindices:
            item = NFA.States[NFAindex][1]
            print "  ", NFAindex, ": ",

    def SLRFixDFA(self):
        '''this function completes the computation of an SLR DFA
           by adding reduction states for each DFA state S containing
           item   H > B.
           which reduces rule H > B
           for each token T in Follow of H.
           if S already has a transition for T then there is a conflict!

           assumes DFA and SLRNFA and Follow have been computed.
        DFA = self.DFA
        NFA = self.SLRNFA
        # look through the states (except 0=success) of the DFA
        # initially don't add any new states, just record
        # actions to be done
        #   uses convention that 0 is successful final state

        # ToDo is a dictionary which maps
        #     (State, Token) to a item to reduce
        ToDo = {}
        Error = None
        for State in range(1, len(DFA.States) ):
            # look for a final item for a rule in this state
            fromNFAindices = kjSet.get_elts(DFA.States[State][1])
            for NFAindex in fromNFAindices:
                item = NFA.States[NFAindex][1]
                # if the item is final remember to do the reductions...
                if self.SLRItemIsFinal(item):
                    (ruleindex, position) = item
                    Rule = self.Rules[ruleindex]
                    Head = Rule.Nonterm
                    Following = kjSet.Neighbors( self.Follow, Head )
                    for Token in Following:
                        key = (State, Token)
                        if not ToDo.has_key(key):
                            ToDo[ key ] = item
                            # it might be okay if the items are identical?
                            item2 = ToDo[key]
                            if item != item2:
                                print "reduce/reduce conflict on ",key
                            Error = " apparent reduce/reduce conflict"
            #endfor NFAindex
        #endfor State

        # for each (State,Token) pair which indicates a reduction
        # record the reduction UNLESS the map is already set for the pair
        for key in ToDo.keys():
            (State,Token) = key
            item = ToDo[key]
            (rulenum, dotpos) = item
            ExistingMap = DFA.map( State, Token )
            if ExistingMap[0] == NOMATCHFLAG:
                DFA.SetReduction( State, Token, rulenum )
                print "apparent shift/reduce conflict"
                print "reduction: ", key, ": "
                print "existing map ", ExistingMap
                Error = " apparent shift/reduce conflict"
        if Error and ABORTONERROR:
            raise NotSLRError, Error
    #enddef SLRfixDFA()

    def DoSLRGeneration(self):
        ''' do complete SLR DFA creation starting after initialization

################ the following are interpretation functions
################ used by RULEGRAM meta grammar
# some constants used here
COMMENTFORM = "##.*\n"
RSKEY = "@R"
COLKEY = "::"
LTKEY = ">>"
IDNAME = "ident"
# an identifier in the meta grammar is any nonwhite string
# except the keywords @R :: >> or comment flag ##
IDFORM = "[^" + string.whitespace + "]+"

def IdentFun(string):
    ''' for identifiers simply return the string
    return string

def RootReduction(list, ObjectGram):
    ''' RootReduction should receive list of form
       [ nontermtoken, keyword COLKEY, RuleList ]
    if len(list) != 3 or list[1] != COLKEY:
        raise FlowError, "unexpected metagrammar root reduction"
    return (list[0], list[2])

def NullRuleList(list, ObjectGram):
    ''' NullRuleList should receive list of form []
    if list != []:
        raise FlowError, "unexpected null RuleList form"
    return []

def FullRuleList(list, ObjectGram):
    ''' FullRuleList should receive list of form
          [ Rule, RuleList ]
    if type(list) != type([]) or len(list)!=2:
        raise FlowError, "unexpected full RuleList form"
    NewRule = list[0]
    OldRules = list[1]
    return [NewRule] + OldRules

