"""Wrapper for connection objects which retain access to driver"""
from basicproperty import propertied,basic,common
class DBConnection( propertied.Propertied ):
"""DB-driver-aware connection-object wrapper
The primary purpose of the wrapper here is to retain
a link to the driver object which created the connection.
The connection otherwise defers to the underlying
DB-API connection object.
The secondary purpose of the connection is to override
the cursor method to return a dbcursor.DBCursor instance
rather than a raw DB-API cursor object. You can customize
the class of the cursor object by setting the
defaultCursorClass property of the connection.
specifier = basic.BasicProperty(
'specifier', """Pointer to the specifier used to connect""",
connection = basic.BasicProperty(
'connection', """Pointer to the underlying DB-API connection""",
driver = basic.BasicProperty(
'driver', """Pointer to the DBDriver instance which created this connection""",
invalid = common.BooleanProperty(
"invalid", """The connection has become invalid, normally as a result of an OperationalError, reconnect!""",
defaultValue = 0,
defaultCursorClass = common.ClassByNameProperty(
'defaultCursorClass', """DBCursor sub-class to be used for this connection
The class' constructor should have a signature similar to
classObject( cursor = <cursor>, connection = <conn> )
which will be called with named arguments.
defaultValue = 'pytable.dbcursor.DBCursor',
def reconnect( self ):
"""Reconnect an invalid connection using it's specifier"""
self.driver, self.connection = self.specifier.connect()
self.invalid = 0
return self
def cursor( self ):
"""Open and return a new DBCursor instance for this connection
Normally the returned cursor will be an instance of the
pytable.dbcursor.DBCursor class, this can be overridden
by setting the defaultCursorClass property of the
return self.defaultCursorClass(
cursor = self.connection.cursor(),
connection = self,
def rollback( self ):
"""Mark ourselves invalid and pass call to our base connection"""
return self.connection.rollback()
self.invalid = 1
def __getattr__( self, key ):
"""Defer to the connection for attribute lookup"""
if key != "connection":
return getattr(self.connection, key)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError( """%s instance has no attribute %r"""%( self.__class__.__name__, key))