from numpy import *
from tables import *
# Open a new empty HDF5 file
fileh = openFile("attributes1.h5", mode = "w", title="Testing attributes")
# Get the root group
root = fileh.root
# Create an array
a = array([1, 2, 4], int32)
# Save it on the HDF5 file
hdfarray = fileh.createArray(root, 'array', a, "Integer array")
# Assign user attributes
# A string
hdfarray.attrs.string = "This is an example"
# A Char
hdfarray.attrs.char = "1"
# An integer = 12
# A float
hdfarray.attrs.float = 12.32
# A generic object
hdfarray.attrs.object = {"a":32.1, "b":1, "c":[1,2]}
# Close the file