Test module for queries on datasets
:Author: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer
:Contact: ivan@selidor.net
:Created: 2006-10-19
:License: BSD
:Revision: $Id: test_queries.py 3769 2008-09-30 18:08:06Z faltet $
import re
import new
import unittest
import numpy
import tables
from tables.utils import SizeType
from tables.tests import common
from common import verbosePrint
# Data parameters
# ---------------
row_period = 50
"""Maximum number of unique rows before they start cycling."""
md_shape = (2, 2)
"""Shape of multidimensional fields."""
_maxnvalue = row_period + numpy.prod(md_shape, dtype=SizeType) - 1
_strlen = int(numpy.log10(_maxnvalue-1)) + 1
str_format = '%%0%dd' % _strlen
"""Format of string values."""
small_blocksizes = (300, 60, 20, 5)
#small_blocksizes = (512, 128, 32, 4) # for manual testing only
"""Sensible parameters for indexing with small blocksizes."""
# Type information
# ----------------
type_info = {
'bool': (numpy.bool_, bool),
'int8': (numpy.int8, int), 'uint8': (numpy.uint8, int),
'int16': (numpy.int16, int), 'uint16': (numpy.uint16, int),
'int32': (numpy.int32, int), 'uint32': (numpy.uint32, long),
'int64': (numpy.int64, long), 'uint64': (numpy.uint64, long),
'float32': (numpy.float32, float), 'float64': (numpy.float32, float),
'complex64': (numpy.complex64, complex),
'complex128': (numpy.complex128, complex),
'time32': (numpy.int32, int), 'time64': (numpy.float64, float),
'enum': (numpy.uint8, int), # just for these tests
'string': ('S%s' % _strlen, str) } # just for these tests
"""NumPy and Numexpr type for each PyTables type that will be tested."""
sctype_from_type = dict( (type_, info[0])
for (type_, info) in type_info.iteritems() )
"""Maps PyTables types to NumPy scalar types."""
nxtype_from_type = dict( (type_, info[1])
for (type_, info) in type_info.iteritems() )
"""Maps PyTables types to Numexpr types."""
heavy_types = frozenset(['uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'float32', 'complex64'])
"""PyTables types to be tested only in heavy mode."""
enum = tables.Enum(dict(('n%d' % i, i) for i in range(_maxnvalue)))
"""Enumerated type to be used in tests."""
# Table description
# -----------------
def append_columns(classdict, shape=()):
Append a ``Col`` of each PyTables data type to the `classdict`.
A column of a certain TYPE gets called ``c_TYPE``. The number of
added columns is returned.
heavy = common.heavy
for (itype, type_) in enumerate(sorted(type_info.iterkeys())):
if not heavy and type_ in heavy_types:
continue # skip heavy type in non-heavy mode
colpos = itype + 1
colname = 'c_%s' % type_
if type_ == 'enum':
base = tables.Atom.from_sctype(sctype_from_type[type_])
col = tables.EnumCol(enum, enum(0), base, shape=shape, pos=colpos)
sctype = sctype_from_type[type_]
dtype = numpy.dtype((sctype, shape))
col = tables.Col.from_dtype(dtype, pos=colpos)
classdict[colname] = col
ncols = colpos
return ncols
def nested_description(classname, pos, shape=()):
Return a nested column description with all PyTables data types.
A column of a certain TYPE gets called ``c_TYPE``. The nested
column will be placed in the position indicated by `pos`.
classdict = {}
append_columns(classdict, shape=shape)
classdict['_v_pos'] = pos
return new.classobj(classname, (tables.IsDescription,), classdict)
def table_description(classname, nclassname, shape=()):
Return a table description for testing queries.
The description consists of all PyTables data types, both in the
top level and in the ``c_nested`` nested column. A column of a
certain TYPE gets called ``c_TYPE``. An extra integer column
``c_extra`` is also provided. If a `shape` is given, it will be
used for all columns. Finally, an extra indexed column
``c_idxextra`` is added as well in order to provide some basic
tests for multi-index queries.
classdict = {}
colpos = append_columns(classdict, shape)
ndescr = nested_description(nclassname, colpos, shape=shape)
classdict['c_nested'] = ndescr
colpos += 1
extracol = tables.IntCol(shape=shape, pos=colpos)
classdict['c_extra'] = extracol
colpos += 1
idxextracol = tables.IntCol(shape=shape, pos=colpos)
classdict['c_idxextra'] = idxextracol
colpos += 1
return new.classobj(classname, (tables.IsDescription,), classdict)
TableDescription = table_description(
'TableDescription', 'NestedDescription' )
"""Unidimensional table description for testing queries."""
