"""(incomplete) wxPython wizard for DBSpecifier setup"""
from wxPython.wx import *
from wxPython.wizard import *
from wxoo import propertycontrol,events
from wxoo.resources import dbsetup_png
from pytable import dbdriver
from basictypes import latebind
from wxoo.debug import *
log = Log( 'pytable.specwiz' )
log.setLevel( DEBUG )
DEFAULT_BITMAP = dbsetup_png.getBitmap()
The system needs to know which database driver module
it should use to set up this database connection. The
currently-registered database drivers are displayed
below. Choose the driver which corresponds to the
database system in which your database is (to be)
The system needs to know how to connect to the
database using your driver. Some drivers do not
require username, password, or host designations,
in these cases (normally file-based databases) you
should simply specify the filename as the "data
class DBSpecifierWizard( wxWizard ):
"""Wizard to specifying a database connection"""
def __init__(
self, parent, id = -1, title = "Database Connection Wizard",
bitmap = None, pos = wxDefaultPosition,
value = None
"""Initialize the specifier wizard
bitmap -- wxBitmap to use, otherwise uses the default
from wxoo.resources.dbsetup_png
value -- a dbspecifier instance to edit, or None, in
which case we create a new specifier.
if bitmap is None:
wxWizard.__init__( self, parent, id, title, bitmap, pos )
if value is None:
from pytable import dbspecifier
value = dbspecifier.DBSpecifier()
self.value = value
self.first = ChooseDriverPage( self, value = self.value )
self.second = ConnectionSetupPage( self, value = self.value )
self.third = DatabaseSetupPage( self,value = self.value )
self.first.SetNext( self.second )
self.second.SetNext( self.third )
self.third.SetPrev( self.second )
self.second.SetPrev( self.first )
self.FitToPage( self.first )
class BasePage(wxPyWizardPage ):
"""Base page for the various wizard pages"""
message = ""
next = None
previous = None
def __init__(
self, parent, bitmap = None, resource = NULL,
value = None, title = """Choose Database Driver""",
"""Initialize the BasePage object"""
wxPyWizardPage.__init__( self, parent)
self.value = value
self.title = title
def CreateControls( self, style = 0):
"""Create the controls for the Window"""
def SetNext (self, nextWindow):
"""Set the next window in the chain of Windows"""
log.debug( 'SetNext %s %s', self, nextWindow)
self.next = nextWindow
def SetPrev(self, previousWindow):
"""Set the previous window in the chain of Windows"""
log.debug( 'SetPrev %s %s', self, previousWindow)
self.previous = previousWindow
def GetNext (self,):
"""Retrieve the next window in the series"""
log.debug( 'GetNext %s %s', self, self.next)
return self.next
def GetPrev(self,):
"""Retrieve the previous window in the series"""
log.debug( 'GetPrev %s %s', self, self.previous)
return self.previous
def __repr__(self):
return """<%s@%s>"""% (self.__class__.__name__, self.this )
class ChooseDriverPage( BasePage ):
"""Choice of database driver"""
def CreateControls( self, style = 0):
"""Create the controls for choosing the dbdriver"""
sizer = wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL )
title = wxStaticText(self, -1, self.title)
title.SetFont(wxFont(18, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD))
sizer.Add(title, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL, 5)
sizer.Add(wxStaticLine(self, -1), 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5)
sizer.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1,self.message, ))
self.primary = propertycontrol.PropertyControl(
self, value = self.value,
descriptor = type(self.value).drivername,
size = (100,50),
sizer.Add( self.primary, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5 )
self.driverDescription = wxStaticText( self, -1,"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", )
sizer.Add( self.driverDescription, 0, wxALL, 5 )
events.EVT_PROPERTYCHANGED(self, function = self.OnChoiceChanged)
self.SetSizer( sizer )
self.SetAutoLayout( true )
self.OnChoiceChanged( )
def OnChoiceChanged( self, event=None ):
"""Update description on property change"""
className = self.value.drivername.value()
if className:
driver = latebind.bind( className )
except Exception, err:
log.warn( """Exception importing driver %s: %s""", className, err)
if hasattr( driver, 'userDescription'):
self.driverDescription.SetLabel( driver.userDescription)
def GetNext (self):
"""Get the next page in this wizard
This will be looking to retrieve a driver-specific
page for setting up the driver-specific specifier
details which are the database-related, as distinct
from user and password related.
# first things first, try to get a pointer to the driver
currentValue = self.value.drivername
className = currentValue.value()
log.debug( """Driver name: %s""", className)
driver = latebind.bind( className )
self.value.driver = driver
self.value.drivername = currentValue
log.info( """Resolved driver: %s""", driver)
except Exception, err:
log.warn( """Exception importing driver %s: %s""", className, err)
# should display a dialogue here
return self
self.next.SetDriver( driver )
return self.next
class DatabaseSetupPage( BasePage ):
"""Setup of database-specific specifier properties
Basically, within a particular driver, this
page will allow you to specify the particular
database to which to connect, and potentially how
to perform that connection (for instance read-only).
class ConnectionSetupPage( BasePage ):
"""Setup of connection-specific specifier properties
dsn, username and password in particular
def CreateControls( self, style = 0):
"""Create the controls for choosing the dbdriver"""
self.controls = {}
sizer = wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL )
allowedProperties = dbdriver.DBDriver.connectionProperties
title = wxStaticText(self, -1, self.title)
title.SetFont(wxFont(18, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD))
sizer.Add(title, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE|wxALL, 5)
sizer.Add(wxStaticLine(self, -1), 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5)
sizer.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1,self.message, ))
for property in allowedProperties:
if property not in ("database", "drivername"):
control = propertycontrol.PropertyControl(
self, value = self.value,
descriptor = getattr(type(self.value), property),
size = (100,50),
self.controls[property] = control
sizer.Add( control, 1, wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxEXPAND, 5 )
events.EVT_PROPERTYCHANGED(self, function = self.OnChoiceChanged)
self.SetSizer( sizer )
self.SetAutoLayout( true )
self.OnChoiceChanged( )
def SetDriver(self, driver):
allowed = driver.connectionProperties
for key,value in self.controls.items ():
if key in allowed:
value.Enable( True )
value.Enable( False )
def OnChoiceChanged( self, event=None ):
"""Update description on property change"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
from wxoo import wxcontrolcontainer
class TestFrame (wxcontrolcontainer.HolderFrame):
def OnStatusUpdate( self, event ):
"""Deal with an update to status text from a child"""
event.message, event.typeSpecifier or 0
class DemoApp(wxApp):
ID_wiz = wxNewId()
def OnChange( self, event ):
print 'changed', event.object
def OnRunWiz( self, event ):
dialog = DBSpecifierWizard(
if dialog.RunWizard( dialog.first ):
print dialog.value.__dict__
def OnInit(self):
frame = TestFrame(NULL, -1, "Testing")
ID = wxNewId()
wxButton(frame, ID, "Run spec wizard" )
EVT_BUTTON( frame, ID, self.OnRunWiz )
events.EVT_STATUSCHANGED( frame, -1, frame.OnStatusUpdate )
return true
app = DemoApp(0)