"""Python for parser interpretation
:Author: Aaron Watters
:Maintainers: http://gadfly.sf.net/
:Copyright: Aaron Robert Watters, 1994
:Id: $Id: kjParser.py,v 1.5 2002/05/11 02:59:05 richard Exp $:
# Lexical error handling is not nice
# Parse error handling is not nice
# Lex analysis may be slow for big grammars
# Setting case sensitivity for keywords MUST happen BEFORE
# declaration of keywords.
import kjSet
import string
import re
import string
# set this flag for regression testing at each load
# set this flag to enable warning for default reductions
# some local constants
EOFFLAG = "*" # FLAG for End of file
# set this string to the Module name (filename)
# used for dumping reconstructable objects
THISMODULE = "gadfly.kjParser"
# regular expression for matching whitespace
WHITERE = "["+string.whitespace+"]+"
# local errors
class LexTokenError(Exception):
'''may happen on bad string'''
class UnkTermError(Exception):
''' ditto '''
class BadPunctError(Exception):
''' if try to make whitespace a punct '''
class ParseInitError(Exception):
''' shouldn't happen? '''
class FlowError(Exception):
''' shouldn't happen!!! (bug) '''
class ReductError(Exception):
''' shouldn't happen? '''
class NondetError(Exception):
''' shouldn't happen? '''
# the end of file is interpreted in the lexical stream as
# a terminal...
# this should be appended to the lexical stream:
# in FSM use the following terminal to indicate eof
# Utility function for match conversion from regex to re
def RMATCH(re, key, start=0):
#print "RMATCH: %s -> %s <- start=%s" % (re.pattern, key, start)
group = re.match(key, start)
if group is None:
#print "RMATCH: -1"
return -1
len = group.end() - group.start()
#print "RMATCH: %s (%s)" % (len, group.group())
return len
# utility function for error diagnostics
def DumpStringWindow(Str, Pos, Offset=15):
L = []
L.append("near ::")
start = Pos-Offset
end = Pos+Offset
if start<0: start = 0
if end>len(Str): end = len(Str)
from string import join
return join(L, "\n")
class LexDictionary:
'''Lexical dictionary class
this data structure is used by lexical parser below.
basic operations:
registers a string as a punctuation
EG: LD.punctuation(":")
Punctuations are treated as a special kind of keyword
that is recognized even when not surrounded by whitespace.
IE, "xend" will not be recognized as "x end", but "x;" will be
recognized as "x ;" if "end" is a regular keyword but
";" is a punctuation. Only single character punctuations
are supported (now), ie, ":=" must be recognized as
":" "=" above the lexical level.
registers a comment pattern
EG LD.comment(regex.compile("--.*\n"))
asks to recognize ansi/sql comments like "-- correct?\n"
LD[compiled_reg_expression] = (TerminalFlag, Function) # assignment!
specifies a regular expression that should be associated
with the lexical terminal marker TerminalFlag
EG: LD[regex.compile("[0-9]+")] = ("integer",string.atoi)
the Function should be a function on one string argument
that interprets the matching string as a value. if None is
given, just the string itself will be used as the
interpretation. (a better choice above would be a function
which "tries" atoi first and uses atol on overflow).
NOTE: ambiguity among regular expressions will be decided
arbitrarily (fix?).
LD[string] # retrieval!
returns ((KEYFLAG, Keywordstring), Keywordstring)
if the (entire) string matches a keyword or a
punctuation Keywordstring.
otherwise returns ((TERMFLAG, Terminalname), value)
if the (entire) string matches the regular expression for
a terminal flaged by Terminalname; value is the interpreted
value. TerminalFlag better be something other than
otherwise raises an error!
comments not filtered here!
the following additional functions are used for autodocumentation
in declaring rules, etcetera.
begin = LD.keyword("begin")
sets variable "begin" to (KEYFLAG, "BEGIN") if
"begin" maps to keyword "BEGIN" in LD
integer = LD.terminal("integer")
sets variable integer to ("integer", Function)
if "integer" is a registered terminal Function is
its associated interpretation function.
def __init__(self):
# commentpatterns is simply a list of compiled regular expressions
# that represent comments
self.commentpatterns = []
# commentstrings is used for debugging/dumping/reconstruction etc.
self.commentstrings = []
# punctuationlist is a string of punctuations
self.punctuationlist = ""
# keywordmap is a dictionary mapping recognized keyword strings
# and punctuations to their constant representations.
self.keywordmap = KeywordDict()