MDTableDescription = table_description(
'MDTableDescription', 'MDNestedDescription', shape=md_shape )
"""Multidimensional table description for testing queries."""
# Table data
# ----------
table_data = {}
"""Cached table data for a given shape and number of rows."""
# Data is cached because computing it row by row is quite slow. Hop!
def fill_table(table, shape, nrows):
Fill the given `table` with `nrows` rows of data.
Values in the i-th row (where 0 <= i < `row_period`) for a
multidimensional field with M elements span from i to i+M-1. For
subsequent rows, values repeat cyclically.
The same goes for the ``c_extra`` column, but values range from
-`row_period`/2 to +`row_period`/2.
# Reuse already computed data if possible.
tdata = table_data.get((shape, nrows))
if tdata is not None:
heavy = common.heavy
size = int(numpy.prod(shape, dtype=SizeType))
row, value = table.row, 0
for nrow in xrange(nrows):
data = numpy.arange(value, value + size).reshape(shape)
for (type_, sctype) in sctype_from_type.iteritems():
if not heavy and type_ in heavy_types:
continue # skip heavy type in non-heavy mode
colname = 'c_%s' % type_
ncolname = 'c_nested/%s' % colname
if type_ == 'bool':
coldata = data > (row_period / 2)
elif type_ == 'string':
sdata = [str_format % x for x in range(value, value + size)]
coldata = numpy.array(sdata, dtype=sctype).reshape(shape)
coldata = numpy.asarray(data, dtype=sctype)
row[ncolname] = row[colname] = coldata
row['c_extra'] = data - (row_period / 2)
row['c_idxextra'] = data - (row_period / 2)
value += 1
if value == row_period:
value = 0
# Make computed data reusable.
tdata = table.read()
table_data[(shape, nrows)] = tdata
# Base test cases
# ---------------
class BaseTableQueryTestCase(common.TempFileMixin, common.PyTablesTestCase):
Base test case for querying tables.
Sub-classes must define the following attributes:
The description of the table to be created.
The shape of data fields in the table.
The number of data rows to be generated for the table.
Sub-classes may redefine the following attributes:
Whether columns shall be indexed, if possible. Default is not
to index them.
The level of optimisation of column indexes. Default is 0.
indexed = False
optlevel = 0
colNotIndexable_re = re.compile(r"\bcan not be indexed\b")
condNotBoolean_re = re.compile(r"\bdoes not have a boolean type\b")
def createIndexes(self, colname, ncolname, extracolname):
if not self.indexed:
kind = self.kind
vprint("* Indexing ``%s`` columns. Type: %s." % (colname, kind))
for acolname in [colname, ncolname, extracolname]:
acolumn = self.table.colinstances[acolname]
kind=self.kind, optlevel=self.optlevel,
_blocksizes=small_blocksizes, _testmode=True)
except TypeError, te:
if self.colNotIndexable_re.search(str(te)):
raise common.SkipTest(
"Columns of this type can not be indexed." )
except tables.NoIndexingError:
raise common.SkipTest("Indexing is not supported.")
except NotImplementedError:
raise common.SkipTest(
"Indexing columns of this type is not supported yet." )
def setUp(self):
super(BaseTableQueryTestCase, self).setUp()
self.table = table = self.h5file.createTable(
'/', 'test', self.tableDescription, expectedrows=self.nrows )
fill_table(table, self.shape, self.nrows)
class ScalarTableMixin:
tableDescription = TableDescription
shape = ()
class MDTableMixin:
tableDescription = MDTableDescription
shape = md_shape
# Test cases on query data
# ------------------------
operators = [
None, '~',
'<', '<=', '==', '!=', '>=', '>',
('<', '<='), ('>', '>=') ]
"""Comparison operators to check with different types."""
heavy_operators = frozenset(['~', '<=', '>=', '>', ('>', '>=')])
"""Comparison operators to be tested only in heavy mode."""
left_bound = row_period / 4
"""Operand of left side operator in comparisons with operator pairs."""
right_bound = row_period * 3 / 4
"""Operand of right side operator in comparisons with operator pairs."""
extra_conditions = [
'', # uses one index
'& ((c_extra+1) < 0)', # uses one index
'| (c_idxextra > 0)', # uses two indexes
'| ((c_idxextra > 0) | ((c_extra+1) > 0))', # can't use indexes
"""Extra conditions to append to comparison conditions."""
class TableDataTestCase(BaseTableQueryTestCase):
Base test case for querying table data.
