__all__ = ['E']
import operator
import sys
import threading
import numpy
from tables.numexpr import interpreter
class Expression(object):
def __init__(self):
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name.startswith('_'):
return self.__dict__[name]
return VariableNode(name, 'float')
E = Expression()
class Context(threading.local):
initialized = False
def __init__(self, dict_):
if self.initialized:
raise SystemError('__init__ called too many times')
self.initialized = True
def get(self, value, default):
return self.__dict__.get(value, default)
def get_current_context(self):
return self.__dict__
def set_new_context(self, dict_):
# This will be called each time the local object is used in a separate thread
_context = Context({})
def get_optimization():
return _context.get('optimization', 'none')
# helper functions for creating __magic__ methods
def ophelper(f):
def func(*args):
args = list(args)
for i, x in enumerate(args):
if isConstant(x):
args[i] = x = ConstantNode(x)
if not isinstance(x, ExpressionNode):
raise TypeError("unsupported object type: %s" % (type(x),))
return f(*args)
func.__name__ = f.__name__
func.__doc__ = f.__doc__
return func
def allConstantNodes(args):
"returns True if args are all ConstantNodes."
for x in args:
if not isinstance(x, ConstantNode):
return False
return True
def isConstant(ex):
"Returns True if ex is a constant scalar of an allowed type."
return isinstance(ex, (bool, int, long, float, complex, str))
type_to_kind = {bool: 'bool', int: 'int', long: 'long', float: 'float', complex: 'complex', str: 'str'}
kind_to_type = {'bool': bool, 'int': int, 'long': long, 'float': float, 'complex': complex, 'str': str}
kind_rank = ['bool', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'complex', 'none']
def commonKind(nodes):
node_kinds = [node.astKind for node in nodes]
str_count = node_kinds.count('str')
if 0 < str_count < len(node_kinds): # some args are strings, but not all
raise TypeError("strings can only be operated with strings")
if str_count > 0: # if there are some, all of them must be
return 'str'
n = -1
for x in nodes:
n = max(n, kind_rank.index(x.astKind))
return kind_rank[n]
max_int32 = 2147483647
min_int32 = -max_int32 - 1
def bestConstantType(x):
if isinstance(x, str): # ``numpy.string_`` is a subclass of ``str``
return str
# ``long`` objects are kept as is to allow the user to force
# promotion of results by using long constants, e.g. by operating
# a 32-bit array with a long (64-bit) constant.
if isinstance(x, (long, numpy.int64)):
return long
# Numeric conversion to boolean values is not tried because
# ``bool(1) == True`` (same for 0 and False), so 0 and 1 would be
# interpreted as booleans when ``False`` and ``True`` are already
# supported.
if isinstance(x, (bool, numpy.bool_)):
return bool
# ``long`` is not explicitly needed since ``int`` automatically
# returns longs when needed (since Python 2.3).
for converter in int, float, complex:
y = converter(x)
except StandardError, err:
if x == y:
# Constants needing more than 32 bits are always
# considered ``long``, *regardless of the platform*, so we
# can clearly tell 32- and 64-bit constants apart.
if converter is int and not (min_int32 <= x <= max_int32):
return long
return converter
def getKind(x):
converter = bestConstantType(x)
return type_to_kind[converter]
def binop(opname, reversed=False, kind=None):
# Getting the named method from self (after reversal) does not
# always work (e.g. int constants do not have a __lt__ method).
opfunc = getattr(operator, "__%s__" % opname)
def operation(self, other):
if reversed:
self, other = other, self
if allConstantNodes([self, other]):
return ConstantNode(opfunc(self.value, other.value))
return OpNode(opname, (self, other), kind=kind)
return operation
def func(func, minkind=None, maxkind=None):
def function(*args):
if allConstantNodes(args):
return ConstantNode(func(*[x.value for x in args]))
kind = commonKind(args)
if minkind and kind_rank.index(minkind) > kind_rank.index(kind):
kind = minkind
if maxkind and kind_rank.index(maxkind) < kind_rank.index(kind):
kind = maxkind
return FuncNode(func.__name__, args, kind)
return function
def where_func(a, b, c):
if isinstance(a, ConstantNode):
raise ValueError("too many dimensions")
if allConstantNodes([a,b,c]):
return ConstantNode(numpy.where(a, b, c))
return FuncNode('where', [a,b,c])
def encode_axis(axis):
if isinstance(axis, ConstantNode):
axis = axis.value
if axis is None:
axis = interpreter.allaxes
if axis < 0:
axis = interpreter.maxdims - axis
if axis > 254:
raise ValueError("cannot encode axis")
return RawNode(axis)
def sum_func(a, axis=-1):
axis = encode_axis(axis)
if isinstance(a, ConstantNode):
return a
if isinstance(a, (bool, int, long, float, complex)):
a = ConstantNode(a)
return FuncNode('sum', [a, axis], kind=a.astKind)
def prod_func(a, axis=-1):
axis = encode_axis(axis)
if isinstance(a, (bool, int, long, float, complex)):
a = ConstantNode(a)
if isinstance(a, ConstantNode):
return a
return FuncNode('prod', [a, axis], kind=a.astKind)
def div_op(a, b):
if get_optimization() in ('moderate', 'aggressive'):
if isinstance(b, ConstantNode) and (a.astKind == b.astKind) and a.astKind in ('float', 'complex'):
return OpNode('mul', [a, ConstantNode(1./b.value)])
return OpNode('div', [a,b])
def pow_op(a, b):
if allConstantNodes([a,b]):
return ConstantNode(a**b)
if isinstance(b, ConstantNode):
x = b.value
if get_optimization() == 'aggressive':
RANGE = 50 # Approximate break even point with pow(x,y)
