PyTables NetCDF version 3 emulation API.
This package provides an API is nearly identical to Scientific.IO.NetCDF
Some key differences between the Scientific.IO.NetCDF API and the pytables
NetCDF emulation API to keep in mind are:
1) data is stored in an HDF5 file instead of a netCDF file.
2) Although each variable can have only one unlimited
dimension, it need not be the first as in a true NetCDF file.
Complex data types 'F' (complex64) and 'D' (complex128) are supported
in tables.netcdf3, but are not supported in netCDF
(or Scientific.IO.NetCDF). Files with variables that have
these datatypes, or an unlimited dimension other than the first,
cannot be converted to netCDF using h5tonc.
3) variables are compressed on disk by default using
HDF5 zlib compression with the 'shuffle' filter.
If the 'least_significant_digit' keyword is used when a
variable is created with the createVariable method, data will be
truncated (quantized) before being written to the file.
This can significantly improve compression. For example, if
least_significant_digit=1, data will be quantized using
numpy.around(scale*data)/scale, where scale = 2**bits, and
bits is determined so that a precision of 0.1 is retained (in
this case bits=4).
From http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/cdc/conventions/cdc_netcdf_standard.shtml:
"least_significant_digit -- power of ten of the smallest decimal
place in unpacked data that is a reliable value."
4) data must be appended to a variable with an unlimited
dimension using the 'append' method of the netCDF
variable object. In Scientific.IO.NetCDF, data can be added
along an unlimited dimension by assigning it to a slice (there
is no append method).
The 'sync' method synchronizes the size
of all variables with an unlimited dimension by filling in
data using the default netCDF _FillValue, and
is invoked automatically when the NetCDFFile object is closed.
In the Scientific.IO.NetCDF, the 'sync' method flushes the data to disk.
5) the createVariable method has three extra optional keyword
arguments not found in the Scientific.IO.NetCDF interface,
'least_significant_digit' (see item (2) above), 'expectedsize'
and 'filters'.
The 'expectedsize' keyword applies only to variables with an
unlimited dimension, and is an estimate of the number
of entries that will be added along that dimension
(default 1000). This estimate is used to optimize
HDF5 file access and memory usage.
The 'filters' keyword is a PyTables filters instance
that describes how to store the data on disk.
The default corresponds to complevel=6, complib='zlib',
shuffle=1 and fletcher32=0.
6) data can be saved to a real netCDF file using the NetCDFFile class
method 'h5tonc' (if Scientific.IO.NetCDF is installed). The
unlimited dimension must be the first (for all variables in the file)
in order to use the 'h5tonc' method.
Data can also be imported from a true netCDF file and saved
in an HDF5 file using the 'nctoh5' class method.
7) A list of attributes corresponding to global netCDF attributes
defined in the file can be obtained with the NetCDFFile ncattrs method.
Similarly, netCDF variable attributes can be obtained with
the NetCDFVariable ncattrs method.
8) you should not define global or variable attributes that start
with '_NetCDF_', those names are reserved for internal use.
9) output similar to 'ncdump -h' can be obtained by simply
printing the NetCDFFile instance.
A tables.netcdf3 file consists of array objects (either EArrays or
CArrays) located in the root group of a pytables hdf5 file. Each of
the array objects must have a dimensions attribute, consisting of a
tuple of dimension names (the length of this tuple should be the same
as the rank of the array object). Any such objects with one
of the supported data types in a pytables file that conforms to
this simple structure can be read with the tables.netcdf3 package.
Note: This package does not yet create HDF5 files that are compatible
with netCDF version 4.
Datasets created with the PyTables netCDF emulation API can be shared
over the internet with the OPeNDAP protocol (http://opendap.org), via
the python opendap module (http://opendap.oceanografia.org). A plugin
for the python opendap server is included with the pytables
distribution (contrib/h5_dap_plugin.py). Simply copy that file into
the 'plugins' directory of the opendap python module source
distribution, run 'setup.py install', point the opendap server to the
directory containing your hdf5 files, and away you go. Any OPeNDAP
aware client (such as Matlab or IDL) can now access your data over
http as if it were a local disk file.
