"""Base class for PostgreSQL database drivers"""
from pytable import dbdriver,sqlquery
from pytable._postgresql import tableactions
from basicproperty import common
class PostgresDriver( dbdriver.DBDriver ):
"""Base PostgreSQL database driver
baseModule = None
capabilities = dbdriver.DriverCapabilities(
serial = 1, inherits = 1, queryUnicode = 1,
schemaSupport = 1, oids=1,
systemDBName = common.StringProperty(
"systemDBName", """Default name for driver's system database (for listDatabases connections)""",
defaultValue = "template1",
def establishConnection(self, fullSpecifier):
"""Connect using the fully specified specifier
fullSpecifier -- a specifier with all arguments unified
and ready to be connected. This specifier should
include everything required to do the actual
connection (including passwords or the like).
All sub-classes must override this method!
set = {}
for name in ['dsn','database','user','password','host']:
value = getattr( fullSpecifier, name )
if value:
set[name] = value
return self.baseModule.connect( ** set )
## Scripts/actions...
def __getattr__( self, key ):
"""Search for an action-script of the given name in actionScripts"""
if key != 'queries':
script = self.queries.get( key )
if script:
return script
raise AttributeError( """%r object has no attribute %r"""%(self,key))
def getInsertedRow( self, cursor, tableName, fields=None ):
"""Select fields for the last insert on cursor
cursor -- pytable.dbcursor instance which has had
an insert query run as its last query.
In this implementation, the cursor.cursor.lastrowid
attribute will be used to specify the row to
retrieve. Note: it is possible for this field
not to be available if the user has explicitly
suppressed oid generation for the table.
tableName -- name of the table to be selected from
fields -- sequence of field names to select from the
table, uses * by default
returns cursor for the given selection query, note
that in error cases this may not have any records, and
that there may be errors raised if the table or fields
given are not part of the database.
This method implements the driver-specific mechanism
for retrieving the results of the last insertion to the
database. This is an SQL problem area where it is
generally difficult to determine what particular record
has been inserted by giving query. Each database tends
to have its own method for doing such a query,
reporting the data required to do to query, etc.
from pytable import sqlquery
if not fields:
fields = ['*']
fieldNames = ",".join( fields )
oidValue = self.getLastOID( cursor )
if not isinstance( oidValue, (int,long)):
raise ValueError("""oidValue for getInsertedRow is not an integer, did the insert work? %r"""%(
newCursor = sqlquery.SQLQuery(
sql = """SELECT %(fieldNames)s FROM %(tableName)s
WHERE oid = %(oidValue)s;"""
cursor.connection, # note use of fresh cursor
tableName = tableName,
fieldNames = fieldNames,
oidValue = oidValue,
return newCursor
def getLastOID( cls, cursor ):
"""Given a cursor, return last-inserted OID value
This base implementation assumes the use of the DB-API
standard lastrowid, though the most common PyTable driver
(PyPgSQL actually uses oidValue)
oidValue = cursor.cursor.lastrowid
except AttributeError:
oidValue = cursor.lastrowid # may have been passed the raw cursor...
return oidValue
getLastOID = classmethod( getLastOID )
queries = {
'listDatabases': tableactions.ListDatabases(),
'listTables': tableactions.ListTables(),
'listNamespaces': tableactions.ListNamespaces(),
'listNamespaceTables': tableactions.ListNamespaceTables(),
'listIndices': tableactions.ListIndices(),
'attrDefault': tableactions.AttributeDefaultValue(),
"tableStructure": tableactions.TableStructure(),
"listDatatypes": tableactions.ListDatatypes(),
dataTypeRegistry = dbdriver.DBDriver.dataTypeRegistry + [
("bigint", 'long', long) ,
("smallint", 'int', int) ,
("double precision", 'float', float),
("serial", "id.int.serial", int),
("serial4", "id.int.serial", int),
("bigserial", "id.long.serial", long),
("serial8", "id.long.serial", long),
("boolean", 'bool', 'basictypes.booleanfix.bool') ,
("blob", 'str.locale', str) ,
("bytea", 'str.locale', str) ,
("bpchar", 'str.locale', str) ,
("date" , 'datetime', 'mx.DateTime.DateTimeType') ,
("interval" , 'datetimedelta','mx.DateTime.DateTimeDeltaType') ,
("time", 'timeofday', 'basictypes.datemx_types.mxTimeOfDay') ,
("timestamp", 'datetime', 'mx.DateTime.DateTimeType') ,
("timestampz", 'datetime', 'mx.DateTime.DateTimeType') , # missing zone info here
("tinterval", 'datetimedelta', 'mx.DateTime.DateTimeDeltaType') ,
("abstime", 'datetime', 'mx.DateTime.DateTimeType') ,
("reltime", 'datetimedelta','mx.DateTime.DateTimeDeltaType') ,
## ("aclitem", '') ,
## ("box", '') ,
## ("cid", '') ,
## ("circle", '') ,
("inet", 'str.ipaddress', 'basictypes.domainname.DomainName') ,
("cidr", 'str.netmask', str) ,
("macaddr", 'str.macaddr', str) ,
("int2vector", 'list.int', 'basictypes.list_types.listof_ints') ,
## ("line", '') ,
## ("lseg", '') ,
## ("name", '') ,
## ("oid", 'oid') ,
## ("oidvector", 'list.oid') ,
## ("path", '') ,
## ("point", '') ,
## ("polygon", '') ,
## ("refcursor", '') ,
## ("regproc", 'oid') ,
## ("rowid", '') ,
## ("tid", '') ,
## ("unknown", '') ,
## ("varbit", '') ,
## ("xid", '') ,
## ("zpbit", '') ,
# Extension types...
('chkpass', 'str.password', str ),