def InterpRule(list, ObjectGram):
    ''' InterpRule should receive list of form
         [keyword RSKEY,
          keyword COLKEY,
          keyword LTKEY,
    # check keywords:
    if len(list)!=6 or list[0]!=RSKEY or list[2]!=COLKEY or list[4]!=LTKEY:
        raise FlowError, "unexpected meta rule reduction form"
    ruleName = list[1]
    ruleNonterm = list[3]
    ruleBody = list[5]
    # upcase the the representation of keywords if needed
    if not ObjectGram.LexD.isCaseSensitive():
        for i in range(0,len(ruleBody)):
            (flag, name) = ruleBody[i]
            if flag == KEYFLAG:
                ruleBody[i] = (KEYFLAG, string.upper(name))
            elif not flag in (TERMFLAG, NONTERMFLAG):
                raise FlowError, "unexpected rule body member"
    rule = kjParser.ParseRule( ruleNonterm, ruleBody )
    rule.Name = ruleName
    return rule

def InterpRuleName(list, ObjectGram):
    ''' InterpRuleName should receive
          [ string ]
    # add error checking?
    return list[0]

def InterpNonTerm(list, ObjectGram):
    ''' InterpNonTerm should receive
          [ string ]
    if type(list)!=type([]) or len(list)!=1:
        raise FlowError, "unexpected rulename form"
    Name = list[0]
    # determine whether this is a valid nonterminal
    if not ObjectGram.NonTermDict.has_key(Name):
        raise TokenError, "LHS of Rule must be nonterminal: "+Name
    return ObjectGram.NonTermDict[Name]

def NullBody(list, ObjectGram):
    ''' NullBody should receive []
    if list != []:
        raise FlowError, "unexpected null Body form"
    return []

def FullBody(list,ObjectGram):
    ''' FullBody should receive
        [ string, Bodylist]
       must determine whether the string represents
       a keyword, a nonterminal, or a terminal of the object
       returns (KEYFLAG, string) (TERMFLAG, string) or
               (NONTERMFLAG, string) respectively
    if type(list)!=type([]) or len(list)!=2:
        raise FlowError, "unexpected body form"
    Name = list[0]
    # Does the Name rep a nonterm, keyword or term
    # of the object grammar (in that order).
    if ObjectGram.NonTermDict.has_key(Name):
        kind = NONTERMFLAG
    elif ObjectGram.LexD.keywordmap.has_key(Name):
        kind = KEYFLAG
    elif ObjectGram.TermDict.has_key(Name):
        kind = TERMFLAG
        raise TokenError, "Rule body contains unregistered string: "+Name
    restOfBody = list[1]
    return [(kind, Name)] + restOfBody

def ruleGrammar():
    ''' function to generate a grammar for parsing grammar rules
    LexD = kjParser.LexDictionary()
    # use SQL/Ansi style comments
    LexD.comment( COMMENTFORM )
    # declare keywords
    RStart = LexD.keyword( RSKEY )
    TwoColons = LexD.keyword( COLKEY )
    LeadsTo = LexD.keyword( LTKEY )
    # declare terminals
    ident = LexD.terminal(IDNAME, IDFORM, IdentFun )
    # declare nonterminals
    Root = kjParser.nonterminal("Root")
    Rulelist = kjParser.nonterminal("RuleList")
    Rule = kjParser.nonterminal("Rule")
    RuleName = kjParser.nonterminal("RuleName")
    NonTerm = kjParser.nonterminal("NonTerm")
    Body = kjParser.nonterminal("Body")

    # declare rules
    #   Root >> NonTerm :: Rulelist
    InitRule = kjParser.ParseRule( Root, \
                [NonTerm, TwoColons, Rulelist], RootReduction )
    #   Rulelist >>
    RLNull = kjParser.ParseRule( Rulelist, [], NullRuleList)
    #   Rulelist >> Rule Rulelist
    RLFull = kjParser.ParseRule( Rulelist, [Rule,Rulelist], FullRuleList)
    #   Rule >> "@R :: NonTerm >> Body
    RuleR = kjParser.ParseRule( Rule, \
       [RStart, RuleName, TwoColons, NonTerm, LeadsTo, Body],\
    #   Rulename >> ident
    RuleNameR = kjParser.ParseRule( RuleName, [ident], InterpRuleName)
    #   NonTerm >> ident
    NonTermR = kjParser.ParseRule( NonTerm, [ident], InterpNonTerm)
    #   Body >>
    BodyNull = kjParser.ParseRule( Body, [], NullBody)
    #   Body >> ident Body
    BodyFull = kjParser.ParseRule( Body, [ident,Body], FullBody)