Jeffrey Whitaker <jeffrey.s.whitaker@noaa.gov>
Version: 20051110
__version__ = '20051110'
import numpy
# need Numeric for h5 <--> netCDF conversion.
import Numeric
Numeric_imported = True
Numeric_imported = False
# need Scientific to convert to/from real netCDF files.
if Numeric_imported:
import Scientific.IO.NetCDF as RealNetCDF
ScientificIONetCDF_imported = True
ScientificIONetCDF_imported = False
ScientificIONetCDF_imported = False
import tables
# dictionary that maps pytables types to single-character Numeric typecodes.
_typecode_dict = {'float64':'d',
# The reverse typecode dict
_rev_typecode_dict = {}
for key, value in _typecode_dict.iteritems():
_rev_typecode_dict[value] = key
# dictionary that maps single character Numeric typecodes to netCDF
# data types (False if no corresponding netCDF datatype exists).
_netcdftype_dict = {'s':'short','1':'byte','l':'int','i':'int',
# values to print out in __repr__ method.
_reprtype_dict = {'s':'short','1':'byte','l':'int','i':'int',
# _NetCDF_FillValue defaults taken netCDF 3.6.1 header file.
_fillvalue_dict = {'f': 9.9692099683868690e+36,
'd': 9.9692099683868690e+36, # near 15 * 2^119
'F': 9.9692099683868690e+36+0j, # next two I made up
'D': 9.9692099683868690e+36+0j, # (no complex in netCDF)
'i': -2147483647,
'l': -2147483647,
's': -32767,
'1': -127, # (signed char)-127
'c': chr(0)} # (char)0
def quantize(data,least_significant_digit):
"""quantize data to improve compression.
data is quantized using around(scale*data)/scale,
where scale is 2**bits, and bits is determined from
the least_significant_digit.
For example, if least_significant_digit=1, bits will be 4."""
precision = 10.**-least_significant_digit
exp = math.log(precision,10)
if exp < 0:
exp = int(math.floor(exp))
exp = int(math.ceil(exp))
bits = math.ceil(math.log(10.**-exp,2))
scale = 2.**bits
return numpy.around(scale*data)/scale
class NetCDFFile:
netCDF file Constructor: NetCDFFile(filename, mode="r",history=None)
filename -- Name of hdf5 file to hold data.
mode -- access mode. "r" means read-only; no data can be modified.
"w" means write; a new file is created, an existing
file with the same name is deleted. "a" means append
(in analogy with serial files); an existing file is
opened for reading and writing.
history -- a string that is used to define the global NetCDF
attribute 'history'.
A NetCDFFile object has two standard attributes: 'dimensions' and
'variables'. The values of both are dictionaries, mapping
dimension names to their associated lengths and variable names to
variables, respectively. Application programs should never modify
these dictionaries.
A list of attributes corresponding to global netCDF attributes
defined in the file can be obtained with the ncattrs method.
Global file attributes are created by assigning to an attribute of
the NetCDFFile object.
def __init__(self,filename,mode='r',history=None):
# open an hdf5 file.
self._NetCDF_h5file = tables.openFile(filename, mode=mode)
self._NetCDF_mode = mode
# file already exists, set up variable and dimension dicts.
if mode != 'w':
self.dimensions = {}
self.variables = {}
for var in self._NetCDF_h5file.root:
if not isinstance(var,tables.CArray) and not isinstance(var,tables.EArray):
print 'object',var,'is not a EArray or CArray, skipping ..'
if var.atom.type not in _typecode_dict.keys():
print 'object',var.name,'is not a supported datatype (',var.atom.type,'), skipping ..'
if var.attrs.__dict__.has_key('dimensions'):
n = 0
for dim in var.attrs.__dict__['dimensions']:
if var.extdim >= 0 and n == var.extdim:
if not self.dimensions.has_key(dim):
self.dimensions[dim] = val
# raise an exception of a dimension of that
# name has already been encountered with a
# different value.
if self.dimensions[dim] != val:
raise KeyError,'dimension lengths not consistent'
n = n + 1
print 'object',var.name,'does not have a dimensions attribute, skipping ..'
if len(self.variables.keys()) == 0:
raise IOError, 'file does not contain any objects compatible with tables.netcdf3'
# initialize dimension and variable dictionaries for a new file.
self.dimensions = {}
self.variables = {}
# set history attribute.
if mode != 'r':
if history != None:
self.history = history
def createDimension(self,dimname,size):
"""Creates a new dimension with the given "dimname" and
"size". "size" must be a positive integer or 'None',
which stands for the unlimited dimension. There can
be only one unlimited dimension per dataset."""
self.dimensions[dimname] = size
# make sure there is only one unlimited dimension.
if self.dimensions.values().count(None) > 1:
raise ValueError, 'only one unlimited dimension allowed!'
def createVariable(self,varname,datatype,dimensions,least_significant_digit=None,expectedsize=1000,filters=None):
"""Creates a new variable with the given "varname", "datatype", and
"dimensions". The "datatype" is a one-letter string with the same
meaning as the typecodes for arrays in module Numeric; in
practice the predefined type constants from Numeric should
be used. "dimensions" must be a tuple containing dimension
names (strings) that have been defined previously.
