# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
import sys
import unittest
import os
import tempfile
import warnings
import numpy
from tables import *
from tables.tests import common
from tables.tests.common import (
typecode, allequal, numeric_imported, numarray_imported)
from tables.utils import byteorders
if numarray_imported:
import numarray
if numeric_imported:
import Numeric
# To delete the internal attributes automagically
unittest.TestCase.tearDown = common.cleanup
class C:
c = (3,4.5)
class BasicTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
compress = 0
complib = "zlib"
shuffle = 0
fletcher32 = 0
flavor = "numpy"
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "w")
self.rootgroup = self.fileh.root
def populateFile(self):
group = self.rootgroup
filters = Filters(complevel = self.compress,
complib = self.complib,
shuffle = self.shuffle,
fletcher32 = self.fletcher32)
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(group, 'vlarray1',
"ragged array if ints",
filters = filters,
expectedsizeinMB = 1)
vlarray.flavor = self.flavor
# Fill it with 5 rows
vlarray.append([1, 2])
if self.flavor == "numarray":
vlarray.append(numarray.array([3, 4, 5], type='Int32'))
vlarray.append(numarray.array([], type='Int32')) # Empty entry
elif self.flavor == "numpy":
vlarray.append(numpy.array([3, 4, 5], dtype='int32'))
vlarray.append(numpy.array([], dtype='int32')) # Empty entry
elif self.flavor == "numeric":
vlarray.append(Numeric.array([3, 4, 5], typecode='i'))
vlarray.append(Numeric.array([], typecode='i')) # Empty entry
elif self.flavor == "python":
vlarray.append((3, 4, 5))
vlarray.append(()) # Empty entry
vlarray.append([6, 7, 8, 9])
vlarray.append([10, 11, 12, 13, 14])
def tearDown(self):
def test01_read(self):
"""Checking vlarray read"""
rootgroup = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_read..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode("/vlarray1")
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray.nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows
row = vlarray.read(0)[0]
row2 = vlarray.read(2)[0]
if common.verbose:
print "Flavor:", vlarray.flavor
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row
nrows = 5
assert nrows == vlarray.nrows
if self.flavor == "numarray":
assert allequal(row, numarray.array([1, 2], type='Int32'), self.flavor)
assert allequal(row2, numarray.array([], type='Int32'), self.flavor)
elif self.flavor == "numpy":
assert type(row) == numpy.ndarray
assert allequal(row, numpy.array([1, 2], dtype='int32'), self.flavor)
assert allequal(row2, numpy.array([], dtype='int32'), self.flavor)
elif self.flavor == "numeric":
assert type(row) == type(Numeric.array([1, 2]))
# The next two lines has been corrected by Ciro Catutto
# (2004-04-20)
assert allequal(row, (1, 2), self.flavor)
assert allequal(row2, Numeric.array([], typecode='i'), self.flavor)
elif self.flavor == "python":
assert row == [1, 2]
assert row2 == []
assert len(row) == 2
# Check filters:
if self.compress != vlarray.filters.complevel and common.verbose:
print "Error in compress. Class:", self.__class__.__name__
print "self, vlarray:", self.compress, vlarray.filters.complevel
assert vlarray.filters.complevel == self.compress
if self.compress > 0 and whichLibVersion(self.complib):
assert vlarray.filters.complib == self.complib
if self.shuffle != vlarray.filters.shuffle and common.verbose:
print "Error in shuffle. Class:", self.__class__.__name__
print "self, vlarray:", self.shuffle, vlarray.filters.shuffle
assert self.shuffle == vlarray.filters.shuffle
if self.fletcher32 != vlarray.filters.fletcher32 and common.verbose:
print "Error in fletcher32. Class:", self.__class__.__name__
print "self, vlarray:", self.fletcher32, vlarray.filters.fletcher32
assert self.fletcher32 == vlarray.filters.fletcher32
def test02_getitem(self):
"""Checking vlarray __getitem__"""
rootgroup = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02_getitem..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode("/vlarray1")
rows = [[1, 2], [3,4,5], [], [6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]]
slices = [
slice(None, None, None), slice(1,1,1), slice(30, None, None),
slice(0, None, None), slice(3, None, 1), slice(3, None, 2),
slice(None, 1, None), slice(None, 2, 1), slice(None, 30, 2),
slice(None, None, 1), slice(None, None, 2), slice(None, None, 3),
for slc in slices:
# Read the rows in slc
rows2 = vlarray[slc]
rows1 = rows[slc]
rows1f = []
if common.verbose:
print "Flavor:", vlarray.flavor
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Original rows ==>", rows1
print "Rows read in vlarray ==>", rows2
if self.flavor == "numarray":
for val in rows1:
rows1f.append(numarray.array(val, type='Int32'))
for i in range(len(rows1f)):
assert allequal(rows2[i], rows1f[i], self.flavor)
elif self.flavor == "numpy":
for val in rows1:
rows1f.append(numpy.array(val, dtype='int32'))
for i in range(len(rows1f)):
assert allequal(rows2[i], rows1f[i], self.flavor)
elif self.flavor == "numeric":
for val in rows1:
rows1f.append(Numeric.array(val, typecode='i'))
for i in range(len(rows1f)):
assert allequal(rows2[i], rows1f[i], self.flavor)
elif self.flavor == "python":
assert rows2 == rows1
def test03_append(self):
"""Checking vlarray append"""
rootgroup = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_append..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode("/vlarray1")
# Append a new row
vlarray.append([7, 8, 9, 10])
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray.nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row1 = vlarray[0]
row2 = vlarray[2]
row3 = vlarray[-1]
if common.verbose:
print "Flavor:", vlarray.flavor
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row1
nrows = 6
assert nrows == vlarray.nrows
if self.flavor == "numarray":
assert allequal(row1, numarray.array([1, 2], type='Int32'), self.flavor)
assert allequal(row2, numarray.array([], type='Int32'), self.flavor)
assert allequal(row3, numarray.array([7, 8, 9, 10], type='Int32'),
elif self.flavor == "numpy":
assert type(row1) == type(numpy.array([1, 2]))
assert allequal(row1, numpy.array([1, 2], dtype='int32'), self.flavor)
assert allequal(row2, numpy.array([], dtype='int32'), self.flavor)
assert allequal(row3, numpy.array([7, 8, 9, 10], dtype='int32'),
elif self.flavor == "numeric":
assert type(row1) == type(Numeric.array([1, 2]))
# The next two lines has been corrected by Ciro Catutto
# (2004-04-20)
assert allequal(row1, (1, 2), self.flavor)
assert allequal(row2, Numeric.array([], typecode='i'), self.flavor)
assert allequal(row3, Numeric.array([7, 8, 9, 10], typecode='i'),
elif self.flavor == "python":
assert row1 == [1, 2]
assert row2 == []
assert row3 == [7, 8, 9, 10]
assert len(row3) == 4
class BasicNumPyTestCase(BasicTestCase):
flavor = "numpy"
class BasicNumArrayTestCase(BasicTestCase):
flavor = "numarray"
class BasicNumericTestCase(BasicTestCase):
flavor = "numeric"
class BasicPythonTestCase(BasicTestCase):
flavor = "python"
class ZlibComprTestCase(BasicTestCase):
compress = 1
complib = "zlib"
class LZOComprTestCase(BasicTestCase):
compress = 1
complib = "lzo"
class BZIP2ComprTestCase(BasicTestCase):
compress = 1
complib = "bzip2"
class ShuffleComprTestCase(BasicTestCase):
compress = 1
shuffle = 1
class Fletcher32TestCase(BasicTestCase):
fletcher32 = 1
class AllFiltersTestCase(BasicTestCase):
compress = 1
shuffle = 1
fletcher32 = 1
class TypesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
mode = "w"
compress = 0
complib = "zlib" # Default compression library
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, self.mode)
def tearDown(self):
def test01_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with NumPy string atoms ('numpy' flavor)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', 'stringAtom',
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "numpy"
vlarray.append(numpy.array(["1", "12", "123", "1234", "12345"]))
vlarray.append(numpy.array(["1", "12345"]))
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array(["1", "12", "123", "123", "123"]))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array(["1", "123"]))
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 2
# This test doesn't compile without numarray installed
def _test01_1_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with NumPy string atoms ('numarray' flavor)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_1_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', 'stringAtom',
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "numarray"
vlarray.append(numpy.array(["1", "12", "123", "1234", "12345"],
vlarray.append(numpy.array(["1", "12345"], dtype="S"))
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray:", row[0]
print "Should look like:", \
strings.array(['1','12','123','123','123'], itemsize=3)
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], strings.array(["1", "12", "123", "123", "123"]),
assert allequal(row[1], strings.array(["1", "123"]), flavor="numarray")
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test01a_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with NumPy string atoms ('numpy' flavor, strided)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01a_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', 'stringAtom',
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "numpy"
vlarray.append(numpy.array(["1", "12", "123", "1234", "12345"][::2]))
vlarray.append(numpy.array(["1", "12345","2", "321"])[::3])
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array(["1", "123", "123"]))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array(["1", "321"]))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test01a_2_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with NumPy string atoms (NumPy flavor, no conv)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01a_2_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', 'stringAtom',
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "numpy"
vlarray.append(numpy.array(["1", "12", "123", "123"]))
vlarray.append(numpy.array(["1", "2", "321"]))
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array(["1", "12", "123", "123"]))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array(["1", "2", "321"]))
assert len(row[0]) == 4
assert len(row[1]) == 3
def test01b_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with NumPy string atoms (python flavor)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01b_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', 'stringAtom2',
