""" Storage objects
:Author: Aaron Watters
:Maintainers: http://gadfly.sf.net/
:Copyright: Aaron Robert Watters, 1994
:Id: $Id: store.py,v 1.8 2005/01/05 02:28:06 aaron_watters Exp $:
verbosity = 0
import sys, os, md5, types, marshal
from kjbuckets_select import kjbuckets
import serialize
class StorageError(Exception):
''' error on checking of data integrity '''
# use md5 checksum (stub if md5 unavailable?)
def checksum(string):
return md5.new(string).digest()
def recursive_dump(data, prefix="["):
"""for debugging"""
if isinstance(data, types.StringType):
#print prefix, data
p2 = prefix+"["
for x in data:
recursive_dump(x, p2)
print prefix, data
def checksum_dump(data, file):
"""checksum and dump marshallable data to file"""
storage = marshal.dumps(data)
checkpair = (checksum(storage), storage)
marshal.dump(checkpair, file)
def checksum_undump(file):
"""undump marshallable data from file, checksum"""
checkpair = marshal.load(file)
(check, storage) = checkpair
if checksum(storage)!=check:
raise StorageError, "data load checksum fails"
data = marshal.loads(storage)
return data
def backup_file(filename, backupname):
"""backup file, if unopenable ignore"""
f = open(filename, "rb")
data = f.read()
f = open(backupname, "wb")
def del_file(filename):
"""delete file, ignore errors"""
class Database0:
""" Quick and dirty in core database representation.
# db.log is not None == use db.log to log modifications
# set for verbose prints
verbose = verbosity
# set for read only copy
readonly = 0
# set for temp/scratch db copy semantics
is_scratch = 0
# set to add introspective tables
introspect = 1
def __init__(self, shadowing=None, log=None):
""" Dictionary of relations.
verbose = self.verbose
self.shadowing = shadowing
self.log = log
self.touched = 0
if log:
self.is_scratch = log.is_scratch
if shadowing and not log:
raise ValueError, "shadowing db requires log"
if verbose:
print "Database0 init"
if log:
log.verbose = 1
if shadowing:
# shadow structures of shadowed db
self.rels = shadow_dict(shadowing.rels, Relation0.unshadow)
self.datadefs = shadow_dict(shadowing.datadefs)
self.indices = shadow_dict(shadowing.indices)
self.rels = {}
self.datadefs = {}
self.indices = {}
if self.introspect:
def set_introspection(self):
import introspection
self["dual"] = introspection.DualView()
self["__table_names__"] = introspection.RelationsView()
self["__datadefs__"] = introspection.DataDefsView()
self["__indices__"] = introspection.IndicesView()
self["__columns__"] = introspection.ColumnsView()
self["__indexcols__"] = introspection.IndexAttsView()
def reshadow(self, db, dblog):
"""(re)make self into shadow of db with dblog"""
self.shadowing = db
self.log = dblog
self.rels = shadow_dict(db.rels, Relation0.unshadow)
self.datadefs = shadow_dict(db.datadefs)
self.indices = shadow_dict(db.indices)
def clear(self):
"""I'm not sure if database has circular structure, so this added"""
self.shadowing = None
self.log = None
self.rels = {}
self.datadefs = {}
self.indices = {}
def commit(self):
"""commit shadowed changes"""
verbose = self.verbose
if self.shadowing and self.touched:
# log commit handled elsewhere
#log = self.log
#if log and not log.is_scratch:
#if verbose: print "committing log"
if verbose: print "committing rels"
if verbose: print "committing datadefs"
if verbose: print "committing indices"
st = self.shadowing.touched
if not st:
if verbose: print "setting touched", self.touched
self.shadowing.touched = self.touched
elif verbose:
print "shadowed database is touched"
elif verbose:
print "db0: commit on nonshadow instance"
def __setitem__(self, name, relation):
"""bind a name (uppercased) to tuples as a relation."""
if self.indices.has_key(name):
raise NameError, "cannot set index"
self.rels[ name.upper() ] = relation
if self.verbose: print "db0 sets rel", name
def add_index(self, name, index):
if self.rels.has_key(name):
raise NameError, `name`+": is relation"
self.indices[name] = index
if self.verbose: print "db0 sets index", name
def drop_index(self, name):
if self.verbose: print "db0 drops index", name
del self.indices[name]
def __getitem__(self, name):
if self.verbose: print "db0 gets rel", name
return self.rels[name.upper()]
def get_for_update(self, name):
"""note: does not imply updates, just possibility of them"""
verbose = self.verbose
if verbose: print "db0 gets rel for update", name
shadowing = self.shadowing
gotit = 0
name = name.upper()
rels = self.rels
if shadowing:
if rels.is_shadowed(name):
test = rels[name]