# regexprlist is a list of triples (regex,Flag,function) mapping
# regular expressions to their flag and interpreter function.
self.regexprlist = []
def Dump(self):
print "comments = ", self.commentstrings
print "punctuations = ", self.punctuationlist
print "keywordmap ="
print "regexprlist =", self.regexprlist
def __getitem__(self, key):
# try to match string to a keyword
if self.keywordmap.has_key(key):
return self.keywordmap[key]
# try to match a regular expression
length = len(key)
for regexpr, flag, function in self.regexprlist:
index = RMATCH(regexpr, key)
if index == length:
raise LexTokenError, "no match for string: " + `key`
# use the function to interpret the string, if given
if function != None:
value = function(key)
value = key
return (flag, value)
def keyword(self,str):
''' LD.keyword("this") will make a new keyword "this" if not found
# upcase the string, if needed
if self.keywordmap.caseInsensitive:
str = string.upper(str)
if not self.keywordmap.has_key(str):
# redundancy for to avoid excess construction during parsing
token = (KEYFLAG,str)
self.keywordmap[str] = (token,str)
(token, str2) = self.keywordmap[str]
return token
def terminal(self, string, RegExpr=None, Function=None):
''' LD.terminal("this") will just look for "this"
LD.terminal("this", RE, F) will register a new terminal
RE must be a compiled regular expression or string reg ex
F must be an interpretation function
if RegExpr != None and Function != None:
if type(RegExpr) == type(""):
RegExpr = re.compile(RegExpr)
self[ RegExpr ] = ( string, Function)
for regexpr, token, function in self.regexprlist:
if token[1] == string:
raise UnkTermError, "no such terminal"
return token
def __setitem__(self,key,value):
if type(key) == type(''):
# if it's a string it must be a keyword
if self.keywordmap.caseInsensitive:
value = string.upper(value)
key = string.upper(key)
self.keywordmap[key] = ( (KEYFLAG, value), value)
# otherwise it better be a compiled regular expression (not
(Name, Function) = value
Flag = (TERMFLAG, Name)
regexpr = key
self.regexprlist.append((regexpr, Flag, Function))
def comment(self, string):
''' register a regular expression as a comment
# regexpr better be a uncompiled string regular expression!
# (not verified)
regexpr = re.compile(string)
self.commentpatterns = self.commentpatterns + [ regexpr ]
self.commentstrings = self.commentstrings + [ string ]
def punctuation(self,Instring):
''' register a string as a punctuation
if type(Instring) != type("") or len(Instring)!=1:
raise BadPunctError, "punctuation must be string of length 1"
if Instring in string.whitespace:
raise BadPunctError, "punctuation may not be whitespace"
self.punctuationlist = self.punctuationlist + Instring
return self.keyword(Instring)
def isCaseSensitive(self):
''' testing and altering case sensitivity behavior
return not self.keywordmap.caseInsensitive
def SetCaseSensitivity(self, Boolean):
''' setting case sensitivity MUST happen before keyword
self.keywordmap.caseInsensitive = not Boolean
def Token(self, String, StartPosition):
''' function to do same as __getitem__ above but looking _inside_ a
string instead of at the whole string
returns (token,skip) where token is one of
((KEYFLAG,name),name) or ((TERMFLAG,termname),value)
and skip is the length of substring of string that matches thetoken
finished = 0 # dummy, exit should be nonlocal
totalOffset = 0
while not finished:
# flag EOF if past end of string?
if len(String) <= StartPosition:
# skip whitespace
whitespacefound = 0
skip = RMATCH(WHITEREGEX,String, StartPosition)
if skip > 0:
StartPosition = StartPosition + skip
totalOffset = totalOffset + skip
whitespacefound = 1
# try to find comment, keyword, term in that order:
# looking for comment
commentfound = 0
for commentexpr in self.commentpatterns:
offset = RMATCH(commentexpr,String,StartPosition)
if offset != -1:
if offset<1:
info = DumpStringWindow(String,StartPosition)
raise LexTokenError, "zero length comment "+info
commentfound = 1
StartPosition = StartPosition + offset
totalOffset = totalOffset + offset
# looking for a keyword
keypair = self.keywordmap.hasPrefix(String,StartPosition,
if keypair != 0:
return ( keypair[0], keypair[1] + totalOffset)
# looking for terminal
for (regexpr, Flag, Function) in self.regexprlist:
offset = RMATCH(regexpr,String,StartPosition)
if offset != -1:
matchstring = String[StartPosition : offset+StartPosition]
if Function != None:
value = Function(matchstring)
value = matchstring
return ((Flag, value) , offset + totalOffset)
if not (commentfound or whitespacefound):
info = DumpStringWindow(String,StartPosition)
raise LexTokenError, "Lexical parse failure "+info
# alternate, experimental implementation
class lexdictionary:
def __init__(self):
self.skip = ""
self.commentstrings = []
self.punctuationlist = ""
self.keywordmap = KeywordDict()
self.termlist = [] # list of (term, regex, flag, interpret_fn)
self.uncompiled = 1 # only compile after full initialization.
