import sys, time, random, gc, types
import numarray
from tables import Group,metaIsDescription
from tables import *
class Test(IsDescription):
ngroup = Int32Col(pos=1)
ntable = Int32Col(pos=2)
nrow = Int32Col(pos=3)
#string = StringCol(itemsize=500, pos=4)
TestDict = {
"ngroup": Int32Col(pos=1),
"ntable": Int32Col(pos=2),
"nrow": Int32Col(pos=3),
def createFileArr(filename, ngroups, ntables, nrows):
# First, create the groups
# Open a file in "w"rite mode
fileh = openFile(filename, mode="w", title="PyTables Stress Test")
for k in range(ngroups):
# Create the group
group = fileh.createGroup("/", 'group%04d'% k, "Group %d" % k)
# Now, create the arrays
rowswritten = 0
arr = numarray.arange(nrows)
for k in range(ngroups):
fileh = openFile(filename, mode="a", rootUEP='group%04d'% k)
# Get the group
group = fileh.root
for j in range(ntables):
# Create the array
group = fileh.createArray("/", 'array%04d'% j,
arr, "Array %d" % j)
return (ngroups*ntables*nrows, 4)
def readFileArr(filename, ngroups, recsize, verbose):
rowsread = 0
for ngroup in range(ngroups):
fileh = openFile(filename, mode="r", rootUEP='group%04d'% ngroup)
# Get the group
group = fileh.root
narrai = 0
if verbose:
print "Group ==>", group
for arrai in fileh.listNodes(group, 'Array'):
if verbose > 1:
print "Array ==>", arrai
print "Rows in", arrai._v_pathname, ":", arrai.shape
nrow = 0
arr =
rowsread += len(arr)
narrai += 1
# Close the file (eventually destroy the extended type)
return (rowsread, 4, rowsread*4)
def createFile(filename, ngroups, ntables, nrows, complevel, complib, recsize):
# First, create the groups
# Open a file in "w"rite mode
fileh = openFile(filename, mode="w", title="PyTables Stress Test")
for k in range(ngroups):
# Create the group
group = fileh.createGroup("/", 'group%04d'% k, "Group %d" % k)
# Now, create the tables
rowswritten = 0
if not ntables:
rowsize = 0
for k in range(ngroups):
print "Filling tables in group:", k
fileh = openFile(filename, mode="a", rootUEP='group%04d'% k)
# Get the group
group = fileh.root
for j in range(ntables):
# Create a table
#table = fileh.createTable(group, 'table%04d'% j, Test,
table = fileh.createTable(group, 'table%04d'% j, TestDict,
complevel, complib, nrows)
rowsize = table.rowsize
# Get the row object associated with the new table
row = table.row
# Fill the table
for i in xrange(nrows):
row['ngroup'] = k
row['ntable'] = j
row['nrow'] = i
rowswritten += nrows
# Close the file
return (rowswritten, rowsize)
def readFile(filename, ngroups, recsize, verbose):
# Open the HDF5 file in read-only mode
rowsize = 0
buffersize = 0
rowsread = 0
for ngroup in range(ngroups):
fileh = openFile(filename, mode="r", rootUEP='group%04d'% ngroup)
# Get the group
group = fileh.root
ntable = 0
if verbose:
print "Group ==>", group
for table in fileh.listNodes(group, 'Table'):
rowsize = table.rowsize
buffersize=table.rowsize * table.nrowsinbuf
if verbose > 1:
print "Table ==>", table
print "Max rows in buf:", table.nrowsinbuf
print "Rows in", table._v_pathname, ":", table.nrows
print "Buffersize:", table.rowsize * table.nrowsinbuf
print "MaxTuples:", table.nrowsinbuf
nrow = 0
if table.nrows > 0: # only read if we have rows in tables
for row in table:
assert row["ngroup"] == ngroup
assert row["ntable"] == ntable
assert row["nrow"] == nrow
print "Error in group: %d, table: %d, row: %d" % \
(ngroup, ntable, nrow)
print "Record ==>", row
nrow += 1
assert nrow == table.nrows
rowsread += table.nrows
ntable += 1
# Close the file (eventually destroy the extended type)
return (rowsread, rowsize, buffersize)
class TrackRefs:
"""Object to track reference counts across test runs."""