Automatically created test method names have the format
``test_XNNNN``, where ``NNNN`` is the zero-padded test number and
``X`` indicates whether the test belongs to the light (``l``) or
heavy (``h``) set.
_testfmt_light = 'test_l%04d'
_testfmt_heavy = 'test_h%04d'
def create_test_method(type_, op, extracond):
sctype = sctype_from_type[type_]
# Compute the value of bounds.
condvars = { 'bound': right_bound,
'lbound': left_bound,
'rbound': right_bound }
for (bname, bvalue) in condvars.items():
if type_ == 'string':
bvalue = str_format % bvalue
bvalue = nxtype_from_type[type_](bvalue)
condvars[bname] = bvalue
# Compute the name of columns.
colname = 'c_%s' % type_
ncolname = 'c_nested/%s' % colname
# Compute the query condition.
if not op: # as is
cond = colname
elif op == '~': # unary
cond = '~(%s)' % colname
elif op == '<': # binary variable-constant
cond = '%s %s %s' % (colname, op, repr(condvars['bound']))
elif type(op) is tuple: # double binary variable-constant
cond = ( '(lbound %s %s) & (%s %s rbound)'
% (op[0], colname, colname, op[1]) )
else: # binary variable-variable
cond = '%s %s bound' % (colname, op)
if extracond:
cond = '(%s) %s' % (cond, extracond)
def test_method(self):
vprint("* Condition is ``%s``." % cond)
# Replace bitwise operators with their logical counterparts.
pycond = cond
for (ptop, pyop) in [('&', 'and'), ('|', 'or'), ('~', 'not')]:
pycond = pycond.replace(ptop, pyop)
pycond = compile(pycond, '<string>', 'eval')
table = self.table
self.createIndexes(colname, ncolname, 'c_idxextra')
table_slice = dict(start=1, stop=table.nrows - 5, step=3)
rownos, fvalues = None, None
# Test that both simple and nested columns work as expected.
# Knowing how the table is filled, results must be the same.
for acolname in [colname, ncolname]:
# First the reference Python version.
pyrownos, pyfvalues, pyvars = [], [], condvars.copy()
for row in table.iterrows(**table_slice):
pyvars[colname] = row[acolname]
pyvars['c_extra'] = row['c_extra']
pyvars['c_idxextra'] = row['c_idxextra']
isvalidrow = eval(pycond, {}, pyvars)
except TypeError:
raise common.SkipTest(
"The Python type does not support the operation." )
if isvalidrow:
pyrownos = numpy.array(pyrownos) # row numbers already sorted
pyfvalues = numpy.array(pyfvalues, dtype=sctype)
vprint( "* %d rows selected by Python from ``%s``."
% (len(pyrownos), acolname) )
if rownos is None:
rownos = pyrownos # initialise reference results
fvalues = pyfvalues
self.assert_(numpy.all(pyrownos == rownos)) # check
self.assert_(numpy.all(pyfvalues == fvalues))
# Then the in-kernel or indexed version.
ptvars = condvars.copy()
ptvars[colname] = table.colinstances[acolname]
ptvars['c_extra'] = table.colinstances['c_extra']
ptvars['c_idxextra'] = table.colinstances['c_idxextra']
isidxq = table.willQueryUseIndexing(cond, ptvars)
# Query twice to trigger possible query result caching.
ptrownos = [ table.getWhereList( cond, condvars, sort=True,
**table_slice )
for _ in range(2) ]
ptfvalues = [ table.readWhere( cond, condvars, field=acolname,
**table_slice )
for _ in range(2) ]
except TypeError, te:
if self.condNotBoolean_re.search(str(te)):
raise common.SkipTest("The condition is not boolean.")
