# Copyright (C) 2001 Andrew T. Csillag <drew_csillag@geocities.com>
# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General
# Public License or the SkunkWeb License, as specified in the
# README file.
Class implementing DT exceptions. All exceptions raised inside templates
SHOULD inherit from these exceptions
import string
import SkunkExcept
import ErrorHandler
import string
class DTCompileError ( SkunkExcept.SkunkCustomError ):
This is a general purpose error, to be raised during compilation stage of
a template
def __init__ ( self, tag, desc ):
SkunkExcept.SkunkCustomError.__init__(self, desc)
self._tag = tag
self._desc = desc
def format ( self ):
Print self nicely
ret = ErrorHandler._error
ret = ret + 'Cannot compile template %s\n' % self._tag.filename()
ret = ret + 'Template: %s, line %d\n' % (self._tag.filename(),
ret = ret + 'Tag: %s\n' % self._tag
ret = ret + 'Error: %s\n' % self._desc
ret = ret + ErrorHandler._close
return ret
class DTLexicalError ( SkunkExcept.SkunkCustomError ):
# XXX Now, doesn't always pass in 'name' - Drew, please fix if you can
def __init__(self, lineno, msg, name = None, tagtext=''):
SkunkExcept.SkunkCustomError.__init__ ( self, msg )
def format(self):
ret = ErrorHandler._error
ret = ret + 'Cannot compile template %s\n' % self.name
# XXX Should *always* supply name and line number
ret = ret + 'Template: %s, line %d\n' % (self.name, self.lineno)
if self.tagtext:
ret = ret + 'Tag: <:%s:>\n' % self.tagtext
ret = ret + 'Error: %s\n' % self.msg
ret = ret + ErrorHandler._close
return ret
def __repr__(self):
return self.format()
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
class DTRuntimeError ( SkunkExcept.SkunkCustomError ):
This exception should be raised if an error happens during an evaluation of
a tag.
def __init__ ( self, tag, fileline, *args ):
apply ( SkunkExcept.SkunkCustomError.__init__,
(self,) + args )
# Tag is the string represenation of the tag, lineno is the
# component:line string
self._filename, self._lineno = tuple ( string.split ( fileline, ':' ))
self._tag = tag
def format ( self ):
This is the actual function which will be used to generate the error
ret = ErrorHandler._error
ret = ret + 'Template: %s, line %d\n' % ( self._filename, self._lineno )
ret = ret + 'Tag: %s\n' % self._tag
ret = ret + 'Error: %s\n' % str(self.args[0])
ret = ret + ErrorHandler._close
return ret
# This is a special case exception
class DTHaltError ( DTRuntimeError ):
def __init__ ( self, tag, fileline, *args ):
apply ( DTRuntimeError.__init__, (self, tag, fileline) + args )
def format ( self ):
ret = ErrorHandler._error
ret = ret + 'Halt exception uncatched! This is an AED internal error\n'
ret = ret + 'Template: %s, line %d\n' % ( self._filename, self._lineno )
ret = ret + 'Tag: %s\n' % self._tag
ret = ret + 'Text: %s\n' % str(self.args[0])
return ret
# This is a helper function to generate exception raising code during runtime
# of a template
def raiseRuntime ( output, indent, msg ):
Generate a code which raises a runtime exception. DTExcept should be
preloaded in __h
output.write ( indent, 'raise __h.DTExcept.DTRuntimeError ( '
'__d.CURRENT_TAG, __d.CURRENT_LINENO, "%s")' % msg )
def raiseHalt ( output, indent, msg = 'generic halt' ):
Helper function to do halt
output.write ( indent, 'raise __h.DTExcept.DTHaltError ( '
'__d.CURRENT_TAG, __d.CURRENT_LINENO, "%s")' % msg )