"""Basic Object-Relational-like Database Row class"""
from basicproperty import propertied,common,basic,weak
from pytable import dbresultset,sqlquery
import traceback
class DBRow( propertied.Propertied ):
"""An individual row in a result-set
The DBRow uses the resultSet for the majority of its
operation, basically just storing the per-row values
here, with the database connection all provided by
the result-set.
Normally the DBRow class is *subclassed* to create
a Row class for a particular table of the database.
XXX This is a very heavy implementation compared to the
one in OPAL's systems, we may need to move to a lighter
implementation eventually, but we will need to retain
the ability to use read/write operations as we do.
XXX There are currently a number of issues regarding
namespace collisions that need to be fixed fairly
soon, as the database's schema can readily create
collisions with the row's method names, for instance
with an "update" field.
__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1
_DBRow__data = basic.BasicProperty(
'_DBRow__data', """The original data for this row, from the data-base""",
_DBRow__newValues = common.DictionaryProperty(
'_DBRow__newValues', """Newly set, but not-yet committed values""",
_DBRow__wrappedValues = common.DictionaryProperty(
'_DBRow__wrappedValues', """Retrieved and wrapped versions for data-values""",
def __getattr__( self, key ):
"""Delegate attribute lookup to our resultSet or schema"""
for target in ( 'schema', ):
if key != target:
source = (
self.__dict__.get( target ) or
getattr(self.__class__, target, None)
return getattr( source, key )
except AttributeError:
if key != "_DBRow__data":
return self._DBRow__data[ key ]
except Exception:
raise AttributeError( """%s instance does not have %r attribute"""%(
def setValue( self, fieldSchema, value ):
"""Set the field's value for this row"""
if getattr( self,'readOnly', None):
raise AttributeError( """Attempt to set property %r of a read-only %s object"""%(
fieldSchema.name, self.__class__.__name__,
self._DBRow__newValues[ fieldSchema.name ] = value
self._DBRow__wrappedValues[ fieldSchema.name ] = value
return value
def getValue( self, fieldSchema ):
"""Get the field's value for this row"""
if self._DBRow__newValues.has_key( fieldSchema.name ):
value = self._DBRow__newValues.get( fieldSchema.name )
if value is DELETED:
raise AttributeError( """%r instance' %r field has been deleted"""%(
return value
elif self._DBRow__wrappedValues.has_key( fieldSchema.name ):
return self._DBRow__wrappedValues.get( fieldSchema.name )
if hasattr( self, '_DBRow__data'):
for possible in (fieldSchema.name, fieldSchema.name.lower(), fieldSchema.name.upper()):
value = self._DBRow__data.get(possible)
if value is not None:
if value is not None:
if hasattr( fieldSchema, 'baseClass'):
if hasattr( fieldSchema.baseClass, 'dbLoad' ):
value = fieldSchema.baseClass.dbLoad( value )
self._DBRow__wrappedValues[fieldSchema.name] = value
elif hasattr(fieldSchema.baseClass, 'coerce'):
value = fieldSchema.baseClass.coerce( value )
self._DBRow__wrappedValues[fieldSchema.name] = value
return value
raise AttributeError( """%r instance has no %r field value"""%(
def delValue( self, fieldSchema ):
"""Delete field's value for this row"""
found = 0
value = None
if not (fieldSchema.nullOk or hasattr(fieldSchema, 'defaultValue')):
raise TypeError(
"""%r instance field %s requires a non-null value and has no defaultValue, cannot delete"""%(
for source in (
dictionary = getattr( self, source, None )
if dictionary and dictionary.has_key( fieldSchema.name ):
value = dictionary.get( fieldSchema.name )
del dictionary[ fieldSchema.name ]
found =1
elif source=='_DBRow__data':
for key in ( fieldSchema.name.lower(), fieldSchema.name.upper()):
if dictionary.has_key( key ):
value = dictionary.get( key )
del dictionary[ key ]
found =1
if not found:
raise AttributeError( """%r instance has no attribute %r to delete"""%(
self._DBRow__newValues[ fieldSchema.name ] = DELETED
return value
def insertQuery( self, cursor, *arguments, **named ):
"""Insert this object as a new row in it's table
cursor -- cursor/connection to use for update
arguments, named -- passed to the query, though
using arguments will almost certainly raise a
TypeError, as the client argument is normally
the second positional argument...