The unlimited dimension must be the first (leftmost)
dimension of the variable.
If the optional keyword parameter 'least_significant_digit' is
specified, multidimensional variables will be truncated
(quantized). This can significantly improve compression. For
example, if least_significant_digit=1, data will be quantized
using Numeric.around(scale*data)/scale, where scale = 2**bits,
and bits is determined so that a precision of 0.1 is retained
(in this case bits=4).
From http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/cdc/conventions/cdc_netcdf_standard.shtml:
"least_significant_digit -- power of ten of the smallest decimal
place in unpacked data that is a reliable value."
The 'expectedsize' keyword applies only to variables with an
unlimited dimension - it is the expected number of entries
that will be added along the unlimited dimension (default
1000). If think the actual number of entries will be an order
of magnitude different than the default, consider providing a
guess; this will optimize the HDF5 B-Tree creation, management
process time, and memory usage.
The 'filters' keyword also applies only to variables with
an unlimited dimension, and is a PyTables filters instance
that describes how to store an enlargeable array on disk.
The default is tables.Filters(complevel=6, complib='zlib',
shuffle=1, fletcher32=0).
The return value is the NetCDFVariable object describing the
new variable."""
# create NetCDFVariable instance.
var = NetCDFVariable(varname,self,datatype,dimensions,least_significant_digit=least_significant_digit,expectedsize=expectedsize,filters=filters)
# update shelf variable dictionary, global variable
# info dict.
self.variables[varname] = var
return var
def close(self):
"""Closes the file (after calling the sync method)"""
def sync(self):
synchronize variables along unlimited dimension, filling in data
with default netCDF _FillValue. Returns the length of the
unlimited dimension. Invoked automatically when the NetCDFFile
object is closed.
# find max length of unlimited dimension.
len_unlim_dims = []
hasunlimdim = False
for varname,var in self.variables.iteritems():
if var.extdim >= 0:
hasunlimdim = True
if not hasunlimdim:
return 0
len_max = max(len_unlim_dims)
if self._NetCDF_mode == 'r':
return len_max # just returns max length of unlim dim if read-only
# fill in variables that have an unlimited
# dimension with _FillValue if they have fewer
# entries along unlimited dimension than the max.
for varname,var in self.variables.iteritems():
len_var = var.shape[var.extdim]
if var.extdim >= 0 and len_var < len_max:
shp = list(var.shape)
dtype = _rev_typecode_dict[var.typecode()]
var._NetCDF_FillValue*numpy.ones(shp, dtype=dtype))
return len_max
def __repr__(self):
"""produces output similar to 'ncdump -h'."""
info=[self._NetCDF_h5file.filename+' {\n']
n = 0
len_unlim = int(self.sync())
for key,val in self.dimensions.iteritems():
if val == None:
size = len_unlim
info.append(' '+key+' = UNLIMITED ; // ('+repr(size)+' currently)\n')
info.append(' '+key+' = '+repr(val)+' ;\n')
n = n + 1
for varname in self.variables.keys():
var = self.variables[varname]
dim = var.dimensions
type = _reprtype_dict[var.typecode()]
info.append(' '+type+' '+varname+str(dim)+' ;\n')
for key in var.ncattrs():
val = getattr(var,key)
info.append(' '+varname+':'+key+' = '+repr(val)+' ;\n')
info.append('// global attributes:\n')
for key in self.ncattrs():
val = getattr(self,key)
info.append(' :'+key+' = '+repr(val)+' ;\n')
return ''.join(info)
def __setattr__(self,name,value):