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "python"
vlarray.append(["1", "12", "123", "1234", "12345"])
vlarray.append(["1", "12345"])
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing String flavor"
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert row[0] == ["1", "12", "123", "123", "123"]
assert row[1] == ["1", "123"]
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test01c_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with NumPy string atoms ('numpy' flavor)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01c_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', 'stringAtom',
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "numpy"
vlarray.append(numpy.array(["1", "12", "123", "1234", "12345"]))
vlarray.append(numpy.array(["1", "12345"]))
# Modify the rows
vlarray[0] = numpy.array(["1", "123", "12", "", "12345"])
vlarray[1] = numpy.array(["44", "4"]) # This should work as well
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array(["1", "123", "12", "", "123"]))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array(["44", "4"], dtype="S3"))
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test01d_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with string atoms (String flavor)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01d_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', 'stringAtom2',
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "python"
vlarray.append(["1", "12", "123", "1234", "12345"])
vlarray.append(["1", "12345"])
# Modify the rows
vlarray[0] = ["1", "123", "12", "", "12345"]
vlarray[1] = ["44", "4"]
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing String flavor"
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert row[0] == ["1", "123", "12", "", "123"]
assert row[1] == ["44", "4"]
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test02_BoolAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with boolean atoms"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02_BoolAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', 'BoolAtom',
"Ragged array of Booleans")
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([1,0,1], dtype='bool'))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([1,0], dtype='bool'))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test02b_BoolAtom(self):
"""Checking setting vlarray with boolean atoms"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02b_BoolAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', 'BoolAtom',
"Ragged array of Booleans")
# Modify the rows
vlarray[0] = (0,1,3)
vlarray[1] = (0,-1)
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([0,1,1], dtype='bool'))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([0,1], dtype='bool'))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test03_IntAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with integer atoms"""
ttypes = ["Int8",
#"UInt64", # Unavailable in some platforms
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_IntAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([1,2,3], dtype=atype))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([-1,0], dtype=atype))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test03a_IntAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with integer atoms (byteorder swapped)"""
ttypes = {"Int8": numpy.int8,
"UInt8": numpy.uint8,
"Int16": numpy.int16,
"UInt16": numpy.uint16,
"Int32": numpy.int32,
"UInt32": numpy.uint32,
"Int64": numpy.int64,
#"UInt64": numpy.int64, # Unavailable in some platforms
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03a_IntAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
for atype in ttypes.iterkeys():
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
a0 = numpy.array([1,2,3], dtype=atype)
a0 = a0.byteswap(); a0 = a0.newbyteorder()
a1 = numpy.array([-1,0], dtype=atype)
a1 = a1.byteswap(); a1 = a1.newbyteorder()
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([1,2,3], dtype=ttypes[atype]))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([-1,0], dtype=ttypes[atype]))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test03b_IntAtom(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with integer atoms"""
ttypes = ["Int8",
#"UInt64", # Unavailable in some platforms
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_IntAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
# Modify rows
vlarray[0] = (3,2,1)
vlarray[1] = (0,-1)
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([3,2,1], dtype=atype))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([0,-1], dtype=atype))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test03c_IntAtom(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with integer atoms (byteorder swapped)"""
ttypes = {"Int8": numpy.int8,
"UInt8": numpy.uint8,
"Int16": numpy.int16,
"UInt16": numpy.uint16,
"Int32": numpy.int32,
"UInt32": numpy.uint32,
"Int64": numpy.int64,
#"UInt64": numpy.int64, # Unavailable in some platforms
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03c_IntAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
for atype in ttypes.iterkeys():
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
a0 = numpy.array([1,2,3], dtype=atype)
a1 = numpy.array([-1,0], dtype=atype)
# Modify rows
a0 = numpy.array([3,2,1], dtype=atype)
a0 = a0.byteswap(); a0 = a0.newbyteorder()
vlarray[0] = a0
a1 = numpy.array([0, -1], dtype=atype)
a1 = a1.byteswap(); a1 = a1.newbyteorder()
vlarray[1] = a1
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([3,2,1], dtype=ttypes[atype]))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([0,-1], dtype=ttypes[atype]))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test03d_IntAtom(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with integer atoms (another byteorder)"""
ttypes = {"Int8": numpy.int8,
"UInt8": numpy.uint8,
"Int16": numpy.int16,
"UInt16": numpy.uint16,
"Int32": numpy.int32,
"UInt32": numpy.uint32,
"Int64": numpy.int64,
#"UInt64": numpy.int64, # Unavailable in some platforms
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03d_IntAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
byteorder = {'little':'big', 'big': 'little'}[sys.byteorder]
for atype in ttypes.iterkeys():
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
a0 = numpy.array([1,2,3], dtype=atype)
a1 = numpy.array([-1,0], dtype=atype)
# Modify rows
a0 = numpy.array([3,2,1], dtype=atype)
a0 = a0.byteswap(); a0 = a0.newbyteorder()
vlarray[0] = a0
a1 = numpy.array([0, -1], dtype=atype)
a1 = a1.byteswap(); a1 = a1.newbyteorder()
vlarray[1] = a1
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
byteorder2 = byteorders[row[0].dtype.byteorder]
if byteorder2 != "irrelevant":
assert byteorders[row[0].dtype.byteorder] == sys.byteorder
assert vlarray.byteorder == byteorder
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([3,2,1], dtype=ttypes[atype]))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([0,-1], dtype=ttypes[atype]))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test04_FloatAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with floating point atoms"""
ttypes = ["Float32",
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04_FloatAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([1.3,2.2,3.3], atype))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([-1.3e34,1.e-32], atype))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test04a_FloatAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with float atoms (byteorder swapped)"""
ttypes = {"Float32": numpy.float32,
"Float64": numpy.float64,
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04a_FloatAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
for atype in ttypes.iterkeys():
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
a0 = numpy.array([1.3,2.2,3.3], dtype=atype)
a0 = a0.byteswap(); a0 = a0.newbyteorder()
a1 = numpy.array([-1.3e34,1.e-32], dtype=atype)
a1 = a1.byteswap(); a1 = a1.newbyteorder()
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([1.3,2.2,3.3],
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([-1.3e34,1.e-32],
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test04b_FloatAtom(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with floating point atoms"""
ttypes = ["Float32",
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04b_FloatAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
# Modifiy some rows
vlarray[0] = (4.3,2.2,4.3)
vlarray[1] = (-1.1e34,1.3e-32)
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([4.3,2.2,4.3], atype))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([-1.1e34,1.3e-32], atype))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test04c_FloatAtom(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with float atoms (byteorder swapped)"""
ttypes = {"Float32": numpy.float32,
"Float64": numpy.float64,
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04c_FloatAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
for atype in ttypes.iterkeys():
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
a0 = numpy.array([1.3,2.2,3.3], dtype=atype)
a1 = numpy.array([-1,0], dtype=atype)
# Modify rows
a0 = numpy.array([4.3,2.2,4.3], dtype=atype)
a0 = a0.byteswap(); a0 = a0.newbyteorder()
vlarray[0] = a0
a1 = numpy.array([-1.1e34,1.3e-32], dtype=atype)
a1 = a1.byteswap(); a1 = a1.newbyteorder()
vlarray[1] = a1
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([4.3,2.2,4.3],
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([-1.1e34,1.3e-32],
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test04d_FloatAtom(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with float atoms (another byteorder)"""
ttypes = {"Float32": numpy.float32,
"Float64": numpy.float64,
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04d_FloatAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
byteorder = {'little':'big', 'big': 'little'}[sys.byteorder]
for atype in ttypes.iterkeys():
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
byteorder = byteorder)
a0 = numpy.array([1.3,2.2,3.3], dtype=atype)
a1 = numpy.array([-1,0], dtype=atype)
# Modify rows
a0 = numpy.array([4.3,2.2,4.3], dtype=atype)
a0 = a0.byteswap(); a0 = a0.newbyteorder()
vlarray[0] = a0
a1 = numpy.array([-1.1e34,1.3e-32], dtype=atype)
a1 = a1.byteswap(); a1 = a1.newbyteorder()
vlarray[1] = a1
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.byteorder == byteorder