    # declare Rules list and Associated Name dictionary
    Rules = [RLNull, RLFull, RuleR, RuleNameR, NonTermR,\
                 BodyNull, BodyFull, InitRule]
    RuleDict = \
     { "RLNull":0, "RLFull":1, "RuleR":2, "RuleNameR":3, \
       "NonTermR":4, "BodyNull":5, "BodyFull":6 , "InitRule":7 }
    # make the RuleSet and compute the associate DFA
    RuleSet = Ruleset( Root, Rules )
    # construct the Grammar object
    Result = kjParser.Grammar( LexD, RuleSet.DFA, Rules, RuleDict )
    return Result

#enddef RuleGrammar()

# this is the rule grammar object for parsing
RULEGRAM = ruleGrammar()

class CGrammar(kjParser.Grammar):
    ''' a derived grammar class
        this is a compilable grammar for automatic parser generation.

    def Keywords(self, Stringofkeys):
        ''' insert a white separated list of keywords into the LexD
        keywordlist = string.split(Stringofkeys)
        for keyword in keywordlist:
            self.LexD.keyword( keyword )

    def punct(self, Stringofpuncts):
        ''' insert a string of punctuations into the LexD
        for p in Stringofpuncts:

    def comments(self, listOfCommentStrings):
        ''' register a list of regular expression strings
            to represent comments in LexD
        for str in listOfCommentStrings:

    def Nonterms(self, StringofNonterms):
        ''' register a white separated list of nonterminal strings
        nonTermlist = string.split(StringofNonterms)
        for NonTerm in nonTermlist:
            self.NonTermDict[NonTerm] = kjParser.nonterminal(NonTerm)

    def Declarerules(self, StringWithRules):
        ''' initialize or add more rules to the RuleString
        self.RuleString = self.RuleString + "\n" + StringWithRules

    def Compile(self, MetaGrammar=RULEGRAM):
        ''' The compilation function assumes
            have all been set up properly
            (at least if the default MetaGrammar is used).
            On successful completion it will set up

            the following should return a list of rules
            with punctuations of self.LexD interpreted as trivial keywords
              keywords of seld.LexD interpreted as keywords
            and nonterminals registered in NonTermDict interpreted as
             ParseResult should be of form ( (rootNT, RuleL), self )
        ParseResult = MetaGrammar.DoParse1( self.RuleString, self )
        (RootNonterm, Rulelist) = ParseResult

        # make a ruleset and compute its DFA
        RuleS = Ruleset( RootNonterm, Rulelist )

        # make the rulename to index map to allow future bindings
        for i in range(0,len(Rulelist)):
            Rule = Rulelist[i]
            self.RuleNameToIndex[ Rule.Name ] = i

        # fill in the blanks
        self.DFA = RuleS.DFA
        self.RuleL = Rulelist

        self.Ruleset = RuleS

        # DON'T clean up the grammar (misc structures are used)
        # in future bindings
    #enddef Compile

    def Reconstruct(self, VarName, Tofile, FName=None, indent=""):
        ''' Write a reconstructable representation for this grammar to a file
             - rule associations to reduction functions
               will be lost (must be reset elsewhere)
             - terminals in the lexical dictionary
               will not be initialized

           IND is used for indentation, should be whitespace (add check!)

