"""MySQLdb database driver"""
from pytable import dbdriver,mysql
from pytable.mysql import tableactions
import MySQLdb
from MySQLdb.constants import FIELD_TYPE
from basicproperty import common
class MyDriver( dbdriver.DBDriver ):
"""MySQLdb database driver
name = mysql.name
baseModule = MySQLdb
capabilities = dbdriver.DriverCapabilities(
serial = 0, inherits = 0, queryUnicode = 0,
paramstyle = common.StringProperty(
"paramstyle", """DBAPI 2.0 parameter-style value""",
defaultValue = MySQLdb.paramstyle,
threadsafety = common.IntegerProperty(
"paramstyle", """DBAPI 2.0 threadsafety value XXX should be an enumeration!""",
defaultValue = MySQLdb.threadsafety,
apilevel = common.StringProperty(
"apilevel", """DBAPI 2.0 apilevel value""",
defaultValue = MySQLdb.apilevel,
systemDBName = common.StringProperty(
"systemDBName", """Default name for driver's system database (for listDatabases connections)""",
defaultValue = "mysql",
userDescription = """MySQL database driver (via MySQLdb)
Provides access to the open-source, cross-platform
GNU GPL-licensed, server-based MySQL database.
The homepages of MySQL and MySQLdb are:
### Required customization points (abstract methods)
def establishConnection(self, fullSpecifier):
"""Connect using the fully specified specifier
fullSpecifier -- a specifier with all arguments unified
and ready to be connected. This specifier should
include everything required to do the actual
connection (including passwords or the like).
All sub-classes must override this method!
set = {}
# arg, doesn't follow dbapi 2.0 names :(
for name,arg in [
# what's the alias for dsn?
set[arg] = getattr( fullSpecifier, name )
return MySQLdb.connect( ** set )
def __getattr__( self, key ):
"""Search for an action-script of the given name in actionScripts"""
if key != 'queries':
script = self.queries.get( key )
if script:
return script
raise AttributeError( """%r object has no attribute %r"""%(self,key))
queries = {
'listDatabases': tableactions.ListDatabases(),
'listTables': tableactions.ListTables(),
'listIndices': tableactions.ListIndices(),
"tableStructure": tableactions.TableStructure(),
localTypeRegistry = [
(FIELD_TYPE.DECIMAL, "decimal"), ## XXX wrong! should be fixedpoint or a true decimal type!!!
(FIELD_TYPE.CHAR, "char"), # == TINY
(FIELD_TYPE.LONG, "int4"),
(FIELD_TYPE.FLOAT, "float"),
(FIELD_TYPE.DOUBLE, "double"),
(FIELD_TYPE.TIMESTAMP, "timestamp"),
(FIELD_TYPE.DATE, "date"),
(FIELD_TYPE.TIME, "time"),
(FIELD_TYPE.DATETIME, "datetime"),
## (FIELD_TYPE.INT24, "int"), # what is this???
## (FIELD_TYPE.YEAR, "year"),
## (FIELD_TYPE.NEWDATE, "datetime.mx"), ## XXX not sure what this data type is
## (FIELD_TYPE.ENUM, "str"), ## XXX not sure what this data type is, likely need to build an enumeration object...
## (FIELD_TYPE.SET, "str"), ## XXX not sure what this data type is, likely need to build an enumeration object...
(FIELD_TYPE.TINY_BLOB, "blob"), ## XXX should have more general type...
(FIELD_TYPE.BLOB, "blob"),
dataTypeNames = [
(FIELD_TYPE.DECIMAL, "DECIMAL"), ## XXX wrong! should be fixedpoint or a true decimal type!!!
(FIELD_TYPE.TIMESTAMP, "TIMESTAMP"), ## XXX not sure about this mapping
(FIELD_TYPE.NEWDATE, "NEWDATE"), ## XXX not sure what this data type is
## (FIELD_TYPE.ENUM, "ENUM"), ## XXX not sure what this data type is, likely need to build an enumeration object...
## (FIELD_TYPE.SET, "SET"), ## XXX not sure what this data type is, likely need to build an enumeration object...
(FIELD_TYPE.TINY_BLOB, "TINY_BLOB"), ## XXX should have more general type...
MyDriver.copyErrorsFromModule( MySQLdb )