# Optimize all integral and half integral powers in [-RANGE, RANGE]
# Note: for complex numbers RANGE could be larger.
if (int(2*x) == 2*x) and (-RANGE <= abs(x) <= RANGE):
n = int(abs(x))
ishalfpower = int(abs(2*x)) % 2
def multiply(x, y):
if x is None: return y
return OpNode('mul', [x, y])
r = None
p = a
mask = 1
while True:
if (n & mask):
r = multiply(r, p)
mask <<= 1
if mask > n:
p = OpNode('mul', [p,p])
if ishalfpower:
kind = commonKind([a])
if kind in ('int', 'long'): kind = 'float'
r = multiply(r, OpNode('sqrt', [a], kind))
if r is None:
r = OpNode('ones_like', [a])
if x < 0:
r = OpNode('div', [ConstantNode(1), r])
return r
if get_optimization() in ('moderate', 'aggressive'):
if x == -1:
return OpNode('div', [ConstantNode(1),a])
if x == 0:
return FuncNode('ones_like', [a])
if x == 0.5:
kind = a.astKind
if kind in ('int', 'long'): kind = 'float'
return FuncNode('sqrt', [a], kind=kind)
if x == 1:
return a
if x == 2:
return OpNode('mul', [a,a])
return OpNode('pow', [a,b])
functions = {
'copy' : func(numpy.copy),
'ones_like' : func(numpy.ones_like),
'sqrt' : func(numpy.sqrt, 'float'),
'sin' : func(numpy.sin, 'float'),
'cos' : func(numpy.cos, 'float'),
'tan' : func(numpy.tan, 'float'),
'arcsin' : func(numpy.arcsin, 'float'),
'arccos' : func(numpy.arccos, 'float'),
'arctan' : func(numpy.arctan, 'float'),
'sinh' : func(numpy.sinh, 'float'),
'cosh' : func(numpy.cosh, 'float'),
'tanh' : func(numpy.tanh, 'float'),
'arcsinh' : func(numpy.arcsinh, 'float'),
'arccosh' : func(numpy.arccosh, 'float'),
'arctanh' : func(numpy.arctanh, 'float'),
'fmod' : func(numpy.fmod, 'float'),
'arctan2' : func(numpy.arctan2, 'float'),
'log' : func(numpy.log, 'float'),
'log1p' : func(numpy.log1p, 'float'),
'log10' : func(numpy.log10, 'float'),
'exp' : func(numpy.exp, 'float'),
'expm1' : func(numpy.expm1, 'float'),
'where' : where_func,
'real' : func(numpy.real, 'float', 'float'),
'imag' : func(numpy.imag, 'float', 'float'),
'complex' : func(complex, 'complex'),
'sum' : sum_func,
'prod' : prod_func,
class ExpressionNode(object):
"""An object that represents a generic number object.
This implements the number special methods so that we can keep
track of how this object has been used.
astType = 'generic'
def __init__(self, value=None, kind=None, children=None):
self.value = value
if kind is None:
kind = 'none'
self.astKind = kind
if children is None:
self.children = ()
self.children = tuple(children)
def get_real(self):
if self.astType == 'constant':
return ConstantNode(complex(self.value).real)
return OpNode('real', (self,), 'float')
real = property(get_real)
def get_imag(self):
if self.astType == 'constant':
return ConstantNode(complex(self.value).imag)
return OpNode('imag', (self,), 'float')
imag = property(get_imag)
def __str__(self):
return '%s(%s, %s, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.value,
self.astKind, self.children)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __neg__(self):
return OpNode('neg', (self,))
def __invert__(self):
return OpNode('invert', (self,))
def __pos__(self):
return self
__add__ = __radd__ = binop('add')
__sub__ = binop('sub')
__rsub__ = binop('sub', reversed=True)
__mul__ = __rmul__ = binop('mul')
__div__ = div_op
__rdiv__ = binop('div', reversed=True)
__pow__ = pow_op
__rpow__ = binop('pow', reversed=True)
__mod__ = binop('mod')
__rmod__ = binop('mod', reversed=True)
# boolean operations
__and__ = binop('and', kind='bool')
__or__ = binop('or', kind='bool')
__gt__ = binop('gt', kind='bool')
__ge__ = binop('ge', kind='bool')
__eq__ = binop('eq', kind='bool')
__ne__ = binop('ne', kind='bool')
__lt__ = binop('gt', reversed=True, kind='bool')
__le__ = binop('ge', reversed=True, kind='bool')
class LeafNode(ExpressionNode):
leafNode = True
class VariableNode(LeafNode):
astType = 'variable'
def __init__(self, value=None, kind=None, children=None):
LeafNode.__init__(self, value=value, kind=kind)
class RawNode(object):
"""Used to pass raw integers to interpreter.
For instance, for selecting what function to use in func1.
Purposely don't inherit from ExpressionNode, since we don't wan't
this to be used for anything but being walked.
astType = 'raw'
astKind = 'none'
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.children = ()
def __str__(self):
return 'RawNode(%s)' % (self.value,)
__repr__ = __str__
class ConstantNode(LeafNode):
astType = 'constant'
def __init__(self, value=None, children=None):
kind = getKind(value)
LeafNode.__init__(self, value=value, kind=kind)
def __neg__(self):
return ConstantNode(-self.value)
def __invert__(self):
return ConstantNode(~self.value)
class OpNode(ExpressionNode):
astType = 'op'
def __init__(self, opcode=None, args=None, kind=None):
if (kind is None) and (args is not None):
kind = commonKind(args)
ExpressionNode.__init__(self, value=opcode, kind=kind, children=args)
class FuncNode(OpNode):
def __init__(self, opcode=None, args=None, kind=None):
if (kind is None) and (args is not None):
kind = commonKind(args)
OpNode.__init__(self, opcode, args, kind)