byteorder2 = byteorders[row[0].dtype.byteorder]
assert byteorders[row[0].dtype.byteorder] == sys.byteorder
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([4.3,2.2,4.3],
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([-1.1e34,1.3e-32],
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test04_ComplexAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with numerical complex atoms"""
ttypes = ["Complex32",
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04_ComplexAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([(1.3+0j),(0+2.2j),(3.3+3.3j)],
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([(0-1.3e34j),(1.e-32+0j)],
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test04b_ComplexAtom(self):
"""Checking modifying vlarray with numerical complex atoms"""
ttypes = ["Complex32",
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04b_ComplexAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', atype,
# Modify the rows
vlarray[0] = ((1.4+0j),(0+4.2j),(3.3+4.3j))
vlarray[1] = ((4-1.3e34j),(1.e-32+4j))
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([(1.4+0j),(0+4.2j),(3.3+4.3j)],
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([(4-1.3e34j),(1.e-32+4j)],
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test05_VLStringAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with variable length strings"""
# Skip the test if the default encoding has been mangled.
if sys.getdefaultencoding() != 'ascii':
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test05_VLStringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', "VLStringAtom", VLStringAtom())
# Check for ticket #62.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, vlarray.append, ["foo", "bar"])
# `VLStringAtom` makes no encoding assumptions. See ticket #51.
self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, vlarray.append, u"asd\xe4")
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 4
assert row[0] == "asd"
assert row[1] == "asd\xe4"
assert row[2] == "aaana"
assert row[3] == ""
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 4
assert len(row[2]) == 5
assert len(row[3]) == 0
def test05b_VLStringAtom(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with variable length strings"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test05b_VLStringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', "VLStringAtom", VLStringAtom())
# Modify values
vlarray[0] = "as4"
vlarray[1] = "aaanc"
self.assertRaises(ValueError, vlarray.__setitem__, 1, "shrt")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, vlarray.__setitem__, 1, "toolong")
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", `row[0]`
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", `row[1]`
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert row[0] == "as4"
assert row[1] == "aaanc"
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 5
def test06_Object(self):
"""Checking vlarray with object atoms """
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test06_Object..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', "Object", ObjectAtom())
vlarray.append([[1,2,3], "aaa", u"aaa"])
vlarray.append([3,4, C()])
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 3
assert row[0] == [[1,2,3], "aaa", u"aaa"]
list1 = list(row[1])
obj = list1.pop()
assert list1 == [3,4]
assert obj.c == C().c
assert row[2] == 42
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 3
self.assertRaises(TypeError, len, row[2])
def test06b_Object(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with object atoms """
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test06_Object..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray('/', "Object", ObjectAtom())
vlarray.append(([1,2,3], "aaa", u"aaa"))
# When updating an object, this seems to change the number
# of bytes that cPickle.dumps generates
#vlarray.append([3,4, C()])
vlarray.append([3,4, [24]])
# Modify the rows
vlarray[0] = ([1,2,4], "aa4", u"aaa4")
#vlarray[1] = (3,4, C())
vlarray[1] = [4,4, [24]]
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert row[0] == ([1,2,4], "aa4", u"aaa4")
list1 = list(row[1])
obj = list1.pop()
assert list1 == [4,4]
#assert obj.c == C().c
assert obj == [24]
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 3
def test07_VLUnicodeAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with variable length Unicode strings"""
# Skip the test if the default encoding has been mangled.
if sys.getdefaultencoding() != 'ascii':
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test07_VLUnicodeAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(
'/', "VLUnicodeAtom", VLUnicodeAtom() )
# Check for ticket #62.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, vlarray.append, ["foo", "bar"])
# `VLUnicodeAtom` makes no encoding assumptions.
self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, vlarray.append, "asd\xe4")
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 4
assert row[0] == u"asd"
assert row[1] == u"asd\u0140"
assert row[2] == u"aaana"
assert row[3] == u""
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 4
assert len(row[2]) == 5
assert len(row[3]) == 0
def test07b_VLUnicodeAtom(self):
"""Checking updating vlarray with variable length Unicode strings"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test07b_VLUnicodeAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(
'/', "VLUnicodeAtom", VLUnicodeAtom() )
# Modify values
vlarray[0] = u"as\xe4"
vlarray[1] = u"aaan\u0140"
self.assertRaises(ValueError, vlarray.__setitem__, 1, "shrt")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, vlarray.__setitem__, 1, "toolong")
if self.reopen:
name = vlarray._v_pathname
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(name)
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", `row[0]`
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", `row[1]`
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert row[0] == u"as\xe4"
assert row[1] == u"aaan\u0140"
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 5
class TypesReopenTestCase(TypesTestCase):
title = "Reopen"
reopen = True
class TypesNoReopenTestCase(TypesTestCase):
title = "No reopen"
reopen = False
class MDTypesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
mode = "w"
compress = 0
complib = "zlib" # Default compression library
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, self.mode)
self.rootgroup = self.fileh.root
def tearDown(self):
def test01_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with MD NumPy string atoms"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'stringAtom',
StringAtom(itemsize=3, shape=(2,)),
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.append([["123", "45"],["45", "123"]])
vlarray.append([["s", "abc"],["abc", "f"],
["s", "ab"],["ab", "f"]])
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([["123", "45"],["45", "123"]]))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([["s", "abc"],["abc", "f"],
["s", "ab"],["ab", "f"]]))
assert len(row[0]) == 2
assert len(row[1]) == 4
def test01b_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with MD NumPy string atoms ('python' flavor)"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01b_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'stringAtom',
StringAtom(itemsize=3, shape=(2,)),
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "python"
vlarray.append([["123", "45"],["45", "123"]])
vlarray.append([["s", "abc"],["abc", "f"],
["s", "ab"],["ab", "f"]])
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert row[0] == [["123", "45"],["45", "123"]]
assert row[1] == [["s", "abc"],["abc", "f"],
["s", "ab"],["ab", "f"]]
assert len(row[0]) == 2
assert len(row[1]) == 4
def test01c_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with MD NumPy string atoms (with offset)"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01c_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'stringAtom',
StringAtom(itemsize=3, shape=(2,)),
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "python"
a = numpy.array([["a","b"],["123", "45"],["45", "123"]], dtype="S3")
a = numpy.array([["s", "a"],["ab", "f"],
["s", "abc"],["abc", "f"],
["s", "ab"],["ab", "f"]])
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert row[0] == [["123", "45"],["45", "123"]]
assert row[1] == [["s", "abc"],["abc", "f"],
["s", "ab"],["ab", "f"]]
assert len(row[0]) == 2
assert len(row[1]) == 4
def test01d_StringAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with MD NumPy string atoms (with stride)"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01d_StringAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'stringAtom',
StringAtom(itemsize=3, shape=(2,)),
"Ragged array of strings")
vlarray.flavor = "python"
a = numpy.array([["a","b"],["123", "45"],["45", "123"]], dtype="S3")
a = numpy.array([["s", "a"],["ab", "f"],
["s", "abc"],["abc", "f"],
["s", "ab"],["ab", "f"]])
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert row[0] == [["123", "45"]]
assert row[1] == [["s", "a"],["abc", "f"]]
assert len(row[0]) == 1
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test02_BoolAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with MD boolean atoms"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02_BoolAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'BoolAtom',
BoolAtom(shape = (3,)),
"Ragged array of Booleans")
vlarray.append([(1,0,3), (1,1,1), (0,0,0)])
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([[1,0,1],[1,1,1],[0,0,0]], dtype='bool'))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([[1,0,0]], dtype='bool'))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 1
def test02b_BoolAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with MD boolean atoms (with offset)"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02b_BoolAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'BoolAtom',
BoolAtom(shape = (3,)),
"Ragged array of Booleans")
a = numpy.array([(0,0,0), (1,0,3), (1,1,1), (0,0,0)], dtype='bool')
vlarray.append(a[1:]) # Create an offset
a = numpy.array([(1,1,1), (-1,0,0)], dtype='bool')
vlarray.append(a[1:]) # Create an offset
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([[1,0,1],[1,1,1],[0,0,0]], dtype='bool'))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([[1,0,0]], dtype='bool'))
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 1
