from tables import *
class Particle(IsDescription):
name = StringCol(16, pos=1) # 16-character String
lati = Int32Col(pos=2) # integer
longi = Int32Col(pos=3) # integer
pressure = Float32Col(pos=4) # float (single-precision)
temperature = Float64Col(pos=5) # double (double-precision)
# Open a file in "w"rite mode
fileh = openFile("table1.h5", mode = "w")
# Create a new group
group = fileh.createGroup(fileh.root, "newgroup")
# Create a new table in newgroup group
table = fileh.createTable(group, 'table', Particle, "A table", Filters(1))
particle = table.row
# Fill the table with 10 particles
for i in xrange(10):
# First, assign the values to the Particle record
particle['name'] = 'Particle: %6d' % (i)
particle['lati'] = i
particle['longi'] = 10 - i
particle['pressure'] = float(i*i)
particle['temperature'] = float(i**2)
# This injects the row values.
# We need to flush the buffers in table in order to get an
# accurate number of records on it.
# Add a couple of user attrs
table.attrs.user_attr2="This is the second user attr"
# Append several rows in only one call
table.append([("Particle: 10", 10, 0, 10*10, 10**2),
("Particle: 11", 11, -1, 11*11, 11**2),
("Particle: 12", 12, -2, 12*12, 12**2)])
group = fileh.root.newgroup
print "Nodes under group", group,":"
for node in fileh.listNodes(group):
print node
print "Leaves everywhere in file", fileh.filename,":"
for leaf in fileh.walkNodes(classname="Leaf"):
print leaf
table = fileh.root.newgroup.table
print "Object:", table
print "Table name: %s. Table title: %s" % (, table.title)
print "Rows saved on table: %d" % (table.nrows)
print "Variable names on table with their type:"
for name in table.colnames:
print " ", name, ':=', table.coldtypes[name]
print "Table contents:"
for row in table:
print row
print "Associated recarray:"
# Finally, close the file