           FName if given will cause the reconstructed to be placed
           inside a function `FName`+"()" returning the grammar object

           NOTE: this function violates information hiding principles;
            in particular it "knows" the guts of the FSM and LexD classes
        Reconstruction = codeReconstruct(VarName, Tofile, self, FName, indent)

    def MarshalDump(self, Tofile):
        ''' marshalling of a grammar to a file
        Reconstruction = marshalReconstruct(self, Tofile)

#endclass CGrammar

def GrammarDumpSequence(ReconstructObj):
    ''' general procedure for different types of archiving for grammars
    # assume an initialized Reconstruct Object with appropriate grammar etc.
    # put the lexical part
    # put the rules
    # put transitions
    # finish up

def NullCGrammar():
    ''' function to create a "null CGrammar"
    return CGrammar(None,None,None,{})

# utility classes
class Reconstruct:
    ''' Grammar reconstruction objects encapsulate the process of grammar

        This "virtual class" is only for common behaviors of subclasses.
    def MakeTokenArchives(self):
        # make a list of all tokens and
        # initialize token > int dictionary
        keys = self.Gram.DFA.StateTokenMap.keys()
        tokenToInt = {}
        tokenSet = kjSet.NewSet([])
        for k in keys:
            kjSet.addMember(k[1], tokenSet)
        tokens = kjSet.get_elts(tokenSet)
        for i in range(0,len(tokens)):
            tokenToInt[ tokens[i] ] = i

        self.keys = keys
        self.tokens = tokens # global sub
        self.tokInt = tokenToInt # global sub

class codeReconstruct(Reconstruct):
    ''' grammar reconstruction to a file
    def __init__(self, VarName, Tofile, Grammar, FName=None, indent =""):
        # do global subs for each of these
        self.Var = VarName
        self.File = Tofile
        self.FName = FName
        self.Gram = Grammar

        # put the reconstruction in a function if FName is given
        if FName != None:
            Tofile.write(indent+"def "+FName+"():\n")
            IND = indent+"   "
            IND = indent
        self.I = IND # global sub!
        Tofile.write(IND+"# ***************************BEGIN RECONSTRUCTION\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# Python declaration of Grammar variable "+VarName+".\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# automatically generated by module "+PMODULE+".\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# Altering this sequence by hand will probably\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# leave it unusable.\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"import "+PMODULE+"\n\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# variable declaration:\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+VarName+"= "+PMODULE+".NullGrammar()\n\n")

        # make self.keys list of dfa keys,
        #      self.tokens list of grammar tokens,
        #      self.tokInt inverted dictionary for self.tokens

        Tofile.write("\n\n"+IND+"# case sensitivity behavior for keywords.\n")
        if self.Gram.LexD.isCaseSensitive():
    #enddef __init__

    def PutLex(self):
        IND = self.I
        Tofile = self.File
        VarName = self.Var
        LexD = self.Gram.LexD
        tokens = self.tokens

        Tofile.write("\n\n"+IND+"# declaration of lexical dictionary.\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# EXCEPT FOR TERMINALS\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+VarName+".LexD.punctuationlist = ")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# now comment patterns\n")
        for comment in LexD.commentstrings:
        Tofile.write(IND+"# now define tokens\n")
        for i in range(0,len(tokens)):
            tok = tokens[i]
            (kind, name) = tok
            if kind == TERMFLAG:
                # put warning at end!
                #  nonterminal not installed in lexical dictionary here!
                Tofile.write(IND+VarName+".IndexToToken["+`i`+"] = ")
            elif kind == KEYFLAG:
                Tofile.write(IND+VarName+".IndexToToken["+`i`+"] = ")
            elif kind == NONTERMFLAG:
                Tofile.write(IND+VarName+".IndexToToken["+`i`+"] = ")
                raise FlowError, "unknown token type"
    #enddef PutLex

    def PutRules(self):
        IND = self.I
        VarName = self.Var
        Rules = self.Gram.RuleL
        Tofile = self.File
        Root = self.Gram.DFA.root_nonTerminal
        Tofile.write("\n\n"+IND+"# declaration of rule list with names.\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# EXCEPT FOR INTERP FUNCTIONS\n")
        nrules = len(Rules)
        Tofile.write(IND+VarName+".RuleL = [None] * "+`nrules`+"\n")
        for i in range(0,nrules):
            # put warning at end:
            #  rule reduction function not initialized here!
            rule = Rules[i]
            name = rule.Name
            Tofile.write(IND+"rule = "+`rule`+"\n")
            Tofile.write(IND+"name = "+`name`+"\n")
            Tofile.write(IND+"rule.Name = name\n")
            Tofile.write(IND+VarName+".RuleL["+`i`+"] = rule\n")
            Tofile.write(IND+VarName+".RuleNameToIndex[name] = "+`i`+"\n")

