"""Benchmark for SQLAlchemy.
An adaptation of Robert Brewers' ZooMark speed tests.
import datetime
import sys
import time
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.test import *
dbapi_session = engines.ReplayableSession()
metadata = None
class ZooMarkTest(TestBase):
"""Runs the ZooMark and squawks if method counts vary from the norm.
Each test has an associated `call_range`, the total number of accepted
function calls made during the test. The count can vary between Python
2.4 and 2.5.
Unlike a unit test, this is a ordered collection of steps. Running
components individually will fail.
__only_on__ = 'postgresql+psycopg2'
__skip_if__ = ((lambda: sys.version_info < (2, 4)), )
def test_baseline_0_setup(self):
global metadata
creator = testing.db.pool._creator
recorder = lambda: dbapi_session.recorder(creator())
engine = engines.testing_engine(options={'creator':recorder})
metadata = MetaData(engine)
def test_baseline_1_create_tables(self):
Zoo = Table('Zoo', metadata,
Column('ID', Integer, Sequence('zoo_id_seq'),
primary_key=True, index=True),
Column('Name', Unicode(255)),
Column('Founded', Date),
Column('Opens', Time),
Column('LastEscape', DateTime),
Column('Admission', Float),
Animal = Table('Animal', metadata,
Column('ID', Integer, Sequence('animal_id_seq'),
Column('ZooID', Integer, ForeignKey('Zoo.ID'),
Column('Name', Unicode(100)),
Column('Species', Unicode(100)),
Column('Legs', Integer, default=4),
Column('LastEscape', DateTime),
Column('Lifespan', Float(4)),
Column('MotherID', Integer, ForeignKey('Animal.ID')),
Column('PreferredFoodID', Integer),
Column('AlternateFoodID', Integer),
def test_baseline_1a_populate(self):
Zoo = metadata.tables['Zoo']
Animal = metadata.tables['Animal']
wap = Zoo.insert().execute(Name=u'Wild Animal Park',
Founded=datetime.date(2000, 1, 1),
# 59 can give rounding errors with divmod, which
# AdapterFromADO needs to correct.
Opens=datetime.time(8, 15, 59),
LastEscape=datetime.datetime(2004, 7, 29, 5, 6, 7),
sdz = Zoo.insert().execute(Name =u'San Diego Zoo',
Founded = datetime.date(1935, 9, 13),
Opens = datetime.time(9, 0, 0),
Admission = 0,
Name = u'Montr\xe9al Biod\xf4me',
Founded = datetime.date(1992, 6, 19),
Opens = datetime.time(9, 0, 0),
Admission = 11.75,
seaworld = Zoo.insert().execute(
Name =u'Sea_World', Admission = 60).inserted_primary_key[0]
# Let's add a crazy futuristic Zoo to test large date values.
lp = Zoo.insert().execute(Name =u'Luna Park',
Founded = datetime.date(2072, 7, 17),
Opens = datetime.time(0, 0, 0),
Admission = 134.95,
# Animals
leopardid = Animal.insert().execute(Species=u'Leopard', Lifespan=73.5,
LastEscape=datetime.datetime(2004, 12, 21, 8, 15, 0, 999907))
lion = Animal.insert().execute(Species=u'Lion', ZooID=wap).inserted_primary_key[0]
Animal.insert().execute(Species=u'Slug', Legs=1, Lifespan=.75)
tiger = Animal.insert().execute(Species=u'Tiger', ZooID=sdz
# Override Legs.default with itself just to make sure it works.
Animal.insert(inline=True).execute(Species=u'Bear', Legs=4)
Animal.insert(inline=True).execute(Species=u'Ostrich', Legs=2, Lifespan=103.2)
Animal.insert(inline=True).execute(Species=u'Centipede', Legs=100)
emp = Animal.insert().execute(Species=u'Emperor Penguin', Legs=2,
adelie = Animal.insert().execute(Species=u'Adelie Penguin', Legs=2,
Animal.insert(inline=True).execute(Species=u'Millipede', Legs=1000000, ZooID=sdz)
# Add a mother and child to test relationships
bai_yun = Animal.insert().execute(Species=u'Ape', Name=u'Bai Yun',
Animal.insert(inline=True).execute(Species=u'Ape', Name=u'Hua Mei', Legs=2,
def test_baseline_2_insert(self):
Animal = metadata.tables['Animal']
i = Animal.insert(inline=True)
for x in xrange(ITERATIONS):
tick = i.execute(Species=u'Tick', Name=u'Tick %d' % x, Legs=8)
def test_baseline_3_properties(self):
Zoo = metadata.tables['Zoo']
Animal = metadata.tables['Animal']
def fullobject(select):
"""Iterate over the full result row."""
return list(select.execute().first())
for x in xrange(ITERATIONS):
# Zoos
WAP = fullobject(Zoo.select(Zoo.c.Name==u'Wild Animal Park'))
SDZ = fullobject(Zoo.select(Zoo.c.Founded==datetime.date(1935, 9, 13)))
Biodome = fullobject(Zoo.select(Zoo.c.Name==u'Montr\xe9al Biod\xf4me'))
seaworld = fullobject(Zoo.select(Zoo.c.Admission == float(60)))
# Animals
leopard = fullobject(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species ==u'Leopard'))
ostrich = fullobject(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species==u'Ostrich'))
millipede = fullobject(Animal.select(Animal.c.Legs==1000000))
ticks = fullobject(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species==u'Tick'))
def test_baseline_4_expressions(self):
Zoo = metadata.tables['Zoo']
Animal = metadata.tables['Animal']
def fulltable(select):
"""Iterate over the full result table."""
return [list(row) for row in select.execute().fetchall()]
for x in xrange(ITERATIONS):
assert len(fulltable(Zoo.select())) == 5
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select())) == ITERATIONS + 12
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Legs==4))) == 4
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Legs == 2))) == 5
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(and_(Animal.c.Legs >= 2, Animal.c.Legs < 20)
))) == ITERATIONS + 9
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Legs > 10))) == 2
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Lifespan > 70))) == 2
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species.startswith(u'L')))) == 2
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species.endswith(u'pede')))) == 2
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.LastEscape != None))) == 1
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(None == Animal.c.LastEscape
))) == ITERATIONS + 11
# In operator (containedby)
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species.like(u'%pede%')))) == 2
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species.in_([u'Lion', u'Tiger', u'Bear'])))) == 3
# Try In with cell references
class thing(object): pass
pet, pet2 = thing(), thing()
pet.Name, pet2.Name =u'Slug', u'Ostrich'
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species.in_([pet.Name, pet2.Name])))) == 2
# logic and other functions
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species.like(u'Slug')))) == 1
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species.like(u'%pede%')))) == 2
name =u'Lion'
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(func.length(Animal.c.Species) == len(name)
))) == ITERATIONS + 3
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.Species.like(u'%i%')
))) == ITERATIONS + 7
# Test now(), today(), year(), month(), day()
assert len(fulltable(Zoo.select(and_(Zoo.c.Founded != None,
Zoo.c.Founded < func.current_timestamp(_type=Date))))) == 3
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(Animal.c.LastEscape == func.current_timestamp(_type=Date)))) == 0