except NotImplementedError:
raise common.SkipTest(
"The PyTables type does not support the operation." )
for ptfvals in ptfvalues: # row numbers already sorted
vprint( "* %d rows selected by PyTables from ``%s``"
% (len(ptrownos[0]), acolname), nonl=True )
vprint("(indexing: %s)." % ["no", "yes"][bool(isidxq)])
self.assert_(numpy.all(ptrownos[0] == rownos))
self.assert_(numpy.all(ptfvalues[0] == fvalues))
# The following test possible caching of query results.
self.assert_(numpy.all(ptrownos[0] == ptrownos[1]))
self.assert_(numpy.all(ptfvalues[0] == ptfvalues[1]))
test_method.__doc__ = "Testing ``%s``." % cond
return test_method
# Create individual tests. You may restrict which tests are generated
# by replacing the sequences in the ``for`` statements. For instance:
testn = 0
for type_ in type_info: # for type_ in ['string']:
for op in operators: # for op in ['!=']:
# Decide to which set the test belongs.
heavy = type_ in heavy_types or op in heavy_operators
if heavy:
testfmt = TableDataTestCase._testfmt_heavy
numfmt = ' [#H%d]'
testfmt = TableDataTestCase._testfmt_light
numfmt = ' [#L%d]'
for extracond in extra_conditions: # for extracond in ['']:
tmethod = create_test_method(type_, op, extracond)
# The test number is appended to the docstring to help
# identify failing methods in non-verbose mode.
tmethod.__name__ = testfmt % testn
#tmethod.__doc__ += numfmt % testn
tmethod.__doc__ += testfmt % testn
ptmethod = common.pyTablesTest(tmethod)
imethod = new.instancemethod(ptmethod, None, TableDataTestCase)
setattr(TableDataTestCase, tmethod.__name__, imethod)
testn += 1
# Base classes for non-indexed queries.
NX_BLOCK_SIZE1 = 128 # from ``interpreter.c`` in Numexpr
NX_BLOCK_SIZE2 = 8 # from ``interpreter.c`` in Numexpr
class SmallNITableMixin:
nrows = row_period * 2
assert NX_BLOCK_SIZE2 < nrows < NX_BLOCK_SIZE1
assert nrows % NX_BLOCK_SIZE2 != 0 # to have some residual rows
class BigNITableMixin:
nrows = row_period * 3
assert nrows > NX_BLOCK_SIZE1 + NX_BLOCK_SIZE2
assert nrows % NX_BLOCK_SIZE1 != 0
assert nrows % NX_BLOCK_SIZE2 != 0 # to have some residual rows
# Parameters for non-indexed queries.
table_sizes = ['Small', 'Big']
heavy_table_sizes = frozenset(['Big'])
table_ndims = ['Scalar'] # to enable multidimensional testing, include 'MD'
# Non-indexed queries: ``[SB][SM]TDTestCase``, where:
# 1. S is for small and B is for big size table.
# Sizes are listed in `table_sizes`.
# 2. S is for scalar and M for multidimensional columns.
# Dimensionalities are listed in `table_ndims`.
def niclassdata():
for size in table_sizes:
heavy = size in heavy_table_sizes
for ndim in table_ndims:
classname = '%s%sTDTestCase' % (size[0], ndim[0])
cbasenames = ( '%sNITableMixin' % size, '%sTableMixin' % ndim,
'TableDataTestCase' )
classdict = dict(heavy=heavy)
yield (classname, cbasenames, classdict)
# Base classes for the different type index.
class UltraLightITableMixin:
kind = "ultralight"
class LightITableMixin:
kind = "light"
class MediumITableMixin:
kind = "medium"
class FullITableMixin:
kind = "full"
# Base classes for indexed queries.
class SmallSTableMixin:
nrows = 50
class MediumSTableMixin:
nrows = 100
class BigSTableMixin:
nrows = 500
# Parameters for indexed queries.
ckinds = ['UltraLight', 'Light', 'Medium', 'Full']
itable_sizes = ['Small', 'Medium', 'Big']
heavy_itable_sizes = frozenset(['Medium', 'Big'])
itable_optvalues = [0, 1, 3, 7, 9]
heavy_itable_optvalues = frozenset([0, 1, 7, 9])