def test02c_BoolAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with MD boolean atoms (with strides)"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02c_BoolAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'BoolAtom',
BoolAtom(shape = (3,)),
"Ragged array of Booleans")
a = numpy.array([(0,0,0), (1,0,3), (1,1,1), (0,0,0)], dtype='bool')
vlarray.append(a[1::2]) # Create an strided array
a = numpy.array([(1,1,1), (-1,0,0), (0,0,0)], dtype='bool')
vlarray.append(a[::2]) # Create an strided array
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([[1,0,1],[0,0,0]], dtype='bool'))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([[1,1,1],[0,0,0]], dtype='bool'))
assert len(row[0]) == 2
assert len(row[1]) == 2
def test03_IntAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with MD integer atoms"""
ttypes = ["Int8",
#"UInt64", # Unavailable in some platforms
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_IntAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, atype,
Atom.from_sctype(atype, (2,3)))
vlarray.append([numpy.ones((2,3), atype),
numpy.zeros((2,3), atype)])
vlarray.append([numpy.ones((2,3), atype)*100])
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", repr(row[1])
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([numpy.ones((2,3)),
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([numpy.ones((2,3))*100],
assert len(row[0]) == 2
assert len(row[1]) == 1
def test04_FloatAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with MD floating point atoms"""
ttypes = ["Float32",
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04_FloatAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, atype,
Atom.from_sctype(atype, (5,2,6)))
vlarray.append([numpy.ones((5,2,6), atype)*1.3,
numpy.zeros((5,2,6), atype)])
vlarray.append([numpy.ones((5,2,6), atype)*2.e4])
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing type:", atype
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == 2
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.array([numpy.ones((5,2,6))*1.3,
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.array([numpy.ones((5,2,6))*2.e4],
assert len(row[0]) == 2
assert len(row[1]) == 1
class MDTypesNumPyTestCase(MDTypesTestCase):
title = "MDTypes"
class AppendShapeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
mode = "w"
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, self.mode)
self.rootgroup = self.fileh.root
def tearDown(self):
def test00_difinputs(self):
"""Checking vlarray.append() with different inputs"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test00_difinputs..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray',
"Ragged array of ints")
vlarray.flavor = "python"
# Check different ways to input
# All of the next should lead to the same rows
vlarray.append((1,2,3)) # a tuple
vlarray.append([1,2,3]) # a unique list
vlarray.append(numpy.array([1,2,3], dtype='int32')) # and array
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Read all the vlarray
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 3
assert row[0] == [1,2,3]
assert row[1] == [1,2,3]
assert row[2] == [1,2,3]
def test01_toomanydims(self):
"""Checking vlarray.append() with too many dimensions"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_toomanydims..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray',
"Ragged array of strings")
# Adding an array with one dimensionality more than allowed
vlarray.append([["123", "456", "3"]])
except ValueError:
if common.verbose:
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
print "\nGreat!, the next RuntimeError was catched!"
print value
self.fail("expected a ValueError")
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Read all the rows (there should be none)
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
assert vlarray.nrows == 0
def test02_zerodims(self):
"""Checking vlarray.append() with a zero-dimensional array"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02_zerodims..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray',
"Ragged array of ints")
vlarray.append(numpy.zeros(dtype='int32', shape=(6,0)))
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Read the only row in vlarray
row = vlarray.read(0)[0]
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", repr(row)
assert vlarray.nrows == 1
assert allequal(row, numpy.zeros(dtype='int32', shape=(0,)))
assert len(row) == 0
def test03a_cast(self):
"""Checking vlarray.append() with a casted array (upgrading case)"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03a_cast..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray',
"Ragged array of ints")
# This type has to be upgraded
vlarray.append(numpy.array([1,2], dtype='int16'))
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Read the only row in vlarray
row = vlarray.read(0)[0]
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", repr(row)
assert vlarray.nrows == 1
assert allequal(row, numpy.array([1,2], dtype='int32'))
assert len(row) == 2
def test03b_cast(self):
"""Checking vlarray.append() with a casted array (downgrading case)"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03b_cast..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, 'vlarray',
"Ragged array of ints")
# This type has to be downcasted
vlarray.append(numpy.array([1,2], dtype='float64'))
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Read the only row in vlarray
row = vlarray.read(0)[0]
if common.verbose:
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", repr(row)
assert vlarray.nrows == 1
assert allequal(row, numpy.array([1,2], dtype='int32'))
assert len(row) == 2
class OpenAppendShapeTestCase(AppendShapeTestCase):
close = 0
class CloseAppendShapeTestCase(AppendShapeTestCase):
close = 1
class FlavorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
mode = "w"
compress = 0
complib = "zlib" # Default compression library
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, self.mode)
self.rootgroup = self.fileh.root
def tearDown(self):
def test01a_EmptyVLArray(self):
"""Checking empty vlarrays with different flavors (closing the file)"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_EmptyVLArray..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, "vlarray",
Atom.from_kind('int', itemsize=4))
vlarray.flavor = self.flavor
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
# Read all the rows (it should be empty):
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing flavor:", self.flavor
print "Object read:", row, repr(row)
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
# Check that the object read is effectively empty
assert vlarray.nrows == 0
assert row == []
def test01b_EmptyVLArray(self):
"""Checking empty vlarrays with different flavors (no closing file)"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_EmptyVLArray..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, "vlarray",
Atom.from_kind('int', itemsize=4))
vlarray.flavor = self.flavor
# Read all the rows (it should be empty):
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing flavor:", self.flavor
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
# Check that the object read is effectively empty
assert vlarray.nrows == 0
assert row == []
def test02_BooleanAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with different flavors (boolean versions)"""
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02_BoolAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, "Bool", BoolAtom())
vlarray.flavor = self.flavor
vlarray.append(()) # Empty row
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing flavor:", self.flavor
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 3
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 0
assert len(row[2]) == 2
if self.flavor == "python":
arr1 = [1,1,1]
arr2 = []
arr3 = [1,0]
elif self.flavor == "numpy":
arr1 = numpy.array([1,1,1], dtype="bool")
arr2 = numpy.array([], dtype="bool")
arr3 = numpy.array([1,0], dtype="bool")
elif self.flavor == "numeric":
arr1 = Numeric.array([1,1,1], typecode="1")
arr2 = Numeric.array([], typecode="1")
arr3 = Numeric.array([1,0], typecode="1")
elif self.flavor == "numarray":
arr1 = numarray.array([1,1,1], type='Bool')
arr2 = numarray.array([], type='Bool')
arr3 = numarray.array([1,0], type='Bool')
if self.flavor in ['numpy', 'numarray', 'numeric']:
allequal(row[0], arr1, self.flavor)
allequal(row[1], arr2, self.flavor)
allequal(row[1], arr2, self.flavor)
# 'python' flavor
assert row[0] == arr1
assert row[1] == arr2
assert row[2] == arr3
def test03_IntAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with different flavors (integer versions)"""
ttypes = ["Int8",
# Not checked because of Numeric <-> numarray
# conversion problems
# Not checked because some platforms does not support it
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_IntAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, atype,
vlarray.flavor = self.flavor
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing flavor:", self.flavor
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 3
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 0
assert len(row[2]) == 2
if self.flavor == "python":
arr1 = [1,2,3]
arr2 = []
arr3 = [100,0]
elif self.flavor == "numpy":
arr1 = numpy.array([1,2,3], dtype=atype)
arr2 = numpy.array([], dtype=atype)
arr3 = numpy.array([100,0], dtype=atype)
elif self.flavor == "numeric":
type_ = numpy.dtype(atype).base.name
arr1 = Numeric.array([1,2,3], typecode=typecode[type_])
arr2 = Numeric.array([], typecode=typecode[type_])
arr3 = Numeric.array([100,0], typecode=typecode[type_])
elif self.flavor == "numarray":
arr1 = numarray.array([1,2,3], type=atype)
arr2 = numarray.array([], type=atype)
arr3 = numarray.array([100, 0], type=atype)
if self.flavor in ["numpy", "numarray", "numeric"]:
allequal(row[0], arr1, self.flavor)
allequal(row[1], arr2, self.flavor)
allequal(row[2], arr3, self.flavor)
# "python" flavor
assert row[0] == arr1
assert row[1] == arr2
assert row[2] == arr3
def test03b_IntAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray flavors (integer versions and closed file)"""
ttypes = ["Int8",
# Not checked because of Numeric <-> NumPy
# conversion problems
# Not checked because some platforms does not support it
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_IntAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, atype,
vlarray.flavor = self.flavor
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a") # open in "a"ppend mode
root = self.fileh.root # Very important!