def __init__(self, verbose=0):
self.type2count = {}
self.type2all = {}
self.verbose = verbose
def update(self, verbose=0):
obs = sys.getobjects(0)
type2count = {}
type2all = {}
for o in obs:
all = sys.getrefcount(o)
t = type(o)
if verbose:
#if t == types.TupleType:
if isinstance(o, Group):
#if isinstance(o, metaIsDescription):
print "-->", o, "refs:", all
refrs = gc.get_referrers(o)
trefrs = []
for refr in refrs:
print "Referrers -->", refrs
print "Referrers types -->", trefrs
#if t == types.StringType: print "-->",o
if t in type2count:
type2count[t] += 1
type2all[t] += all
type2count[t] = 1
type2all[t] = all
ct = [(type2count[t] - self.type2count.get(t, 0),
type2all[t] - self.type2all.get(t, 0),
for t in type2count.iterkeys()]
for delta1, delta2, t in ct:
if delta1 or delta2:
print "%-55s %8d %8d" % (t, delta1, delta2)
self.type2count = type2count
self.type2all = type2all
def dump_refs(preheat=10, iter1=10, iter2=10, *testargs):
rc1 = rc2 = None
for i in xrange(preheat):
rc1 = sys.gettotalrefcount()
track = TrackRefs()
for i in xrange(iter1):
print "First output of TrackRefs:"
rc2 = sys.gettotalrefcount()
print >>sys.stderr, "Inc refs in function testMethod --> %5d" % (rc2-rc1)
for i in xrange(iter2):
print "Second output of TrackRefs:"
rc3 = sys.gettotalrefcount()
print >>sys.stderr, "Inc refs in function testMethod --> %5d" % (rc3-rc2)
ok = 1
def dump_garbage():
show us waht the garbage is about
# Force collection
print "\nGARBAGE:"
for x in gc.garbage:
s = str(x)
#if len(s) > 80: s = s[:77] + "..."
print type(x),"\n ", s
def testMethod(file, usearray, testwrite, testread, complib, complevel,
ngroups, ntables, nrows):
if complevel > 0:
print "Compression library:", complib
if testwrite:
t1 = time.time()
cpu1 = time.clock()
if usearray:
(rowsw, rowsz) = createFileArr(file, ngroups, ntables, nrows)
(rowsw, rowsz) = createFile(file, ngroups, ntables, nrows,
complevel, complib, recsize)
t2 = time.time()
cpu2 = time.clock()
tapprows = round(t2-t1, 3)
cpuapprows = round(cpu2-cpu1, 3)
tpercent = int(round(cpuapprows/tapprows, 2)*100)
print "Rows written:", rowsw, " Row size:", rowsz
print "Time writing rows: %s s (real) %s s (cpu) %s%%" % \
(tapprows, cpuapprows, tpercent)
print "Write rows/sec: ", int(rowsw / float(tapprows))
print "Write KB/s :", int(rowsw * rowsz / (tapprows * 1024))
if testread:
t1 = time.time()
cpu1 = time.clock()
if usearray:
(rowsr, rowsz, bufsz)=readFileArr(file, ngroups, recsize, verbose)
(rowsr, rowsz, bufsz) = readFile(file, ngroups, recsize, verbose)
t2 = time.time()
cpu2 = time.clock()
treadrows = round(t2-t1, 3)
cpureadrows = round(cpu2-cpu1, 3)
tpercent = int(round(cpureadrows/treadrows, 2)*100)
print "Rows read:", rowsr, " Row size:", rowsz, "Buf size:", bufsz
print "Time reading rows: %s s (real) %s s (cpu) %s%%" % \
(treadrows, cpureadrows, tpercent)
print "Read rows/sec: ", int(rowsr / float(treadrows))
print "Read KB/s :", int(rowsr * rowsz / (treadrows * 1024))
if __name__=="__main__":
import getopt
import profile
import psyco
psyco_imported = 1
psyco_imported = 0
usage = """usage: %s [-d debug] [-v level] [-p] [-r] [-w] [-l complib] [-c complevel] [-g ngroups] [-t ntables] [-i nrows] file
-d debugging level
-v verbosity level
-p use "psyco" if available
-a use Array objects instead of Table
-r only read test
-w only write test
-l sets the compression library to be used ("zlib", "lzo", "ucl", "bzip2")
-c sets a compression level (do not set it or 0 for no compression)
-g number of groups hanging from "/"
-t number of tables per group
-i number of rows per table
opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'd:v:parwl:c:g:t:i:')
# if we pass too much parameters, abort
if len(pargs) <> 1:
# default options
ngroups = 5
ntables = 5
nrows = 100
verbose = 0
debug = 0
recsize = "medium"
testread = 1
testwrite = 1
usepsyco = 0
usearray = 0
complevel = 0
complib = "zlib"
# Get the options
for option in opts:
if option[0] == '-d':
debug = int(option[1])
if option[0] == '-v':
verbose = int(option[1])
if option[0] == '-p':
usepsyco = 1
if option[0] == '-a':
usearray = 1
elif option[0] == '-r':
testwrite = 0
elif option[0] == '-w':
testread = 0
elif option[0] == '-l':
complib = option[1]
elif option[0] == '-c':
complevel = int(option[1])
elif option[0] == '-g':
ngroups = int(option[1])
elif option[0] == '-t':
ntables = int(option[1])
elif option[0] == '-i':
nrows = int(option[1])
if debug:
if debug == 1:
# Catch the hdf5 file passed as the last argument
file = pargs[0]
if psyco_imported and usepsyco:
if debug == 2:
dump_refs(10, 10, 15, file, usearray, testwrite, testread, complib,
complevel, ngroups, ntables, nrows)
# testMethod(file, usearray, testwrite, testread, complib, complevel,
# ngroups, ntables, nrows)"testMethod(file, usearray, testwrite, testread, " + \
"complib, complevel, ngroups, ntables, nrows)")
# Show the dirt
if debug == 1: