# KInterbasDB Python Package - Python Wrapper for Services API
# Version 3.2
# The following contributors hold Copyright (C) over their respective
# portions of code (see license.txt for details):
# [Original Author (maintained through version 2.0-0.3.1):]
# 1998-2001 [alex] Alexander Kuznetsov <alexan@users.sourceforge.net>
# [Maintainers (after version 2.0-0.3.1):]
# 2001-2002 [maz] Marek Isalski <kinterbasdb@maz.nu>
# 2002-2006 [dsr] David Rushby <woodsplitter@rocketmail.com>
# [Contributors:]
# 2001 [eac] Evgeny A. Cherkashin <eugeneai@icc.ru>
# 2001-2002 [janez] Janez Jere <janez.jere@void.si>
# This module facilitates interaction with the database Services Manager via
# the low-level C module _kiservices (and thence, the database's C API).
# Like the C module named _kinterbasdb that underlies the main kinterbasdb
# module, the underlying C module here (_kiservices)
# in typical Python programs; it is subject to change without notice.
# The names of private members in this module begin with a leading underscore;
# the same caveat about unannounced modification applies to them.
import os.path, struct, sys, warnings
import kinterbasdb
# Acquire references to kinterbasdb's DB API exception classes:
from k_exceptions import *
from kinterbasdb import _kiservices
# The following SHUT_* constants are to be passed as the $shutdownMethod
# parameter to Connection.shutdown:
SHUT_FORCE = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_shutdown_db
SHUT_DENY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_deny_new_transactions
SHUT_DENY_NEW_ATTACHMENTS = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_deny_new_attachments
# The following WRITE_* constants are to be passed as the $mode parameter
# to Connection.setWriteMode:
WRITE_FORCED = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_wm_sync
WRITE_BUFFERED = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_wm_async
# The following ACCESS_* constants are to be passed as the $mode parameter
# to Connection.setAccessMode:
ACCESS_READ_WRITE = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_am_readwrite
ACCESS_READ_ONLY = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_am_readonly
def connect(host='service_mgr',
user=os.environ.get('ISC_USER', 'sysdba'),
password=os.environ.get('ISC_PASSWORD', None)
Establishes a connection to the Services Manager.
The $user and $password parameters must refer to an administrative user
such as sysdba. In fact, $user can be left blank, in which case it will
default to sysdba. The $password parameter is required.
If the $host parameter is not supplied, the connection will default to
the local host.
By definition, a Services Manager connection is bound to a particular
host. Therefore, the database specified as a parameter to methods such as
getStatistics MUST NOT include the host name of the database server.
if not _ksrv.is_initialized():
# Now that we know kinterbasdb has been intialized, grant the
# _kiservices module access to some global variables in kinterbasdb._k.
# This awkward step is necessary because _kiservices and _k are
# compiled to separate extension modules (i.e., shared libraries), and
# Python's importation mechanism doesn't provide an automatic way to
# access global variables in an extension module.
assert _ksrv.is_initialized()
if password is None:
raise ProgrammingError('A password is required to use the Services'
' Manager.'
