Test module for compatibility with plain HDF files
:Author: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer
:Contact: ivan@selidor.net
:Created: 2005-09-29
:License: BSD
:Revision: $Id: test_hdf5compat.py 4101 2009-03-12 15:22:45Z faltet $
import unittest
import tempfile, shutil, os
import numpy
import tables
from tables.tests import common
from tables.tests.common import allequal
class HDF5CompatibilityTestCase(common.PyTablesTestCase):
Base class for HDF5 compatibility tests.
Test cases deriving from this class must define an ``h5fname``
attribute with the name of the file to be opened, and a ``_test()``
method with checks on the opened file.
def setUp(self):
self.h5file = None
def tearDown(self):
if self.h5file is not None:
self.h5file = None
def test(self):
self.h5fname = self._testFilename(self.h5fname)
self.h5file = tables.openFile(self.h5fname)
class EnumTestCase(HDF5CompatibilityTestCase):
Test for enumerated datatype.
See ftp://ftp.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/current/src/unpacked/test/enum.c.
h5fname = 'smpl_enum.h5'
def _test(self):
self.assert_('/EnumTest' in self.h5file)
arr = self.h5file.getNode('/EnumTest')
self.assert_(isinstance(arr, tables.Array))
enum = arr.getEnum()
expectedEnum = tables.Enum(['RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE', 'WHITE', 'BLACK'])
self.assertEqual(enum, expectedEnum)
data = list(arr.read())
expectedData = [
enum[name] for name in
self.assertEqual(data, expectedData)
class NumericTestCase(HDF5CompatibilityTestCase):
Test for several numeric datatypes.
See ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF/files/hdf5/samples/[fiu]l?{8,16,32,64}{be,le}.c
(they seem to be no longer available).
def _test(self):
self.assert_('/TestArray' in self.h5file)
arr = self.h5file.getNode('/TestArray')
self.assert_(isinstance(arr, tables.Array))
self.assertEqual(arr.atom.type, self.type)
self.assertEqual(arr.byteorder, self.byteorder)
self.assertEqual(arr.shape, (6, 5))
data = arr.read()
expectedData = numpy.array([
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]], dtype=self.type)
self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(data, expectedData))
class F64BETestCase(NumericTestCase):
h5fname = 'smpl_f64be.h5'
type = 'float64'
byteorder = 'big'
class F64LETestCase(NumericTestCase):
h5fname = 'smpl_f64le.h5'
type = 'float64'
byteorder = 'little'
class I64BETestCase(NumericTestCase):
h5fname = 'smpl_i64be.h5'
type = 'int64'
byteorder = 'big'
class I64LETestCase(NumericTestCase):
h5fname = 'smpl_i64le.h5'
type = 'int64'
byteorder = 'little'
class I32BETestCase(NumericTestCase):
h5fname = 'smpl_i32be.h5'
type = 'int32'
byteorder = 'big'
class I32LETestCase(NumericTestCase):
h5fname = 'smpl_i32le.h5'
type = 'int32'
byteorder = 'little'
class ChunkedCompoundTestCase(HDF5CompatibilityTestCase):
Test for a more complex and chunked compound structure.
This is generated by a chunked version of the example in
h5fname = 'smpl_compound_chunked.h5'
def _test(self):
self.assert_('/CompoundChunked' in self.h5file)
tbl = self.h5file.getNode('/CompoundChunked')
self.assert_(isinstance(tbl, tables.Table))
['a_name', 'c_name', 'd_name', 'e_name', 'f_name', 'g_name'])
self.assertEqual(tbl.coltypes['a_name'], 'int32')
self.assertEqual(tbl.coldtypes['a_name'].shape, ())
self.assertEqual(tbl.coltypes['c_name'], 'string')
self.assertEqual(tbl.coldtypes['c_name'].shape, ())
self.assertEqual(tbl.coltypes['d_name'], 'int16')
self.assertEqual(tbl.coldtypes['d_name'].shape, (5, 10))
self.assertEqual(tbl.coltypes['e_name'], 'float32')
self.assertEqual(tbl.coldtypes['e_name'].shape, ())
self.assertEqual(tbl.coltypes['f_name'], 'float64')
self.assertEqual(tbl.coldtypes['f_name'].shape, (10,))
self.assertEqual(tbl.coltypes['g_name'], 'uint8')
self.assertEqual(tbl.coldtypes['g_name'].shape, ())
for m in range(len(tbl)):
row = tbl[m]
# This version of the loop seems to fail because of ``iterrows()``.
#for (m, row) in enumerate(tbl):
self.assertEqual(row['a_name'], m)
self.assertEqual(row['c_name'], "Hello!")