vlarray = self.fileh.getNode(root, str(atype))
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing flavor:", self.flavor
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 3
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 0
assert len(row[2]) == 2
if self.flavor == "python":
arr1 = [1,2,3]
arr2 = []
arr3 = [100,0]
elif self.flavor == "numpy":
arr1 = numpy.array([1,2,3], dtype=atype)
arr2 = numpy.array([], dtype=atype)
arr3 = numpy.array([100,0], dtype=atype)
elif self.flavor == "numeric":
type_ = numpy.dtype(atype).base.name
arr1 = Numeric.array([1,2,3], typecode=typecode[type_])
arr2 = Numeric.array([], typecode=typecode[type_])
arr3 = Numeric.array([100,0], typecode=typecode[type_])
elif self.flavor == "numarray":
arr1 = numarray.array([1,2,3], type=atype)
arr2 = numarray.array([], type=atype)
arr3 = numarray.array([100, 0], type=atype)
if self.flavor in ["numpy", "numarray", "numeric"]:
allequal(row[0], arr1, self.flavor)
allequal(row[1], arr2, self.flavor)
allequal(row[2], arr3, self.flavor)
# Tuple or List flavors
assert row[0] == arr1
assert row[1] == arr2
assert row[2] == arr3
def test04_FloatAtom(self):
"""Checking vlarray with different flavors (floating point versions)"""
ttypes = ["Float32",
root = self.rootgroup
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04_FloatAtom..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an string atom
for atype in ttypes:
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(root, atype,
vlarray.flavor = self.flavor
# Read all the rows:
row = vlarray.read()
if common.verbose:
print "Testing flavor:", self.flavor
print "Object read:", row
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
assert vlarray.nrows == 3
assert len(row[0]) == 3
assert len(row[1]) == 0
assert len(row[2]) == 2
if self.flavor == "python":
arr1 = list(numpy.array([1.3,2.2,3.3], atype))
arr2 = list(numpy.array([], atype))
arr3 = list(numpy.array([-1.3e34,1.e-32], atype))
elif self.flavor == "numpy":
arr1 = numpy.array([1.3,2.2,3.3], dtype=atype)
arr2 = numpy.array([], dtype=atype)
arr3 = numpy.array([-1.3e34,1.e-32], dtype=atype)
elif self.flavor == "numeric":
type_ = numpy.dtype(atype).base.name
arr1 = Numeric.array([1.3,2.2,3.3], typecode[type_])
arr2 = Numeric.array([], typecode[type_])
arr3 = Numeric.array([-1.3e34,1.e-32], typecode[type_])
elif self.flavor == "numarray":
arr1 = numarray.array([1.3,2.2,3.3], type=atype)
arr2 = numarray.array([], type=atype)
arr3 = numarray.array([-1.3e34,1.e-32], type=atype)
if self.flavor in ["numpy", "numarray", "numeric"]:
allequal(row[0], arr1, self.flavor)
allequal(row[1], arr2, self.flavor)
allequal(row[2], arr3, self.flavor)
# Tuple or List flavors
assert row[0] == arr1
assert row[1] == arr2
assert row[2] == arr3
class NumPyFlavorTestCase(FlavorTestCase):
flavor = "numpy"
class NumArrayFlavorTestCase(FlavorTestCase):
flavor = "numarray"
class NumericFlavorTestCase(FlavorTestCase):
flavor = "numeric"
class PythonFlavorTestCase(FlavorTestCase):
flavor = "python"
class ReadRangeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
nrows = 100
mode = "w"
compress = 0
complib = "zlib" # Default compression library
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, self.mode)
self.rootgroup = self.fileh.root
def populateFile(self):
group = self.rootgroup
filters = Filters(complevel = self.compress,
complib = self.complib)
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(group, 'vlarray', Int32Atom(),
"ragged array if ints",
filters = filters,
expectedsizeinMB = 1)
# Fill it with 100 rows with variable length
for i in range(self.nrows):
def tearDown(self):
def test01_start(self):
"Checking reads with only a start value"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_start..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32'))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32'))
assert allequal(row[2], numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'))
def test01b_start(self):
"Checking reads with only a start value in a slice"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01b_start..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32'))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32'))
assert allequal(row[2], numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'))
def test01np_start(self):
"Checking reads with only a start value in a slice (numpy indexes)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01np_start..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32'))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32'))
assert allequal(row[2], numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'))
def test02_stop(self):
"Checking reads with only a stop value"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02_stop..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 1
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0][0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(10):
assert allequal(row[1][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(99):
assert allequal(row[2][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test02b_stop(self):
"Checking reads with only a stop value in a slice"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02b_stop..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 1
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
for x in range(1):
assert allequal(row[0][x], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(10):
assert allequal(row[1][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(99):
assert allequal(row[2][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test03_startstop(self):
"Checking reads with a start and stop values"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_startstop..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
row.append(vlarray.read(0,100)) # read all the array
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 10
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 100
for x in range(0,10):
assert allequal(row[0][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(5,15):
assert allequal(row[1][x-5], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(0,100):
assert allequal(row[2][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test03b_startstop(self):
"Checking reads with a start and stop values in slices"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03b_startstop..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
row.append(vlarray[:]) # read all the array
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 10
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 100
for x in range(0,10):
assert allequal(row[0][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(5,15):
assert allequal(row[1][x-5], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(0,100):
assert allequal(row[2][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test04_startstopstep(self):
"Checking reads with a start, stop & step values"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04_startstopstep..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 4
assert len(row[2]) == 5
for x in range(0,10,2):
assert allequal(row[0][x/2], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(5,15,3):
assert allequal(row[1][(x-5)/3], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(0,100,20):
assert allequal(row[2][x/20], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test04np_startstopstep(self):
"Checking reads with a start, stop & step values (numpy indices)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04np_startstopstep..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 4
assert len(row[2]) == 5
for x in range(0,10,2):
assert allequal(row[0][x/2], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(5,15,3):
assert allequal(row[1][(x-5)/3], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(0,100,20):
assert allequal(row[2][x/20], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test04b_slices(self):
"Checking reads with start, stop & step values in slices"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04b_slices..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 4
assert len(row[2]) == 5
for x in range(0,10,2):
assert allequal(row[0][x/2], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(5,15,3):
assert allequal(row[1][(x-5)/3], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(0,100,20):
assert allequal(row[2][x/20], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test04bnp_slices(self):
"Checking reads with start, stop & step values in slices (numpy indices)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04bnp_slices..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 4
assert len(row[2]) == 5
for x in range(0,10,2):
assert allequal(row[0][x/2], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(5,15,3):
assert allequal(row[1][(x-5)/3], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(0,100,20):
assert allequal(row[2][x/20], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test05_out_of_range(self):
"Checking out of range reads"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test05_out_of_range..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
row = vlarray.read(1000)[0]
print "row-->", row
except IndexError:
if common.verbose:
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
print "\nGreat!, the next IndexError was catched!"