# Indexed queries: ``[SMB]I[ulmf]O[01379]TDTestCase``, where:
# 1. S is for small, M for medium and B for big size table.
# Sizes are listed in `itable_sizes`.
# 2. U is for 'ultraLight', L for 'light', M for 'medium', F for 'Full' indexes
# Index types are listed in `ckinds`.
# 3. 0 to 9 is the desired index optimization level.
# Optimizations are listed in `itable_optvalues`.
def iclassdata():
for ckind in ckinds:
for size in itable_sizes:
for optlevel in itable_optvalues:
heavy = ( optlevel in heavy_itable_optvalues
or size in heavy_itable_sizes )
classname = '%sI%sO%dTDTestCase' % (
size[0], ckind[0], optlevel)
cbasenames = ( '%sSTableMixin' % size,
'%sITableMixin' % ckind,
'TableDataTestCase' )
classdict = dict(heavy=heavy, optlevel=optlevel, indexed=True)
yield (classname, cbasenames, classdict)
# Create test classes.
for cdatafunc in [niclassdata, iclassdata]:
for (cname, cbasenames, cdict) in cdatafunc():
cbases = tuple(eval(cbase) for cbase in cbasenames)
class_ = new.classobj(cname, cbases, cdict)
exec '%s = class_' % cname
# Test cases on query usage
# -------------------------
class BaseTableUsageTestCase(BaseTableQueryTestCase):
nrows = row_period
_gvar = None
"""Use this when a global variable is needed."""
class ScalarTableUsageTestCase(ScalarTableMixin, BaseTableUsageTestCase):
Test case for query usage on scalar tables.
This also tests for most usage errors and situations.
def test_empty_condition(self):
"""Using an empty condition."""
self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, self.table.where, '')
def test_syntax_error(self):
"""Using a condition with a syntax error."""
self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, self.table.where, 'foo bar')
def test_unsupported_object(self):
"""Using a condition with an unsupported object."""
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.table.where, '[]')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.table.where, 'obj', {'obj': {}})
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.table.where, 'c_bool < []')
def test_unsupported_syntax(self):
"""Using a condition with unsupported syntax."""
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.table.where, 'c_bool[0]')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.table.where, 'c_bool()')
self.assertRaises(NameError, self.table.where, 'c_bool.__init__')
def test_no_column(self):
"""Using a condition with no participating columns."""
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.table.where, 'True')
def test_foreign_column(self):
"""Using a condition with a column from other table."""
table2 = self.h5file.createTable('/', 'other', self.tableDescription)
self.assertRaises( ValueError, self.table.where,
'c_int32_a + c_int32_b > 0',
{ 'c_int32_a': self.table.cols.c_int32,
'c_int32_b': table2.cols.c_int32 } )
def test_unsupported_op(self):
"""Using a condition with unsupported operations on types."""
NIE = NotImplementedError
self.assertRaises(NIE, self.table.where, 'c_complex128 > 0j')
self.assertRaises(NIE, self.table.where, 'c_string + "a" > "abc"')
def test_not_boolean(self):
"""Using a non-boolean condition."""
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.table.where, 'c_int32')
def test_nested_col(self):
"""Using a condition with nested columns."""
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.table.where, 'c_nested')
def test_implicit_col(self):
"""Using implicit column names in conditions."""
# If implicit columns didn't work, a ``NameError`` would be raised.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.table.where, 'c_int32')
# If overriding didn't work, no exception would be raised.
self.assertRaises( TypeError, self.table.where,
'c_bool', {'c_bool': self.table.cols.c_int32} )
# External variables do not override implicit columns.
def where_with_locals():
c_int32 = self.table.cols.c_bool # this wouldn't cause an error
self.assertRaises(TypeError, where_with_locals)
def test_condition_vars(self):
"""Using condition variables in conditions."""
# If condition variables didn't work, a ``NameError`` would be raised.
self.assertRaises( NotImplementedError, self.table.where,
'c_string > bound', {'bound': 0})
def where_with_locals():
bound = 'foo' # this wouldn't cause an error
self.table.where('c_string > bound', {'bound': 0})
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, where_with_locals)
def where_with_globals():
global _gvar
_gvar = 'foo' # this wouldn't cause an error
self.table.where('c_string > _gvar', {'_gvar': 0})
del _gvar # to keep global namespace clean
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, where_with_globals)
def test_scopes(self):
"""Looking up different scopes for variables."""
# Make sure the variable is not implicit.
self.assertRaises(NameError, self.table.where, 'col')
# First scope: dictionary of condition variables.
self.assertRaises( TypeError, self.table.where,
'col', {'col': self.table.cols.c_int32} )
# Second scope: local variables.
def where_whith_locals():
col = self.table.cols.c_int32
self.assertRaises(TypeError, where_whith_locals)
# Third scope: global variables.
def where_with_globals():
global _gvar
_gvar = self.table.cols.c_int32
del _gvar # to keep global namespace clean
self.assertRaises(TypeError, where_with_globals)
class MDTableUsageTestCase(MDTableMixin, BaseTableUsageTestCase):
"""Test case for query usage on multidimensional tables."""
def test(self):
"""Using a condition on a multidimensional table."""
# Easy: queries on multidimensional tables are not implemented yet!
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.table.where, 'c_bool')
class IndexedTableUsage(ScalarTableMixin, BaseTableUsageTestCase):
Test case for query usage on indexed tables.
Indexing could be used in more cases, but it is expected to kick
in at least in the cases tested here.
nrows = 50
indexed = True
def setUp(self):
super(IndexedTableUsage, self).setUp()
self.willQueryUseIndexing = self.table.willQueryUseIndexing
self.compileCondition = self.table._compileCondition
self.requiredExprVars = self.table._requiredExprVars
usable_idxs = set()
for expr in self.idx_expr:
idxvar = expr[0]
if idxvar not in usable_idxs:
self.usable_idxs = frozenset(usable_idxs)
def test(self):
for condition in self.conditions:
c_usable_idxs = self.willQueryUseIndexing(condition, {})
self.assert_( c_usable_idxs == self.usable_idxs,
"\nQuery with condition: ``%s``\n"
"Computed usable indexes are: ``%s``\n"
"and should be: ``%s``"
% (condition, c_usable_idxs, self.usable_idxs) )
condvars = self.requiredExprVars(condition, None)
compiled = self.compileCondition(condition, condvars)
c_idx_expr = compiled.index_expressions
self.assert_( c_idx_expr == self.idx_expr,
"\nWrong index expression in condition:\n``%s``\n"
"Compiled index expression is:\n``%s``\n"
"and should be:\n``%s``"
% (condition, c_idx_expr, self.idx_expr) )
c_str_expr = compiled.string_expression
self.assert_( c_str_expr == self.str_expr,
"\nWrong index operations in condition:\n``%s``\n"
"Computed index operations are:\n``%s``\n"
"and should be:\n``%s``"
% (condition, c_str_expr, self.str_expr) )
vprint( "* Query with condition ``%s`` will use "
"variables ``%s`` for indexing."
% (condition, compiled.index_variables) )
class IndexedTableUsage1(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_int32 > 0)',
'(c_int32 > 0) & (c_extra > 0)',
'(c_int32 > 0) & ((~c_bool) | (c_extra > 0))',
'(c_int32 > 0) & ((c_extra < 3) & (c_extra > 0))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('gt',), (0,) ) ]
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage2(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5)',
'(c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5) & (c_extra > 0)',
'(c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5) & ((c_bool == True) | (c_extra > 0))',
'(c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5) & ((c_extra > 0) | (c_bool == True))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('gt','lt'), (0,5) ) ]
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage3(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_bool == True)',
'(c_bool == True) & (c_extra > 0)',
'(c_extra > 0) & (c_bool == True)',
'((c_extra > 0) & (c_extra < 4)) & (c_bool == True)',
'(c_bool == True) & ((c_extra > 0) & (c_extra < 4))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (True,) ) ]
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage4(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'((c_int32 > 0) & (c_bool == True)) & (c_extra > 0)',
'((c_int32 > 0) & (c_bool == True)) & ((c_extra > 0)'+
' & (c_extra < 4))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('gt',), (0,) ),
( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (True,) ),
str_expr = '(e0 & e1)'
class IndexedTableUsage5(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_int32 >= 1) & (c_int32 < 2) & (c_bool == True)',
'(c_int32 >= 1) & (c_int32 < 2) & (c_bool == True)'+
' & (c_extra > 0)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('ge','lt'), (1,2) ),
( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (True,) ),
str_expr = '(e0 & e1)'
class IndexedTableUsage6(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_int32 >= 1) & (c_int32 < 2) & (c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5)',
'(c_int32 >= 1) & (c_int32 < 2) & (c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5)'+
' & (c_extra > 0)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('ge','lt'), (1,2) ),
( 'c_int32', ('gt',), (0,) ),
( 'c_int32', ('lt',), (5,) ),
str_expr = '((e0 & e1) & e2)'
class IndexedTableUsage7(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_int32 >= 1) & (c_int32 < 2) & ((c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5))',
'((c_int32 >= 1) & (c_int32 < 2)) & ((c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5))',
'((c_int32 >= 1) & (c_int32 < 2)) & ((c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5))'+
' & (c_extra > 0)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('ge','lt'), (1,2) ),
( 'c_int32', ('gt','lt'), (0,5) ),
str_expr = '(e0 & e1)'
class IndexedTableUsage8(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_extra > 0) & ((c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('gt','lt'), (0,5) ),
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage9(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_extra > 0) & (c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5)',
'((c_extra > 0) & (c_int32 > 0)) & (c_int32 < 5)',
'(c_extra > 0) & (c_int32 > 0) & (c_int32 < 5) & (c_extra > 3)',
idx_expr = [ ('c_int32', ('gt',), (0,)),
('c_int32', ('lt',), (5,))]
str_expr = '(e0 & e1)'
class IndexedTableUsage10(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_int32 < 5) & (c_extra > 0) & (c_bool == True)',
'(c_int32 < 5) & (c_extra > 2) & c_bool',
'(c_int32 < 5) & (c_bool == True) & (c_extra > 0) & (c_extra < 4)',
'(c_int32 < 5) & (c_extra > 0) & (c_bool == True) & (c_extra < 4)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('lt',), (5,) ),
( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (True,) ) ]
str_expr = '(e0 & e1)'
class IndexedTableUsage11(IndexedTableUsage):
"""Complex operations are not eligible for indexing."""
conditions = [
'sin(c_int32) > 0',
'(c_int32*2.4) > 0',
'(c_int32 + c_int32) > 0',
'c_int32**2 > 0',
idx_expr = []
str_expr = ''
class IndexedTableUsage12(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'~c_bool & (c_extra > 0)',
'~(c_bool) & (c_extra > 0)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (False,) ) ]
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage13(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'~(c_bool == True)',
'~((c_bool == True))',
'~(c_bool == True) & (c_extra > 0)',
'~(c_bool == True) & (c_extra > 0)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (False,) ) ]
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage14(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'~(c_int32 > 0)',
'~((c_int32 > 0)) & (c_extra > 0)',
'~(c_int32 > 0) & ((~c_bool) | (c_extra > 0))',
'~(c_int32 > 0) & ((c_extra < 3) & (c_extra > 0))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('le',), (0,) ) ]
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage15(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(~(c_int32 > 0) | ~c_bool)',
'(~(c_int32 > 0) | ~(c_bool)) & (c_extra > 0)',
'(~(c_int32 > 0) | ~(c_bool == True)) & ((c_extra > 0)'+
' & (c_extra < 4))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('le',), (0,) ),
( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (False,) ),
str_expr = '(e0 | e1)'
class IndexedTableUsage16(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(~(c_int32 > 0) & ~(c_int32 < 2))',
'(~(c_int32 > 0) & ~(c_int32 < 2)) & (c_extra > 0)',
'(~(c_int32 > 0) & ~(c_int32 < 2)) & ((c_extra > 0)'+
' & (c_extra < 4))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('le',), (0,) ),
( 'c_int32', ('ge',), (2,) ),
str_expr = '(e0 & e1)'
class IndexedTableUsage17(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(~(c_int32 > 0) & ~(c_int32 < 2))',
'(~(c_int32 > 0) & ~(c_int32 < 2)) & (c_extra > 0)',
'(~(c_int32 > 0) & ~(c_int32 < 2)) & ((c_extra > 0)'+
' & (c_extra < 4))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('le',), (0,) ),
( 'c_int32', ('ge',), (2,) ),
str_expr = '(e0 & e1)'
# Negations of complex conditions are not supported yet
class IndexedTableUsage18(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'~((c_int32 > 0) & (c_bool))',
'~((c_int32 > 0) & (c_bool)) & (c_extra > 0)',
'~((c_int32 > 0) & (c_bool)) & ((c_extra > 0)'+
' & (c_extra < 4))',
idx_expr = []
str_expr = ''
class IndexedTableUsage19(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'~((c_int32 > 0) & (c_bool)) & ((c_bool == False)'+
' & (c_extra < 4))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (False,) ),
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage20(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'((c_int32 > 0) & ~(c_bool))',
'((c_int32 > 0) & ~(c_bool)) & (c_extra > 0)',
'((c_int32 > 0) & ~(c_bool == True)) & ((c_extra > 0)'+
' & (c_extra < 4))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('gt',), (0,) ),
( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (False,) ),
str_expr = '(e0 & e1)'
class IndexedTableUsage21(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(~(c_int32 > 0) & (c_bool))',
'(~(c_int32 > 0) & (c_bool)) & (c_extra > 0)',
'(~(c_int32 > 0) & (c_bool == True)) & ((c_extra > 0)'+
' & (c_extra < 4))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('le',), (0,) ),
( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (True,) ),
str_expr = '(e0 & e1)'
class IndexedTableUsage22(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'~((c_int32 >= 1) & (c_int32 < 2)) & ~(c_bool == True)',
'~(c_bool == True) & (c_extra > 0)',
'~((c_int32 >= 1) & (c_int32 < 2)) & (~(c_bool == True)'+