This method will first see if you have an explicitly
specified "insert" callable in your schema. If you
do not, will use a generic update query defined later
in this module (RowUpdate). Once it has determined
which callable to use, will call the callable with:
action( cursor, client=self, *arguments, **named )
query = self.schema.actionByName( "insert" ) or RowInsert()
if named.has_key( 'debug' ):
setattr( query, 'debug', named.get('debug'))
except (ValueError,TypeError):
return query( cursor, client=self, *arguments, **named )
def updateQuery( self, cursor, *arguments, **named ):
"""Flush any changes to this row to the database
cursor -- cursor/connection to use for update
arguments, named -- passed to the query, though
using arguments will almost certainly raise a
TypeError, as the client argument is normally
the second positional argument...
This method will first see if you have an explicitly
specified "update" callable in your schema. If you
do not, will use a generic update query defined later
in this module (RowUpdate). Once it has determined
which callable to use, will call the callable with:
action( cursor, client=self, *arguments, **named )
query = self.schema.actionByName( "update" ) or RowUpdate()
if named.has_key( 'debug' ):
setattr( query, 'debug', named.get('debug'))
except (ValueError,TypeError):
return query( cursor, client=self, *arguments, **named )
def abort( self, *arguments, **named ):
"""Abort any changes to this row
This simply clears the newValues dictionary for the row
def deleteQuery( self, cursor, *arguments, **named ):
"""Delete row from table
cursor -- cursor/connection to use for update
arguments, named -- passed to the query, though
using arguments will almost certainly raise a
TypeError, as the client argument is normally
the second positional argument...
This method will first see if you have an explicitly
specified "delete" callable in your schema. If you
do not, will use a generic update query defined later
in this module (RowUpdate). Once it has determined
which callable to use, will call the callable with:
action( cursor, client=self, *arguments, **named )
query = self.schema.actionByName( "delete" ) or RowDelete()
if named.has_key( 'debug' ):
setattr( query, 'debug', named.get('debug'))
except (ValueError,TypeError):
return query( cursor, client=self, *arguments, **named )
def refreshQuery( self, cursor, *arguments, **named ):
"""Refresh row from database
cursor -- cursor/connection to use for refresh
arguments, named -- passed to the query, though
using arguments will almost certainly raise a
TypeError, as the client argument is normally
the second positional argument...
This method will first see if you have an explicitly
specified "refresh" callable in your schema. If you
do not, will use a generic refresh query defined later
in this module (RowRefresh). Once it has determined
which callable to use, will call the callable with:
action( cursor, client=self, *arguments, **named )
query = self.schema.actionByName( "refresh" ) or RowRefresh()
if named.has_key( 'debug' ):
setattr( query, 'debug', named.get('debug'))
except (ValueError,TypeError):
return query( cursor, client=self, *arguments, **named )
def currentQuery( self, cursor, *arguments, **named ):
"""Retrieve (separate) row from database matching our keys
cursor -- cursor/connection to use for refresh
arguments, named -- passed to the query, though
using arguments will almost certainly raise a
TypeError, as the client argument is normally
the second positional argument...
query = self.schema.actionByName( "current" ) or RowCurrent()
if named.has_key( 'debug' ):
setattr( query, 'debug', named.get('debug'))
except (ValueError,TypeError):
return query( cursor, client=self, *arguments, **named )
def dirty( self ):
"""Return value indicating whether we have been changed"""
return len(self._DBRow__newValues)
def getProperties( cls ):
"""Get (dbproperty) properties for this object"""
base = super(DBRow,cls).getProperties()
base = [
item for item in base
if not item.name.startswith( '_DBRow__')
# reorder in schema order...
map = dict([(x.name,x) for x in base])
result = [
for schema in cls.schema.fields
if map.has_key( schema.name )
result += map.values()
return result
getProperties = classmethod( getProperties)
def _keyToFieldSchema( self, key ):
"""Get a particular field schema by integer or string key"""
props = self.schema.fields
if isinstance( key, int ):
return props[ key ]
elif isinstance( key, (str,unicode)):
return self.schema.lookupName( key )
except NameError:
raise KeyError( """Unknown field %s for schema %s"""%(key, self.schema))
raise TypeError( """Don't know how to get field Schema for %r"""%(key))
def __getitem__( self, key ):
"""Provide dictionary/list-like indexing"""
prop = self._keyToFieldSchema( key )
except KeyError:
if hasattr( self, key ):
return getattr(self, key)
raise KeyError( """%s instance has no %r field defined"""%(
self.__class__.__name__, key,
return self.getValue( prop )
def get( self, key, default=None ):
"""Retrieve property value by name/index or return default"""
prop = self._keyToFieldSchema( key )
except KeyError:
value = self.getValue( prop )
except (AttributeError,KeyError,ValueError,TypeError):
return getattr( self, key, default )
def has_key( self, key ):
"""Retrieve property value by name/index or return default"""
return hasattr( self, key )
def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
"""Provide dictionary/list-like assignment"""
prop = self._keyToFieldSchema( key )
except KeyError:
setattr( self, key, value )
return value
return self.setValue( prop, value )
def setdefault( self, key, default ):
"""Get current, setting to default if not currently set"""
return self[ key ]
except (KeyError,AttributeError), err:
self[key] = default
return self[key]
def getConnection( self ):
"""Try to get the database connection we should use
If for some reason the connection isn't available will
return None. Note that this does *not* check that the
connection is still valid!
return self.cursor.connection
except AttributeError:
return self.connection
except AttributeError:
return self.application.getDBConnection()
except AttributeError:
return None
def foreignSimpleRef( cls, key ):
"""Retrieve table and field schemas for foreign key"""
if isinstance( key, (str,unicode)):
field = cls.schema.lookupName( key )
field = key
foreignRef = field.foreign()
if foreignRef:
foreignFields = foreignRef.getForeignFields()
if len(foreignFields) == 1:
foreignTable = cls.schema.lookupName(
foreignField = foreignFields[0]
return foreignTable, foreignTable.lookupName( foreignField )
return None, None
foreignSimpleRef = classmethod( foreignSimpleRef )
def fromDict( cls, dictionary ):
"""Create class isntance from dictionary-of-values"""
return cls( **dict([
(k,v) for (k,v) in dictionary.iteritems()
if k != '__create'
]) )
fromDict = classmethod( fromDict )
def createSubRecords( self, key, value ):
"""Create sub-records for this field-value reference
key -- field or field-name
value -- dictionary or DBRow instance
foreignTable, foreignField = self.foreignSimpleRef( key )
if foreignTable:
if isinstance( value, dict ):
value = foreignTable.itemClass.fromDict( value )
# we know what we are trying to reference
value.currentQuery( connection )
except KeyError, err:
value.insertQuery( connection )
if value.dirty():
value.updateQuery( connection )
return value
return value
def referenceSubRecord( cls, key, record, fullPrefix=None ):
"""Create SQL referencing string for given sub-record"""
foreignTable, foreignField = cls.foreignSimpleRef( key )
if not foreignTable:
foreignTable = cls.schema
foreignField = foreignTable.lookupName( key )
if isinstance( record, dict ):
record = foreignTable.itemClass( **record )
_, properties = RowAction().getObjectSpec( record )
if record.has_key( foreignField.name ):
otherField = record[ foreignField.name ]
if not isinstance( otherField, (dict,DBRow,SQLString)):
return otherField
foreignFieldName = foreignField.name
foreignTableName = foreignTable.name
result = {}
keySetFragments = []
for subKey,subValue in properties.items():
subKeyFull = '%s.%s'%(fullPrefix or key,subKey)
if isinstance( subValue, (dict,DBRow)):
# recursive sub-record reference...
# record is our remote table, so we want *its*
# reference to the sub-record
subRecordResult = foreignTable.itemClass.referenceSubRecord(
subKey, subValue, subKeyFull,
if isinstance( subRecordResult, dict ):
result.update( subRecordResult )
subValue = result[ subKey ]
subValue = subRecordResult
result[subKeyFull] = subValue
subValueRef = asValueReference( subKeyFull, subValue )
'%(subKey)s = %(subValueRef)s'%locals()
keySetFragments = " AND ".join( keySetFragments )
record = SQLString( ('''(
SELECT %(foreignFieldName)s FROM
%(foreignTableName)s WHERE %(keySetFragments)s
)'''%locals()).replace( '\t', ' ').replace( '\n',' ' ) )
result[ key ] = record
return result
referenceSubRecord = classmethod( referenceSubRecord )
def all( cls ):
"""Return the set of all instances"""
order = getattr( cls.schema, 'DEFAULT_ORDER', '' )
if order:
order = 'ORDER BY %s'%( order, )
return findTable( cls.schema.name ).query(
"""SELECT * FROM %(table)s %(order)s""",
table = cls.schema.name,
order = order,
all = classmethod( all )
class SQLString( object ):
"""Produces SQL string un-altered as string value"""
def __init__( self, data ):
self.data = data
def __str__( self ):
return self.data
__repr__ = __str__
def __nonzero__( self ):
return bool( self.data )
class _MockValue( object ):
def __init__( self, name ):
self.name = name
def __str__( self ):
return self.name
__repr__ = __str__
def __nonzero__( self ):
return False
DELETED = _MockValue( 'DEFAULT' )
NULL = _MockValue( 'NULL' )
def asValueReference( key, value ):
"""Return a value-reference for given key:value pair
Expands sub-record (dictionary, SQLstring etceteras)
dropping any dictionary sub-keys into the properties
if isinstance( value, SQLString ):
return str(value )
return '%%(%s)s'%( key, )
class RowAction( sqlquery.SQLQuery ):
"""Base-class for dbrow action queries
This just provides the getObjectSpec method
which scans through the unique keys sets looking
for a set which is completely available from the
client object.
def getObjectSpec( self, client, originalOnly=0 ):
"""Get uniquely identifying client specifier
return value is (tableName, keyProperties)
where keyProperties is a dictionary mapping
field name to (resolved/wrapped) field value
from pytable import dbschema
set = []
err = None
for keySet in client.getUniqueKeys():
set = []
for field in keySet:
fieldValue = self.getFieldValue( client,field,originalOnly )
if fieldValue is None:
raise TypeError( """Can't use a NULL as a key""" )
set.append( fieldValue )
except (KeyError,ValueError,TypeError,AttributeError),err:
del set[:]
if set:
if not set:
raise ValueError( "%r instance doesn't have enough data to fill any of it's key-sets, can't create a unique ID for it: %s"%(
return (
def getFieldValue( self, client, field, originalOnly ):
"""Retrieve field value for the given field on client"""
notNull = not getattr( client.__class__, field ).nullOk
if originalOnly and hasattr( client, '_DBRow__data'):
if notNull:
value = client._DBRow__data[field]
value = client._DBRow__data.get(field)
if notNull:
value = getattr(client, field)
value = getattr( client, field, None )
if type(value).__name__ == 'PgInt8':
class Wrap:
def __init__( self, value ):
self.value = value
def __str__( self ):
return "%s::int8"%(self.value,)
__repr__ = __str__
value = Wrap(value)
return str(field), value
def createSubRecords( self, client, set ):
"""Process property-set to replace references"""
# do recursive insertion of dictionary/row types...
newSet = {}
for key,value in set.items():
if isinstance( value, (dict, DBRow)):
value = client.createSubRecords( key, value )
newValue = client.referenceSubRecord( key, value )
if newValue is not None:
value = newValue
newSet[key] = value
return newSet
def keySetProperties( self, properties ):
"""Produce set of fragments and arguments to select given row"""
keySetFragments = []
for k in properties.keys():
if isinstance( properties[k], dict ):
for subKey,subValue in properties[k].items():
properties[subKey] = subValue
"%s=%s"%( k, asValueReference( k, properties[k]) ),
return keySetFragments
class RowInsert( RowAction ):
"""Default query to insert a DBRow object into database
This default query does a very simple insert using
all fields of the row's schema for which there is
an attribute for the row.
Very slow inserts can result from situations where
you have not defined a unique key! The RowInsert
action will attempt to find a unique identifier for
the row by using the OID returned from the insertion
to lookup the record. This can take a few seconds
on even very small tables!
sql = """INSERT INTO
#debug = 1
def __call__( self, cursor, client, doResolveQuery=None, doFullQuery=0, **named ):
"""Update this single client instance in the database
client -- the client object (a DBRow) being serviced
doResolveQuery -- whether to do the database query to
retrieve missing key-values, None indicates that the
system should only do the query if it's needed, any
other false value suppresses it, any true value forces
it. The query is considered required if there are no
unique keys available on the client.
doFullQuery -- if true, force a complete select of the
record after insertion (which retrieves database-provided
default values, for instance).
# XXX need to catch no-fields-defined case and handle specially!
properties = {}
for field in client.schema.fields:
if hasattr( client, field.name ):
value = getattr( client, field.name )
except AttributeError, err:
if getattr( client, '_DBRow__newValues', {}).get( field.name ) is DELETED:
value = DELETED
properties[ str(field.name) ] = value
if doResolveQuery is None:
self.getObjectSpec( client )
doResolveQuery = 0
except ValueError:
# don't have enough information to uniquely identify...
doResolveQuery = 1
if doResolveQuery or doFullQuery:
# general query can be done without OIDs *IFF* we have
# a full set of unique keys...
table,fields = self.getObjectSpec( client )
except (ValueError,KeyError), err:
# okay, can we get the values/default values for a key-set?
# this allows for serial data-types in databases that don't
# provide for get-last-row semantics...
for keySet in client.getUniqueKeys():
set = []
toAssign = []
for field in keySet:
self.getFieldValue( client,field,originalOnly=False )
except (KeyError,ValueError,TypeError,AttributeError),err:
field = getattr( client.__class__, field )
set.append( (str(field.name), field.nextValue(connection)) )
except (AttributeError,ValueError, KeyError,TypeError ), err:
del set[:]
toAssign.append( str(field.name) )
if set:
if set:
for key,value in set:
properties[key] = value
for key in toAssign:
setattr( client, key, properties[key] )
assert self.getObjectSpec( client ), client
if not properties:
tableColumnSubs = tableColumns = ""
columnNames = properties.keys()
tableColumns = '(%s)'%( ",".join( columnNames ), )
properties = self.createSubRecords( client, properties )
tableColumnSubs = []
for k in columnNames:
v = properties[k]
if isinstance( v, dict ):
for subKey,subValue in v.items():
properties[subKey] = subValue
properties[k] = v[k]
tableColumnSubs.append( asValueReference( k, properties[k]) )
tableColumnSubs = '(%s)'%(",".join( tableColumnSubs ) )
properties = self.createSubRecords( client, properties)
return super( RowInsert, self ).__call__(
tableName = client.schema.name,
tableColumns = tableColumns,
tableColumnSubs = tableColumnSubs,
clientObject = client,
doResolveQuery = doResolveQuery,
doFullQuery = doFullQuery,
def processResults( self, cursor, clientObject, doResolveQuery=0, doFullQuery=0, **named ):
"""Process the result-set to set the key-values on the row
Moves newValues to wrapped values
Clears newValues
if doResolveQuery:
Updates data from resolution query
Eliminates wrapped versions of data so updated
if doFullQuery:
Updates data from a full re-query
Eliminates wrapped versions of data so updated.
clientObject._DBRow__wrappedValues.update( clientObject._DBRow__newValues )
if doResolveQuery or doFullQuery:
# general query can be done without OIDs *IFF* we have
# a full set of unique keys...
table,fields = self.getObjectSpec( clientObject )
except (ValueError,KeyError), err:
# have to use OIDs or similar driver-level query...
fields = clientObject.getUniqueKeys()[0]
except (IndexError, KeyError):
fields = None
if doFullQuery:
fields = None
newCursor = cursor.connection.driver.getInsertedRow(
tableName = clientObject.schema.name,
data = dict(map( None, [x[0] for x in newCursor.description], newCursor.fetchone()))
if not hasattr( clientObject, "_DBRow__data"):
clientObject._DBRow__data = {}
clientObject._DBRow__data.update( data )
wrapped = clientObject._DBRow__wrappedValues
for key,value in data.items():
del wrapped[key]
except KeyError:
return clientObject
class RowCurrent( RowAction ):
"""Query to retrieve the current row-record for an instance"""
sql = """SELECT
def __call__( self, cursor, client, **named ):
"""Update this single client instance in the database
client -- the client object (a DBRow) being serviced
tableName, properties = self.getObjectSpec( client )
expanded = self.createSubRecords( client, properties)
keySetFragments = self.keySetProperties( expanded )
keySetFragments = " AND ".join(keySetFragments )
return super( RowCurrent, self ).__call__(
tableName= tableName,
keySetFragments = keySetFragments,
clientObject = client,
def processResults( self, cursor, clientObject, **named ):
"""Process the results by updating the clientObject"""
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise KeyError( """Object %s no longer appears to be in the database, refresh query returned null result-set"""%(
names = [ item[0] for item in cursor.description]
data = dict( map(None, names, row))
return clientObject.__class__(
_DBRow__data = data,
class RowRefresh( RowCurrent ):
"""Query to do a refresh of database values for a dbrow object"""
def processResults( self, cursor, clientObject, **named ):
"""Process the results by updating the clientObject"""
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise KeyError( """Object %s no longer appears to be in the database, refresh query returned null result-set"""%(
newData = dict(map( None, [x[0] for x in cursor.description], row))
if not hasattr( clientObject, "_DBRow__data"):
clientObject._DBRow__data = {}
raw = clientObject._DBRow__data
wrapped = clientObject._DBRow__wrappedValues
new = clientObject._DBRow__newValues
# clear out mock objects that hide previously set values
for key,value in new.items():
if isinstance(value, _MockValue ):
for d in (raw,wrapped,new):
del d[key]
except KeyError:
# clear out any wrapped/new values shadowing newly-queried values
for key,value in newData.items():
del wrapped[key]
except KeyError:
del new[key]
except KeyError:
# update the raw dictionary with the new values
raw.update( newData )
return clientObject
class RowUpdate( RowAction ):
"""Query to do an update/commit for dbrow object
This default query takes into account the possibility
that the fields being used for uniquely identifying
a row are themselves being changed, so goes through some
contortions to create data sets which are able to
specify both the original and changed values.