print value
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
self.fail("expected a IndexError and got:\n%s" % value)
class GetItemRangeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
nrows = 100
mode = "w"
compress = 0
complib = "zlib" # Default compression library
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, self.mode)
self.rootgroup = self.fileh.root
def populateFile(self):
group = self.rootgroup
filters = Filters(complevel = self.compress,
complib = self.complib)
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(group, 'vlarray', Int32Atom(),
"ragged array if ints",
filters = filters,
expectedsizeinMB = 1)
# Fill it with 100 rows with variable length
for i in range(self.nrows):
def tearDown(self):
def test01_start(self):
"Checking reads with only a start value"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_start..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32'))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32'))
assert allequal(row[2], numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'))
def test01b_start(self):
"Checking reads with only a start value in a slice"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01b_start..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32'))
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32'))
assert allequal(row[2], numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'))
def test02_stop(self):
"Checking reads with only a stop value"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02_stop..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "First row in vlarray ==>", row[0]
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 1
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0][0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(10):
assert allequal(row[1][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(99):
assert allequal(row[2][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test02b_stop(self):
"Checking reads with only a stop value in a slice"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02b_stop..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 1
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
for x in range(1):
assert allequal(row[0][x], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(10):
assert allequal(row[1][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(99):
assert allequal(row[2][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test03_startstop(self):
"Checking reads with a start and stop values"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_startstop..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
row.append(vlarray[0:100]) # read all the array
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 10
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 100
for x in range(0,10):
assert allequal(row[0][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(5,15):
assert allequal(row[1][x-5], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(0,100):
assert allequal(row[2][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test03b_startstop(self):
"Checking reads with a start and stop values in slices"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03b_startstop..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
row.append(vlarray[:]) # read all the array
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 10
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 100
for x in range(0,10):
assert allequal(row[0][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(5,15):
assert allequal(row[1][x-5], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(0,100):
assert allequal(row[2][x], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test04_slices(self):
"Checking reads with a start, stop & step values"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04_slices..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 4
assert len(row[2]) == 5
for x in range(0,10,2):
assert allequal(row[0][x/2], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(5,15,3):
assert allequal(row[1][(x-5)/3], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(0,100,20):
assert allequal(row[2][x/20], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test04bnp_slices(self):
"Checking reads with start, stop & step values (numpy indices)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04np_slices..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Choose a small value for buffer size
vlarray._nrowsinbuf = 3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 5
assert len(row[1]) == 4
assert len(row[2]) == 5
for x in range(0,10,2):
assert allequal(row[0][x/2], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(5,15,3):
assert allequal(row[1][(x-5)/3], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
for x in range(0,100,20):
assert allequal(row[2][x/20], numpy.arange(x, dtype='int32'))
def test05_out_of_range(self):
"Checking out of range reads"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test05_out_of_range..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
row = vlarray[1000]
print "row-->", row
except IndexError:
if common.verbose:
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
print "\nGreat!, the next IndexError was catched!"
print value
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
self.fail("expected a IndexError and got:\n%s" % value)
def test05np_out_of_range(self):
"Checking out of range reads (numpy indexes)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test05np_out_of_range..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "r")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
row = vlarray[numpy.int32(1000)]
print "row-->", row
except IndexError:
if common.verbose:
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
print "\nGreat!, the next IndexError was catched!"
print value
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
self.fail("expected a IndexError and got:\n%s" % value)
class SetRangeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
nrows = 100
mode = "w"
compress = 0
complib = "zlib" # Default compression library
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, self.mode)
self.rootgroup = self.fileh.root
def populateFile(self):
group = self.rootgroup
filters = Filters(complevel = self.compress,
complib = self.complib)
vlarray = self.fileh.createVLArray(group, 'vlarray', Int32Atom(),
"ragged array if ints",
filters = filters,
expectedsizeinMB = 1)
# Fill it with 100 rows with variable length
for i in range(self.nrows):
def tearDown(self):
def test01_start(self):
"Checking updates that modifies a complete row"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_start..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Modify some rows:
vlarray[0] = vlarray[0]*2+3
vlarray[10] = vlarray[10]*2+3
vlarray[99] = vlarray[99]*2+3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32')*2+3)
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32')*2+3)
assert allequal(row[2], numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32')*2+3)
def test01np_start(self):
"Checking updates that modifies a complete row"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01np_start..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Modify some rows:
vlarray[numpy.int8(0)] = vlarray[numpy.int16(0)]*2+3
vlarray[numpy.int8(10)] = vlarray[numpy.int8(10)]*2+3
vlarray[numpy.int32(99)] = vlarray[numpy.int64(99)]*2+3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32')*2+3)
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32')*2+3)
assert allequal(row[2], numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32')*2+3)
def test02_start(self):
"Checking updates with only a part of a row (start, None)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02_start..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Modify some rows:
vlarray[0] = vlarray[0]*2+3
vlarray[10,0:] = vlarray[10]*2+3
#print "shape1, shape2-->", vlarray[99].shape, vlarray[96].shape
vlarray[99,3:] = vlarray[96]*2+3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32')*2+3)
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32')*2+3)
a = numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'); a[3:] = a[:96]*2+3
assert allequal(row[2], a)
def test03_stop(self):
"Checking updates with only a part of a row (None, stop)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_stop..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Modify some rows:
vlarray[0] = vlarray[0]*2+3
vlarray[10,:10] = vlarray[10]*2+3
#print "shape1, shape2-->", vlarray[99].shape, vlarray[96].shape
vlarray[99,:3] = vlarray[3]*2+3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32')*2+3)
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32')*2+3)
a = numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'); a[:3] = a[:3]*2+3
assert allequal(row[2], a)
def test04_start_stop(self):
"Checking updates with only a part of a row (start, stop)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04_start_stop..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Modify some rows:
vlarray[0] = vlarray[0]*2+3
vlarray[10,0:9] = vlarray[9]*2+3
#print "vlarray[10]-->", `vlarray[10]`
vlarray[99,3:5] = vlarray[2]*2+3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32')*2+3)
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.concatenate([numpy.arange(9, dtype='int32')*2+3,
numpy.array([9], dtype='int32')]))
a = numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'); a[3:5] = a[:2]*2+3
assert allequal(row[2], a)
def test05_start_stop(self):
"Checking updates with only a part of a row (-start, -stop)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test05_start_stop_step..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Modify some rows:
vlarray[0] = vlarray[0]*2+3
vlarray[10,-10:-1] = vlarray[9]*2+3
#print "shape1, shape2-->", vlarray[99].shape, vlarray[96].shape
vlarray[99,-99:-89:2] = vlarray[5]*2+3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32')*2+3)
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.concatenate([numpy.arange(9, dtype='int32')*2+3,
numpy.array([9], dtype='int32')]))
a = numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'); a[-99:-89:2] = a[:5]*2+3
assert allequal(row[2], a)
def test06_start_stop_step(self):
"Checking updates with only a part of a row (start, stop, step)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test06_start_stop_step..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Modify some rows:
vlarray[0] = vlarray[0]*2+3
vlarray[10,0:10:1] = vlarray[10]*2+3
#print "shape1, shape2-->", vlarray[99].shape, vlarray[96].shape
vlarray[99,1:11:2] = vlarray[5]*2+3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32')*2+3)
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32')*2+3)
a = numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'); a[1:11:2] = a[:5]*2+3
assert allequal(row[2], a)
def test06np_start_stop_step(self):
"Checking updates with only a part of a row (start, stop, step). numpy idx"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test06np_start_stop_step..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
# Modify some rows:
vlarray[numpy.int8(0)] = vlarray[numpy.int8(0)]*2+3
vlarray[10,numpy.int8(0):numpy.int8(10):numpy.int8(1)] = vlarray[10]*2+3
#print "shape1, shape2-->", vlarray[99].shape, vlarray[96].shape
vlarray[numpy.int8(99),numpy.int8(1):numpy.int8(11):2] = vlarray[5]*2+3
# Read some rows:
row = []
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
print "Second row in vlarray ==>", row[1]
assert vlarray.nrows == self.nrows
assert len(row[0]) == 0
assert len(row[1]) == 10
assert len(row[2]) == 99
assert allequal(row[0], numpy.arange(0, dtype='int32')*2+3)
assert allequal(row[1], numpy.arange(10, dtype='int32')*2+3)
a = numpy.arange(99, dtype='int32'); a[1:11:2] = a[:5]*2+3
assert allequal(row[2], a)
def test07_out_of_range(self):
"Checking out of range updates (first index)"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test07_out_of_range..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
vlarray[1000] = [1]
print "row-->", row
except IndexError:
if common.verbose:
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
print "\nGreat!, the next IndexError was catched!"