self.laststring= self.lastindex= self.lastresult = None
def Dump(self, *k):
raise "sorry", "not implemented"
__getitem__ = Dump
def keyword(self, str):
kwm = self.keywordmap
if kwm.caseInsensitive:
str = string.upper(str)
(token, str2) = kwm[str]
token = (KEYFLAG, str)
self.keywordmap[str] = (token,str)
return token
def terminal(self, str, regexstr=None, Function=None):
if regexstr is not None:
flag = (TERMFLAG, str)
self.termlist.append( (str, regexstr, flag, Function) )
return flag
for (s,fl,fn) in self.termlist:
if fl[1]==str:
return fl
raise UnkTermError, "no such terminal"
__setitem__ = Dump
def comment(self, str):
def punctuation(self, Instring):
if type(Instring) != type("") or len(Instring)!=1:
raise BadPunctError, "punctuation must be string of length 1"
if Instring in string.whitespace:
raise BadPunctError, "punctuation may not be whitespace"
self.punctuationlist = self.punctuationlist + Instring
return self.keyword(Instring)
def SetCaseSensitivity(self, Boolean):
self.keywordmap.caseInsensitive = not Boolean
def Token(self, String, StartPosition):
# shortcut for reductions.
if self.laststring is String and self.lastindex == StartPosition:
#print "lastresult", self.lastresult
return self.lastresult
self.lastindex = StartPosition
self.laststring = String
#print `String[StartPosition: StartPosition+60]`
if self.uncompiled:
self.uncompiled = None
finished = 0
totalOffset = 0
skipprog = self.skipprog
keypairfn = self.keywordmap.hasPrefix
punctlist = self.punctuationlist
termregex = self.termregex
while not finished:
if len(String) <= StartPosition:
result = self.lastresult = (ENDOFFILETERM, 0)
return result
# skip ws and comments
#skip = skipprog.match(String, StartPosition)
skip = RMATCH(skipprog, String, StartPosition)
if skip>0:
if skip==0:
info = DumpStringWindow(String, StartPosition)
raise LexTokenError, \
"zero length whitespace or comment "+info
StartPosition = StartPosition + skip
totalOffset = totalOffset + skip
# look for keyword
keypair = keypairfn(String, StartPosition, punctlist)
if keypair!=0:
#print "keyword", keypair
result = self.lastresult = (keypair[0], keypair[1]+totalOffset)
return result
# look for terminal
#print "Termregex: %s --> %s <-- start=%s" % (termregex.pattern, String, StartPosition)
offset = termregex.match(String, StartPosition)
if offset is not None:
g = offset.group
for (term, regex, flag, fn) in self.termlist:
test = g(term)
if test:
#print "terminal", test
if fn is not None:
value = fn(test)
value = test
result = self.lastresult = (
(flag, value), offset.end() - offset.start() + totalOffset)
return result
# error if we get here
info = DumpStringWindow(String, StartPosition)
raise LexTokenError, "Lexical token not found "+info
def isCaseSensitive(self):
return not self.keywordmap.caseInsensitive
def compile(self):
from string import joinfields,whitespace
import re
skipregexen = self.commentstrings + [WHITERE]
skipregex = "(" + joinfields(skipregexen, ")|(") + ")"
#print skipregex; import sys; sys.exit(1)
self.skipprog = re.compile(skipregex)
termregexen = []
termnames = []
for (term, rgex, flag, fn) in self.termlist:
fragment = "(?P<%s>%s)" % (term, rgex)
termregex = joinfields(termregexen, "|")
self.termregex = re.compile(termregex)
self.termnames = termnames
LexDictionary = lexdictionary ##### test!