sql = """UPDATE
def __call__( self, cursor, client, **named ):
"""Update this single client instance in the database
client -- the client object (a DBRow) being serviced
must have non-null _DBRow__newValues attribute.
if not client._DBRow__newValues:
raise ValueError(
"""Update called on %r which has no new data"""%(client,),
tableName, properties = self.getObjectSpec( client, originalOnly=1 )
expanded = self.createSubRecords( client, properties)
keySetFragments = " AND ".join(self.keySetProperties( expanded ))
def unusedName( d, baseName ):
count = 0
name = baseName
while d.has_key( name ):
count += 1
name = "%s%d"%( baseName, count )
return name
# now get any non-key-set changed values...
columns = []
columnFragments = []
for key,value in client._DBRow__newValues.items():
setName= unusedName( expanded, str(key) )
if value is DELETED:
schema = getattr(getattr(client.__class__, key, None), 'schema', None)
if schema is None:
value = NULL
value = getattr( schema,'defaultValue', NULL)
if value is NULL:
if not schema.nullOk:
continue # XXX issue a warning!
if isinstance( value, (dict, DBRow )):
# XXX will be failures if there is a conflicting
# id reference!
value = client.createSubRecords( key, value )
newExpanded = client.referenceSubRecord( key, value )
value = newExpanded[ key ]
del newExpanded[ key ]
value = client.createSubRecords( key, value )
value = client.referenceSubRecord( key, value )
if value is not NULL: # is the default, which is in SQL syntax form...
columnFragments.append( "%s=%s"%(
columnFragments.append( "%s=%%(%s)s"%(
key, # actual field name...
setName, # may be different if we're changing an id key
if isinstance( value, (dict, DBRow )):
# XXX will be failures if there is a conflicting
# id reference!
value = client.createSubRecords( key, value )
newExpanded = client.referenceSubRecord( key, value )
if isinstance( newExpanded, dict ):
value = newExpanded[ key ]
del newExpanded[ key ]
value = newExpanded
asValueReference( setName, value )
columnFragments.append( "%s=%%(%s)s"%(
key, # actual field name...
setName, # may be different if we're changing an id key
expanded[setName] = value
columnFragments = ",".join( columnFragments )
return super( RowUpdate, self ).__call__(
cursor, tableName = tableName,
columnFragments = columnFragments,
keySetFragments = keySetFragments,
clientObject = client,
def processResults( self, cursor, clientObject, **named ):
"""Process the result-set to set the key-values on the row
Moves newValues to wrapped values
Clears newValues
clientObject._DBRow__wrappedValues.update( clientObject._DBRow__newValues )
return clientObject
class RowDelete( RowAction ):
"""Delete a row from the table"""
sql = """DELETE FROM %(tableName)s WHERE %(keySetFragments)s;"""
def __call__( self, cursor, client, **named ):
"""Delete this single client instance in the database"""
tableName, properties = self.getObjectSpec( client )
keySetFragments = " AND ".join([
for key in properties.keys()
return super( RowDelete, self ).__call__(
tableName= tableName,
keySetFragments = keySetFragments,
clientObject = client,