"""Base class for database driver implementations"""
from basicproperty import propertied,common,basic
from basictypes import enumeration
DriverNameSet = enumeration.EnumerationSet.coerce( [
# Each driver class should have a name attribute pointing to
# a DriverName instance registered in this set.
# add new drivers with calls to new( name, friendlyName, value )
# add new default drivers to defaultdrivers.py module
class DriverName( enumeration.Enumeration ):
"""Specifier for a driver-name enumeration value"""
datatype = 'enumeration.DriverName'
set = DriverNameSet
class DriverCapabilities( propertied.Propertied ):
"""Object storing set of driver capability declarations
At the moment, this is a fairly limited set of capability
declarations, mostly because the system only supports
a small number of features which are not considered
important enough to be implemented across all supported
serial = common.BooleanProperty(
"serial", """Whether we have native support for serial datatype
If the serial datatype is not supported, we'll have to
generate code to create a sequence, track the name of
that sequence and potentially rewrite the defaultValue
field of the schema.
defaultValue = 0,
setDefaultOnGet = 0,
inherits = common.BooleanProperty(
"inherits", """Whether we support PostgreSQL-style inheritance on tables
Inherits is an object-relational database feature that
provides (multiple) inheritance for database tables. If
it's available, we can model object hierarchies more
naturally. If not, we need to do (complex, slow) joins
across multiple tables to load base-class and sub-class
defaultValue = 0,
setDefaultOnGet = 0,
queryUnicode = common.BooleanProperty(
"queryUnicode", """Whether can accept Unicode for query strings
If this is false, then sqlquery needs to translate queries into
strings, which it will do using utf-8 encodings.
defaultValue = 1,
setDefaultOnGet = 0,
queryPyformat = common.BooleanProperty(
"queryPyformat", """Whether can handle pyformat paramstyle, if not will use pyformatsupport""",
defaultValue = 1,
schemaSupport = common.BooleanProperty(
"schemaSupport", """Whether the database supports sub-namespace/sub-schemas
AFAIK only PostgreSQL actually supports the feature
defaultValue = 0,
setDefaultOnGet = 0,
lastRowID = common.BooleanProperty(
"lastRowID", """Whether the database supports last-row-id reporting""",
defaultValue = True,
setDefaultOnGet = 0,
oids = common.BooleanProperty(
"oids", """PostgreSQL concept of OID columns on tables""",
defaultValue = False,
setDefaultOnGet = 0,
class DBDriver( propertied.Propertied):
"""Base class for database driver implementations
The DBDriver object is roughly analogous to the DB-API
module. In addition, it allows for resolving data types
from native driver-data-type-declarations to basicproperty/
basictypes/wxoo-style declarations.
Subclasses will generally provide a considerable number of
common query objects for use in introspection queries.
Each DBDriver subclass is known by a specifier string which
is a key in the DriverName enumeration. The specifier
strings are specified in the DBSpecifier object to select
the appropriate DBDriver run-time class.
Where appropriate, the DBDriver sub-class should
allow for querying to determine "system" databases,
such as ODBC named data sources.
See: getSystemSpecifiers()
capabilities = DriverCapabilities()
name = basic.BasicProperty(
'name', """DriverName enumeration identifying the driver in DBSpecifiers""",
baseType = DriverName,
connections = common.WeakValueDictionaryProperty(
"connections","""Mapping of specifier objects to live connections
The DBDriver retains weak references to all active
connections, to allow for connection sharing and/or
properly shutting down all connections on exit.
setDefaultOnGet = 1,
defaultConnectionClass = common.ClassByNameProperty(
'defaultConnectionClass', """Default DBConnection sub-class to be used for this driver""",
defaultValue = 'pytable.dbconnection.DBConnection',
friendlyName = common.StringProperty(
"friendlyName", """Friendly name of the DBDriver type""",
defaultValue = "",
paramstyle = common.StringProperty(
"paramstyle", """DBAPI 2.0 parameter-style value""",
defaultValue = "pyformat",
threadsafety = common.IntegerProperty(
"paramstyle", """DBAPI 2.0 threadsafety value XXX should be an enumeration!""",
defaultValue = 0,
apilevel = common.StringProperty(
"apilevel", """DBAPI 2.0 apilevel value""",
defaultValue = "2.0",
systemDBName = common.StringProperty(
"systemDBName", """Default name for driver's system database (for listDatabases connections)""",
defaultValue = "",
queries = {}
userDescription = ""
# properties which may be specified for a connection
# file-based drivers likely will only have dsn in this set
connectionProperties = ("dsn", "host","user","password", "database")
fileBased = 0
usesIntDescriptionTypes = True
def copyErrorsFromModule( cls, source ):
"""Method to copy Error/Class names from source to the driver class"""
for name in (
'IntegrityError', 'InternalError','ProgrammingError',
for name in (
copyErrorsFromModule = classmethod( copyErrorsFromModule )
def connect(self, specifier = None, share=1, **namedarguments):
"""Connect using this driver to the specified database
specifier -- the DBSpecifier object encoding the connection
information to be used in establishing the connection
If specifier is None, then create a new DBSpecifier
using the named arguments as arguments to the DBSpecifier
constructor. Note: drivers with driver-specific specifier
classes may construct those specific classes instead of
the base DBSpecifier class.
If specifier is not None, but there are namedarguments,
the specifier will be cloned (copied) with the passed
namedarguments as parameters to the clone method. The
result will be that the named argument values will override
the specifier object's values.
share -- if true, the connection will be shared with any existing
connection which matches the calculated final specifier
specifier = self.unifySpecifier(specifier, **namedarguments)
if share:
for spec,conn in self.connections.iteritems():
if specifier == spec and not conn.invalid:
self.connections[specifier] = conn
return conn
connection = self.establishConnection(specifier)
connection = self.wrapConnection( connection )
self.connections[specifier] = connection
connection.specifier = specifier
return connection
def reconnect( self, connection ):
"""Reconnect the given DBConnection object"""
spec = None
for spec,conn in self.connections.iteritems():
if conn is connection:
del self.connections[ spec ]
# prefer use of the connection's specifier attribute
# use our local copy otherwise
spec = getattr( connection, 'specifier', spec )
if not spec:
raise ValueError( """Attempting to reconnect a connection which is neither known to the system nor provides a 'specifier' property: %s"""%(
rawConnection = self.establishConnection( spec )
connection.connection = rawConnection
return connection
def unifySpecifier(self, specifier, **namedarguments):
"""Given specifier and named arguments create finalSpecifier
specifier -- DBSpecifer or None
named -- dictionary of attribute name to attribute value
See DBDriver.connect for discussion of the semantics
if specifier is None:
specifier = self.createSpecifier( **namedarguments )
elif namedarguments:
specifier = specifier.clone( **namedarguments )
return specifier
def createSpecifier(self, **namedarguments):
"""Create a new specifier object for this driver
namedarguments -- applied to the constructor of the
the drivername property will be set to our name
property's value
from pytable import dbspecifier
namedarguments["drivername"] = self.name
return dbspecifier.DBSpecifier( **namedarguments )
def getSystemSpecifiers(self,*arguments,**namedarguments):
"""Customization Point: return list of system specifiers
For APIs which have system-registered data sources,
such as ODBC, this method should be overwritten to provide
system specifiers for the system-registered data sources.
return []
def wrapConnection( self, connection ):
"""Wrap the connection with a driver-aware connection object"""
return self.defaultConnectionClass(
connection = connection,
driver = self,
### Required customization points (abstract methods)
def establishConnection(self, fullSpecifier):
"""Abstract Method: Connect using the fully specified specifier passed
fullSpecifier -- a specifier with all arguments unified
and ready to be connected. This specifier should
include everything required to do the actual
connection (including passwords or the like).
All sub-classes must override this method!
raise NotImplementedError("""DBDriver sub-class %s does not define an establishConnection method"""% (self.__class__.__name__,))
_dataTypeRegistry = None
def sqlToDataType( self, source ):
"""Convert given SQL data-type to the desired data-type specifier
source -- the source specifier, an SQL identifier
returns a wxoo specifier or raises KeyError, only returns
the first-registered data-type, so sub-classes that want
to override the defaults need to prepend their dataTypeRegistry
to the dbdriver.DBDriver.dataTypeRegistry list.
if not self._dataTypeRegistry:
self._dataTypeRegistry = {}
for dbtype,wxootype,basetype in self.dataTypeRegistry:
self._dataTypeRegistry.setdefault( dbtype, []).append( (wxootype,basetype) )
source = source.lower()
item = self._dataTypeRegistry.get(source, [('',object)])[0][0]
if not item:
raise KeyError( """Driver %r doesn't know how to calculate wxoo specifier for data-type %r"""%(
return item
def sqlToBaseType( self, source ):
"""Convert given SQL data-type to a property-base-type
source -- the source specifier, an SQL identifier
returns a base-type suitable for use in basicproperty
properties to control the property's operation.
if not self._dataTypeRegistry:
self._dataTypeRegistry = {}
for dbtype,wxootype,basetype in self.dataTypeRegistry:
self._dataTypeRegistry.setdefault( dbtype, []).append( (wxootype,basetype) )
source = source.lower()
item = self._dataTypeRegistry.get(source, [('',object)])[0][1]
if not item:
raise KeyError( """Driver %r doesn't know how to calculate wxoo specifier for data-type %r"""%(
return item
_localTypeRegistry = None
def localToSQLType( self, source ):
"""Convert a local numeric data-type to an SQL string data-type
source -- the source specifier
returns an sql data-type for the given local SQL type, the
sub-class must provide the actual implementation.
if not self._localTypeRegistry:
self._localTypeRegistry = {}
for key,value in self.localTypeRegistry:
self._localTypeRegistry.setdefault( key, []).append( value )
if self.usesIntDescriptionTypes:
# everything save PyGreSQL, at the moment...
source = int(source)
item = self._localTypeRegistry.get( source, [''])[0]
if not item:
raise KeyError( """Driver %r doesn't know how to calculate SQL specifier for data-type %r"""%(
return item
localTypeRegistry = [
# sub-classes will have to create a table to override this...
dataTypeRegistry = [
# partial registry of common SQL name -> wxoo name values...
("float", 'float', float) ,
("float4", 'float', float) ,
("float8" , 'float', float) ,
("int2", 'int', int) ,
("int4", 'int', int) ,
("int8", 'long', long) ,
("integer", 'int', int) ,
#("bytea", 'str.long', str) ,
("char", 'str', str) ,
("text", 'str.long', str) ,
("varchar", 'str', str) ,
("bool", 'bool', 'basictypes.booleanfix.bool') ,
("blob", 'str.locale', str) ,
("bpchar", 'str.locale', str) ,
("date" , 'datetime', 'mx.DateTime.DateTimeType') ,
("interval" , 'datetimedelta', 'mx.DateTime.DateTimeDeltaType') ,
("time", 'timeofday', 'basictypes.datemx_types.mxTimeOfDay') ,
("timestamp", 'datetime', 'mx.DateTime.DateTimeType') ,
("timestamptz", 'datetime', 'mx.DateTime.DateTimeType') , # missing zone info here
# these 4 aren't mapped to anything useful yet
("cash", 'decimal', int),
("money", 'decimal', int),
("decimal", "decimal", int ),
("numeric", 'decimal', int),