# a utility class: dictionary of prefixes
# should be generalized to allow upcasing of keyword matches
class KeywordDict:
def __init__(self, caseInsensitive = 0):
self.FirstcharDict = {}
self.KeyDict = {}
self.caseInsensitive = caseInsensitive
def Dump(self):
if self.caseInsensitive:
print " case insensitive"
print " case sensitive"
keys = self.KeyDict.keys()
print " keyDict has ", len(keys), " elts"
for key in keys:
print " ", key," maps to ",self.KeyDict[key]
firstchars = self.FirstcharDict.keys()
print " firstcharDict has ", len(firstchars), " elts"
for char in firstchars:
print " ", char," maps to ",self.FirstcharDict[char]
# set item assumes value has correct case already, if case sensitive
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if len(key)<1:
raise LexTokenError, "Keyword of length 0"
if self.caseInsensitive:
KEY = string.upper(key)
KEY = key
firstchar = KEY[0:1]
if self.FirstcharDict.has_key(firstchar):
self.FirstcharDict[firstchar] = \
self.FirstcharDict[firstchar] + [(KEY, value)]
self.FirstcharDict[firstchar] = [(KEY, value)]
self.KeyDict[KEY] = value
# if String has a registered keyword at start position
# return its canonical representation and offset, else 0
# keywords that are not punctuations should be
# recognized only if followed
# by a punctuation or whitespace char
def hasPrefix(self,String,StartPosition,punctuationlist):
First = String[StartPosition:StartPosition+1]
fcd = self.FirstcharDict
caseins = self.caseInsensitive
if caseins:
First = string.upper(First)
if fcd.has_key(First):
Keylist = fcd[First]
return 0
for (key,value) in Keylist:
offset = len(key)
EndPosition = StartPosition+offset
match = String[StartPosition : EndPosition]
if caseins:
match = string.upper(match)
if key == match:
if len(key)==1 and key in punctuationlist:
# punctuations are recognized regardless of nextchar
return (value,offset)
# nonpuncts must have punct or whitespace following
#(uses punct as single char convention)
if EndPosition == len(String):
return (value, offset)
nextchar = String[EndPosition]
if nextchar in string.whitespace\
or nextchar in punctuationlist:
return (value, offset)
return 0 # if no exit inside for loop, fail
def __getitem__(self,key):
if self.caseInsensitive:
key = string.upper(key)
return self.KeyDict[key]
def has_key(self,key):
if self.caseInsensitive:
key = string.upper(key)
return self.KeyDict.has_key(key)
# LexStringWalker walks through a string looking for
# substrings recognized by a lexical dictionary
class LexStringWalker:
def __init__(self, String, LexDict):
self.Position = 0
self.NextPosition = 0
self.String = String
self.LexDict = LexDict
self.PastEOF = 0
self.Done = 0
def DUMP(self):
return DumpStringWindow(self.String,self.Position)
#reset not defined
def more(self):
return not self.PastEOF
def getmember(self):
(Token,skip) = self.LexDict.Token(self.String, self.Position)
self.NextPosition = self.Position + skip
self.PastEOF = 1
return Token
def next(self):
if self.Done:
data = self.DUMP()
raise LexTokenError, "no next past end of file "+data
elif self.PastEOF:
elif self.NextPosition > self.Position:
self.Position = self.NextPosition
dummy = self.getmember()
if self.NextPosition <= self.Position:
data = self.DUMP()
raise LexTokenError, "Lexical walker not advancing "+data
self.Position = self.NextPosition
class ParserObj:
''' the parse class:
Based loosely on Aho+Ullman, Principles of Compiler Design, Ch.6.
except that they don't describe how to handle boundary
conditions, I made them up myself.
Note: This could be implemented using just functions; it's implemented
as a class to facilitate diagnostics and debugging in case of
failures of various sorts.
a parse accepts
a rule list
a lexically analysed stream with methods
stream.getmember() returns the current token on the stream
stream.next() moves on to next token
stream.more() returns false if current token is the last token
and a FSM (finite state machine) with methods
the nonterminal at which to start parsing
the initial state to start at
the final state to go to upon successful parse
returns either
if Current_State is terminal (final or reduction).
if Current_State is nonterminal, but the Current_Token
and Next_Token do not lead to a valid state in the FSM
(MOVETOFLAG, Next_State)
if Current_State is nonterminal and Current_Token,
Next_token map to Next_State from Current_State. import
if Current_State indicates a reduction at Current_Token
for rule Rule number Rule
and a Stack with methods (replaced with dictionary)
(init: {-1:0} )
Stack.Top() returns top of stack (no pop)
( Stack[Stack[-1]] )
( Stack[-1]=Stack[-1]+1; Stack[Stack[-1]]=Object )
( Stack[-1]=0 )
( Stack[-1] == 0 )
( Stack[-1] = Stack[-1]-1 )
stack contents created by Parser will be of form (State,Value)
where Value was inserted at FSM state State.
Value of form either (KEYFLAG, Name)
(NontermName, reductionvalue)
or (TerminalName, value)
and an optional parameter Evaluate which if 0 indicates that
rules should be evaluated, otherwise indicates that rules
should just be reduced and the reduction structure should
be used as the result of the rule
rule objects must support methods
pops off the elements corresponding to the body of the Rule
from thestackreturnsNewStackRedwhereNewStack import
the stack minus the body and Red is the result of evaluating the
reduction function on this instance of the rule.
the nonterminal at the head of the rule
# Evaluate determines whether rules should be evaluated
# after reductions. Context is an argument passed to the
# list reduction function
def __init__(self, Rulelist, Stream, FSM, Stack, Evaluate=1, Context=None):
self.Rules = Rulelist
self.LexStream = Stream
self.FSM = FSM
self.Stack = Stack
self.Context = Context
# start with empty stack, initial_state, no nonterminal
#self.Stack[-1] = 0# self.Stack.MakeEmpty()
self.Stack[:] = []
self.State = FSM.initial_state
self.currentNonterm = None
self.Evaluate = Evaluate
def DoOneReduction(self):
''' DoOneReduction accepts tokens from thestreampushes import
them onto the stack until a reduction state is reached.