# The database engine's Services API requires that connection strings
# conform to one of the following formats:
# 1. 'service_mgr' - Connects to the Services Manager on localhost.
# 2. 'hostname:service_mgr' - Connects to the Services Manager on the
# server named hostname.
# This Python function glosses over the database engine's rules as follows:
# - If the $host parameter is not supplied, the connection defaults to
# the local host.
# - If the $host parameter is supplied, the ':service_mgr' suffix is
# optional (the suffix will be appended automatically if necessary).
# Of course, this scheme would collapse if someone actually had a host
# named 'service_mgr', and supplied the connection string 'service_mgr'
# with the intent of connecting to that host. In that case, the connection
# would be attempted to the local host, not to the host named
# 'service_mgr'. An easy workaround would be to supply the following
# connection string:
# 'service_mgr:service_mgr'.
if not host.endswith('service_mgr'):
if not host.endswith(':'):
host += ':'
host += 'service_mgr'
return Connection(host, user, password)
class Connection(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **keywords_args):
self._C_conn = None
self._C_conn = apply(_ksrv.connect, args, keywords_args)
def close(self):
if self._C_conn is None:
del self._C_conn
## Query methods: ##
def getServiceManagerVersion(self):
return self._QI(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_version)
def getServerVersion(self):
return self._QS(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_server_version)
def getArchitecture(self):
return self._QS(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_implementation)
def getHomeDir(self):
return self._QS(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_get_env)
def getSecurityDatabasePath(self):
return self._QS(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_user_dbpath)
def getLockFileDir(self):
return self._QS(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_get_env_lock)
def getCapabilityMask(self):
return self._QI(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_capabilities)
def getMessageFileDir(self):
return self._QS(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_get_env_msg)
def getConnectionCount(self):
return self._get_isc_info_svc_svr_db_info()[0]
def getAttachedDatabaseNames(self):
return self._get_isc_info_svc_svr_db_info()[1]
def getLog(self):
Note: Current versions of the database server do not rotate the log
file, so it can become VERY large, and take a long time to retrieve.
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(_ksrv.isc_action_svc_get_ib_log)
return self._actAndReturnTextualResults(reqBuf)
# This capability no longer exists in FB 1.5rc4 and later:
#def getServerConfig(self): return self._get_isc_info_svc_get_config()
def getLimboTransactionIDs(self, database):
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder()
raw = self._repairAction(database, reqBuf)
nBytes = len(raw)
transIDs = []
i = 0
while i < nBytes:
byte = ord(raw[i])
if byte in (_ksrv.isc_spb_single_tra_id, _ksrv.isc_spb_multi_tra_id):
# The transaction ID is a 32-bit integer that begins
# immediately after position i.
transID = struct.unpack('i', raw[i+1:i+5])[0]
i += 5 # Advance past the marker byte and the 32-bit integer.
raise InternalError('Unable to process buffer contents'
' beginning at position %d.' % i
return transIDs
def _resolveLimboTransaction(self, resolution, database, transactionID):
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder()
reqBuf.addNumeric(resolution, transactionID)
self._repairAction(database, reqBuf)
def commitLimboTransaction(self, database, transactionID):
return self._resolveLimboTransaction(_ksrv.isc_spb_rpr_commit_trans,
database, transactionID
def rollbackLimboTransaction(self, database, transactionID):
return self._resolveLimboTransaction(_ksrv.isc_spb_rpr_rollback_trans,
database, transactionID
# Database statistics retrieval methods:
def getStatistics(self, database,
# 2004.06.06: False by default b/c gstat behaves that way:
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(_ksrv.isc_action_svc_db_stats)
optionMask = 0
if showUserDataPages:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_sts_data_pages
if showOnlyDatabaseLogPages:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_sts_db_log
if showOnlyDatabaseHeaderPages:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_sts_hdr_pages
if showUserIndexPages:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_sts_idx_pages
if showSystemTablesAndIndexes:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_sts_sys_relations
return self._actAndReturnTextualResults(reqBuf)
## Action methods: ##
# Backup and Restore methods:
def backup(self,
destFilenames, destFileSizes=(),
#factor=None, # YYY:What is this?
# Backup operation optionMask:
#oldDescriptions=0, kinterbasdb doesn't even support IB < 5.5
expand=1 # YYY:What is this?
# Begin parameter validation section.
destFilenames = _requireStrOrTupleOfStr(destFilenames)
destFilenamesCount = len(destFilenames)
# 2004.07.17: YYY: Temporary warning:
# Current (1.5.1) versions of the database engine appear to hang the
# Services API request when it contains more than 11 destFilenames
if destFilenamesCount > 11:
'Current versions of the database engine appear to hang when'
' passed a request to generate a backup with more than 11'
' constituents.',
if destFilenamesCount > 9999:
raise ProgrammingError("The database engine cannot output a"
" single source database to more than 9999 backup files."