        Tofile.write("\n\n"+IND+"# DFA root nonterminal.\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+VarName+".DFA.root_nonTerminal =")
    #enddef PutRules

    def PutTransitions(self):
        IND = self.I
        Tofile = self.File
        VarName = self.Var
        maxState = self.Gram.DFA.maxState
        tokenToInt = self.tokInt
        StateTokenMap = self.Gram.DFA.StateTokenMap
        keys = self.keys

        Tofile.write("\n\n"+IND+"# DFA state declarations.\n")
        for state in range(1, maxState+1):
            Tofile.write(IND+VarName+".DFA.States["+`state`+"] = ")
        Tofile.write(IND+VarName+".DFA.maxState = "+`maxState`+"\n")

        Tofile.write("\n\n"+IND+"# DFA transition declarations.\n")
        for key in keys:
            (fromState, TokenRep) = key
            TokenIndex = tokenToInt[TokenRep]
            TokenArg = VarName+".IndexToToken["+`TokenIndex`+"]"
            TMap = StateTokenMap[key]
            TMaptype = TMap[0][0]
            if TMaptype == REDUCEFLAG:
                # reduction
                rulenum = TMap[0][1]
                Args = "("+`fromState`+","+TokenArg+","+`rulenum`+")"
            elif TMaptype == MOVETOFLAG:
                # MoveTo
                Args = "("+`fromState`+","+TokenArg+","+`TMap[0][1]`+")"
                raise FlowError, "unexpected else (2)"

    def Cleanup(self):
        Tofile = self.File
        RuleL = self.Gram.RuleL
        tokens = self.tokens
        VarName = self.Var
        IND = self.I
        FName = self.FName

        Tofile.write("\n\n"+IND+"# Clean up the grammar.\n")

        # if the Fname was given return the grammar as function result
        if FName != None:
            Tofile.write("\n\n"+IND+"# return the grammar.\n")
            Tofile.write(IND+"return "+VarName+"\n")

        Tofile.write("\n\n"+IND+"# WARNINGS ****************************** \n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# You must bind the following rule names \n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# to reduction interpretation functions \n")
        for R in RuleL:
            Tofile.write(IND+"# "+VarName+".Bind("+`R.Name`+", ??function??)\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"#(last rule)\n")

        Tofile.write("\n\n"+IND+"# WARNINGS ****************************** \n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# You must bind the following terminals \n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# to regular expressions and interpretation functions \n")
        warningPrinted = 0
        for tok in tokens:
            (kind, name) = tok
            if kind == TERMFLAG and tok != ENDOFFILETOKEN:
                Tofile.write(IND+"# "+VarName+\
                  ".Addterm("+`name`+", ??regularExp??, ??function??)\n")
                warningPrinted = 1
        if not warningPrinted:
            Tofile.write(IND+"#  ***NONE** \n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"#(last terminal)\n")
        Tofile.write(IND+"# ******************************END RECONSTRUCTION\n")

class marshalReconstruct(Reconstruct):
    ''' Reconstruction using marshalling to a file encodes internal structures
        for grammar using marshal-able objects. Final marshalling to the file
        is done at CleanUp() storing one big list.
    def __init__(self, Grammar, Tofile):
        self.Gram = Grammar
        self.File = Tofile
        # should archive self.tokens structure
        # archive this
        self.CaseSensitivity = Grammar.LexD.isCaseSensitive()

    def PutLex(self):
        LexD = self.Gram.LexD
        # archive these
        self.punct = LexD.punctuationlist
        self.comments = LexD.commentstrings

    def PutRules(self):
        # archive this
        self.Root = self.Gram.DFA.root_nonTerminal
        # make a list of tuples that can be used with
        # rule = apply(ParseRule, tuple[1])
        # rule.Name = tuple[0]
        Rules = self.Gram.RuleL
        nrules = len(Rules)
        RuleTuples = [None] * nrules
        for i in range(nrules):
            rule = Rules[i]
            RuleTuples[i] = (rule.Name, rule.components())
        #archive this
        self.RuleTups = RuleTuples

    def PutTransitions(self):
        keys = self.keys
        tokenToInt = self.tokInt
        StateTokenMap = self.Gram.DFA.StateTokenMap

