"""Mechanisms for generating SQL from DBSchema objects
Currently supported:
database, table, field, index, default records,
table/field constraints
XXX Should eventually allow for "database diff", that is
generating SQL for adding new fields, indices,
constraints etc.
from pytable import sqlquery,dbschema,sqlutils
from basicproperty import propertied,common,basic
class SQLStatements( propertied.Propertied ):
"""Base-class for SQL-generating objects
XXX Should be doing a topological sort in order to
resolve any dependencies between items.
def __init__( self, driver=None, **named ):
"""Initialise the statement-generator
Driver will be used to determine features for
generation (when that's implemented).
super( SQLStatements, self).__init__(
driver = driver,
def __call__( self, schema, *arguments, **named ):
"""Create SQL creation statements for given schema
Returns the statements as a series of strings.
return self.dispatch( schema, *arguments, **named )
def dispatch( self, schema, *arguments, **named ):
"""Dispatch to the appropriate handler and return value"""
for classObject in schema.__class__.__mro__:
handler = self.dispatchMapping.get(classObject)
if handler:
return handler.__get__(self)(schema, *arguments, **named)
raise TypeError( """unrecognised schema type %s, don't know how to generate SQL for this type"""%(type(schema)))
def expand( self, schema, *arguments, **named ):
"""Get the results of all items within an item"""
results = []
for item in schema:
result = self.dispatch( item, *arguments, **named )
except TypeError:
if isinstance(result, (str,unicode)):
results.append( result )
results.extend( result )
return results
dispatchMapping = {
class SQLCreateStatements( SQLStatements ):
"""Class providing schema-SQL-create-statements for SQL databases"""
tableSQLTemplate = """CREATE TABLE %(temporary)s %(tableName)s (
) %(inherits)s %(withoids)s;"""
fieldSQLTemplate = """%(fieldName)s %(dbDataType)s %(default)s %(constraints)s"""
def preCreationSQL( self, schema ):
return getattr( schema, 'preCreationSQL', [])
def postCreationSQL( self, schema ):
return getattr( schema, 'postCreationSQL', [])
def database( self, schema, *arguments, **named ):
"""Generate SQL for a whole database schema (minus database setup itself)"""
fragments = []
fragments.extend( self.preCreationSQL( schema ))
self.dispatch( s,*arguments,**named)
for s in schema.sequences
for s in schema.tables:
fragments.extend(self.dispatch( s,*arguments,**named))
self.dispatch( s,*arguments,**named)
for s in getattr(schema,'namespaces',())
fragments.extend( self.postCreationSQL( schema ))
return fragments
def namespace( self, schema, **named ):
"""Generate SQL to create a namespace"""
return [
"""CREATE SCHEMA %s;"""%(schema.name.lower(),)
] + self.database( schema )
def table( self, schema, **named ):
"""Generate SQL to create table in database"""
if schema.temporary:
temporary = "TEMPORARY"
temporary = ""
tableName = schema.name.lower()
if not tableName:
raise AttributeError("""No name property for table schema %r"""% (schema,))
inherits = ""
withoids = ""
if schema.withOIDs and self.driver.capabilities.oids:
withoids = 'WITH OIDS'
# now create the sub elements
elements = []
for field in schema.fields:
elements.append(self.tableField( field, **named ))
for constraint in schema.constraints:
elements.append( self.tableConstraint( constraint, schema))
subelements = ",\n\t".join( elements )
items = []
if schema.indices:
for index in schema.indices:
items.append( self.tableIndex( index, schema ))
if hasattr( schema, 'defaultRecords'):
items.extend(self.records( schema, schema.defaultRecords ))
except Exception, err:
err.args += (tableName, )
return [ self.tableSQLTemplate % locals () ] + items
def recordReference( self, table, field, value ):
"""Create reference to given subrecord value in given table"""
if isinstance( value, dict ):
wheres = []
for key,value in [
item for item in value.items()
if item[0] != '__create'
if isinstance( value, dict ):
# recursive reference to a far-off field...
remoteReference = table.lookupName( key ).foreign()
remoteField = remoteReference.getForeignFields()[0]
remoteTableName = remoteReference.foreignTable
remoteTable = table.lookupName( remoteTableName )
valueSQL = self.recordReference(
remoteTable, remoteTable.lookupName( remoteField ),
valueSQL = sqlutils.sqlEscape(
dbDataType = table.lookupName(key).dbDataType
'%s = %s'%(
wheres = ' AND '.join( wheres )
foreignField = field.name
foreignTable = table.name
sqlValue = '(SELECT %(foreignField)s FROM %(foreignTable)s WHERE %(wheres)s)'%locals()
sqlValue = sqlutils.sqlEscape( value, dbDataType = field.dbDataType )
return sqlValue
def createSubRecords( self, table, field, record ):
"""Create sub-records (recursively)
Iterate over children of a dictionary record and
create any children or children-of-children that
will be needed to create the top-level record.