_validateCompanionStringNumericSequences(destFilenames, destFileSizes,
'destination filenames', 'destination file sizes'
if len(_excludeElementsOfTypes(destFileSizes, (int, long))) > 0:
raise TypeError("Every element of destFileSizes must be an int"
" or long."
destFileSizesCount = len(destFileSizes)
# The following should have already been checked by
# _validateCompanionStringNumericSequences.
assert destFileSizesCount == destFilenamesCount - 1
# End parameter validation section.
# Begin option bitmask setup section.
optionMask = 0
if ignoreChecksums:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_bkp_ignore_checksums
if ignoreLimboTransactions:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_bkp_ignore_limbo
if metadataOnly:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_bkp_metadata_only
if not garbageCollect:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_bkp_no_garbage_collect
if not transportable:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_bkp_non_transportable
if convertExternalTablesToInternalTables:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_bkp_convert
if expand:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_bkp_expand
# End option bitmask setup section.
# Construct the request buffer.
request = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(_ksrv.isc_action_svc_backup)
# Source database filename:
# Backup filenames and sizes:
_ksrv.isc_spb_bkp_file, destFilenames,
_ksrv.isc_spb_bkp_length, destFileSizes
# Options bitmask:
request.addNumeric(_ksrv.isc_spb_options, optionMask)
# Tell the service to make its output available to us.
# Done constructing the request buffer.
return self._actAndReturnTextualResults(request)
def restore(self,
destFilenames, destFilePages=(),
# If $useAllPageSpace is 1, entirely fill each page rather than
# reserving 20% of each page for future use:
# Begin parameter validation section.
sourceFilenames = _requireStrOrTupleOfStr(sourceFilenames)
destFilenames = _requireStrOrTupleOfStr(destFilenames)
_validateCompanionStringNumericSequences(destFilenames, destFilePages,
'destination filenames', 'destination file page counts'
# End parameter validation section.
# Begin option bitmask setup section.
optionMask = 0
if replace:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_res_replace
if create:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_res_create
if deactivateIndexes:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_res_deactivate_idx
if doNotRestoreShadows:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_res_no_shadow
if doNotEnforceConstraints:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_res_no_validity
if commitAfterEachTable:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_res_one_at_a_time
if useAllPageSpace:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_res_use_all_space
# End option bitmask setup section.
# Construct the request buffer.
request = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(_ksrv.isc_action_svc_restore)
# Backup filenames:
request.addSequenceOfStrings(_ksrv.isc_spb_bkp_file, sourceFilenames)
# Database filenames:
_ksrv.isc_spb_dbname, destFilenames,
_ksrv.isc_spb_res_length, destFilePages
# Page size of the restored database:
if pageSize:
request.addNumeric(_ksrv.isc_spb_res_page_size, pageSize)
# cacheBuffers is the number of default cache buffers to configure for
# attachments to the restored database:
if cacheBuffers:
request.addNumeric(_ksrv.isc_spb_res_buffers, cacheBuffers)
# accessModeReadOnly controls whether the restored database is
# "mounted" in read only or read-write mode:
if accessModeReadOnly:
accessMode = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_am_readonly
accessMode = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_am_readwrite
request.addNumeric(_ksrv.isc_spb_res_access_mode, accessMode,
# Options bitmask:
request.addNumeric(_ksrv.isc_spb_options, optionMask)
# Tell the service to make its output available to us.
# Done constructing the request buffer.
_ksrv.action_thin(self._C_conn, request.render())
# Return the results to the caller synchronously.
return self._collectUnformattedResults()
# Database property alteration methods:
def setDefaultPageBuffers(self, database, n):
return self._propertyActionWithSingleNumericCode(database,
_ksrv.isc_spb_prp_page_buffers, n
def setSweepInterval(self, database, n):
return self._propertyActionWithSingleNumericCode(database,
_ksrv.isc_spb_prp_sweep_interval, n
def shutdown(self, database, shutdownMethod, timeout):
if shutdownMethod not in (
raise ValueError('shutdownMethod must be one of the following'
' constants: services.SHUT_FORCE,'
return self._propertyActionWithSingleNumericCode(database,
shutdownMethod, timeout
def bringOnline(self, database):
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder()
return self._propertyAction(database, reqBuf)
def setShouldReservePageSpace(self, database, shouldReserve):
if shouldReserve:
reserveCode = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_res
reserveCode = _ksrv.isc_spb_prp_res_use_full
return self._propertyActionWithSingleNumericCode(database,
_ksrv.isc_spb_prp_reserve_space, reserveCode, numCType='b'
def setWriteMode(self, database, mode):
raise ValueError('mode must be one of the following constants:'
' services.WRITE_FORCED, services.WRITE_BUFFERED.'
