"""Import packages for all default DBDrivers
This module simply imports the packages for each known
DBDriver. The Package's __init__ then takes care of
registering the module as being available.
Note: no attempt is made to see if the underlying
database-driver module is available, so you can't
take this module's import as meaning the drivers
are *usable*, only *known*.
from pytable import pypgsql
from pytable import psycopg
from pytable import mysql
from pytable import mk
from pytable import pysqlite
from pytable import pygresql
if __name__ == "__main__":
fh = open('defaultdrivers.html','w')
for name in globals().keys():
module = globals()[name]
if hasattr( module, 'name' ) and isinstance( module, type(pypgsql)):
driver = getattr(module,'name')
'<tr valign="top"><th align="left">%s</th><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n'%(
del driver
del module