Resolve the reduction
Stack = self.Stack
Context = self.Context
Stream = self.LexStream
# the internal FSM.StateTokenMap dictionary is used directly here.
STMap = FSM.StateTokenMap
#if FSM.final_state(current):
# raise ParseInitError, 'trying to reduce starting at final state'
tokenVal = Stream.getmember()
#print "tokenVal", tokenVal
token = tokenVal[0]
# push the token and traverse FSM until terminal state is reached
#(flag, nextThing) = FSM.map(current, token)
key = (current, token)
(flag, nextThing) = STMap[key][0]
except KeyError:
while flag == MOVETOFLAG:
nextState = nextThing
#print current, " shift ", token,
# no sanity check, possible infinite loop
# push current token and next state
ThingToPush = (nextState, tokenVal)
#print "pushing ", ThingToPush
#Stack[-1]=Stack[-1]+1; Stack[Stack[-1]]=ThingToPush
#Stack.Push( ThingToPush )
# move to next token, next state
# error if end of stream
if not Stream.more(): # optimized Stream.PastEOF (?)
data = Stream.DUMP()
raise EOFError, 'end of stream during parse '+data
current = nextState
tokenVal = Stream.getmember()
token = tokenVal[0]
#MAP = FSM.map(current,token)
key = (current, token)
(flag, nextThing) = STMap[key][0]
except KeyError:
# at end of while loop we should be at a reduction state
if flag == REDUCEFLAG:
rulenum = nextThing
#print current, " reduce ", token, self.Rules[rulenum]
# normal case
# perform reduction
rule = self.Rules[rulenum]
Nonterm = rule.Nonterm
self.currentNonterm = Nonterm
(Stack, reduct) = rule.reduce( Stack , Context )
GotoState = self.GotoState(rule)
# push the Gotostate and result of rule reduction on stack
ThingToPush = (GotoState, (Nonterm, reduct) )
# push the result of the reduction and exit normally
#print "pushing ", ThingToPush
#Stack[-1]=Stack[-1]+1; Stack[Stack[-1]]=ThingToPush
return 1 # normal successful completion
# some error cases
elif flag == NOMATCHFLAG:
self.ParseError(current,tokenVal, "nomatch1")
data = Stream.DUMP()
s = """
flag = %s
map = %s """ % (flag, FSM.map(current,token))
data = data + s
raise FlowError, 'unexpected else '+data
def GotoState(self, rule):
''' compute the state to goto after a reduction is performed on a rule.
Algorithm: determine the state at beginning of reduction
and the next state indicated by the head nonterminal of the rule.
special case: empty stack and root nonterminal > success.
FSM = self.FSM
Stack = self.Stack
Head = rule.Nonterm
if len(Stack)==0: #Stack[-1]==0: #Stack.IsEmpty():
BeforeState = FSM.initial_state
BeforeState = Stack[-1][0] #Stack[Stack[-1]][0] #Stack.Top()[0]
# is this right? if the stack is empty and the Head
# is the root nonterm, then goto is final state
if len(Stack)==0 and Head == FSM.root_nonTerminal:#Stack.isEmpty()
Result = FSM.successful_final_state
# consider eliminating the call to .map here? (efficiency)
(flag, Result) = FSM.map(BeforeState, Head)
if flag != MOVETOFLAG:
self.ParseError(BeforeState, Head, "notmoveto")
return Result
def ParseError( self, State, Token, *rest):
# make this parse error nicer (add diagnostic methods?)
L = [""]
L.append("current state = "+`State`)
L.append("expects: ")
expects = ""
for (flag,name) in self.FSM.Expects(State):
if flag in (TERMFLAG, KEYFLAG):
expects = expects + `name`+ ", "
L.append("current token = " + `Token`)
#print "Stack =",
from string import join
data = self.LexStream.DUMP() + join(L, "\n")
raise SyntaxError, 'unexpected token sequence.' + data
def StackDump(self, N):
Stack = self.Stack
Topkey = len(Stack)
if Topkey>N:
Start = Topkey - N
Start = 1
for i in range(Start,Topkey+1):
print " :: ", Stack[i],
def GO(self):
'''execute parsing until done
while self.State != self.FSM.successful_final_state:
# should I check that stack has only one elt here?
# return result of last reduction
return self.Stack[-1][1] #self.Stack.Top()[1]
def nonterminal(string):
''' function for declaring a variable to represent a nonterminal:
eg Program = nonterminal("program")
included for convenient autodocumentation
return (NONTERMFLAG, string)
def termrep(string):
''' declaring a terminal WITHOUT INSTALLING IT IN A LexDict
return (TERMFLAG, string)
def DefaultReductFun( RuleResultsList, Context ):
''' used as a default reduction function for rules
print "warn: default reduction."
