"""PyGreSQL PostgreSQL database driver"""
from pytable._postgresql import postgresdriver
import pgdb
from basicproperty import common
from pytable import pygresql
class PGDriver( postgresdriver.PostgresDriver ):
"""PyGreSQL PostgreSQL database driver
This driver is based on the PyGreSQL DB-API layer,
which, though supported, is apparently not the most
commonly used interface to PyGreSQL. However, it
*should* be fully functional, and provide all of the
features of PyTable. It's license is the same as
PostgreSQL itself (it was formerly part of
name = pygresql.name
capabilities = postgresdriver.PostgresDriver.capabilities.clone(
queryUnicode = False,
### Required customization points (abstract methods)
baseModule = pgdb
usesIntDescriptionTypes = False
paramstyle = common.StringProperty(
"paramstyle", """DBAPI 2.0 parameter-style value""",
defaultValue = pgdb.paramstyle,
threadsafety = common.IntegerProperty(
"paramstyle", """DBAPI 2.0 threadsafety value XXX should be an enumeration!""",
defaultValue = pgdb.threadsafety,
apilevel = common.StringProperty(
"apilevel", """DBAPI 2.0 apilevel value""",
defaultValue = pgdb.apilevel,
userDescription = """PostgreSQL database driver (via PyGreSQL)
Provides access to the open-source, cross-platform
server-based PostgreSQL database.
The homepages of PostgreSQL and PyGreSQL are:
def getLastOID( cls, cursor ):
"""Given a cursor, return last-inserted OID value
This implementation overrides the base implementation to
support the (non-standard) use of oidstatus() instead of
lastrowid to store the OID value.
oidValue = cursor.cursor.lastrowid
except AttributeError:
oidValue = cursor.lastrowid # may have been passed the raw cursor.
return oidValue
getLastOID = classmethod( getLastOID )
localTypeRegistry = [
(name, name) for name in [
'int2', 'int4', 'serial','serial', 'int8',
'float4', 'float8',
'abstime', 'reltime', 'tinterval','date', 'time',
'timespan', 'timestamp', 'timestamptz', 'interval',
'oid', 'oid8',
PGDriver.copyErrorsFromModule( pgdb )