# if name = 'dimensions', 'variables', or begins with
# '_NetCDF_', it is a temporary at the python level
# (not stored in the hdf5 file).
if not name.startswith('_') and name not in ['dimensions','variables']:
elif not name.endswith('__'):
def __getattr__(self,name):
if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
raise AttributeError
elif name.startswith('_NetCDF_') or name in ['dimensions','variables']:
return self.__dict__[name]
if self.__dict__.has_key(name):
return self.__dict__[name]
return self._NetCDF_h5file.root._v_attrs.__dict__[name]
def ncattrs(self):
"""return attributes corresponding to netCDF file attributes"""
return [attr for attr in self._NetCDF_h5file.root._v_attrs._v_attrnamesuser]
def h5tonc(self,filename,packshort=False,scale_factor=None,add_offset=None):
"""convert to a true netcdf file (filename). Requires
Scientific.IO.NetCDF module. If packshort=True, variables are
packed as short integers using the dictionaries scale_factor
and add_offset. The dictionary keys are the the variable names
in the hdf5 file to be packed as short integers. Each
variable's unlimited dimension must be the slowest varying
(the first dimension for C/Python, the last for Fortran)."""
if not ScientificIONetCDF_imported or not Numeric_imported:
print 'Scientific.IO.NetCDF and Numeric must be installed to convert to NetCDF'
ncfile = RealNetCDF.NetCDFFile(filename,'w')
# create dimensions.
for dimname,size in self.dimensions.iteritems():
# create global attributes.
for key in self.ncattrs():
# create variables.
for varname,varin in self.variables.iteritems():
packvar = False
dims = varin.dimensions
dimsizes = [self.dimensions[dim] for dim in dims]
if None in dimsizes:
if dimsizes.index(None) != 0:
raise ValueError,'unlimited or enlargeable dimension must be most significant (slowest changing, or first) one in order to convert to a true netCDF file'
if packshort and scale_factor.has_key(varname) and add_offset.has_key(varname):
print 'packing %s as short integers ...'%(varname)
datatype = 's'
packvar = True
datatype = varin.typecode()
if not _netcdftype_dict[datatype]:
raise ValueError,'datatype not supported in netCDF, cannot convert to a true netCDF file'
varout = ncfile.createVariable(varname,datatype,dims)
for key in varin.ncattrs():
if packvar:
for n in range(varin.shape[0]):
if packvar:
varout[n] = ((1./scale_factor[varname])*(varin[n] - add_offset[varname])).astype('s')
if datatype == 'c':
tmp = Numeric.array(varin[n].flatten(),'c')
varout[n] = Numeric.reshape(tmp, varin.shape[1:])
varout[n] = varin[n]
# close file.
def nctoh5(self,filename,unpackshort=True,filters=None):
"""convert a true netcdf file (filename) to a hdf5 file
compatible with this package. Requires Scientific.IO.NetCDF
module. If unpackshort=True, variables stored as short
integers with a scale and offset are unpacked to Float32
variables in the hdf5 file. If the least_significant_digit
attribute is set, the data is quantized to improve
compression. Use the filters keyword to change the default
tables.Filters instance used for compression (see the
createVariable docstring for details)."""
if not ScientificIONetCDF_imported or not Numeric_imported:
print 'Scientific.IO.NetCDF and Numeric must be installed to convert from NetCDF'
ncfile = RealNetCDF.NetCDFFile(filename,'r')
# create dimensions.
hasunlimdim = False
for dimname,size in ncfile.dimensions.iteritems():
if size == None:
hasunlimdim = True
unlimdim = dimname
# create variables.
for varname,ncvar in ncfile.variables.iteritems():
if hasattr(ncvar,'least_significant_digit'):
lsd = ncvar.least_significant_digit
lsd = None
if unpackshort and hasattr(ncvar,'scale_factor') and hasattr(ncvar,'add_offset'):
dounpackshort = True
datatype = 'f'
dounpackshort = False
datatype = ncvar.typecode()
var = self.createVariable(varname,datatype,ncvar.dimensions,least_significant_digit=lsd,filters=filters)
for key,val in ncvar.__dict__.iteritems():
if dounpackshort and key in ['add_offset','scale_factor']: continue
if dounpackshort and key == 'missing_value': val=1.e30
# convert rank-0 Numeric array.to python float/int/string
if isinstance(val,type(Numeric.array([1]))) and len(val)==1:
val = val[0]
# fill variables with data.
nobjects = 0; nbytes = 0 # Initialize counters
for varname,ncvar in ncfile.variables.iteritems():
var = self.variables[varname]
extdim = var._NetCDF_varobj.extdim
if extdim >= 0:
hasunlimdim = True
hasunlimdim = False
if unpackshort and hasattr(ncvar,'scale_factor') and hasattr(ncvar,'add_offset'):
dounpackshort = True
dounpackshort = False
if hasunlimdim:
