import os, os.path
from time import time
import numarray
from numarray import random_array
import random
# in order to always generate the same random sequence
random_array.seed(19, 20)
def fill_arrays(start, stop):
col_i = numarray.arange(start, stop, type=numarray.Int32)
if userandom:
col_j = random_array.uniform(0, nrows, shape=[stop-start])
col_j = numarray.array(col_i, type=numarray.Float64)
return col_i, col_j
# Generator for ensure pytables benchmark compatibility
def int_generator(nrows):
step = 1000*100
j = 0
for i in xrange(nrows):
if i >= step*j:
stop = (j+1)*step
if stop > nrows: # Seems unnecessary
stop = nrows
col_i, col_j = fill_arrays(i, stop)
j += 1
k = 0
yield (col_i[k], col_j[k])
k += 1
def int_generator_slow(nrows):
for i in xrange(nrows):
if userandom:
yield (i, float(random.randint(0, nrows)))
yield (i, float(i))
def open_db(filename, remove=0):
if remove and os.path.exists(filename):
con = sqlite.connect(filename)
cur = con.cursor()
return con, cur
def create_db(filename, nrows):
con, cur = open_db(filename, remove=1)
cur.execute("create table ints(i integer, j real)")
# This is twice as fast as a plain loop
cur.executemany("insert into ints(i,j) values (?,?)", int_generator(nrows))
ctime = time()-t1
if verbose:
print "insert time:", round(ctime, 5)
print "Krows/s:", round((nrows/1000.)/ctime, 5)
close_db(con, cur)
def index_db(filename):
con, cur = open_db(filename)
cur.execute("create index ij on ints(j)")
itime = time()-t1
if verbose:
print "index time:", round(itime, 5)
print "Krows/s:", round(nrows/itime, 5)
# Close the DB
close_db(con, cur)
def query_db(filename, rng):
con, cur = open_db(filename)
ntimes = 10
for i in range(ntimes):
# between clause does not seem to take advantage of indexes
#cur.execute("select j from ints where j between %s and %s" % \
cur.execute("select i from ints where j >= %s and j <= %s" % \
#cur.execute("select i from ints where i >= %s and i <= %s" % \
(rng[0]+i, rng[1]+i))
results = cur.fetchall()
qtime = (time()-t1)/ntimes
if verbose:
print "query time:", round(qtime, 5)
print "Mrows/s:", round((nrows/1000.)/qtime, 5)
print results
close_db(con, cur)
def close_db(con, cur):
if __name__=="__main__":
import sys
import getopt
import psyco
psyco_imported = 1
psyco_imported = 0
usage = """usage: %s [-v] [-p] [-m] [-i] [-q] [-c] [-R range] [-n nrows] file
-v verbose
-p use "psyco" if available
-m use random values to fill the table
-q do query
-c create the database
-i index the table
-2 use sqlite2 (default is use sqlite3)
-R select a range in a field in the form "start,stop" (def "0,10")
-n sets the number of rows (in krows) in each table
\n""" % sys.argv[0]
opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'vpmiqc2R:n:')
# default options
verbose = 0
usepsyco = 0
userandom = 0
docreate = 0
createindex = 0
doquery = 0
sqlite_version = "3"
rng = [0,10]
nrows = 1
# Get the options
for option in opts:
if option[0] == '-v':
verbose = 1
elif option[0] == '-p':
usepsyco = 1
elif option[0] == '-m':
userandom = 1
elif option[0] == '-i':
createindex = 1
elif option[0] == '-q':
doquery = 1
elif option[0] == '-c':
docreate = 1
elif option[0] == "-2":
sqlite_version = "2"
elif option[0] == '-R':
rng = [int(i) for i in option[1].split(",")]
elif option[0] == '-n':
nrows = int(option[1])
# Catch the hdf5 file passed as the last argument
filename = pargs[0]
if sqlite_version == "2":
import sqlite
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2
if verbose:
print "pysqlite version:", sqlite.version
if userandom:
print "using random values"
if docreate:
if verbose:
print "writing %s krows" % nrows
if psyco_imported and usepsyco:
nrows *= 1000
create_db(filename, nrows)
if createindex:
if doquery:
query_db(filename, rng)