print value
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
self.fail("expected a IndexError and got:\n%s" % value)
def test08_value_error(self):
"Checking out value errors"
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test08_value_error..." % self.__class__.__name__
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "a")
vlarray = self.fileh.root.vlarray
if common.verbose:
print "Nrows in", vlarray._v_pathname, ":", vlarray.nrows
vlarray[10,1:100] = [1]*10
print "row-->", row
except ValueError:
if common.verbose:
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
print "\nGreat!, the next ValueError was catched!"
print value
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
self.fail("expected a ValueError and got:\n%s" % value)
class CopyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
close = True
def test01a_copy(self):
"""Checking VLArray.copy() method """
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01a_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
fileh = openFile(file, "w")
# Create an Vlarray
arr = Int16Atom(shape=2)
array1 = fileh.createVLArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr, "title array1")
array1.flavor = "python"
array1.append(()) # an empty row
array1.append([[3, 457],[2,4]])
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "a")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
# Copy it to another location
array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2')
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
array2 = fileh.root.array2
if common.verbose:
print "array1-->", repr(array1)
print "array2-->", repr(array2)
print "array1[:]-->", repr(array1.read())
print "array2[:]-->", repr(array2.read())
print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs)
print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs)
# Check that all the elements are equal
assert array1.read() == array2.read()
# Assert other properties in array
assert array1.nrows == array2.nrows
assert array1.shape == array2.shape
assert array1.flavor == array2.flavor
assert array1.atom.dtype == array2.atom.dtype
assert repr(array1.atom) == repr(array2.atom)
assert array1.title == array2.title
# Close the file
def test01b_copy(self):
"""Checking VLArray.copy() method. Pseudo-atom case."""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01b_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
fileh = openFile(file, "w")
# Create an Vlarray
arr = VLStringAtom()
array1 = fileh.createVLArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr, "title array1")
array1.flavor = "python"
array1.append("a string")
array1.append("") # an empty row
array1.append("another string")
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "a")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
# Copy it to another location
array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2')
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
array2 = fileh.root.array2
if common.verbose:
print "array1-->", repr(array1)
print "array2-->", repr(array2)
print "array1[:]-->", repr(array1.read())
print "array2[:]-->", repr(array2.read())
print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs)
print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs)
# Check that all the elements are equal
assert array1.read() == array2.read()
# Assert other properties in array
assert array1.nrows == array2.nrows
assert array1.shape == array2.shape
assert array1.flavor == array2.flavor
assert array1.atom.type == array2.atom.type
assert repr(array1.atom) == repr(array2.atom)
assert array1.title == array2.title
# Close the file
def test02_copy(self):
"""Checking VLArray.copy() method (where specified)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test02_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
fileh = openFile(file, "w")
# Create an VLArray
arr = Int16Atom(shape=2)
array1 = fileh.createVLArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr, "title array1")
array1.flavor = "python"
array1.append(()) # an empty row
array1.append([[3, 457],[2,4]])
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "a")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
# Copy to another location
group1 = fileh.createGroup("/", "group1")
array2 = array1.copy(group1, 'array2')
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
array2 = fileh.root.group1.array2
if common.verbose:
print "array1-->", repr(array1)
print "array2-->", repr(array2)
print "array1-->", array1.read()
print "array2-->", array2.read()
print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs)
print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs)
# Check that all the elements are equal
assert array1.read() == array2.read()
# Assert other properties in array
assert array1.nrows == array2.nrows
assert array1.shape == array2.shape
assert array1.flavor == array2.flavor
assert array1.atom.dtype == array2.atom.dtype
assert repr(array1.atom) == repr(array1.atom)
assert array1.title == array2.title
# Close the file
def test03_copy(self):
"""Checking VLArray.copy() method ('numarray' flavor)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
fileh = openFile(file, "w")
# Create an VLArray
if numarray_imported:
flavor = "numarray"
flavor = "numpy"
arr = Int16Atom(shape=2)
array1 = fileh.createVLArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr,
"title array1")
array1.flavor = flavor
array1.append(()) # an empty row
array1.append([[3, 457],[2,4]])
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "a")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
# Copy to another location
array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2')
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
array2 = fileh.root.array2
if common.verbose:
print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs)
print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs)
# Assert other properties in array
assert array1.nrows == array2.nrows
assert array1.shape == array2.shape
assert array1.flavor == array2.flavor # Very important here
assert array1.atom.dtype == array2.atom.dtype
assert repr(array1.atom) == repr(array1.atom)
assert array1.title == array2.title
# Close the file
def test03a_copy(self):
"""Checking VLArray.copy() method ('numeric' flavor)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03a_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
fileh = openFile(file, "w")
# Create an VLArray
if numeric_imported:
flavor = "numeric"
flavor = "numpy"
arr = Int16Atom(shape=2)
array1 = fileh.createVLArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr,
"title array1")
array1.flavor = flavor
array1.append(()) # an empty row
array1.append([[3, 457],[2,4]])
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "a")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
# Copy to another location
array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2')
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
array2 = fileh.root.array2
if common.verbose:
print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs)
print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs)
# Assert other properties in array
assert array1.nrows == array2.nrows
assert array1.shape == array2.shape
assert array1.flavor == array2.flavor # Very important here
assert array1.atom.dtype == array2.atom.dtype
assert repr(array1.atom) == repr(array1.atom)
assert array1.title == array2.title
# Close the file
def test03b_copy(self):
"""Checking VLArray.copy() method ('python' flavor)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test03_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
fileh = openFile(file, "w")
# Create an VLArray
arr = Int16Atom(shape=2)
array1 = fileh.createVLArray(fileh.root, 'array1', arr,
"title array1")
array1.flavor = "python"
array1.append(()) # an empty row
array1.append(((3, 457),(2,4)))
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "a")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
# Copy to another location
array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2')
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
array2 = fileh.root.array2
if common.verbose:
print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs)
print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs)
# Assert other properties in array
assert array1.nrows == array2.nrows
assert array1.shape == array2.shape
assert array1.flavor == array2.flavor # Very important here
assert array1.atom.dtype == array2.atom.dtype
assert repr(array1.atom) == repr(array1.atom)
assert array1.title == array2.title
# Close the file
def test04_copy(self):
"""Checking VLArray.copy() method (checking title copying)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test04_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
fileh = openFile(file, "w")
# Create an VLArray
atom = Int16Atom(shape=2)
array1 = fileh.createVLArray(fileh.root, 'array1', atom,
"title array1")
array1.append(()) # an empty row
array1.append(((3, 457),(2,4)))
# Append some user attrs
array1.attrs.attr1 = "attr1"
array1.attrs.attr2 = 2
