Utilities for PyTables' test suites
:Author: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer
:Contact: ivan@selidor.net
:Created: 2005-05-24
:License: BSD
:Revision: $Id: common.py 3746 2008-09-23 15:50:16Z faltet $
import unittest
import tempfile
import os
import os.path
import warnings
import sys
import time
import numpy
# numarray and Numeric has serious problems with Python2.5 and 64-bit
# platforms, so we won't even try to import them on this scenario
plat64 = (numpy.int_(0).itemsize == 8)
py25 = (sys.version_info[0] >= 2 and sys.version_info[1] >= 5)
if not (plat64 and py25):
import numarray
import numarray.strings
import numarray.records
numarray_imported = True
except ImportError:
numarray_imported = False
import Numeric
numeric_imported = True
except ImportError:
numeric_imported = False
numarray_imported = False
numeric_imported = False
if plat64 and py25 and (numarray_imported or numeric_imported):
print "***Python2.5 in 64-bit platform detected: disabling numarray/Numeric tests***"
import tables
if numarray_imported == True:
# Import nra module only if numarray is installed
from tables import nra
verbose = False
"""Show detailed output of the testing process."""
heavy = False
"""Run all tests even when they take long to complete."""
show_memory = False
"""Show the progress of memory consumption."""
if 'verbose' in sys.argv:
verbose = True
if 'silent' in sys.argv: # take care of old flag, just in case
verbose = False
if '--heavy' in sys.argv:
heavy = True
# Map between PyTables types and Numeric typecodes
typecode = {
'bool': 'B',
'int8': '1',
'int16': 's',
'int32': 'i',
'int64': 'N',
'uint8': 'b',
'uint16': 'w',
'uint32': 'u',
'uint64': 'U',
'float32': 'f',
'float64': 'd',
'complex64': 'F',
'complex128': 'D',
def verbosePrint(string, nonl=False):
"""Print out the `string` if verbose output is enabled."""
if not verbose:
if nonl:
print string,
print string
def cleanup(klass):
#klass.__dict__.clear() # This is too hard. Don't do that
# print "Class attributes deleted"
for key in klass.__dict__.keys():
if not klass.__dict__[key].__class__.__name__ in ('instancemethod'):
klass.__dict__[key] = None
def allequal(a,b, flavor="numpy"):
"""Checks if two numerical objects are equal"""
#print "a-->", repr(a)
#print "b-->", repr(b)
if not hasattr(b, "shape"):
# Scalar case
return a == b
if flavor == "numeric":
# Convert the parameters to numpy objects
if a.typecode() == "c":
shape = a.shape
if shape == ():
a = numpy.array(a.tostring(), dtype="S1")
a = numpy.array(a.tolist(), dtype="S1")
a.shape = shape
shape = b.shape
if shape == ():
b = numpy.array(a.tostring(), dtype="S1")
b = numpy.array(a.tolist(), dtype="S1")
b.shape = shape
a = numpy.asarray(a)
b = numpy.asarray(b)
elif flavor == "numarray":
# Convert the parameters to numpy objects
a = numpy.asarray(a)
b = numpy.asarray(b)
if ((not hasattr(a, "shape") or a.shape == ()) and
(not hasattr(b, "shape") or b.shape == ())):
return a == b
if a.shape != b.shape:
if verbose:
print "Shape is not equal:", a.shape, "!=", b.shape
return 0
# Way to check the type equality without byteorder considerations
if hasattr(b, "dtype") and a.dtype.str[1:] != b.dtype.str[1:]:
if verbose:
print "dtype is not equal:", a.dtype, "!=", b.dtype
return 0
# Rank-0 case
if len(a.shape) == 0:
if a[()] == b[()]:
return 1
if verbose:
print "Shape is not equal:", a.shape, "!=", b.shape
return 0
# null arrays
if a.size == 0: # len(a) is not correct for generic shapes
if b.size == 0:
return 1
if verbose:
print "length is not equal"
print "len(a.data) ==>", len(a.data)
print "len(b.data) ==>", len(b.data)
return 0
# Multidimensional case
result = (a == b)
result = numpy.all(result)
if not result and verbose:
print "Some of the elements in arrays are not equal"
return result
def areArraysEqual(arr1, arr2):
Are both `arr1` and `arr2` equal arrays?