return self._propertyActionWithSingleNumericCode(database,
_ksrv.isc_spb_prp_write_mode, mode, numCType='b'
def setAccessMode(self, database, mode):
raise ValueError('mode must be one of the following constants:'
return self._propertyActionWithSingleNumericCode(database,
_ksrv.isc_spb_prp_access_mode, mode, numCType='b'
def setSQLDialect(self, database, dialect):
# The IB 6 API Guide says that dialect "must be 1 or 3", but other
# dialects may become valid in future versions, so don't require
# dialect in (1, 3)
return self._propertyActionWithSingleNumericCode(database,
_ksrv.isc_spb_prp_set_sql_dialect, dialect
def activateShadowFile(self, database):
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder()
return self._propertyAction(database, reqBuf)
# Database repair/maintenance methods:
def sweep(self, database, markOutdatedRecordsAsFreeSpace=1):
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder()
optionMask = 0
if markOutdatedRecordsAsFreeSpace:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_rpr_sweep_db
return self._repairAction(database, reqBuf)
def repair(self, database,
# YYY: With certain option combinations, this method raises errors
# that may not be very comprehensible to a Python programmer who's not
# well versed with IB/FB. Should option combination filtering be
# done right here instead of leaving that responsibility to the
# database engine?
# I think not, since any filtering done in this method is liable to
# become outdated, or to inadvertently enforce an unnecessary,
# crippling constraint on a certain option combination that the
# database engine would have allowed.
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder()
optionMask = 0
if readOnlyValidation:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_rpr_check_db
if ignoreChecksums:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_rpr_ignore_checksum
if removeReferencesToUnavailableShadowFiles:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_rpr_kill_shadows
if markCorruptedRecordsAsUnavailable:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_rpr_mend_db
if releaseUnassignedPages:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_rpr_validate_db
if releaseUnassgnedRecordFragments:
optionMask |= _ksrv.isc_spb_rpr_full
return self._repairAction(database, reqBuf)
# 2003.07.12: Removed method resolveLimboTransactions (dropped plans to
# support that operation from kinterbasdb since transactions IDs are not
# exposed at the Python level and I don't consider limbo transaction
# resolution compelling enough to warrant exposing transaction IDs).
# User management methods:
def getUsers(self, username=None):
By default, lists all users. Specify parameter $username to list
only the user with that username.
if username is not None:
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(
if username:
username = username.upper() # 2002.12.11
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_username, username)
raw = self._QR(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_get_users)
users = []
curUser = None
pos = 1 # Ignore raw[0].
upper_limit = len(raw) - 1
while pos < upper_limit:
cluster = ord(raw[pos])
pos += 1
if cluster == _ksrv.isc_spb_sec_username:
if curUser is not None:
curUser = None
(username, pos) = _extract_sized_string(raw, pos)
curUser = User(username)
elif cluster == _ksrv.isc_spb_sec_firstname:
(firstName, pos) = _extract_sized_string(raw, pos)
curUser.firstName = firstName
elif cluster == _ksrv.isc_spb_sec_middlename:
(middleName, pos) = _extract_sized_string(raw, pos)
curUser.middleName = middleName
elif cluster == _ksrv.isc_spb_sec_lastname:
(lastName, pos) = _extract_sized_string(raw, pos)
curUser.lastName = lastName
elif cluster == _ksrv.isc_spb_sec_groupid:
(groupId, pos) = _extract_long_unsigned(raw, pos)
curUser.groupId = groupId
elif cluster == _ksrv.isc_spb_sec_userid:
(userId, pos) = _extract_long_unsigned(raw, pos)
curUser.userId = userId
# Handle the last user:
if curUser is not None:
curUser = None
return users
def addUser(self, user):
Parameter $user must be an instance of services.User with *at least*
its username and password attributes specified as non-empty values.
All other $user attributes are optional.
This method ignores the userId and groupId attributes of $user
regardless of their values.
if not user.username:
raise ProgrammingError('You must specify a username.')
if not user.password:
raise ProgrammingError('You must specify a password.')
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(_ksrv.isc_action_svc_add_user)
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_username, user.username)
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_password, user.password)
if user.firstName:
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_firstname, user.firstName)
if user.middleName:
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_middlename, user.middleName)
if user.lastName:
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_lastname, user.lastName)
def modifyUser(self, user):
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(_ksrv.isc_action_svc_modify_user)
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_username, user.username)
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_password, user.password)
# Change the optional attributes whether they're empty or not.
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_firstname, user.firstName)
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_middlename, user.middleName)
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_lastname, user.lastName)
def removeUser(self, user):
Accepts either an instance of services.User or a string username, and
deletes the specified user.
if isinstance(user, User):
username = user.username
username = user
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(_ksrv.isc_action_svc_delete_user)
reqBuf.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_sec_username, username)
def userExists(self, user):
Returns a boolean that indicates whether the specified user exists.
The $user parameter can be an instance of services.User or a string
if isinstance(user, User):
username = user.username
username = user
# 2002.12.11: bug fix:
return len(self.getUsers(username=username)) > 0
## Private methods: ##
def _act(self, requestBuffer):
return _ksrv.action_thin(self._C_conn, requestBuffer.render())
def _actAndReturnTextualResults(self, requestBuffer):
return self._collectUnformattedResults()
def _repairAction(self, database, partialReqBuf):
# Begin constructing the request buffer (incorporate the one passed as
# param $partialReqBuf).
fullReqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(_ksrv.isc_action_svc_repair)
# The filename of the database must be specified regardless of the
# action sub-action being perfomed.
# Incorporate the caller's partial request buffer.
_ksrv.action_thin(self._C_conn, fullReqBuf.render())
# Return the results to the caller synchronously (in this case, there
# won't be any textual results, but issuing this call will helpfully
# cause the program to block until the Services Manager is finished
# with the action).
return self._collectUnformattedResults()
def _propertyAction(self, database, partialReqBuf):
# Begin constructing the request buffer (incorporate the one passed as
# param $partialReqBuf).
fullReqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(
# The filename of the database must be specified regardless of the
# action sub-action being perfomed.
# Incorporate the caller's partial request buffer.
_ksrv.action_thin(self._C_conn, fullReqBuf.render())
# Return the results to the caller synchronously.
# Since they don't produce output, is the following useful?
# LATER: Yes, because it blocks until there's been some resolution of
# the action.
return self._collectUnformattedResults()
def _propertyActionWithSingleNumericCode(self, database, code, num,
reqBuf = _ServiceActionRequestBuilder()
reqBuf.addNumeric(code, num, numCType=numCType)
return self._propertyAction(database, reqBuf)
def _Q(self, code, resultType):
return _ksrv.query_base(self._C_conn, code, resultType)
def _QI(self, code):
return self._Q(code, _ksrv.QUERY_TYPE_PLAIN_INTEGER)
def _QS(self, code):
return self._Q(code, _ksrv.QUERY_TYPE_PLAIN_STRING)
def _QR(self, code):
return self._Q(code, _ksrv.QUERY_TYPE_RAW)
def _collectUnformattedResults(self, lineSep='\n'):
# YYY: It might be desirable to replace this function with a more
# performant version based on _ksrv.isc_info_svc_to_eof rather than
# _ksrv.isc_info_svc_line; the function's interface is transparent
# either way.
# This enhancement should be a very low priority; the Service Manager
# API is not typically used for performance-intensive operations.
resultLines = []
while 1:
line = self._QS(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_line)
except OperationalError:
# YYY: It is routine for actions such as RESTORE to raise an
# exception at the end of their output. We ignore any such
# exception and assume that it was expected, which is somewhat
# risky. For example, suppose the network connection is broken
# while the client is receiving the action's output...
if not line:
return lineSep.join(resultLines)
def _get_isc_info_svc_svr_db_info(self):
num_attachments = -1
databases = []
raw = self._QR(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_svr_db_info)
assert raw[-1] == chr(_ksrv.isc_info_flag_end)
pos = 1 # Ignore raw[0].
upper_limit = len(raw) - 1
while pos < upper_limit:
cluster = ord(raw[pos])
pos += 1
if cluster == _ksrv.isc_spb_num_att: # Number of attachments.