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "a")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
# Copy it to another Array
array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2', title="title array2")
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
array2 = fileh.root.array2
# Assert user attributes
if common.verbose:
print "title of destination array-->", array2.title
array2.title == "title array2"
# Close the file
def test05_copy(self):
"""Checking VLArray.copy() method (user attributes copied)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test05_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
fileh = openFile(file, "w")
# Create an Array
array1 = fileh.createVLArray(fileh.root, 'array1', atom,
"title array1")
array1.append(()) # an empty row
array1.append(((3, 457),(2,4)))
# Append some user attrs
array1.attrs.attr1 = "attr1"
array1.attrs.attr2 = 2
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "a")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
# Copy it to another Array
array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2', copyuserattrs=1)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
array2 = fileh.root.array2
if common.verbose:
print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs)
print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs)
# Assert user attributes
array2.attrs.attr1 == "attr1"
array2.attrs.attr2 == 2
# Close the file
def notest05b_copy(self):
"""Checking VLArray.copy() method (user attributes not copied)"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test05b_copy..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
fileh = openFile(file, "w")
# Create an VLArray
array1 = fileh.createVLArray(fileh.root, 'array1', atom,
"title array1")
array1.append(()) # an empty row
array1.append(((3, 457),(2,4)))
# Append some user attrs
array1.attrs.attr1 = "attr1"
array1.attrs.attr2 = 2
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "a")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
# Copy it to another Array
array2 = array1.copy('/', 'array2', copyuserattrs=0)
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "r")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
array2 = fileh.root.array2
if common.verbose:
print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs)
print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs)
# Assert user attributes
array2.attrs.attr1 == None
array2.attrs.attr2 == None
# Close the file
class CloseCopyTestCase(CopyTestCase):
close = 1
class OpenCopyTestCase(CopyTestCase):
close = 0
import sys
class CopyIndexTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test01_index(self):
"""Checking VLArray.copy() method with indexes"""
if common.verbose:
print '\n', '-=' * 30
print "Running %s.test01_index..." % self.__class__.__name__
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Array
file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
fileh = openFile(file, "w")
# Create an VLArray
atom = Int32Atom(shape=(2,))
array1 = fileh.createVLArray(fileh.root, 'array1', atom, "t array1")
array1.flavor = "python"
# The next creates 20 rows of variable length
r = []
for row in range(20):
r.append([[row, row+1]])
array1.append([row, row+1])
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
fileh = openFile(file, mode = "a")
array1 = fileh.root.array1
# Copy to another array
array2 = array1.copy("/", 'array2',
r2 = r[self.start:self.stop:self.step]
if common.verbose:
print "r2-->", r2
print "array2-->", array2[:]
print "attrs array1-->", repr(array1.attrs)
print "attrs array2-->", repr(array2.attrs)
print "nrows in array2-->", array2.nrows
print "and it should be-->", len(r2)
# Check that all the elements are equal
assert r2 == array2[:]
# Assert the number of rows in array
assert len(r2) == array2.nrows
# Close the file
class CopyIndex1TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 0
start = 0
stop = 7
step = 1
class CopyIndex2TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 1
start = 0
stop = -1
step = 1
class CopyIndex3TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 0
start = 1
stop = 7
step = 1
class CopyIndex4TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 1
start = 0
stop = 6
step = 1
class CopyIndex5TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 0
start = 3
stop = 7
step = 1
class CopyIndex6TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 1
start = 3
stop = 6
step = 2
class CopyIndex7TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 0
start = 0
stop = 7
step = 10
class CopyIndex8TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 1
start = 6
stop = -1 # Negative values means starting from the end
step = 1
class CopyIndex9TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 0
start = 3
stop = 4
step = 1
class CopyIndex10TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 1
start = 3
stop = 4
step = 2
class CopyIndex11TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 0
start = -3
stop = -1
step = 2
class CopyIndex12TestCase(CopyIndexTestCase):
close = 1
start = -1 # Should point to the last element
stop = None # None should mean the last element (including it)
step = 1
class ChunkshapeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.file = tempfile.mktemp('.h5')
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, 'w', title='Chunkshape test')
atom = Int32Atom(shape=(2,))
self.fileh.createVLArray('/', 'vlarray', atom, "t array1",
def tearDown(self):
def test00(self):
"""Test setting the chunkshape in a table (no reopen)."""
vla = self.fileh.root.vlarray
if common.verbose:
print "chunkshape-->", vla.chunkshape
assert vla.chunkshape == (13,)
def test01(self):
"""Test setting the chunkshape in a table (reopen)."""
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, 'r')
vla = self.fileh.root.vlarray
if common.verbose:
print "chunkshape-->", vla.chunkshape
assert vla.chunkshape == (13,)
class VLUEndianTestCase(common.PyTablesTestCase):
def test(self):
"""Accessing ``vlunicode`` data of a different endianness."""
h5fname = self._testFilename('vlunicode_endian.h5')
h5f = openFile(h5fname)
bedata = h5f.root.vlunicode_big[0]
ledata = h5f.root.vlunicode_little[0]
self.assertEqual(bedata, u'para\u0140lel')
self.assertEqual(ledata, u'para\u0140lel')
class TruncateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Create an instance of an HDF5 Table
self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".h5")
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, "w")
# Create an EArray
arr = Int16Atom(dflt=3)
array1 = self.fileh.createVLArray(
self.fileh.root, 'array1', arr, "title array1")
# Add a couple of rows
array1.append(numpy.array([456, 2], dtype='Int16'))
array1.append(numpy.array([3], dtype='Int16'))
def tearDown(self):
# Close the file
def test00_truncate(self):
"""Checking EArray.truncate() method (truncating to 0 rows)"""
# Only run this test for HDF5 >= 1.8.0
if whichLibVersion("hdf5")[1] < "1.8.0":
array1 = self.fileh.root.array1
# Truncate to 0 elements
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r")
array1 = self.fileh.root.array1
if common.verbose:
print "array1-->", array1.read()
self.assert_(array1.nrows == 0)
self.assert_(array1[:] == [])
def test01_truncate(self):
"""Checking EArray.truncate() method (truncating to 1 rows)"""
array1 = self.fileh.root.array1
# Truncate to 1 element
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r")
array1 = self.fileh.root.array1
if common.verbose:
print "array1-->", array1.read()
self.assert_(array1.nrows == 1)
assert allequal(
array1[0], numpy.array([456, 2], dtype='Int16'))
def test02_truncate(self):
"""Checking EArray.truncate() method (truncating to == self.nrows)"""
array1 = self.fileh.root.array1
# Truncate to 2 elements
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r")
array1 = self.fileh.root.array1
if common.verbose:
print "array1-->", array1.read()
self.assert_(array1.nrows == 2)
assert allequal(
array1[0], numpy.array([456, 2], dtype='Int16'))
assert allequal(
array1[1], numpy.array([3], dtype='Int16'))
def test03_truncate(self):
"""Checking EArray.truncate() method (truncating to > self.nrows)"""
array1 = self.fileh.root.array1
# Truncate to 4 elements
if self.close:
if common.verbose:
print "(closing file version)"
self.fileh = openFile(self.file, mode = "r")
array1 = self.fileh.root.array1
if common.verbose:
print "array1-->", array1.read()
self.assert_(array1.nrows == 4)
# Check the original values
assert allequal(
array1[0], numpy.array([456, 2], dtype='Int16'))
assert allequal(
array1[1], numpy.array([3], dtype='Int16'))
# Check that the added rows are empty
assert allequal(
array1[2], numpy.array([], dtype='Int16'))
assert allequal(
array1[3], numpy.array([], dtype='Int16'))
class TruncateOpenTestCase(TruncateTestCase):
close = 0
class TruncateCloseTestCase(TruncateTestCase):
close = 1
def suite():
theSuite = unittest.TestSuite()
global numeric
niter = 1
for n in range(niter):
if numeric_imported:
if numarray_imported:
return theSuite
if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest.main( defaultTest='suite' )