# do we really have a shadow or a db copy?
if test.is_shadow:
gotit = 1
if not gotit:
if shadowing.has_relation(name):
test = shadowing.get_for_update(name)
# uncommitted whole relation
test = rels[name]
gotit = 1
test = rels[name]
gotit = 1
if self.readonly:
raise ValueError, "cannot update, db is read only"
elif test.is_view:
raise ValueError, "VIEW %s cannot be updated" % name
elif shadowing and not gotit:
if verbose: print "db0: making shadow for", name
if test.is_shadow: return test
shadow = Relation0(())
shadow = shadow.shadow(test, self.log, name, self)
rels[name] = shadow
return shadow
return test
def __delitem__(self, name):
if self.verbose: print "db0 drops rel", name
del self.rels[name.upper()]
def relations(self):
return self.rels.keys()
def has_relation(self, name):
return self.rels.has_key(name)
def getdatadefs(self):
result = self.datadefs.values()
# sort to make create tables first, eg
return result
def add_datadef(self, name, defn, logit=1):
"""only log the datadef if logit is set, else ignore redefinitions"""
dd = self.datadefs
if logit and dd.has_key(name):
raise KeyError, `name`+": already defined"
if logit:
self.touched = 1
dd[name] = defn
def has_datadef(self, name):
return self.datadefs.has_key(name)
def drop_datadef(self, name):
if self.verbose: print "db0 drops datadef",name
dd = self.datadefs
#print dd.keys()
if not dd.has_key(name):
raise KeyError, `name`+": no such element"
del dd[name]
def __repr__(self):
l = []
l.append("INDICES: "+`self.indices.keys()`)
for (name, ddef) in self.datadefs.items():
l.append("data definition %s::\n%s" % (name, ddef))
for (name, rel) in self.rels.items():
l.append(name + ":")
return '\n\n'.join(l)
def bindings(self, fromlist):
"""return (attdict, reldict, amb, ambatts) from fromlist = [(name,alias)...]
where reldict: alias > tuplelist
attdict: attribute_name > unique_relation
amb: dict of dottedname > (rel, att)
ambatts: dict of ambiguous_name > witness_alias
rels = self.rels
ambiguous_atts = {}
ambiguous = {}
relseen = {}
attbindings = {}
relbindings = {}
for (name,alias) in fromlist:
name = name.upper()
alias = alias.upper()
if relseen.has_key(alias):
raise NameError, `alias` + ": bound twice in from list"
therel = rels[name]
except KeyError:
raise NameError, `name` + " no such relation in DB"
relbindings[alias] = therel
for attname in therel.attributes():
if not ambiguous_atts.has_key(attname):
if attbindings.has_key(attname):
oldrel = attbindings[attname]
oldbind = (oldrel, attname)
ambiguous["%s.%s"%oldbind] = oldbind
del attbindings[attname]
newbind = (alias, attname)
ambiguous["%s.%s"%newbind] = newbind
attbindings[attname] = alias
newbind = (alias, attname)
ambiguous["%s.%s"%newbind] = newbind
return (attbindings, relbindings, ambiguous, ambiguous_atts)
class File_Storage0:
"""quick and dirty file storage mechanism.
relation names in directory/dbname.gfd
contains a white separated list of relation names
relations in directory/relname.grl
contains sequence of marshalled tuples reps
prefixed by marshalled list of atts
verbose = verbosity
def __init__(self, dbname, directory):
"""directory must exist."""
if self.verbose: print "fs0 init:", dbname, directory
self.dbname = dbname
self.directory = directory
self.relation_implementation = Relation0
self.recovery_mode = 0
def load(self, forscratch=0):
# if logfile is present, need to recover
# error condition: fail to load relation, ddf, but no log file!
logfile = self.logfilename()
blogfile = self.backup_logfilename()
verbose = self.verbose
if verbose: print "fs0 load, checking", logfile
testlog = open(logfile, "rb")
if verbose: print "fs0: opened", testlog
testlog = open(blogfile, "rb")
testlog = None
recovery_mode = self.recovery_mode = 0
if verbose: print "recovery not needed"
recovery_mode = self.recovery_mode = 1
if verbose: print "FS0 RECOVERY MODE LOAD!"