print " ", RuleResultsList
return RuleResultsList
class ParseRule:
''' the rule class
a rule is defined by a goal nonterminal marker of form
and a list defining the body which must contain elts of form
(KEYFLAG, Name) or (NONTERMFLAG, Name) of (TERMFLAG, Name)
and a reduction function which takes a list of the same size
as the BodyList (consisting of the results of the evaluations of
the previous reductions)
and returns an interpretation for the body
def __init__(self, goalNonTerm, BodyList, \
ReductFunction = DefaultReductFun):
#print BodyList
# check some of the arguments (very limited!)
if len(goalNonTerm) != 2 or goalNonTerm[0] != NONTERMFLAG:
raise TypeError, "goal of rule must be nonterminal"
for m in BodyList:
#print m
if len(m) != 2:
raise TypeError, "invalid body form for rule"
self.Nonterm = goalNonTerm
self.Body = BodyList
self.ReductFun = ReductFunction
def __repr__(self):
return THISMODULE + ".ParseRule" + `self.components()`
def components(self):
''' marshal-able components of a rule
return (self.Nonterm, self.Body)
def reduce(self, Stack, Context=None):
''' rule.reduce(Stack) pops of the stack elements corresponding
to the body of the rule and prepares the appropriate reduction
object for evaluation (or not) at higher levels
#print "reducing", Stack
Blength = len(self.Body)
#print Blength, len(self.Body)
# pop off previous results from stack corresponding to body
BodyResults = [None] * Blength
#BodyNames = [None] * Blength # for debug
#print "popping: "
for i in range(1,Blength+1):
Bindex = Blength - i # stack contents pop off in reverse order
# get and destructure the rule body entry
RuleEntry = self.Body[Bindex]
( REkind , REname ) = RuleEntry
# get and destructure the stack entry
PoppedValue = Stack[-i] #Stack.Top()
#print PoppedValue,
#del Stack[-1]# = Stack[-1]-1 #Stack.Pop()
SETokVal = PoppedValue[1]
SEvalue = SETokVal[1]
SEname = SETokVal[0][1]
# the names from rule and stack must match (?)
if SEname != REname:
print SEname, REname
print self
raise ReductError, " token names don't match"
# store the values for the reduction
BodyResults[Bindex] = SEvalue
#BodyNames[Bindex] = SEname # debug
del Stack[len(Stack)-Blength:]
#print "reduced", Stack
# evaluate the reduction, in context
reduct = self.ReductFun(BodyResults, Context)
if WARNONDEFAULTS and self.ReductFun is DefaultReductFun:
# should check whether name is defined before this...
print " default used on ", self.Name
#Reduction( self.ReductFun, BodyResults, BodyNames )
return (Stack, reduct)
def PrintDefaultBindings(rulelist):
''' for debugging: look through a rule list and print names of rules
that have default binding
for r in rulelist:
if r.ReductFun is DefaultReductFun:
print r.Name
class FSMachine:
def __init__(self, rootNonTerm):
# start and success state conventions
self.root_nonTerminal = rootNonTerm
self.initial_state = startState
self.successful_final_state = successState
# the list of states of the FSM, implemented as a dictionary
# entries are identified by their index
# content is
# a list whose first elt is either TRANSFLAG, or TERMFLAG
# other list elts may be added by other layers (parse generator)
# indicating the kind of the state.
self.States = {}
# allocate start and success states
# the most recently allocated state
self.maxState= startState
# the map of current token+state number to next state
#with entries of form (tokenname,state):nextstate_sequence
self.StateTokenMap = {}
def DUMP(self, DumpMapData=1, DumpStateData=1, ForbiddenMark={}):
''' ForbiddenMark is for filtering out maps to an error state
print "root nonterminal is ", self.root_nonTerminal
print "start at ", self.initial_state
print "end at ", self.successful_final_state
print "number of states: ", self.maxState
if DumpStateData:
for State in range(0,self.maxState+1):
Data = self.States[State]
print State, ": ", Data
if DumpMapData:
for key in self.StateTokenMap.keys():
map = self.StateTokenMap[key]
if map[0][0] == MOVETOFLAG:
ToStateData = self.States[map[0][1]]
if len(ToStateData) < 2:
Mark = None
Mark = ToStateData[1]
if Mark != ForbiddenMark:
print key, " > ", map, " = ", ToStateData
print key, " > reduction to rule number ", map[0][1]
def Expects(self, State):
''' what tokens does a state expect?
