"""gadfly server mode
script usage
python gfserve.py port database directory password [startup]
test example
python gfserve.py 2222 test dbtest admin gfstest
port is the port to listen to
database is the database to start up. (must exist!)
directory is the directory the database is in.
password is the administrative access password.
startup if present should be the name of a module to use
for startup. The Startup module must contain a function
Dict = startup(admin_policy, connection, Server_instance)
which performs any startup actions on the database needed
and returns either None or a Dictionary of
name > policy objects
where the policy objects describe policies beyond the
admin policy. The startup function may also
modify the admin_policy (disabling queries for example).
The arguments passed to startup are:
admin_policy: the administrative policy
eg you could turn queries off for admin, using admin
only for server maintenance, or you could add prepared
queries to the admin_policy.
connection: the database connection
eg you could perform some inserts before server start
also needed to make policies.
Included for additional customization.
Create policies using
P = gfserve.Policy(name, password, connection, queries=0)
-- for a "secure" policy with only prepared queries allowed,
P = gfserve.Policy(name, password, connection, queries=1)
-- for a policy with full access arbitrary statement
add a "named prepared statement" to a policy using
P[name] = statement
for example
P["updatenorm"] = '''
update frequents
set bar=?, perweek=?
where drinker='norm'
in this case 'updatenorm' requires 2 dynamic parameters when
invoked from a client.
Script stdout lists server logging information.
Some server administration services (eg shutdown)
are implemented by the script interpretion of gfclient.py.
# $Id: gfserver.py,v 1.1 2002/05/11 13:28:35 richard Exp $
import sys
def main():
"""start up the server."""
done = 0
argv = sys.argv
nargs = len(argv)
#print nargs, argv
if nargs<5:
sys.stderr.write("gfserve: not enough arguments: %s\n\n" % argv)
[port, db, dr, pw] = argv[1:5]
print "gfserve startup port=%s db=%s, dr=%s password omitted" % (
port, db, dr)
port = int(port)
startup = None
if nargs>5:
startup = argv[5]
print "gfserve: load startup module %s" % startup
S = Server(int(port), db, dr, pw, startup)
print "gfserve: server initialized, setting stderr=stdout"
sys.stderr = sys.stdout
print "gfserve: starting the server"
done = 1
if not done:
print __doc__
if __name__=="__main__":
# $Log: gfserver.py,v $
# Revision 1.1 2002/05/11 13:28:35 richard
# Checked over the server code. Split out functionality into modules and
# scripts. Renamed documentation to "network". Made sure the gftest suite
# worked (will need to formalise it though).