        # archive this
        self.MaxStates = self.Gram.DFA.maxState

        # create two lists,
        #   one for reductions with contents (fromState, tokennumber, rulenum)
        #   one for movetos with contents (fromstate, tokennumber, tostate)
        #      (note: token number not token itself to allow sharing)
        # to allow arbitrary growing, first use dicts:
        reductDict = {}
        nreducts = 0
        moveToDict = {}
        nmoveTos = 0
        for key in self.keys:
            (fromState, TokenRep) = key
            TokenIndex  = tokenToInt[TokenRep]
            TMap = StateTokenMap[key]
            TMaptype = TMap[0][0]
            if TMaptype == REDUCEFLAG:
                rulenum = TMap[0][1]
                reductDict[nreducts] = (fromState, TokenIndex, rulenum)
                nreducts = nreducts + 1
            elif TMaptype == MOVETOFLAG:
                ToState = TMap[0][1]
                moveToDict[nmoveTos] = (fromState, TokenIndex, ToState)
                nmoveTos = nmoveTos + 1
                raise FlowError, "unexpected else"
        # translate dicts to lists
        reducts = [None] * nreducts
        for i in range(nreducts):
            reducts[i] = reductDict[i]
        moveTos = [None] * nmoveTos
        for i in range(nmoveTos):
            moveTos[i] = moveToDict[i]

        # archive these
        self.reducts = reducts
        self.moveTos = moveTos

    # TODO: document this new marshalling method in the docco!
    def Cleanup(self):
        ''' this is the function that does the marshalling
        # dump the info
        self.File.write('tokens = %s\n'%`self.tokens`)
        self.File.write('punct = %s\n'%`self.punct`)
        self.File.write('comments = %s\n'%`self.comments`)
        self.File.write('RuleTups = %s\n'%`self.RuleTups`)
        self.File.write('MaxStates = %s\n'%`self.MaxStates`)
        self.File.write('reducts = %s\n'%`self.reducts`)
        self.File.write('moveTos = %s\n'%`self.moveTos`)
        self.File.write('Root = %s\n'%`self.Root`)
        self.File.write('CaseSensitivity = %s\n'%`self.CaseSensitivity`)

# $Log: kjParseBuild.py,v $
# Revision 1.6  2002/05/11 02:59:04  richard
# Added info into module docstrings.
# Fixed docco of kwParsing to reflect new grammar "marshalling".
# Fixed bug in gadfly.open - most likely introduced during sql loading
# re-work (though looking back at the diff from back then, I can't see how it
# wasn't different before, but it musta been ;)
# A buncha new unit test stuff.
# Revision 1.5  2002/05/08 00:49:00  anthonybaxter
# El Grande Grande reindente! Ran reindent.py over the whole thing.
# Gosh, what a lot of checkins. Tests still pass with 2.1 and 2.2.
# Revision 1.4  2002/05/07 07:06:11  richard
# Cleaned up sql grammar compilation some more.
# Split up the BigList into its components too.
# Revision 1.3  2002/05/07 04:03:14  richard
# . major cleanup of test_gadfly
# Revision 1.2  2002/05/06 23:27:09  richard
# . made the installation docco easier to find
# . fixed a "select *" test - column ordering is different for py 2.2
# . some cleanup in gadfly/kjParseBuild.py
# . made the test modules runnable (remembering that run_tests can take a
#   name argument to run a single module)
# . fixed the module name in gadfly/kjParser.py
# Revision  2002/05/06 07:31:09  richard
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