Beware! you need PyTables Pro Edition to run this script!
from time import time# use clock for Win
from tables import *
#NEVENTS = 10000
NEVENTS = 20000
# Particle description
class Particle(IsDescription):
#event_id = Int32Col(pos=1, indexed=True) # event id (indexed)
event_id = Int32Col(pos=1) # event id (not indexed)
particle_id = Int32Col(pos=2) # particle id in the event
parent_id = Int32Col(pos=3) # the id of the parent particle
# (negative values means no parent)
momentum = Float64Col(shape=3, pos=4) # momentum of the particle
mass = Float64Col(pos=5) # mass of the particle
# # Create a new table for events
t1 = time()
print "Creating a table with %s entries aprox.. Wait please..." % \
fileh = openFile("particles-pro.h5", mode = "w")
group = fileh.createGroup(fileh.root, "events")
table = fileh.createTable(group, 'table', Particle, "A table", Filters(0))
# Choose this line if you want data compression
#table = fileh.createTable(group, 'table', Particle, "A table", Filters(1))
# Fill the table with events
numpy.random.seed(1) # In order to have reproducible results
particle = table.row
for i in xrange(NEVENTS):
for j in xrange(numpy.random.randint(0, MAX_PARTICLES_PER_EVENT)):
particle['event_id'] = i
particle['particle_id'] = j
particle['parent_id'] = j - 10 # 10 root particles (max)
particle['momentum'] = numpy.random.normal(5.0, 2.0, size=3)
particle['mass'] = numpy.random.normal(500.0, 10.0)
# This injects the row values.
print "Added %s entries --- Time: %s sec" % (table.nrows, round((time()-t1), 3))
t1 = time()
print "Creating index..."
table.cols.event_id.createIndex(optlevel=0, verbose=True)
print "Index created --- Time: %s sec" % (round((time()-t1), 3))
# Add the number of events as an attribute
table.attrs.nevents = NEVENTS
# Open the file en read only mode and start selections
print "Selecting events..."
fileh = openFile("particles-pro.h5", mode = "r")
table = fileh.root.events.table
print "Particles in event 34:",
nrows = 0; t1 = time()
for row in table.where("event_id == 34"):
nrows += 1
print nrows
print "Done --- Time:", round((time()-t1), 3), "sec"
print "Root particles in event 34:",
nrows = 0; t1 = time()
for row in table.where("event_id == 34"):
if row['parent_id'] < 0:
nrows += 1
print nrows
print "Done --- Time:", round((time()-t1), 3), "sec"
print "Sum of masses of root particles in event 34:",
smass = 0.0; t1 = time()
for row in table.where("event_id == 34"):
if row['parent_id'] < 0:
smass += row['mass']
print smass
print "Done --- Time:", round((time()-t1), 3), "sec"
print "Sum of masses of daughter particles for particle 3 in event 34:",
smass = 0.0; t1 = time()
for row in table.where("event_id == 34"):
if row['parent_id'] == 3:
smass += row['mass']
print smass
print "Done --- Time:", round((time()-t1), 3), "sec"
print "Sum of module of momentum for particle 3 in event 34:",
smomentum = 0.0; t1 = time()
#for row in table.where("(event_id == 34) & ((parent_id) == 3)"):
for row in table.where("event_id == 34"):
if row['parent_id'] == 3:
smomentum += numpy.sqrt(numpy.add.reduce(row['momentum']**2))
print smomentum
print "Done --- Time:", round((time()-t1), 3), "sec"
# This is the same than above, but using generator expressions
# Python 2.4 needed here!
print "Sum of module of momentum for particle 3 in event 34 (2):",
t1 = time()
print sum(numpy.sqrt(numpy.add.reduce(row['momentum']**2))
for row in table.where("event_id == 34")
if row['parent_id'] == 3)
print "Done --- Time:", round((time()-t1), 3), "sec"