Arguments can be regular NumPy arrays, chararray arrays or record
arrays (including nested record arrays). They are checked for type
and value equality.
t1 = type(arr1)
t2 = type(arr2)
if not ((t1 is t2) or issubclass(t1, t2) or issubclass(t2, t1)):
return False
if numarray_imported:
if isinstance(arr1, nra.NestedRecArray):
arr1 = arr1.asRecArray()
if isinstance(arr2, nra.NestedRecArray):
arr2 = arr2.asRecArray()
if isinstance(arr1, nra.NestedRecord):
row = arr1.row
arr1 = arr1.array[row:row+1]
if isinstance(arr2, nra.NestedRecord):
row = arr2.row
arr2 = arr2.array[row:row+1]
if numarray_imported and isinstance(arr1, numarray.records.RecArray):
arr1Names = arr1._names
arr2Names = arr2._names
if arr1Names != arr2Names:
return False
for fieldName in arr1Names:
if not areArraysEqual(arr1.field(fieldName),
return False
return True
if numarray_imported and isinstance(arr1, numarray.NumArray):
if arr1.shape != arr2.shape:
return False
if arr1.type() != arr2.type():
return False
# The lines below are equivalent
#return numarray.alltrue(arr1.flat == arr2.flat)
return numarray.all(arr1 == arr2)
if numarray_imported and isinstance(arr1, numarray.strings.CharArray):
if arr1.shape != arr2.shape:
return False
if arr1._type != arr2._type:
return False
return numarray.all(arr1 == arr2)
return numpy.all(arr1 == arr2)
def pyTablesTest(oldmethod):
def newmethod(self, *args, **kwargs):
return oldmethod(self, *args, **kwargs)
except SkipTest, se:
if se.args:
msg = se.args[0]
msg = "<skipped>"
verbosePrint("\nSkipped test: %s" % msg)
except self.failureException, fe:
if fe.args:
msg = fe.args[0]
msg = "<failed>"
verbosePrint("\nTest failed: %s" % msg)
except Exception, exc:
cname = exc.__class__.__name__
verbosePrint("\nError in test::\n\n %s: %s" % (cname, exc))
verbosePrint('') # separator line between tests
newmethod.__name__ = oldmethod.__name__
newmethod.__doc__ = oldmethod.__doc__
return newmethod
class SkipTest(Exception):
"""When this exception is raised, the test is skipped successfully."""
class MetaPyTablesTestCase(type):
"""Metaclass for PyTables test case classes."""
# http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/198078
def __new__(class_, name, bases, dict_):
newdict = {}
for (aname, avalue) in dict_.iteritems():
if callable(avalue) and aname.startswith('test'):
avalue = pyTablesTest(avalue)
newdict[aname] = avalue
return type.__new__(class_, name, bases, newdict)
class PyTablesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Abstract test case with useful methods."""
__metaclass__ = MetaPyTablesTestCase
def _getName(self):
"""Get the name of this test case."""
return self.id().split('.')[-2]
def _getMethodName(self):
"""Get the name of the method currently running in the test case."""
return self.id().split('.')[-1]
def _verboseHeader(self):
"""Print a nice header for the current test method if verbose."""
if verbose:
name = self._getName()
methodName = self._getMethodName()
title = "Running %s.%s" % (name, methodName)
print '%s\n%s' % (title, '-'*len(title))
def _testFilename(class_, filename):
Returns an absolute version of the `filename`, taking care of
the location of the calling test case class.
modname = class_.__module__
# When the definitive switch to ``setuptools`` is made,
# this should definitely use the ``pkg_resouces`` API::
# return pkg_resources.resource_filename(modname, filename)
modfile = sys.modules[modname].__file__
dirname = os.path.dirname(modfile)
return os.path.join(dirname, filename)
def failUnlessWarns(self, warnClass, callableObj, *args, **kwargs):
Fail unless a warning of class `warnClass` is issued.