# create any sub-records first...
result = []
if record.get( '__create', True ):
items = [
(k,v) for (k,v) in record.items() if k != '__create'
for key,value in items:
if isinstance( value, dict ):
remoteReference = table.lookupName( key ).foreign()
remoteField = remoteReference.getForeignFields()[0]
remoteTableName = remoteReference.foreignTable
remoteTable = table.lookupName( remoteTableName )
result.extend( self.createSubRecords(
remoteTable, remoteTable.lookupName( remoteField ),
) )
# now create the top-level record...
fields = ",".join( [i[0] for i in items])
values = []
for key,value in items:
field = table.lookupName( key, requiredType = dbschema.FieldSchema )
except NameError, err:
raise NameError(
"""Couldn't find field %r for table %s defined fields: %s"""%(
key, table.name, [getattr(x,'name',None) for x in table.fields],
if isinstance( value, dict ):
remoteReference = table.lookupName( key ).foreign()
remoteField = remoteReference.getForeignFields()[0]
remoteTableName = remoteReference.foreignTable
remoteTable = table.lookupName( remoteTableName )
sqlValue = self.recordReference(
remoteTable, remoteTable.lookupName( remoteField ),
sqlValue = self.recordReference( table, field, value )
values = ",".join( values )
tableName = table.name
"""INSERT INTO %(tableName)s(%(fields)s) VALUES (%(values)s);"""%locals()
return result
def records( self, table, dictionaries ):
"""Create SQL to insert record in dictionary into table"""
fragments = []
tableName = table.name
for dictionary in dictionaries:
self.createSubRecords( table, None, dictionary )
return fragments
def tableField( self, schema, **named):
"""Generate in-table fragment for generating a field"""
fieldName = schema.name.lower()
if not fieldName:
raise AttributeError("""No name property for field schema %r"""%(schema,))
dbDataType = self.fieldDataType( schema )
if hasattr( schema, "defaultValue"):
if not (
self.driver and
self.driver.capabilities.serial and
getattr( schema, 'dbDataType', None ) in ('serial','bigserial')
# database will not automatically generate a "default" statement
default = "DEFAULT %s"%( schema.defaultValue,)
default = ''
default = ""
constraints = []
if not schema.nullOk:
constraints.append( "NOT NULL" )
for constraint in schema.constraints:
constraints.append( self.fieldConstraint( constraint, schema))
if self.driver and not self.driver.capabilities.serial:
if getattr( schema, 'dbDataType', None ) in ('serial','bigserial'):
constraints.append( 'AUTO_INCREMENT' )
constraints = " ".join( constraints )
return self.fieldSQLTemplate%locals()
fieldPrefixToTypeMap = [
('str.classname', 'VARCHAR'),
def fieldDataType( self, schema ):
"""Create the data type declaration for the field"""
dataType = schema.dbDataType
if not dataType:
for (prefix,dbType) in self.fieldPrefixToTypeMap:
if schema.dataType.startswith( prefix ):
dataType = dbType
if not dataType:
raise AttributeError( """Don't know and can't guess the database data-type for field %s"""%(schema,))
if dataType in ('serial','bigserial'):
if self.driver and not self.driver.capabilities.serial:
if dataType == 'serial':
dataType = 'int'
dataType = 'bigint'
if schema.displaySize not in (0,None,-1):
if isinstance( schema.displaySize, tuple ):
dataType = "%s%s"%( dataType, schema.displaySize)
dataType = "%s(%s)"%( dataType, schema.displaySize)
return dataType.upper()
def fieldConstraint( self, constraint, target ):
"""Create constraint-specifying SQL code fragment"""
self.constraintCheck( constraint, target )
fragments = []
if constraint.name:
fragments.append( 'CONSTRAINT %s'%constraint.name.lower())
if constraint.dbConstraintType in (
# simple constraint types...
fragments.append( constraint.dbConstraintType )
elif constraint.dbConstraintType == 'NOT NULL':
elif constraint.dbConstraintType == 'CHECK':
fragments.append( constraint.dbConstraintType )
fragments.append( '(%s)'%(constraint.expression,) )
elif constraint.dbConstraintType == 'FOREIGN KEY':
fragments.append( self.foreignKey(
constraint, target
raise TypeError( """Unrecognised constraint-type %s for constraint %r"""%(
return " ".join( fragments )
def tableConstraint( self, constraint, target ):
"""Create constraint-specifying SQL code fragment"""
self.constraintCheck( constraint, target )
fragments = []
if constraint.name:
fragments.append( 'CONSTRAINT %s'%constraint.name.lower())
if constraint.dbConstraintType in (
# simple constraint types...
fragments.append( constraint.dbConstraintType )
fragments.append( '(%s)'%(", ".join(constraint.fields)))
if constraint.dbConstraintType == 'FOREIGN KEY':
fragments.append( self.foreignKey( constraint, target ))
elif constraint.dbConstraintType == 'CHECK':
fragments.append( constraint.dbConstraintType )
fragments.append( '(%s)'%(constraint.expression,) )
raise TypeError( """Unrecognised constraint-type %s for constraint %r"""%(
return " ".join( fragments )
def constraintCheck( self, constraint, target ):
"""Check that the constraint is applicable to the target
Will also fix up the constraint so that it
matches the target's name if there is no
declared field-name and the target is a field.