' & (c_extra > 0))',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (False,) ),
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage23(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'c_int32 != 1',
'c_bool != False',
'~(c_int32 != 1)',
'~(c_bool != False)',
'(c_int32 != 1) & (c_extra != 2)',
idx_expr = []
str_expr = ''
class IndexedTableUsage24(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'c_bool == True',
'True == c_bool',
'~(~c_bool) & (c_extra != 2)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (True,) ),
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage25(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'c_bool == False',
'False == c_bool',
'~~(~c_bool) & (c_extra != 2)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (False,) ),
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage26(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'c_bool != True',
'True != c_bool',
'c_bool != False',
'False != c_bool',
idx_expr = []
str_expr = ''
class IndexedTableUsage27(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_int32 == 3) | c_bool | (c_int32 == 5)',
'(((c_int32 == 3) | (c_bool == True)) | (c_int32 == 5))'+
' & (c_extra > 0)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('eq',), (3,) ),
( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (True,) ),
( 'c_int32', ('eq',), (5,) ),
str_expr = '((e0 | e1) | e2)'
class IndexedTableUsage28(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'((c_int32 == 3) | c_bool) & (c_int32 == 5)',
'(((c_int32 == 3) | (c_bool == True)) & (c_int32 == 5))'+
' & (c_extra > 0)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('eq',), (3,) ),
( 'c_bool', ('eq',), (True,) ),
( 'c_int32', ('eq',), (5,) ),
str_expr = '((e0 | e1) & e2)'
class IndexedTableUsage29(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_int32 == 3) | ((c_int32 == 4) & (c_int32 == 5))',
'((c_int32 == 3) | ((c_int32 == 4) & (c_int32 == 5)))'+
' & (c_extra > 0)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('eq',), (4,) ),
( 'c_int32', ('eq',), (5,) ),
( 'c_int32', ('eq',), (3,) ),
str_expr = '((e0 & e1) | e2)'
class IndexedTableUsage30(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'((c_int32 == 3) | (c_int32 == 4)) & (c_int32 == 5)',
'((c_int32 == 3) | (c_int32 == 4)) & (c_int32 == 5)'+
' & (c_extra > 0)',
idx_expr = [ ( 'c_int32', ('eq',), (3,) ),
( 'c_int32', ('eq',), (4,) ),
( 'c_int32', ('eq',), (5,) ),
str_expr = '((e0 | e1) & e2)'
class IndexedTableUsage31(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_extra > 0) & ((c_extra < 4) & (c_bool == True))',
'(c_extra > 0) & ((c_bool == True) & (c_extra < 5))',
'((c_int32 > 0) | (c_extra > 0)) & (c_bool == True)',
idx_expr = [ ('c_bool', ('eq',), (True,)),
str_expr = 'e0'
class IndexedTableUsage32(IndexedTableUsage):
conditions = [
'(c_int32 < 5) & (c_extra > 0) & (c_bool == True) | (c_extra < 4)',
idx_expr = []
str_expr = ''
# Main part
# ---------
def suite():
"""Return a test suite consisting of all the test cases in the module."""
testSuite = unittest.TestSuite()
cdatafuncs = [niclassdata] # non-indexing data tests
if tables.is_pro:
cdatafuncs.append(iclassdata) # indexing data tests
heavy = common.heavy
# Choose which tests to run in classes with autogenerated tests.
if heavy:
autoprefix = 'test' # all tests
autoprefix = 'test_l' # only light tests
niter = 1
for i in range(niter):
# Tests on query data.
for cdatafunc in cdatafuncs:
for cdata in cdatafunc():
class_ = eval(cdata[0])
if heavy or not class_.heavy:
suite_ = unittest.makeSuite(class_, prefix=autoprefix)
# Tests on query usage.
if tables.is_pro:
return testSuite
if __name__ == '__main__':