Load a set of Person and Address objects, specifying that
related PostalCode, City, Country objects should be pulled from long
term cache.
import environment
from model import Person,Address,cache_address_bits
from meta import Session
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
import os
for p in Session.query(Person).options(joinedload(Person.addresses), cache_address_bits):
print p.format_full()
print "\n\nIf this was the first run of relationship_caching.py, SQL was likely emitted to "\
"load postal codes, cities, countries.\n"\
"If run a second time, only a single SQL statement will run - all "\
"related data is pulled from cache.\n"\
"To clear the cache, delete the directory %r. \n"\
"This will cause a re-load of cities, postal codes and countries on "\
"the next run.\n"\
% os.path.join(environment.root, 'container_file')