keys = self.StateTokenMap.keys()
Tokens = kjSet.NewSet( [] )
for (state1,token) in keys:
if State == state1:
return kjSet.get_elts(Tokens)
def NewState(self, kind, AdditionalInfo = []):
''' "allocate" a new state of specified kind
kind must either be TRANSFLAG, TERMFLAG or a rule object
returns the number of the new state
raise TypeError, "unknown state kind"
available = self.maxState+1
self.States[available] = [kind] + AdditionalInfo
self.maxState = available
return available
def SetReduction(self, fromState, TokenRep, Rulenum):
''' Install a reduction transition in the FSM:
a reduction is represented by mapping to a rule index
no nondeterminism is allowed.
key = (fromState, TokenRep)
if not self.StateTokenMap.has_key(key):
self.StateTokenMap[ key ] = ((REDUCEFLAG, Rulenum),)
raise ReductError, "attempt to set ambiguous reduction"
def SetMap(self, fromState, TokenRep, toState):
''' Install a "shift" or "goto transition in the FSM:
supports nondeterminism by storing a sequence of possible
key = (fromState, TokenRep)
if self.StateTokenMap.has_key(key):
Old = self.StateTokenMap[key]
if Old[0][0] != MOVETOFLAG:
# if the old value was not an integer, not a "normal state":
# complain:
raise NondetError, \
"attempt to make inappropriate transition ambiguous"
self.StateTokenMap[key] = Old + ((MOVETOFLAG,toState),)
self.StateTokenMap[key] = ((MOVETOFLAG,toState),)
def map(self, current_state, current_token):
''' Find the action indicated by fsm on
(current_state, current_token) input.
note: in the event of nondeterministic choice this chooses
the first possibility listed.
ParseObj.DoOneReduction() currently uses the internal structure
of StateTokenMap directly, rather than using this function.
StateEntry = self.States[current_state][0]
if StateEntry == TERMFLAG:
return (TERMFLAG, 0)
elif StateEntry == TRANSFLAG:
# try to find a transition for this token and state
key = (current_state, current_token)
TMap = self.StateTokenMap[key]
return TMap[0]
except KeyError:
return (NOMATCHFLAG, 0)
raise FlowError, "unexpected else (2)"
class Grammar:
''' the grammar class:
a grammar consists of
- a LexDict lexical dictionary;
- a deterministic FSMachine;
- a Rulelist
and optionally a dictionary that maps Rulenames
to Rulelist indices (used for dumping and externally)
def __init__(self, LexD, DFA, RuleL, RuleNameDict = None):
# for auto initialization set LexD,DFA,RuleL to None
if LexD == None and DFA == None and RuleL == None:
self.LexD = LexDictionary()
# use a dummy root nonterminal -- must fix elsewhere!
self.DFA = FSMachine("ERROR")
self.RuleL = []
self.LexD = LexD
self.DFA = DFA
self.RuleL = RuleL
if RuleNameDict != None:
def PrintDefaults(self):
''' look for default bindings
print "Default bindings on:"
def SetCaseSensitivity( self, Boolean ):
''' setting case sensitivity: must happen before keyword installation
in LexD.
self.LexD.SetCaseSensitivity( Boolean )
def CleanUp(self):
''' this may be silly, but to save some space in construction
a token dictionary may be used that facilitates sharing of
token representations. This method either initializes
the dictionary or disposes of it if it exists
self.IndexToToken = {}
# this dictionary is used by automatically
# generated grammars to determine whether
# a string represents a nonterminal
self.NonTermDict = {}
# similarly for terminals
self.TermDict = {}
# this string may be used to keep a printable
# representation of the rules of the grammar
# (usually in automatic grammar generation
self.RuleString = ""
# to associate a token to an integer use
# self.IndexToToken[int] = tokenrep
def AddNameDict(self, RuleNameDict):
''' this method associates rules to names using a
RuleNameDict dictionary which maps names to rule indices.
after invocation
self.RuleNameToIndex[ name ] gives the index
in self.RuleL for the rule associated with name, and
self.RuleL[index].Name gives the name associated
with the rule self.RuleL[index]
self.RuleNameToIndex = RuleNameDict
# add a Name attribute to the rules of the rule list
for ruleName in RuleNameDict.keys():
index = RuleNameDict[ ruleName ]
self.RuleL[ index ].Name = ruleName
def DoParse( self, String, Context = None, DoReductions = 1 ):
''' parse a string using the grammar, return result and context
# construct the ParserObj
Stream = LexStringWalker( String, self.LexD )
Stack = [] # {-1:0} #Walkers.SimpleStack()
ParseOb = ParserObj( self.RuleL, Stream, self.DFA, Stack, \
DoReductions, Context )
# do the parse
ParseResult = ParseOb.GO()
# return final result of reduction and the context
return (ParseResult[1], Context)
def DoParse1( self, String, Context=None, DoReductions=1 ):
''' parse a string using the grammar, but only return
the result of the last reduction, without the context
return self.DoParse(String, Context, DoReductions)[0]
def Bind( self, Rulename, NewFunction ):
''' if the Name dictionary has been initialized
this method will (re)bind a reduction function to
a rule associated with Rulename
ruleindex = self.RuleNameToIndex[ Rulename ]
rule = self.RuleL[ ruleindex ]
rule.ReductFun = NewFunction
def Addterm( self, termname, regexpstr, funct ):
''' bind a terminal to a regular expression and interp function
in the lexical dictionary (convenience)
self.TermDict[termname] =self.LexD.terminal(termname, regexpstr, funct)
def NullGrammar():
''' function to create a "null grammar"
return Grammar(None,None,None,{})
def UnMarshalGram(file):
''' unmarshalling a marshalled grammar created by
tightly coupled with buildmodule code...