(num_attachments, pos) = _extract_long_unsigned(raw, pos)
elif cluster == _ksrv.isc_spb_num_db: # Number of databases
# attached to.
# Do nothing except to advance pos; the number of databases
# can be had from len(databases).
(_, pos) = _extract_long_unsigned(raw, pos)
elif cluster == _ksrv.isc_spb_dbname:
(db_name, pos) = _extract_sized_string(raw, pos)
return (num_attachments, databases)
def _get_isc_info_svc_get_config(self):
config = {}
raw = self._QR(_ksrv.isc_info_svc_get_config)
assert raw[-1] == chr(_ksrv.isc_info_flag_end)
def _store_ulong(key, raw, pos, config=config):
(val, pos) = _extract_long_unsigned(raw, pos)
config[key] = val
return pos
pos = 1 # Ignore raw[0].
upper_limit = len(raw) - 1
while pos < upper_limit:
cluster = ord(raw[pos])
pos += 1
# These are all unsigned long values; no unique parsing is needed.
pos = _store_ulong(cluster, raw, pos)
return config
class User(object):
def __init__(self, username=None):
if username:
self.username = username.upper()
self.username = None
# The password is not returned by user output methods, but must be
# specified to add a user.
self.password = None
self.firstName = None
self.middleName = None
self.lastName = None
# The user id and group id are not fully supported. For details, see
# the documentation of the "User Management Methods" of
# services.Connection.
self.userId = None
self.groupId = None
def __str__(self):
return '<kinterbasdb.services.User %s>' % (
(self.username is None and 'without a name')
or 'named "%s"' % self.username
# Client programmers of this module MUST NOT RELY on anything within this
# section. Note, however, that the private content in this module is not
# limited to this section. There are private members in other sections, always
# denoted by a leading underscore.
def _requireStrOrTupleOfStr(x):
if isinstance(x, str):
x = (x,)
elif isinstance(x, unicode):
# We know the following call to _checkString will raise an exception,
# but calling it anyway allows us to centralize the error message
# generation:
for el in x:
return x
def _excludeElementsOfTypes(seq, theTypesToExclude):
if not isinstance(theTypesToExclude, tuple):
theTypesToExclude = tuple(theTypesToExclude)
return [
element for element in seq
if not isinstance(element, theTypesToExclude)
def _validateCompanionStringNumericSequences(
strings, numbers,
stringCaption, numberCaption
# The core constraint here is that len(numbers) must equal len(strings) - 1
stringsCount = len(strings)
numbersCount = len(numbers)
requiredNumbersCount = stringsCount - 1
if numbersCount != requiredNumbersCount:
raise ValueError(
'Since you passed %d %s, you must %s corresponding %s.'
% (stringsCount,
(requiredNumbersCount > 0
and 'pass %d' % requiredNumbersCount
) or 'not pass any',
def _extract_long_unsigned(s, index):
new_index = index + _ksrv.SIZEOF_SHORT_UNSIGNED
return ( _ksrv.vax(s[index:new_index]), new_index )
def _extract_sized_string(s, index):
(s_len, index) = _extract_long_unsigned(s, index)
new_index = index + s_len
return ( s[index:new_index], new_index )
# Rather tricky conversion functions:
def _vax_inverse(i, format):
# Apply the inverse of _ksrv.isc_vax_integer to a Python integer; return
# the raw bytes of the resulting value.
iRaw = struct.pack(format, i)
iConv = _ksrv.vax(iRaw)
iConvRaw = struct.pack(format, iConv)
return iConvRaw
def _renderSizedIntegerForSPB(i, format):
# In order to prepare the Python integer i for inclusion in a Services
# API action request buffer, the byte sequence of i must be reversed, which
# will make i unrepresentible as a normal Python integer.
# Therefore, the rendered version of i must be stored in a raw byte
# buffer.
# This function returns a 2-tuple containing:
# 1. the calculated struct.pack-compatible format string for i
# 2. the Python string containing the SPB-compatible raw binary rendering
# of i
# Example:
# To prepare the Python integer 12345 for storage as an unsigned int in a
# SPB, use code such as this:
# (iPackFormat, iRawBytes) = _renderSizedIntegerForSPB(12345, 'I')
# spbBytes = struct.pack(iPackFormat, iRawBytes)
destFormat = '%ds' % struct.calcsize(format)
destVal = _vax_inverse(i, format)
return (destFormat, destVal)
def _string2spb(spb, code, s):
sLen = len(s)
_numeric2spb(spb, code, sLen, numCType='H')
format = str(sLen) + 's' # The length, then 's'.