# write data to enlargeable array one chunk of records at a
# time (so the whole array doesn't have to be kept in memory).
nrowsinbuf = var._NetCDF_varobj.nrowsinbuf
# The slices parameter for var.__getitem__()
slices = [slice(0, dim, 1) for dim in ncvar.shape]
# range to copy
start = 0; stop = ncvar.shape[extdim]; step = nrowsinbuf
if step < 1: step = 1
# Start the copy itself
for start2 in range(start, stop, step):
# Save the records on disk
stop2 = start2+step
if stop2 > stop:
stop2 = stop
# Set the proper slice in the extensible dimension
slices[extdim] = slice(start2, stop2, 1)
idata = ncvar[tuple(slices)]
if dounpackshort:
tmpdata = (ncvar.scale_factor*idata+ncvar.add_offset).astype('f')
tmpdata = idata
if hasattr(ncvar,'missing_value'):
tmpdata = Numeric.where(idata >= ncvar.missing_value, 1.e30, tmpdata)
idata = ncvar[:]
if dounpackshort:
tmpdata = (ncvar.scale_factor*idata+ncvar.add_offset).astype('f')
tmpdata = idata
if hasattr(ncvar,'missing_value'):
tmpdata = Numeric.where(idata >= ncvar.missing_value, 1.e30, tmpdata)
if ncvar.typecode() == 'c':
# numpy string arrays with itemsize=1 used for netCDF char arrays.
var[:] = numpy.array(tmpdata.tolist(),
var[:] = tmpdata
# Increment the counters
nobjects += 1
nbytes += reduce(lambda x,y:x*y, var._NetCDF_varobj.shape) * var._NetCDF_varobj.atom.itemsize
# create global attributes.
for key,val in ncfile.__dict__.iteritems():
# convert Numeric rank-0 array to a python float/int/string
if isinstance(val,type(Numeric.array([1]))) and len(val)==1:
val = val[0]
# if attribute is a Numeric array, convert to python list.
if isinstance(val,type(Numeric.array([1]))) and len(val)>1:
val = val.tolist()
# close file.
return nobjects, nbytes
class NetCDFVariable:
"""Variable in a netCDF file
NetCDFVariable objects are constructed by calling the method
'createVariable' on the NetCDFFile object.
NetCDFVariable objects behave much like array objects defined in
module Numeric, except that their data resides in a file. Data is
read by indexing and written by assigning to an indexed subset;
the entire array can be accessed by the index '[:]'.
Variables with an unlimited dimension are can be compressed on
disk (by default, zlib compression (level=6) and the HDF5
'shuffle' filter are used). The default can be changed by passing
a tables.Filters instance to createVariable via the filters
keyword argument. Truncating the data to a precision specified by
the least_significant_digit optional keyword argument to
createVariable will signficantly improve compression.
A list of attributes corresponding to variable attributes defined
in the netCDF file can be obtained with the ncattrs method.
def __init__(self, varname, NetCDFFile, datatype, dimensions, least_significant_digit=None,expectedsize=1000,filters=None):
if datatype not in _netcdftype_dict.keys():
raise ValueError, 'datatype must be one of %s'%_netcdftype_dict.keys()
self._NetCDF_parent = NetCDFFile
_NetCDF_FillValue = _fillvalue_dict[datatype]
vardimsizes = []
for d in dimensions:
extdim = -1; ndim = 0
for vardim in vardimsizes:
if vardim == None:
extdim = ndim
ndim += 1
if extdim >= 0:
# set shape to 0 for extdim.
vardimsizes[extdim] = 0
if datatype == 'c':
# Special case for Numeric character objects
# (on which base Scientific.IO.NetCDF works)
atom = tables.StringAtom(itemsize=1)
type_ = _rev_typecode_dict[datatype]
atom = tables.Atom.from_type(type_)
if filters is None:
# default filters instance.
filters = tables.Filters(complevel=6,complib='zlib',shuffle=1)
if extdim >= 0:
# check that unlimited dimension is first (extdim=0).
#if extdim != 0:
# raise ValueError,'unlimited or enlargeable dimension must be most significant (slowest changing, or first) one in order to convert to a true netCDF file'
# enlargeable dimension, use EArray
self._NetCDF_varobj = NetCDFFile._NetCDF_h5file.createEArray(
# no enlargeable dimension, use CArray
self._NetCDF_varobj = NetCDFFile._NetCDF_h5file.createCArray(
# fill with _FillValue
if datatype == 'c':
# numpy string arrays with itemsize=1 used for char arrays.
deflen = numpy.prod(vardimsizes, dtype='int64')
self[:] = numpy.ndarray(buffer=_NetCDF_FillValue*deflen,
shape=tuple(vardimsizes), dtype="S1")
dtype = _rev_typecode_dict[datatype]
self[:] = _NetCDF_FillValue*numpy.ones(tuple(vardimsizes),
if least_significant_digit != None:
setattr(self._NetCDF_varobj.attrs, 'least_significant_digit',
self._NetCDF_FillValue = _NetCDF_FillValue
def __setitem__(self,key,data):
if hasattr(self,'least_significant_digit'):
self._NetCDF_varobj[key] = quantize(data,self.least_significant_digit)
self._NetCDF_varobj[key] = data
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self._NetCDF_varobj[key]
def __len__(self):
return int(self._NetCDF_varobj.shape[0])
def __setattr__(self,name,value):
# if name begins with '_NetCDF_', it is a temporary at the python level
# (not stored in the hdf5 file).
# dimensions is a read only attribute
if name in ['dimensions']:
raise KeyError, '"dimensions" is a read-only attribute - cannot modify'
if not name.startswith('_NetCDF_'):
elif not name.endswith('__'):
def __getattr__(self,name):
if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
raise AttributeError
elif name.startswith('_NetCDF_'):
return self.__dict__[name]
if self._NetCDF_varobj.__dict__.has_key(name):
return self._NetCDF_varobj.__dict__[name]
return self._NetCDF_varobj.attrs.__dict__[name]
def typecode(self):
return a single character Numeric typecode.
Allowed values are
'd' == float64, 'f' == float32, 'l' == int32,
'i' == int32, 's' == int16, '1' == int8,
'c' == string (length 1), 'F' == complex64 and 'D' == complex128.
The corresponding NetCDF data types are
'double', 'float', 'int', 'int', 'short', 'byte' and 'character'.
('D' and 'F' have no corresponding netCDF data types).
return _typecode_dict[self._NetCDF_varobj.atom.type]
def ncattrs(self):
"""return attributes corresponding to netCDF variable attributes"""
return [attr for attr in self._NetCDF_varobj.attrs._v_attrnamesuser if attr != 'dimensions']
def append(self,data):
Append data along unlimited dimension of a NetCDFVariable.
The data must have either the same number of dimensions as the NetCDFVariable
instance that it is being append to, or one less. If it has one less
dimension, it assumed that the missing dimension is a singleton dimension
corresponding to the unlimited dimension of the NetCDFVariable.
If the NetCDFVariable has a least_significant_digit attribute,
the data is truncated (quantized) to improve compression.
if self._NetCDF_parent._NetCDF_mode == 'r':
raise IOError, 'file is read only'
# if data is not an array, try to make it so.
datashp = data.shape
data = numpy.array(data, _rev_typecode_dict[self.typecode()])
# check to make sure there is an unlimited dimension.
# (i.e. data is in an EArray).
extdim = self._NetCDF_varobj.extdim
if extdim < 0:
raise IndexError, 'variable has no unlimited dimension'
# name of unlimited dimension.
extdim_name = self.dimensions[extdim]
# special case that data array is same
# shape as EArray, minus the enlargeable dimension.
# if so, add an extra singleton dimension.
if len(data.shape) != len(self._NetCDF_varobj.shape):
shapem1 = ()
for n,dim in enumerate(self._NetCDF_varobj.shape):
if n != extdim:
shapem1 = shapem1+(dim,)
if data.shape == shapem1:
shapenew = list(self._NetCDF_varobj.shape)
data = numpy.reshape(data, shapenew)
raise IndexError,'data must either have same number of dimensions as variable, or one less (excluding unlimited dimension)'
# append the data to the variable object.
if hasattr(self,'least_significant_digit'):
def assignValue(self,value):
Assigns value to the variable.
if self._NetCDF_varobj.extdim >=0:
self[:] = value
def getValue(self):
Returns the value of the variable.
return self[:]
# only used internally to create netCDF variable objects
# from Array objects read in from an hdf5 file.
class _NetCDFVariable(NetCDFVariable):
def __init__(self, var, NetCDFFile):
self._NetCDF_parent = NetCDFFile
self._NetCDF_varobj = var
self._NetCDF_FillValue = _fillvalue_dict[self.typecode()]