"""Support for the Oracle database via the cx_oracle driver.
The Oracle dialect uses the cx_oracle driver, available at
http://cx-oracle.sourceforge.net/ . The dialect has several behaviors
which are specifically tailored towards compatibility with this module.
Version 5.0 or greater is **strongly** recommended, as SQLAlchemy makes
extensive use of the cx_oracle output converters for numeric and
string conversions.
Connecting with create_engine() uses the standard URL approach of
``oracle://user:pass@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...]``. If dbname is present, the
host, port, and dbname tokens are converted to a TNS name using the cx_oracle
:func:`makedsn()` function. Otherwise, the host token is taken directly as a TNS name.
Additional arguments which may be specified either as query string arguments on the
URL, or as keyword arguments to :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine()` are:
* *allow_twophase* - enable two-phase transactions. Defaults to ``True``.
* *arraysize* - set the cx_oracle.arraysize value on cursors, in SQLAlchemy
it defaults to 50. See the section on "LOB Objects" below.
* *auto_convert_lobs* - defaults to True, see the section on LOB objects.
* *auto_setinputsizes* - the cx_oracle.setinputsizes() call is issued for all bind parameters.
This is required for LOB datatypes but can be disabled to reduce overhead. Defaults
to ``True``.
* *mode* - This is given the string value of SYSDBA or SYSOPER, or alternatively an
integer value. This value is only available as a URL query string argument.
* *threaded* - enable multithreaded access to cx_oracle connections. Defaults
to ``True``. Note that this is the opposite default of cx_oracle itself.
cx_oracle 5 fully supports Python unicode objects. SQLAlchemy will pass
all unicode strings directly to cx_oracle, and additionally uses an output
handler so that all string based result values are returned as unicode as well.
LOB Objects
cx_oracle returns oracle LOBs using the cx_oracle.LOB object. SQLAlchemy converts
these to strings so that the interface of the Binary type is consistent with that of
other backends, and so that the linkage to a live cursor is not needed in scenarios
like result.fetchmany() and result.fetchall(). This means that by default, LOB
objects are fully fetched unconditionally by SQLAlchemy, and the linkage to a live
cursor is broken.
To disable this processing, pass ``auto_convert_lobs=False`` to :func:`create_engine()`.
Two Phase Transaction Support
Two Phase transactions are implemented using XA transactions. Success has been reported
with this feature but it should be regarded as experimental.
from sqlalchemy.dialects.oracle.base import OracleCompiler,OracleDialect,\
RESERVED_WORDS, OracleExecutionContext
from sqlalchemy.dialects.oracle import base
from sqlalchemy.engine import base
from sqlalchemy import types
from datetime import datetime
import random
from decimal import Decimal
class _OracleNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric):
def bind_processor(self, dialect):
# cx_oracle accepts Decimal objects and floats
return None
def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
# we apply a connection output handler that
# returns Decimal for positive precision + scale NUMBER
# types
if dialect.supports_native_decimal:
if self.asdecimal and self.scale is None:
elif not self.asdecimal and self.scale > 0:
return processors.to_float
return None
# cx_oracle 4 behavior, will assume
# floats
return super(_OracleNumeric, self).\
result_processor(dialect, coltype)
class _OracleDate(sqltypes.Date):
def bind_processor(self, dialect):
return None
def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
def process(value):
if value is not None:
return value.date()
return value
return process
class _LOBMixin(object):
def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
if not dialect.auto_convert_lobs:
# return the cx_oracle.LOB directly.
return None
def process(value):
if value is not None:
return value.read()
return value
return process
class _NativeUnicodeMixin(object):
# Py2K
def bind_processor(self, dialect):
if dialect._cx_oracle_with_unicode:
def process(value):
if value is None:
return value
return unicode(value)
return process
return super(_NativeUnicodeMixin, self).bind_processor(dialect)
# end Py2K
# we apply a connection output handler that returns
# unicode in all cases, so the "native_unicode" flag
# will be set for the default String.result_processor.
class _OracleChar(_NativeUnicodeMixin, sqltypes.CHAR):
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
return dbapi.FIXED_CHAR
class _OracleNVarChar(_NativeUnicodeMixin, sqltypes.NVARCHAR):
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
class _OracleText(_LOBMixin, sqltypes.Text):
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
return dbapi.CLOB
class _OracleString(_NativeUnicodeMixin, sqltypes.String):
class _OracleUnicodeText(_LOBMixin, _NativeUnicodeMixin, sqltypes.UnicodeText):
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
return dbapi.NCLOB
def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
lob_processor = _LOBMixin.result_processor(self, dialect, coltype)
if lob_processor is None:
return None
string_processor = sqltypes.UnicodeText.result_processor(self, dialect, coltype)
if string_processor is None:
return lob_processor
def process(value):
return string_processor(lob_processor(value))
return process
class _OracleInteger(sqltypes.Integer):
def result_processor(self, dialect, coltype):
def to_int(val):
if val is not None:
val = int(val)
return val
return to_int
class _OracleBinary(_LOBMixin, sqltypes.LargeBinary):
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
return dbapi.BLOB
def bind_processor(self, dialect):
return None
class _OracleInterval(oracle.INTERVAL):
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
return dbapi.INTERVAL
class _OracleRaw(oracle.RAW):
class OracleCompiler_cx_oracle(OracleCompiler):
def bindparam_string(self, name):
if self.preparer._bindparam_requires_quotes(name):
quoted_name = '"%s"' % name
self._quoted_bind_names[name] = quoted_name
return OracleCompiler.bindparam_string(self, quoted_name)
return OracleCompiler.bindparam_string(self, name)
class OracleExecutionContext_cx_oracle(OracleExecutionContext):
def pre_exec(self):
quoted_bind_names = \
getattr(self.compiled, '_quoted_bind_names', None)
if quoted_bind_names:
if not self.dialect.supports_unicode_binds:
quoted_bind_names = \
(fromname, toname.encode(self.dialect.encoding))
for fromname, toname in
for param in self.parameters:
for fromname, toname in quoted_bind_names.items():
param[toname] = param[fromname]
del param[fromname]
if self.dialect.auto_setinputsizes:
# cx_oracle really has issues when you setinputsizes
# on String, including that outparams/RETURNING
# breaks for varchars
# if a single execute, check for outparams
if len(self.compiled_parameters) == 1:
for bindparam in self.compiled.binds.values():
if bindparam.isoutparam:
dbtype = bindparam.type.dialect_impl(self.dialect).\
if not hasattr(self, 'out_parameters'):
self.out_parameters = {}
if dbtype is None:
raise exc.InvalidRequestError("Cannot create out parameter for parameter "
"%r - it's type %r is not supported by"
" cx_oracle" %
(name, bindparam.type)
name = self.compiled.bind_names[bindparam]
self.out_parameters[name] = self.cursor.var(dbtype)
self.parameters[0][quoted_bind_names.get(name, name)] = \
def create_cursor(self):
c = self._connection.connection.cursor()
if self.dialect.arraysize:
c.arraysize = self.dialect.arraysize
return c
def get_result_proxy(self):
if hasattr(self, 'out_parameters') and self.compiled.returning:
returning_params = dict(
(k, v.getvalue())
for k, v in self.out_parameters.items()
return ReturningResultProxy(self, returning_params)
result = None
if self.cursor.description is not None:
for column in self.cursor.description:
type_code = column[1]
if type_code in self.dialect._cx_oracle_binary_types:
result = base.BufferedColumnResultProxy(self)
if result is None:
result = base.ResultProxy(self)
if hasattr(self, 'out_parameters'):
if self.compiled_parameters is not None and \
len(self.compiled_parameters) == 1:
result.out_parameters = out_parameters = {}
for bind, name in self.compiled.bind_names.items():
if name in self.out_parameters:
type = bind.type
impl_type = type.dialect_impl(self.dialect)
dbapi_type = impl_type.get_dbapi_type(self.dialect.dbapi)
result_processor = impl_type.\
if result_processor is not None:
out_parameters[name] = \
out_parameters[name] = self.out_parameters[name].getvalue()
result.out_parameters = dict(
(k, v.getvalue())
for k, v in self.out_parameters.items()
return result
class OracleExecutionContext_cx_oracle_with_unicode(OracleExecutionContext_cx_oracle):
"""Support WITH_UNICODE in Python 2.xx.
WITH_UNICODE allows cx_Oracle's Python 3 unicode handling
behavior under Python 2.x. This mode in some cases disallows
and in other cases silently passes corrupted data when
non-Python-unicode strings (a.k.a. plain old Python strings)
are passed as arguments to connect(), the statement sent to execute(),
or any of the bind parameter keys or values sent to execute().
This optional context therefore ensures that all statements are
passed as Python unicode objects.
def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
OracleExecutionContext_cx_oracle.__init__(self, *arg, **kw)
self.statement = unicode(self.statement)
def _execute_scalar(self, stmt):
return super(OracleExecutionContext_cx_oracle_with_unicode, self).\
class ReturningResultProxy(base.FullyBufferedResultProxy):
"""Result proxy which stuffs the _returning clause + outparams into the fetch."""
def __init__(self, context, returning_params):
self._returning_params = returning_params
super(ReturningResultProxy, self).__init__(context)
def _cursor_description(self):
returning = self.context.compiled.returning
ret = []
for c in returning:
if hasattr(c, 'name'):
ret.append((c.name, c.type))
ret.append((c.anon_label, c.type))
return ret
def _buffer_rows(self):
return [tuple(self._returning_params["ret_%d" % i]
for i, c in enumerate(self._returning_params))]
class OracleDialect_cx_oracle(OracleDialect):
execution_ctx_cls = OracleExecutionContext_cx_oracle
statement_compiler = OracleCompiler_cx_oracle
driver = "cx_oracle"
colspecs = colspecs = {
sqltypes.Numeric: _OracleNumeric,
sqltypes.Date : _OracleDate, # generic type, assume datetime.date is desired
oracle.DATE: oracle.DATE, # non generic type - passthru
sqltypes.LargeBinary : _OracleBinary,
sqltypes.Boolean : oracle._OracleBoolean,
sqltypes.Interval : _OracleInterval,
oracle.INTERVAL : _OracleInterval,
sqltypes.Text : _OracleText,
sqltypes.String : _OracleString,
sqltypes.UnicodeText : _OracleUnicodeText,
sqltypes.CHAR : _OracleChar,
sqltypes.Integer : _OracleInteger, # this is only needed for OUT parameters.
# it would be nice if we could not use it otherwise.
oracle.RAW: _OracleRaw,
sqltypes.Unicode: _OracleNVarChar,
sqltypes.NVARCHAR : _OracleNVarChar,
execute_sequence_format = list
def __init__(self,
arraysize=50, **kwargs):
OracleDialect.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.threaded = threaded
self.arraysize = arraysize
self.allow_twophase = allow_twophase
self.supports_timestamp = self.dbapi is None or hasattr(self.dbapi, 'TIMESTAMP' )
self.auto_setinputsizes = auto_setinputsizes
self.auto_convert_lobs = auto_convert_lobs
if hasattr(self.dbapi, 'version'):
cx_oracle_ver = tuple([int(x) for x in self.dbapi.version.split('.')])
cx_oracle_ver = (0, 0, 0)
def types(*names):
return set([
getattr(self.dbapi, name, None) for name in names
self._cx_oracle_string_types = types("STRING", "UNICODE", "NCLOB", "CLOB")
self._cx_oracle_unicode_types = types("UNICODE", "NCLOB")
self._cx_oracle_binary_types = types("BFILE", "CLOB", "NCLOB", "BLOB")
self.supports_unicode_binds = cx_oracle_ver >= (5, 0)
self.supports_native_decimal = cx_oracle_ver >= (5, 0)
self._cx_oracle_native_nvarchar = cx_oracle_ver >= (5, 0)
if cx_oracle_ver is None:
# this occurs in tests with mock DBAPIs
self._cx_oracle_string_types = set()
self._cx_oracle_with_unicode = False
elif cx_oracle_ver >= (5,) and not hasattr(self.dbapi, 'UNICODE'):
# cx_Oracle WITH_UNICODE mode. *only* python
# unicode objects accepted for anything
self.supports_unicode_statements = True
self.supports_unicode_binds = True
self._cx_oracle_with_unicode = True
# Py2K
# There's really no reason to run with WITH_UNICODE under Python 2.x.
# Give the user a hint.
util.warn("cx_Oracle is compiled under Python 2.xx using the "
"WITH_UNICODE flag. Consider recompiling cx_Oracle without "
"this flag, which is in no way necessary for full support of Unicode. "
"Otherwise, all string-holding bind parameters must "
"be explicitly typed using SQLAlchemy's String type or one of its subtypes,"
"or otherwise be passed as Python unicode. Plain Python strings "
"passed as bind parameters will be silently corrupted by cx_Oracle."
self.execution_ctx_cls = OracleExecutionContext_cx_oracle_with_unicode
# end Py2K
self._cx_oracle_with_unicode = False
if cx_oracle_ver is None or \
not self.auto_convert_lobs or \
not hasattr(self.dbapi, 'CLOB'):
self.dbapi_type_map = {}
# only use this for LOB objects. using it for strings, dates
# etc. leads to a little too much magic, reflection doesn't know if it should
# expect encoded strings or unicodes, etc.
self.dbapi_type_map = {
self.dbapi.CLOB: oracle.CLOB(),
self.dbapi.BLOB: oracle.BLOB(),
self.dbapi.BINARY: oracle.RAW(),
def dbapi(cls):
import cx_Oracle
return cx_Oracle
def on_connect(self):
cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType, size, precision, scale):
# convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal.
# this effectively allows "native decimal" mode.
if defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and precision and scale > 0:
return cursor.var(
# allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
elif defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
return cursor.var(unicode, size, cursor.arraysize)
def on_connect(conn):
conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
return on_connect
def create_connect_args(self, url):
dialect_opts = dict(url.query)
for opt in ('use_ansi', 'auto_setinputsizes', 'auto_convert_lobs',
'threaded', 'allow_twophase'):
if opt in dialect_opts:
util.coerce_kw_type(dialect_opts, opt, bool)
setattr(self, opt, dialect_opts[opt])
if url.database:
# if we have a database, then we have a remote host
port = url.port
if port:
port = int(port)
port = 1521
dsn = self.dbapi.makedsn(url.host, port, url.database)
# we have a local tnsname
dsn = url.host
opts = dict(
# Py2K
if self._cx_oracle_with_unicode:
for k, v in opts.items():
if isinstance(v, str):
opts[k] = unicode(v)
# end Py2K
if 'mode' in url.query:
opts['mode'] = url.query['mode']
if isinstance(opts['mode'], basestring):
mode = opts['mode'].upper()
if mode == 'SYSDBA':
opts['mode'] = self.dbapi.SYSDBA
elif mode == 'SYSOPER':
opts['mode'] = self.dbapi.SYSOPER
util.coerce_kw_type(opts, 'mode', int)
return ([], opts)
def _get_server_version_info(self, connection):
return tuple(int(x) for x in connection.connection.version.split('.'))
def is_disconnect(self, e):
if isinstance(e, self.dbapi.InterfaceError):
return "not connected" in str(e)
return "ORA-03114" in str(e) or "ORA-03113" in str(e)
def create_xid(self):
"""create a two-phase transaction ID.
this id will be passed to do_begin_twophase(), do_rollback_twophase(),
do_commit_twophase(). its format is unspecified."""
id = random.randint(0, 2 ** 128)
return (0x1234, "%032x" % id, "%032x" % 9)
def do_begin_twophase(self, connection, xid):
def do_prepare_twophase(self, connection, xid):
def do_rollback_twophase(self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False):
def do_commit_twophase(self, connection, xid, is_prepared=True, recover=False):
def do_recover_twophase(self, connection):
dialect = OracleDialect_cx_oracle