This method will fail if no warning belonging to the given
`warnClass` is issued when invoking `callableObj` with arguments
`args` and keyword arguments `kwargs`. Warnings of the
`warnClass` are hidden, while others are shown.
This method returns the value returned by the call to
issued = [False] # let's avoid scoping problems ;)
# Save the original warning-showing function.
showwarning = warnings.showwarning
# This warning-showing function hides and takes note
# of expected warnings and acts normally on others.
def myShowWarning(message, category, filename, lineno,
file=None, line=None):
if issubclass(category, warnClass):
issued[0] = True
"Great! The following ``%s`` was caught::\n"
" %s\n"
"In file ``%s``, line number %d.\n"
% (category.__name__, message, filename, lineno))
showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line)
# By forcing Python to always show warnings of the wanted class,
# and replacing the warning-showing function with a tailored one,
# we can check for *every* occurence of the warning.
warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=warnClass)
warnings.showwarning = myShowWarning
# Run code and see what happens.
ret = callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
# Restore the original warning-showing function
# and warning filter.
warnings.showwarning = showwarning
warnings.filterwarnings('default', category=warnClass)
if not issued[0]:
raise self.failureException(
"``%s`` was not issued" % warnClass.__name__)
# We only get here if the call to `callableObj` was successful
# and it issued the expected warning.
return ret
assertWarns = failUnlessWarns
def failUnlessRaises(self, excClass, callableObj, *args, **kwargs):
if not verbose:
# Use the ordinary implementation from `unittest.TestCase`.
return super(PyTablesTestCase, self).failUnlessRaises(
excClass, callableObj, *args, **kwargs)
callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
except excClass, exc:
print (
"Great! The following ``%s`` was caught::\n"
" %s\n"
% (exc.__class__.__name__, exc))
raise self.failureException(
"``%s`` was not raised" % excClass.__name__)
assertRaises = failUnlessRaises
class TempFileMixin:
def setUp(self):
Set ``h5file`` and ``h5fname`` instance attributes.
* ``h5fname``: the name of the temporary HDF5 file.
* ``h5file``: the writable, empty, temporary HDF5 file.
self.h5fname = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.h5')
self.h5file = tables.openFile(
self.h5fname, 'w', title=self._getName())
def tearDown(self):
"""Close ``h5file`` and remove ``h5fname``."""
self.h5file = None
os.remove(self.h5fname) # comment this for debugging purposes only
def _reopen(self, mode='r'):
"""Reopen ``h5file`` in the specified ``mode``.
Returns a true or false value depending on whether the file was
reopenend or not. If not, nothing is changed.
self.h5file = tables.openFile(self.h5fname, mode)
return True
class ShowMemTime(PyTablesTestCase):
tref = time.time()
"""Test for showing memory and time consumption."""
def test00(self):
"""Showing memory and time consumption."""
# Obtain memory info (only for Linux 2.6.x)
for line in open("/proc/self/status"):
if line.startswith("VmSize:"):
vmsize = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmRSS:"):
vmrss = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmData:"):
vmdata = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmStk:"):
vmstk = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmExe:"):
vmexe = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmLib:"):
vmlib = int(line.split()[1])
print "\nWallClock time:", time.time() - self.tref
print "Memory usage: ******* %s *******" % self._getName()
print "VmSize: %7s kB\tVmRSS: %7s kB" % (vmsize, vmrss)
print "VmData: %7s kB\tVmStk: %7s kB" % (vmdata, vmstk)
print "VmExe: %7s kB\tVmLib: %7s kB" % (vmexe, vmlib)
## Local Variables:
## mode: python
## py-indent-offset: 4
## tab-width: 4
## fill-column: 72
## End: