# KInterbasDB Python Package - Standard DB API Exceptions Import-Cycle-Breaker
# Version 3.1
# The following contributors hold Copyright (C) over their respective
# portions of code (see license.txt for details):
# [Original Author (maintained through version 2.0-0.3.1):]
# 1998-2001 [alex] Alexander Kuznetsov <alexan@users.sourceforge.net>
# [Maintainers (after version 2.0-0.3.1):]
# 2001-2002 [maz] Marek Isalski <kinterbasdb@maz.nu>
# 2002-2004 [dsr] David Rushby <woodsplitter@rocketmail.com>
# [Contributors:]
# 2001 [eac] Evgeny A. Cherkashin <eugeneai@icc.ru>
# 2001-2002 [janez] Janez Jere <janez.jere@void.si>
__all__ = (
# The main module of kinterbasdb will initialize these exception references.
Warning = None
Error = None
InterfaceError = None
DatabaseError = None
DataError = None
OperationalError = None
IntegrityError = None
InternalError = None
ProgrammingError = None
NotSupportedError = None