# KInterbasDB Python Package - Request Buffer Builder
# Version 3.2
# The following contributors hold Copyright (C) over their respective
# portions of code (see license.txt for details):
# [Original Author (maintained through version 2.0-0.3.1):]
# 1998-2001 [alex] Alexander Kuznetsov <alexan@users.sourceforge.net>
# [Maintainers (after version 2.0-0.3.1):]
# 2001-2002 [maz] Marek Isalski <kinterbasdb@maz.nu>
# 2002-2006 [dsr] David Rushby <woodsplitter@rocketmail.com>
# [Contributors:]
# 2001 [eac] Evgeny A. Cherkashin <eugeneai@icc.ru>
# 2001-2002 [janez] Janez Jere <janez.jere@void.si>
# This module is private.
import struct
# __init__.py will fill this with a function reference when it imports this
# module:
portable_int = None
class RequestBufferBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, clusterIdentifier=None):
if clusterIdentifier:
def render(self):
# Convert the RequestBufferBuilder's components to a binary Python str.
return ''.join(self._buffer)
def clear(self):
self._buffer = []
def _extend(self, otherRequestBuilder):
def _addRaw(self, rawBuf):
assert isinstance(rawBuf, str)
def _addCode(self, code):
_code2reqbuf(self._buffer, code)
def _addString(self, code, s):
_string2reqbuf(self._buffer, code, s)
def _addNumeric(self, code, n, numCType='I'):
_numeric2reqbuf(self._buffer, code, n, numCType=numCType)
def _vax_inverse(i, format):
# Apply the inverse of isc_vax_integer to a Python integer; return
# the raw bytes of the resulting value.
iRaw = struct.pack(format, i)
iConv = portable_int(iRaw)
iConvRaw = struct.pack(format, iConv)
return iConvRaw
def _renderSizedIntegerForSPB(i, format):
# In order to prepare the Python integer i for inclusion in a request
# buffer, the byte sequence of i must be reversed, which will make i
# unrepresentible as a normal Python integer.
# Therefore, the rendered version of i must be stored in a raw byte
# buffer.
# This function returns a 2-tuple containing:
# 1. the calculated struct.pack-compatible format string for i
# 2. the Python string containing the SPB-compatible raw binary rendering
# of i
# Example:
# To prepare the Python integer 12345 for storage as an unsigned int in a
# request buffer, use code such as this:
# (iPackFormat, iRawBytes) = _renderSizedIntegerForSPB(12345, 'I')
# spbBytes = struct.pack(iPackFormat, iRawBytes)
destFormat = '%ds' % struct.calcsize(format)
destVal = _vax_inverse(i, format)
return (destFormat, destVal)
def _string2reqbuf(reqBuf, code, s):
sLen = len(s)
_numeric2reqbuf(reqBuf, code, sLen, numCType='H')
format = str(sLen) + 's' # The length, then 's'.
reqBuf.append( struct.pack(format, s) )
def _numeric2reqbuf(reqBuf, code, num, numCType='I'):
# numCType is one of the pack format characters specified by the Python
# standard library module 'struct'.
_code2reqbuf(reqBuf, code)
(numericFormat, numericBytes) = _renderSizedIntegerForSPB(num, numCType)
reqBuf.append( struct.pack(numericFormat, numericBytes) )
def _code2reqbuf(reqBuf, code):
if isinstance(code, str):
assert len(code) == 1
code = ord(code)
# The database engine considers little-endian integers "portable"; they
# need to have been converted to little-endianness before being sent across
# the network.
reqBuf.append(struct.pack('<b', code))