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(func.date_part('year', Animal.c.LastEscape) == 2004))) == 1
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(func.date_part('month', Animal.c.LastEscape) == 12))) == 1
assert len(fulltable(Animal.select(func.date_part('day', Animal.c.LastEscape) == 21))) == 1
def test_baseline_5_aggregates(self):
Animal = metadata.tables['Animal']
Zoo = metadata.tables['Zoo']
for x in xrange(ITERATIONS):
# views
view = select([Animal.c.Legs]).execute().fetchall()
legs = [x[0] for x in view]
expected = {'Leopard': 73.5,
'Slug': .75,
'Tiger': None,
'Lion': None,
'Bear': None,
'Ostrich': 103.2,
'Centipede': None,
'Emperor Penguin': None,
'Adelie Penguin': None,
'Millipede': None,
'Ape': None,
'Tick': None,
for species, lifespan in select([Animal.c.Species, Animal.c.Lifespan]
assert lifespan == expected[species]
expected = [u'Montr\xe9al Biod\xf4me', 'Wild Animal Park']
e = select([Zoo.c.Name],
and_(Zoo.c.Founded != None,
Zoo.c.Founded <= func.current_timestamp(),
Zoo.c.Founded >= datetime.date(1990, 1, 1)))
values = [val[0] for val in e.execute().fetchall()]
assert set(values) == set(expected)
# distinct
legs = [x[0] for x in
select([Animal.c.Legs], distinct=True).execute().fetchall()]
def test_baseline_6_editing(self):
Zoo = metadata.tables['Zoo']
for x in xrange(ITERATIONS):
# Edit
SDZ = Zoo.select(Zoo.c.Name==u'San Diego Zoo').execute().first()
Name=u'The San Diego Zoo',
Founded = datetime.date(1900, 1, 1),
Opens = datetime.time(7, 30, 0),
Admission = "35.00")
# Test edits
SDZ = Zoo.select(Zoo.c.Name==u'The San Diego Zoo').execute().first()
assert SDZ['Founded'] == datetime.date(1900, 1, 1), SDZ['Founded']
# Change it back
Name =u'San Diego Zoo',
Founded = datetime.date(1935, 9, 13),
Opens = datetime.time(9, 0, 0),
Admission = "0")
# Test re-edits
SDZ = Zoo.select(Zoo.c.Name==u'San Diego Zoo').execute().first()
assert SDZ['Founded'] == datetime.date(1935, 9, 13)
def test_baseline_7_multiview(self):
Zoo = metadata.tables['Zoo']
Animal = metadata.tables['Animal']
def fulltable(select):
"""Iterate over the full result table."""
return [list(row) for row in select.execute().fetchall()]
for x in xrange(ITERATIONS):
za = fulltable(select([Zoo.c.ID] + list(Animal.c),
Zoo.c.Name ==u'San Diego Zoo',
from_obj = [join(Zoo, Animal)]))
SDZ = Zoo.select(Zoo.c.Name==u'San Diego Zoo')
e = fulltable(select([Zoo.c.ID, Animal.c.ID],
and_(Zoo.c.Name==u'San Diego Zoo',
from_obj = [join(Zoo, Animal)]))
# Now try the same query with INNER, LEFT, and RIGHT JOINs.
e = fulltable(select([Zoo.c.Name, Animal.c.Species],
from_obj=[join(Zoo, Animal)]))
e = fulltable(select([Zoo.c.Name, Animal.c.Species],
from_obj=[outerjoin(Zoo, Animal)]))
e = fulltable(select([Zoo.c.Name, Animal.c.Species],
from_obj=[outerjoin(Animal, Zoo)]))
def test_baseline_8_drop(self):
# Now, run all of these tests again with the DB-API driver factored out:
# the ReplayableSession playback stands in for the database.
# How awkward is this in a unittest framework? Very.
def test_profile_0(self):
global metadata
player = lambda: dbapi_session.player()
engine = create_engine('postgresql:///', creator=player)
metadata = MetaData(engine)
@profiling.function_call_count(3012, {'2.4': 1827})
def test_profile_1_create_tables(self):
@profiling.function_call_count(5371, {'2.4': 3650})
def test_profile_1a_populate(self):
@profiling.function_call_count(259, {'2.4': 186})
def test_profile_2_insert(self):
@profiling.function_call_count(3834, {'2.4': 2347})
def test_profile_3_properties(self):
@profiling.function_call_count(13341, {'2.4': 7963, '2.6+cextension':12447})
def test_profile_4_expressions(self):
@profiling.function_call_count(1311, {'2.4': 904, '2.6+cextension':1226})
def test_profile_5_aggregates(self):
@profiling.function_call_count(1904, {'2.4': 1193})
def test_profile_6_editing(self):
@profiling.function_call_count(2641, {'2.4': 1673, '2.6+cextension':2502})
def test_profile_7_multiview(self):
def test_profile_8_drop(self):