dRow = row['d_name']
for n in range(5):
for o in range(10):
self.assertEqual(dRow[n][o], m + n + o)
self.assertAlmostEqual(row['e_name'], m * 0.96, places=6)
fRow = row['f_name']
for n in range(10):
self.assertAlmostEqual(fRow[n], m * 1024.9637)
self.assertEqual(row['g_name'], ord('m'))
class ContiguousCompoundTestCase(HDF5CompatibilityTestCase):
Test for support of native contiguous compound datasets.
This example has been provided by Dav Clark.
h5fname = 'non-chunked-table.h5'
def _test(self):
self.assert_('/test_var/structure variable' in self.h5file)
tbl = self.h5file.getNode('/test_var/structure variable')
self.assert_(isinstance(tbl, tables.Table))
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
self.assertEqual(tbl.coltypes['a'], 'float64')
self.assertEqual(tbl.coldtypes['a'].shape, ())
self.assertEqual(tbl.coltypes['b'], 'float64')
self.assertEqual(tbl.coldtypes['b'].shape, ())
self.assertEqual(tbl.coltypes['c'], 'float64')
self.assertEqual(tbl.coldtypes['c'].shape, (2,))
self.assertEqual(tbl.coltypes['d'], 'string')
self.assertEqual(tbl.coldtypes['d'].shape, ())
for row in tbl.iterrows():
self.assertEqual(row['a'], 3.0)
self.assertEqual(row['b'], 4.0)
self.assert_(allequal(row['c'], numpy.array([2.0, 3.0],
self.assertEqual(row['d'], "d")
class ContiguousCompoundAppendTestCase(HDF5CompatibilityTestCase):
Test for appending data to native contiguous compound datasets.
h5fname = 'non-chunked-table.h5'
def _test(self):
self.assert_('/test_var/structure variable' in self.h5file)
# Do a copy to a temporary to avoid modifying the original file
h5fname_copy = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
shutil.copy(self.h5fname, h5fname_copy)
# Reopen in 'a'ppend mode
self.h5file = tables.openFile(h5fname_copy, 'a')
except IOError:
# Problems for opening (probably not permisions to write the file)
tbl = self.h5file.getNode('/test_var/structure variable')
# Try to add rows to a non-chunked table (this should raise an error)
self.assertRaises(tables.HDF5ExtError, tbl.append,
# Appending using the Row interface
self.assertRaises(tables.HDF5ExtError, tbl.row.append)
# Remove the file copy
self.h5file.close() # Close the handler first
class ExtendibleTestCase(HDF5CompatibilityTestCase):
Test for extendible datasets.
See the example programs in the Introduction to HDF5.
h5fname = 'smpl_SDSextendible.h5'
def _test(self):
self.assert_('/ExtendibleArray' in self.h5file)
arr = self.h5file.getNode('/ExtendibleArray')
self.assert_(isinstance(arr, tables.EArray))
self.assertEqual(arr.byteorder, 'big')
self.assertEqual(arr.atom.type, 'int32')
self.assertEqual(arr.shape, (10, 5))
self.assertEqual(arr.extdim, 0)
self.assertEqual(len(arr), 10)
data = arr.read()
expectedData = numpy.array([
[1, 1, 1, 3, 3],
[1, 1, 1, 3, 3],
[1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=arr.atom.type)
self.assert_(common.areArraysEqual(data, expectedData))
class SzipTestCase(HDF5CompatibilityTestCase):
Test for native HDF5 files with datasets compressed with szip.
h5fname = 'test_szip.h5'
def _test(self):
self.assert_('/dset_szip' in self.h5file)
arr = self.h5file.getNode('/dset_szip')
filters = "Filters(complib='szip', shuffle=False, fletcher32=False)"
self.assertEqual(repr(arr.filters), filters)
def suite():
"""Return a test suite consisting of all the test cases in the module."""
theSuite = unittest.TestSuite()
niter = 1
for i in range(niter):
return theSuite
if __name__ == '__main__':
## Local Variables:
## mode: python
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