resultdb = Database0()
resultdb.is_scratch = forscratch
commands = self.get_initstatements()
for command in commands:
if verbose: print "fs0 evals", command
for name in resultdb.relations():
if verbose: print "fs0 loads rel", name
rel = resultdb[name]
if rel.is_view:
# don't need to load views
data = self.get_relation(name)
except StorageError, detail:
raise StorageError, "load failure %s: %s" % (name, detail)
attsin = tuple(data.attributes())
attsout = tuple(rel.attributes())
if attsin!=attsout:
raise StorageError, "rel %s: atts %s don't match %s" % (
name, attsin, attsout)
rel.add_tuples( data.rows() )
# in sync!
rel.touched = 0
# db in sync
resultdb.touched = 0
# do recovery, if needed
if recovery_mode:
if verbose: print "fs0 recovering from logfile", logfile
# restart the log file only if db is not scratch
restart = not forscratch
Log = DB_Logger(logfile, blogfile)
if verbose: Log.verbose=1
Log.recover(resultdb, restart)
# do a checkpoint
self.recovery_mode = 0
if restart and not forscratch:
Log = None
if verbose: print "FS0: dumping database"
Log = resultdb.log = DB_Logger(logfile, blogfile)
elif not forscratch:
Log = DB_Logger(logfile, blogfile)
resultdb.log = Log
return resultdb
def relfilename(self, name):
#return "%s/%s.grl" % (self.directory, name)
return os.path.join(self.directory, name+".grl")
def backup_relfilename(self, name):
#return "%s/%s.brl" % (self.directory, name)
return os.path.join(self.directory, name+".brl")
def relfile(self, name, mode="rb"):
if self.recovery_mode:
return self.getfile_fallback(
self.backup_relfilename(name), self.relfilename(name), mode)
name = self.relfilename(name)
return open(name, mode)
def getfile_fallback(self, first, second, mode):
return open(first, mode)
return open(second, mode)
def get_relation(self, name):
f = self.relfile(name, "rb")
rel = self.relation_implementation(())
except StorageError:
if self.recovery_mode:
f = open(self.relfilename(name), "rb")
raise StorageError, \
"fs: could not unpack backup rel file or rel file in recovery mode: "+name
return rel
def dbfilename(self):
#return "%s/%s.gfd" % (self.directory, self.dbname)
return os.path.join(self.directory, self.dbname+".gfd")
def backup_dbfilename(self):
#return "%s/%s.bfd" % (self.directory, self.dbname)
return os.path.join(self.directory, self.dbname+".bfd")
def logfilename(self):
#return "%s/%s.gfl" % (self.directory, self.dbname)
return os.path.join(self.directory, self.dbname+".gfl")
def backup_logfilename(self):
#return "%s/%s.glb" % (self.directory, self.dbname)
return os.path.join(self.directory, self.dbname+".glb")
def get_initstat_file(self, mode):
if self.recovery_mode:
return self.getfile_fallback(
self.backup_dbfilename(), self.dbfilename(), mode)
return open(self.dbfilename(), mode)
def get_initstatements(self):
f = self.get_initstat_file("rb")
if self.verbose:
print "init statement from file", f
data = checksum_undump(f)
except StorageError:
if self.recovery_mode:
f = open(self.dbfilename, "rb")
data = checksum_undump(f)
raise StorageError, \
"could not unpack ddf backup or ddf file in recovery mode: "+self.dbname
stats = map(serialize.deserialize, data)
return stats
def dump(self, db):
"""perform a checkpoint (no active transactions!)"""
# db should be non-shadowing db
# first thing: back up the log
backup_file(self.logfilename(), self.backup_logfilename())
verbose = self.verbose
if verbose: print "fs0: checkpointing db"
if db.is_scratch or db.readonly:
# don't need to do anything.
if verbose: print "fs0: scratch or readonly, returning"
log = db.log
if log:
if verbose:
if db.touched:
if verbose: print "fs0: db touched, backing up ddf file"
relations = db.relations()
for r in relations:
rel = db[r]
#print r
if rel.touched:
if verbose: print "fs0: backing up touched rel", r
for r in relations:
if verbose: print "fs0: dumping relations now"
self.dumprelation(r, db[r])
if verbose: print "fs0: dumping datadefs now"
# del of logfile signals successful commit.
if verbose: print "fs0: successful dump, deleting log file"
logfilename = self.logfilename()
blogfilename = self.backup_logfilename()
if db.touched:
if verbose: print "fs0: deleting backup ddf file"
db.touched = 0
for r in relations:
rel = db[r]
if rel.touched:
if verbose: print "fs0: deleting rel backup", r
rel.touched = 0
if verbose: print "fs0: restarting db log"
log = db.log = DB_Logger(logfilename, blogfilename)
if verbose: print "fs0: dump complete"
self.recovery_mode = 0
def dumprelation(self, name, rel, force=0):
"""set force to ignore the "touch" flag."""
# ignore self.backup_mode
if (force or rel.touched) and not rel.is_view:
fn = self.relfilename(name)
if self.verbose:
print "dumping touched rel", name, "to", fn
f = open(fn, "wb")
def dumpdatadefs(self, db, force=0):
"""set force to ignore the touch flag"""
# ignore self.backup_mode
if not (force or db.touched): return
fn = self.dbfilename()
f = open(fn, "wb")
datadefs = db.getdatadefs()
datadefsd = map(serialize.serialize, datadefs)
#for (defn, ser) in map(None, datadefs, datadefsd):
#print defn
#print ser
#dumps(ser) ### debug test
checksum_dump(datadefsd, f)
class Relation0:
"""quick and dirty in core relation representation.
self.tuples contains tuples or 0 if erased.
tuples must not move (to preserve indices)
unless indices regenerate.
is_view = 0 # Relation0 is not a view
def __init__(self, attribute_names, tuples=None, filter=None):
self.indices = kjbuckets.kjGraph()
self.index_list = []
self.attribute_names = attribute_names
if tuples is None:
tuples = []
self.filter = filter
# indices map attname > indices containing att
# relation to shadow and log (if non-null)
self.log = None
self.name = None # anonymous by default
self.is_shadow = 0
self.touched = 0
def shadow(self, otherrelation, log, name, inshadowdb):
"""return structural replica of otherrelation (as self)
for non-updatable relation (eg, view) may return otherrelation"""
if otherrelation.is_view:
# for now, assume VIEWS CANNOT BE UPDATED
return otherrelation
self.is_shadow = 1
self.shadow_of_shadow = otherrelation.is_shadow
self.log = log
self.name = name
# don't make any updates permanent if set.
self.tuples = otherrelation.tuples[:]
self.attribute_names = otherrelation.attribute_names
self.filter = otherrelation.filter
for index in otherrelation.index_list:
copy = index.copy()
name = copy.name
self.add_index(copy, recordtuples=0)
# record in shadowdb, but don't log it
inshadowdb.add_index(name, copy)
#inshadowdb.add_datadef(name, copy, logit=0)
self.touched = otherrelation.touched
return self
def unshadow(self):
"""make self into a replacement for shadowed, return self."""
if self.is_shadow:
self.log = None
self.is_shadow = self.shadow_of_shadow
return self
def dump(self, file):
attributes = tuple(self.attributes())
rows = self.rows()
newrows = rows[:]
count = 0
for i in xrange(len(rows)):
this = rows[i]
if this is not None and not isinstance(this, types.IntType):
newrows[count] = rows[i].dump(attributes)
count = count + 1
newrows = newrows[:count]
checksum_dump(newrows, file)
def load(self, file):
"""checksum must succeed."""
rows = checksum_undump(file)
attributes = rows[-1]
self.attribute_names = attributes
rows = rows[:-1]
undump = kjbuckets.kjUndump
for i in xrange(len(rows)):
rows[i] = undump(attributes, rows[i])
# in sync with disk copy!
self.touched = 0
def add_index(self, index, recordtuples=1):
"""unset recordtuples if the index is initialized already."""
# does not "touch" the relation
index_list = self.index_list
indices = self.indices
atts = index.attributes()
for a in atts:
indices[a] = index
if recordtuples:
(tuples, seqnums) = self.rows(1)
if tuples:
index.add_tuples(tuples, seqnums)
def drop_index(self, index):
# does not "touch" the relation
name = index.name
if verbosity:
print "rel.drop_index", index
print "...", self.indices, self.index_list
indices = self.indices
for a in index.attributes():
# contorted since one index be clone of the other.
aindices = indices.neighbors(a)
for ind in aindices:
if ind.name == name:
indices.delete_arc(a, ind)
theind = ind
# the (non-clone) index ought to have been found above...
def choose_index(self, attributes):
"""choose an index including subset of attributes or None"""
kjSet = kjbuckets.kjSet
atts = kjSet(attributes)
#print "choosing index", atts
indices = (atts * self.indices).values()
choice = None
for index in indices:
indexatts = index.attributes()
#print "index atts", indexatts
iatts = kjSet(indexatts)
if iatts.subset(atts):
if choice is None:
#print "chosen", index.name
choice = index
lchoice = len(choice.attributes())
if index.unique or lchoice<len(indexatts):
choice = index
lchoice = len(choice.attributes())
return choice
def __repr__(self):
rows = self.rows()
atts = self.attributes()
list_rep = [list(atts)]
for r in rows:
rlist = []
for a in atts:
elt = r[a]
except KeyError:
elt = "NULL"
elt = str(elt)
# compute maxen for formatting
maxen = [0] * len(atts)
for i in xrange(len(atts)):
for l in list_rep:
maxen[i] = max(maxen[i], len(l[i]))
for i in xrange(len(atts)):
mm = maxen[i]
for l in list_rep:
old = l[i]
l[i] = old + (" " * (mm-len(old)))
for i in xrange(len(list_rep)):
list_rep[i] = ' | '.join(list_rep[i])
first = list_rep[0]
list_rep.insert(1, "=" * len(first))
return '\n'.join(list_rep)
def irepr(self):
List = [self] + list(self.index_list)
List = map(str, List)
return '\n'.join(List)
def set_empty(self):
self.tuples = []
for index in self.index_list:
def drop_indices(self, db):
for index in self.index_list:
name = index.name
self.index_list = []
self.indices = kjbuckets.kjGraph()
def regenerate_indices(self):
(tuples, seqnums) = self.rows(1)
#self.tuples = tuples
for index in self.index_list:
index.add_tuples(tuples, seqnums)
def add_tuples(self, tuples):
if not tuples: return
tuples = filter(self.filter, tuples)
oldtuples = self.tuples
first = len(oldtuples)
#oldtuples[first:] = list(tuples)
newtuples = oldtuples+list(tuples)
last = len(newtuples)
r = range(first, last)
for index in self.index_list:
index.check_tuples(tuples, r)
for index in self.index_list:
index.add_tuples(tuples, r)
oldtuples[:] = newtuples
self.touched = 1
def attributes(self):
return self.attribute_names
def rows(self, andseqnums=0, assignment=None, transform=None, subsequence=None):
tups = self.tuples
# short cut
if 0 not in tups:
if andseqnums:
return (tups, xrange(len(tups)))
return tups
result = list(self.tuples)
if andseqnums: seqnums = result[:]
count = 0
for i in xrange(len(result)):
t = result[i]
if not isinstance(t, types.IntType):
result[count] = t
if andseqnums: seqnums[count] = i
count = count+1
result = result[:count]
if andseqnums:
return (result, seqnums[:count])
return result
def erase_tuples(self, seqnums):
#print "et seqnums", seqnums
if not seqnums: return
tups = self.tuples
# order important! indices first!
for index in self.index_list:
index.erase_tuples(seqnums, tups)
for i in seqnums:
#print "deleting", i
tups[i] = 0
#print self
self.touched = 1
def reset_tuples(self, tups, seqnums):
# KISS for indices, maybe optimize someday...
if not tups: return
mytups = self.tuples
for index in self.index_list:
index.erase_tuples(seqnums, mytups)
for i in xrange(len(seqnums)):
seqnum = seqnums[i]
mytups[seqnum] = tups[i]
for index in self.index_list:
index.add_tuples(tups, seqnums)
self.touched = 1
# should views be here?
class View(Relation0):
"""view object, acts like relation, with addl operations."""
touched = 0
is_view = 1
is_shadow = 0
### must fix namelist!
def __init__(self, name, namelist, selection, indb):
"""set namelist to None for implicit namelist"""
self.name = name
self.namelist = namelist
self.selection = selection
# attempt a relbind, no outer bindings!
self.relbind(indb, {})
self.cached_rows = None
self.translate = None
def __repr__(self):
return "view %s as %s" % (self.name, self.selection)
irepr = __repr__
def uncache(self):
self.cached_rows = None
def UNDEFINED_OP_FOR_VIEW(*args, **kw):
raise ValueError, "operation explicitly undefined for view object"
shadow = dump = load = add_index = drop_index = set_empty = \
add_tuples = erase_tuples = reset_tuples = UNDEFINED_OP_FOR_VIEW
def ignore_op_for_view(*args, **kw):
"""ignore this op when applied to view"""
drop_indices = regenerate_indices = ignore_op_for_view
def choose_index(self, a):
"""no indices on views (might change this?)"""
return None
def relbind(self, db, atts):
"""bind self to db, ignore atts"""
name = self.name
selection = self.selection
selection = self.selection = selection.relbind(db)
namelist = self.namelist
if namelist is not None:
target_atts = selection.attributes()
if len(namelist)!=len(target_atts):
raise "select list and namelist don't match in %s"%name
pairs = map(None, namelist, target_atts)
self.translate = kjbuckets.kjGraph(pairs)
return self
def attributes(self):
namelist = self.namelist
if self.namelist is None:
return self.selection.attributes()
return namelist
def rows(self, andseqs=0, assignment=None, transform=None, subseq=None):
cached_rows = self.cached_rows
if cached_rows is None:
cached_rows = self.cached_rows = self.selection.eval().rows()
if self.namelist is not None:
# translate the attribute names
translate = self.translate
for i in range(len(cached_rows)):
cached_rows[i] = cached_rows[i].remap(translate)
if andseqs:
return (cached_rows[:], range(len(cached_rows)))
return cached_rows[:]
class Index:
"""Index for tuples in relation. Tightly bound to relation rep."""