file should be open and "pointing to" the marshalled rep.
warning: doesn't bind semantics!
Grammar = NullGrammar()
UnMarshal = UnMarshaller(file, Grammar)
return UnMarshal.Gram
class UnMarshaller:
''' unmarshalling object for unmarshalling grammar from apythonmodule import
def __init__(self, modulename, Grammar):
import marshal
self.Gram = Grammar
marfile = __import__(modulename)
for entry in modulename.split('.')[1:]:
marfile = getattr(marfile, entry)
self.tokens = marfile.tokens
self.punct = marfile.punct
self.comments = marfile.comments
self.RuleTups = marfile.RuleTups
self.MaxStates = marfile.MaxStates
self.reducts = marfile.reducts
self.moveTos = marfile.moveTos
self.Root = marfile.Root
self.CaseSensitivity = marfile.CaseSensitivity
def MakeLex(self):
LexD = Grammar.LexD
# punctuations
LexD.punctuationlist = self.punct
# comments
for commentregex in self.comments:
#LexD.commentstring = self.comments
# keywords, terminals, nonterms
# rewrite the tokens list for sharing and extra safety
LexTokens = {}
tokens = self.tokens
for tokenindex in range(len(tokens)):
(kind,name) = tokens[tokenindex]
if kind == KEYFLAG:
tokens[tokenindex] = LexD.keyword(name)
elif not kind in [TERMFLAG, NONTERMFLAG]:
raise FlowError, "unknown token type"
# not needed
self.tokens = tokens
def MakeRules(self):
Grammar = self.Gram
Grammar.DFA.root_nonTerminal = self.Root
NameIndex = Grammar.RuleNameToIndex
RuleTuples = self.RuleTups
nRules = len(RuleTuples)
RuleList = [None] * nRules
for index in range(nRules):
(Name, Components) = RuleTuples[index]
rule = apply(ParseRule, Components)
rule.Name = Name
RuleList[index] = rule
NameIndex[Name] = index
Grammar.RuleL = RuleList
def MakeTransitions(self):
Grammar = self.Gram
DFA = Grammar.DFA
StateTokenMap = DFA.StateTokenMap
tokens = self.tokens
# record the state number
DFA.maxState = self.MaxStates
# this is historical, unfortunately... CLEAN IT UP SOMEDAY!
# THE DFA.States DICT IS NOT NEEDED (?) (here)
for state in range(1, self.MaxStates+1):
DFA.States[state] = [TRANSFLAG]
# record the reductions
for (fromState, TokenIndex, rulenum) in self.reducts:
DFA.SetReduction(fromState, tokens[TokenIndex], rulenum)
# record the transitions
for (fromState, TokenIndex, ToState) in self.moveTos:
DFA.SetMap(fromState, tokens[TokenIndex], ToState)
def Cleanup(self):
Grammar = self.Gram
# $Log: kjParser.py,v $
# Revision 1.5 2002/05/11 02:59:05 richard
# Added info into module docstrings.
# Fixed docco of kwParsing to reflect new grammar "marshalling".
# Fixed bug in gadfly.open - most likely introduced during sql loading
# re-work (though looking back at the diff from back then, I can't see how it
# wasn't different before, but it musta been ;)
# A buncha new unit test stuff.
# Revision 1.4 2002/05/08 00:49:00 anthonybaxter
# El Grande Grande reindente! Ran reindent.py over the whole thing.
# Gosh, what a lot of checkins. Tests still pass with 2.1 and 2.2.
# Revision 1.3 2002/05/07 07:06:11 richard
# Cleaned up sql grammar compilation some more.
# Split up the BigList into its components too.
# Revision 1.2 2002/05/06 23:27:10 richard
# . made the installation docco easier to find
# . fixed a "select *" test - column ordering is different for py 2.2
# . some cleanup in gadfly/kjParseBuild.py
# . made the test modules runnable (remembering that run_tests can take a
# name argument to run a single module)
# . fixed the module name in gadfly/kjParser.py
# Revision 2002/05/06 07:31:09 richard