if isinstance( target, dbschema.FieldSchema ):
if len(constraint.fields) > 1:
raise ValueError( """Constraint %r on field %r specifies more than one affected field"""%(constraint,target) )
elif constraint.fields:
field = constraint.fields[0]
if field.lower() != target.name.lower():
raise ValueError(
"""Constraint %r on field %r specifies different field name, specifies %s, should be %s"""%(
else: # fix up the spec to include the field-name
constraint.fields.append( target.name )
def foreignKey( self, constraint, target ):
"""Generate constraint sub-clause for foreign-key"""
fragments = [ "REFERENCES", constraint.foreignTable ]
if constraint.foreignFields:
if isinstance( target, dbschema.FieldSchema ) and len(constraint.foreignFields) > 1:
raise ValueError( """Field Foreign Key constraint references multiple fields: %r"""%(
fragments.append( "(%s)"%( ", ".join( constraint.foreignFields )))
if hasattr( constraint, "onDelete" ):
fragments.append( "ON DELETE" )
fragments.append( constraint.onDelete )
if hasattr( constraint, "onUpdate" ):
fragments.append( "ON UPDATE" )
fragments.append( constraint.onUpdate )
return " ".join( fragments )
def tableIndex( self, schema, target=None ):
"""Generate SQL to create index described by schema"""
if not hasattr(schema, "table"):
if not target:
target = schema.lookupName( requiredType = dbschema.TableSchema )
if not target:
raise ValueError( """Index %r created without a specified table target"""%(self,))
schema.table = target.name
fragments = ["CREATE"]
if schema.unique:
fragments.append( "UNIQUE" )
fragments.append( "INDEX" )
if not schema.name:
schema.name = (
for n in [schema.table]+schema.fields
]) + '_idx'
).replace( '.', '_' )
fragments.append( schema.name.lower())
fragments.append( "ON" )
fragments.append( schema.table )
if hasattr( schema, "accessMethod"):
fragments.append( "USING %s"%( schema.accessMethod ,))
if hasattr( schema, 'functionName'):
fragments.append( "(%s(%s))"%(schema.functionName, ",".join(schema.fields)))
fragments.append( "(%s)"%( ",".join(schema.fields)))
if hasattr( schema, "where"):
fragments.append( "WHERE %s"%( schema.where ,))
fragments.append( ';')
return " ".join(fragments)
dispatchMapping = {
dbschema.FieldSchema: tableField,
dbschema.TableSchema: table,
dbschema.IndexSchema: tableIndex,
dbschema.DatabaseSchema: database,
dbschema.NamespaceSchema: namespace,
class SQLDropStatements( SQLStatements ):
"""Class generating SQL drop statements for schemas"""
standAlone_template = "DROP %(dbObjectType)s %(name)s %(cascade)s;"""
def standAlone( self, schema, *arguments, **named ):
"""Drop a stand-alone object"""
dbObjectType = schema.dbObjectType
name = schema.name
if named.get( 'cascade' ):
cascade = 'CASCADE'
cascade = ''
return self.standAlone_template % locals()
dispatchMapping = {
dbschema.TableSchema: standAlone,
dbschema.IndexSchema: standAlone,
dbschema.NamespaceSchema: standAlone,
dbschema.DatabaseSchema: SQLStatements.expand,
class SQLGrantStatements( SQLStatements ):
"""Class generating SQL grant statements for schemas"""
privileges = common.StringsProperty(
"privileges", """List of strings specifying the privileges to grant
Tables: select, insert, update, delete, rule, references, trigger
Databases: create, temporary, temp
Functions: execute
Languages: usage
Schemas: create, usage
ALL or ALL privileges grants all for the type, and
is the default value for the property. That is, by
default all privileges will be granted to the user.
defaultValue = ( "ALL privileges", ),
users = common.StringsProperty(
"users", """List of users/groups to which to grant privileges
'PUBLIC' refers to everyone, otherwise is just the
user-name/group-name, groups are specified as 'group groupname',
regular users are just 'username'
defaultValue = (),
isGroup = common.BooleanProperty(
'isGroup', """Whether 'user' is a group, rather than a regular user""",
defaultValue = 0,
template = """GRANT %(privileges)s ON %(dbObjectType)s %(name)s TO %(users)s;"""
def general( self, schema, *arguments, **named ):
"""Get the results of all items within an item"""
if not self.privileges:
raise ValueError( """Attempt to grant no privileges, use ALL to grant everything""" )
privileges = ",".join(self.privileges)
dbObjectType = schema.dbObjectType
if not filter( None, self.users):
raise ValueError( """Attempt to grant privileges to no groups/users: use PUBLIC to grant to everyone""" )
users = ",".join( self.users )
name = schema.name
return self.template % locals()
dispatchMapping = {
dbschema.TableSchema: general,
dbschema.IndexSchema: general,
dbschema.DatabaseSchema: SQLStatements.expand,
class SQLRevokeStatements( SQLGrantStatements ):
"""Class generating SQL revoke statements for schemas"""
template = """REVOKE %(privileges)s ON %(dbObjectType)s %(name)s FROM %(users)s;"""