### should add "unique index" and check enforce uniqueness...
def __init__(self, name, attributes, unique=0):
self.unique = unique
self.name = name
self.atts = tuple(attributes)
# values > tuples
self.index = {}
self.dseqnums = {}
def __repr__(self):
un = ""
if self.unique: un="UNIQUE "
return "%sindex %s on %s" % (un, self.name, self.atts)
def copy(self):
"""make a fast structural copy of self"""
result = Index(self.name, self.atts, unique=self.unique)
rindex = result.index
rdseqnums = result.dseqnums
myindex = self.index
mydseqnums = self.dseqnums
for k in myindex.keys():
rindex[k] = myindex[k][:]
for k in mydseqnums.keys():
rdseqnums[k] = mydseqnums[k][:]
return result
def attributes(self):
return self.atts
def matches(self, tuple, translate=None):
"""return (tuples, seqnums) for tuples matching tuple
(with possible translations"""
if translate:
tuple = translate * tuple
atts = self.atts
dump = tuple.dump(atts)
index = self.index
if index.has_key(dump):
return (index[dump], self.dseqnums[dump])
return ((), ())
def clear(self):
self.index = {}
self.dseqnums = {}
def check_tuples(self, tuples, seqnums):
if not self.unique:
atts = self.atts
index = self.index
test = self.index.has_key
for tup in tuples:
dump = tup.dump(atts)
if test(dump):
bucket = index[dump]
if bucket:
raise StorageError, "uniqueness violation: %s %s" %(
dump, self)
def add_tuples(self, tuples, seqnums):
unique = self.unique
atts = self.atts
index = self.index
dseqnums = self.dseqnums
test = index.has_key
for i in xrange(len(tuples)):
tup = tuples[i]
seqnum = seqnums[i]
dump = tup.dump(atts)
#print self.name, dump
if test(dump):
bucket = index[dump]
#print "self", self
#print "unique", unique
#print "bucket", bucket
if unique and bucket:
raise StorageError, "uniqueness violation: %s %s" %(
dump, self)
index[dump] = [tup]
dseqnums[dump] = [seqnum]
def erase_tuples(self, seqnums, all_tuples):
# all_tuples must be internal rel tuple list
atts = self.atts
index = self.index
dseqnums = self.dseqnums
for seqnum in seqnums:
tup = all_tuples[seqnum]
dump = tup.dump(atts)
class shadow_dict:
"""shadow dictionary. defer & remember updates."""
verbose = verbosity
def __init__(self, shadowing, value_transform=None):
self.shadowed = shadowing
shadow = self.shadow = {}
self.touched = {}
for key in shadowing.keys():
shadow[key] = shadowing[key]
self.value_transform = value_transform
# defeats inheritance! careful!
self.values = shadow.values
self.items = shadow.items
self.keys = shadow.keys
self.has_key = shadow.has_key
def is_shadowed(self, name):
return self.touched.has_key(name)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.shadow)
def commit(self, verbose=0):
"""apply updates to shadowed."""
