# kinterbasdb.py
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Michael Bayer mike_mp@zzzcomputing.com
# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
The most common way to connect to a Firebird engine is implemented by
kinterbasdb__, currently maintained__ directly by the Firebird people.
The connection URL is of the form
Kinterbasedb backend specific keyword arguments are:
* type_conv - select the kind of mapping done on the types: by default SQLAlchemy
uses 200 with Unicode, datetime and decimal support (see details__).
* concurrency_level - set the backend policy with regards to threading issues: by default
SQLAlchemy uses policy 1 (see details__).
* enable_rowcount - True by default, setting this to False disables
the usage of "cursor.rowcount" with the
Kinterbasdb dialect, which SQLAlchemy ordinarily calls upon automatically
after any UPDATE or DELETE statement. When disabled, SQLAlchemy's
ResultProxy will return -1 for result.rowcount. The rationale here is
that Kinterbasdb requires a second round trip to the database when
.rowcount is called - since SQLA's resultproxy automatically closes
the cursor after a non-result-returning statement, rowcount must be
called, if at all, before the result object is returned. Additionally,
cursor.rowcount may not return correct results with older versions
of Firebird, and setting this flag to False will also cause the SQLAlchemy ORM
to ignore its usage. The behavior can also be controlled on a per-execution
basis using the `enable_rowcount` option with :meth:`execution_options()`::
conn = engine.connect().execution_options(enable_rowcount=True)
r = conn.execute(stmt)
print r.rowcount
__ http://sourceforge.net/projects/kinterbasdb
__ http://firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=devel&sub=python
__ http://kinterbasdb.sourceforge.net/dist_docs/usage.html#adv_param_conv_dynamic_type_translation
__ http://kinterbasdb.sourceforge.net/dist_docs/usage.html#special_issue_concurrency
from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird.base import FBDialect,\
FBCompiler, FBExecutionContext
from sqlalchemy import util,types
class _FBNumeric_kinterbasdb(sqltypes.Numeric):
def bind_processor(self, dialect):
def process(value):
if value is not None:
return str(value)
return value
return process
class FBExecutionContext_kinterbasdb(FBExecutionContext):
def rowcount(self):
if self.execution_options.get('enable_rowcount',
return self.cursor.rowcount
return -1
class FBDialect_kinterbasdb(FBDialect):
driver = 'kinterbasdb'
supports_sane_rowcount = False
supports_sane_multi_rowcount = False
execution_ctx_cls = FBExecutionContext_kinterbasdb
supports_native_decimal = True
colspecs = util.update_copy(
def __init__(self, type_conv=200, concurrency_level=1, enable_rowcount=True, **kwargs):
super(FBDialect_kinterbasdb, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.enable_rowcount = enable_rowcount
self.type_conv = type_conv
self.concurrency_level = concurrency_level
if enable_rowcount:
self.supports_sane_rowcount = True
def dbapi(cls):
k = __import__('kinterbasdb')
return k
def create_connect_args(self, url):
opts = url.translate_connect_args(username='user')
if opts.get('port'):
opts['host'] = "%s/%s" % (opts['host'], opts['port'])
del opts['port']
type_conv = opts.pop('type_conv', self.type_conv)
concurrency_level = opts.pop('concurrency_level', self.concurrency_level)
if self.dbapi is not None:
initialized = getattr(self.dbapi, 'initialized', None)
if initialized is None:
# CVS rev 1.96 changed the name of the attribute:
# http://kinterbasdb.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kinterbasdb/Kinterbasdb-3.0/__init__.py?r1=1.95&r2=1.96
initialized = getattr(self.dbapi, '_initialized', False)
if not initialized:
self.dbapi.init(type_conv=type_conv, concurrency_level=concurrency_level)
return ([], opts)
def _get_server_version_info(self, connection):
"""Get the version of the Firebird server used by a connection.
Returns a tuple of (`major`, `minor`, `build`), three integers
representing the version of the attached server.
# This is the simpler approach (the other uses the services api),
# that for backward compatibility reasons returns a string like
# LI-V6.3.3.12981 Firebird 2.0
# where the first version is a fake one resembling the old
# Interbase signature. This is more than enough for our purposes,
# as this is mainly (only?) used by the testsuite.
from re import match
fbconn = connection.connection
version = fbconn.server_version
m = match('\w+-V(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+) \w+ (\d+)\.(\d+)', version)
if not m:
raise AssertionError("Could not determine version from string '%s'" % version)
return tuple([int(x) for x in m.group(5, 6, 4)])
def is_disconnect(self, e):
if isinstance(e, (self.dbapi.OperationalError, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError)):
msg = str(e)
return ('Unable to complete network request to host' in msg or
'Invalid connection state' in msg or
'Invalid cursor state' in msg)
return False
dialect = FBDialect_kinterbasdb