spb.append( struct.pack(format, s) )
def _numeric2spb(spb, code, num, numCType='I'):
# numCType is one of the pack format characters specified by the Python
# standard library module 'struct'.
_code2spb(spb, code)
(numericFormat, numericBytes) = _renderSizedIntegerForSPB(num, numCType)
spb.append( struct.pack(numericFormat, numericBytes) )
def _code2spb(spb, code):
(format, bytes) = _renderSizedIntegerForSPB(code, 'b')
spb.append( struct.pack(format, bytes) )
class _ServiceActionRequestBuilder(object):
# This private class helps public facilities in this module to build
# the binary action request buffers required by the database Services API
# using high-level, easily comprehensible syntax.
def __init__(self, clusterIdentifier=None):
self._buffer = []
if clusterIdentifier:
def __str__(self):
return self.render()
def extend(self, otherRequestBuilder):
def addCode(self, code):
_code2spb(self._buffer, code)
def addString(self, code, s):
_string2spb(self._buffer, code, s)
def addSequenceOfStrings(self, code, stringSequence):
for s in stringSequence:
self.addString(code, s)
def addSequenceOfStringNumericPairs(self, stringCode, stringSequence,
numericCode, numericSequence
stringCount = len(stringSequence)
numericCount = len(numericSequence)
if numericCount != stringCount - 1:
raise ValueError("Numeric sequence must contain exactly one less"
" element than its companion string sequence."
i = 0
while i < stringCount:
self.addString(stringCode, stringSequence[i])
if i < numericCount:
self.addNumeric(numericCode, numericSequence[i])
i += 1
def addNumeric(self, code, n, numCType='I'):
_numeric2spb(self._buffer, code, n, numCType=numCType)
def addOptionMask(self, optionMask):
self.addNumeric(_ksrv.isc_spb_options, optionMask)
def addDatabaseName(self, databaseName):
# 2003.07.20: Issue a warning for a hostname-containing databaseName
# because it will cause isc_service_start to raise an inscrutable error
# message with Firebird 1.5 (though it would not have raised an error
# at all with Firebird 1.0 and earlier).
colonIndex = databaseName.find(':')
if colonIndex != -1:
# This code makes no provision for platforms other than Windows
# that allow colons in paths (such as MacOS). Some of
# kinterbasdb's current implementation (e.g., event handling) is
# constrained to Windows or POSIX anyway.
if not sys.platform.lower().startswith('win') or (
# This client process is running on Windows.
# Files that don't exist might still be valid if the connection
# is to a server other than the local machine.
not os.path.exists(databaseName)
# "Guess" that if the colon falls within the first two
# characters of the string, the pre-colon portion refers to a
# Windows drive letter rather than to a remote host.
# This isn't guaranteed to be correct.
and colonIndex > 1
' Unlike conventional DSNs, Services API database names'
' must not include the host name; remove the "%s" from'
' your database name.'
' (Firebird 1.0 will accept this, but Firebird 1.5 will'
' raise an error.)'
% databaseName[:colonIndex+1],
self.addString(_ksrv.isc_spb_dbname, databaseName)
def render(self):
return ''.join(self._buffer)
def _checkString(s):
if isinstance(s, str):
# In str instances, Python allows any character in the "default
# encoding", which is typically not ASCII. Since Firebird's
# Services API only works (properly) with ASCII, we need to make
# sure there are no non-ASCII characters in s, even though we
# already know s is a str instance.
if isinstance(s, unicode):
# Raise a more specific error message than the general case.
raise UnicodeError
raise TypeError('String argument to Services API must be'
' of type str, not %s.' % type(s)
except UnicodeError:
raise TypeError("The database engine's Services API only works"
" properly with ASCII string parameters, so str instances that"
" contain non-ASCII characters, and all unicode instances, are"
" disallowed."