verbose = verbose or self.verbose
if self.touched:
shadowed = self.shadowed
shadow = self.shadow
value_transform = self.value_transform
keys = shadowed.keys()
if verbose:
print "shadowdict oldkeys", keys
for k in keys:
del shadowed[k]
keys = shadow.keys()
if verbose:
print "shadowdict newkeys", keys
for k in shadow.keys():
value = shadow[k]
if value_transform is not None:
value = value_transform(value)
shadowed[k] = value
self.touched = {}
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.shadow[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, item):
if not isinstance(key, types.StringType):
raise "nonstring", key
if item is None:
raise "none set", (key, item)
self.touched[key] = 1
self.shadow[key] = item
def __delitem__(self, key):
self.touched[key] = 1
del self.shadow[key]
# stored mutations on relations
class Add_Tuples:
"""stored rel.add_tuples(tuples)"""
def __init__(self, name):
self.to_rel = name
self.indb = None
def initargs(self):
return (self.to_rel,)
def set_data(self, tuples, rel):
"""store self.data as tuple with tuple[-1] as to_rel, rest data"""
attributes = tuple(rel.attributes())
ltuples = len(tuples)
data = list(tuples)
for i in xrange(ltuples):
tdata = tuples[i].dump(attributes)
data[i] = tdata
self.data = tuple(data)
def __repr__(self):
datarep = map(repr, self.data)
datarep = '\n '.join(datarep)
return "add tuples to %s\n %s\n\n" % (self.to_rel, datarep)
def marshaldata(self):
return self.data
def demarshal(self, data):
self.data = data
def relbind(self, db):
self.indb = db
def eval(self, dyn=None):
"""apply operation to db"""
db = self.indb
data = self.data
name = self.to_rel
rel = db[name]
attributes = tuple(rel.attributes())
tuples = list(data)
undump = kjbuckets.kjUndump
for i in xrange(len(tuples)):
tuples[i] = undump(attributes, tuples[i])
class Erase_Tuples(Add_Tuples):
"""stored rel.erase_tuples(seqnums)"""
def set_data(self, seqnums, rel):
seqnums = list(seqnums)
self.data = tuple(seqnums)
def __repr__(self):
return "Erase seqnums in %s\n %s\n\n" % (self.to_rel, self.data)
def eval(self, dyn=None):
db = self.indb
seqnums = self.data
name = self.to_rel
rel = db[name]
class Reset_Tuples(Add_Tuples):
"""stored rel.reset_tuples(tups, seqnums)"""
def set_data(self, tups, seqnums, rel):
attributes = tuple(rel.attributes())
dtups = list(tups)
for i in xrange(len(dtups)):
dtups[i] = dtups[i].dump(attributes)
self.data = (tuple(dtups), tuple(seqnums))
def __repr__(self):
(dtups, seqnums) = self.data
pairs = map(None, seqnums, dtups)
datarep = map(repr, pairs)
datarep = ' \n'.join(datarep)
return "Reset tuples in %s\n %s\n\n" % (self.to_rel, datarep)
def eval(self, dyn=None):
db = self.indb
(dtups, seqnums) = self.data
tups = list(dtups)
rel = db[self.to_rel]
attributes = tuple(rel.attributes())
undump = kjbuckets.kjUndump
for i in xrange(len(dtups)):
tups[i] = undump(attributes, dtups[i])
rel.reset_tuples(tups, seqnums)
# Log entry tags
class Transaction_Logger:
"""quick and dirty Log implementation per transaction."""
verbose = verbosity
def __init__(self, db_log, transactionid, is_scratch=0):
self.db_log = db_log
self.transactionid = transactionid
# ignore all operations if set
self.is_scratch = is_scratch
self.dirty = 0
self.deferred = []
def reset(self):
self.deferred = []
def __repr__(self):
return "Transaction_Logger(%s, %s, %s)" % (
self.db_log, self.transactionid, self.is_scratch)
def log(self, operation):
verbose = self.verbose
tid = self.transactionid
if not self.is_scratch:
if verbose:
print "tid logs", tid, operation
def flush(self):
verbose = self.verbose
if not self.is_scratch:
tid = self.transactionid
deferred = self.deferred
self.deferred = []
if self.db_log:
for operation in deferred:
self.db_log.log(operation, tid)
self.dirty = 1
elif verbose:
print "scratch log ignored", tid, operation
def commit(self, verbose=0):
verbose = self.verbose or verbose
tid = self.transactionid
if verbose:
print "committing trans log", tid
if self.is_scratch:
if verbose:
print "scratch commit ignored", tid
if not self.dirty:
if verbose:
print "nondirty commit", tid
self.db_log.commit(verbose, tid)
if verbose:
print "transaction is considered recoverable", tid
# def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
# if attr == 'dirty':
# if hasattr(self, 'db_log'):
# print 'TL(%x): %s set!'%(id(self), attr), `value`, `self.db_log`
# else:
# print 'TL(%x): %s set!'%(id(self), attr), `value`, 'no db_log'
# elif attr == 'db_log':
# # import traceback;traceback.print_stack()
# print 'TL(%x): %s set!'%(id(self), attr), `value`
# self.__dict__[attr] = value
class DB_Logger:
"""quick and dirty global db logger."""
verbose = verbosity
is_scratch = 0
def __init__(self, filename, backupname):
self.filename = filename
# backup name is never kept open: existence indicates log in use.
self.backupname = backupname
self.file = None
self.dirty = 0
if self.verbose:
print id(self), "created DB_Logger on", self.filename
def __repr__(self):
return "DB_Logger(%s)" % self.filename
def startup(self):
if self.verbose:
print id(self), "preparing", self.filename
# open happens automagically
#self.file = open(self.filename, "wb")
self.dirty = 0
def shutdown(self):
if self.verbose:
print id(self), "shutting down log", self.filename
file = self.file
if file:
self.file = None
def clear(self):
if self.verbose:
print id(self), "clearing"
def restart(self):
if self.verbose:
print id(self), "restarting log file", self.filename
if self.file is not None:
self.file = open(self.filename, "ab")
dummy = open(self.backupname, "ab")
self.dirty = 0
def clear_log_file(self):
if self.verbose:
print id(self), "clearing logfile", self.filename
if self.file is not None:
self.file = None
self.dirty = 0
def log(self, operation, transactionid=None):
"""transactionid of None means no transaction: immediate."""
file = self.file
if file is None:
file = self.file
verbose = self.verbose
serial = serialize.serialize(operation)
data = (transactionid, serial)
if verbose:
print id(self), "logging:", transactionid
print operation
checksum_dump(data, file)
self.dirty = 1
def commit(self, verbose=0, transactionid=None):
"""add commit, if appropriate, flush."""
verbose = self.verbose or verbose
if not self.dirty and transactionid is None:
if verbose: print "commit not needed", transactionid
elif verbose:
print "attempting commit", transactionid
if transactionid is not None:
self.log( COMMIT, transactionid )
if verbose: print "committed", transactionid
if verbose: print "flushing", self.filename
self.dirty = 0
def recover(self, db, restart=1):
verbose = self.verbose
filename = self.filename
if verbose:
print "attempting recovery from", self.filename
file = self.file
if file is not None:
if verbose: print "closing file"
self.file = None
if verbose:
print "opens should generate an error if no recovery needed"
file = open(filename, "rb")
file2 = open(self.backupname, "rb")
if verbose:
print "no recovery needed:", filename
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
sys.exc_traceback = None
if verbose: print "log found, recovering from", filename
records = self.read_records(file)
if verbose: print "scan for commit records"
commits = {}
for (i, (tid, op)) in records:
if op==COMMIT:
if verbose: print "transaction", tid, "commit at", i
commits[tid] = i
elif verbose:
print i, tid, "operation\n", op
if verbose: print commits, "commits total"
if verbose: print "applying commited operations, in order"
committed = commits.has_key
for (i, (tid, op)) in records:
if tid is None or (committed(tid) and commits[tid]>i):
if isinstance(op, types.StringType):
if verbose:
print "skipping marker", tid, op
if verbose:
print "executing for", tid, i
print op
#### Note: silently eat errors unless verbose
### (eg in case of table recreation...)
### There should be a better way to do this!!!
if verbose:
print "error", sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
print "binding or evaluating logged operation:"
print op
elif verbose:
print "uncommitted operation", tid, i
if verbose:
print "recovery successful: clearing log file"
if restart:
if verbose:
print "recreating empty log file"
def read_records(self, file):
"""return log record as (index, (tid, op)) list"""
verbose = self.verbose
if verbose: print "reading log records to error"
records = {}
count = 0
while 1:
data = checksum_undump(file)
if verbose:
print "record read terminated with error", len(records)
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
(transactionid, serial) = data
operation = serialize.deserialize(serial)
records[count] = (transactionid, operation)
if verbose:
print count, ": read for", transactionid
print operation
count = count+1
if verbose: print len(records), "records total"
records = records.items()
return records
def dump(self):
verbose = self.verbose
print "dumping log"
self.verbose = 1
file = open(self.filename, "rb")
print "DUMP FAILED, cannot open", self.filename
self.verbose = verbose
# $Log: store.py,v $
# Revision 1.8 2005/01/05 02:28:06 aaron_watters
# fixed all remaining test failures. Added xsdbXML interface API
# Revision 1.7 2002/05/11 02:59:05 richard
# Added info into module docstrings.
# Fixed docco of kwParsing to reflect new grammar "marshalling".
# Fixed bug in gadfly.open - most likely introduced during sql loading
# re-work (though looking back at the diff from back then, I can't see how it
# wasn't different before, but it musta been ;)
# A buncha new unit test stuff.
# Revision 1.6 2002/05/08 00:49:00 anthonybaxter
# El Grande Grande reindente! Ran reindent.py over the whole thing.
# Gosh, what a lot of checkins. Tests still pass with 2.1 and 2.2.
# Revision 1.5 2002/05/08 00:31:52 richard
# More cleanup.
# Revision 1.4 2002/05/07 23:19:02 richard
# Removed circular import (at import time at least)
# Revision 1.3 2002/05/07 14:36:10 anthonybaxter
# oops. silliness fixed
# Revision 1.2 2002/05/07 04:38:03 anthonybaxter
# remove annoying try/except that was hiding an error.
# Revision 2002/05/06 07:31:09 richard